Kraków PL
Cracovia Maraton
How green is Kraków?
✅ How #green is your #city ?
✅ Does it make a difference, why and how?
✅ Should modern cities make a (lot more!) conscious effort to preserve and develop their #greendiversity ?
#greencity #greenenergy #greenery
#greenenergy #slowlife #worklifebalance
Here's the link to the 4K version:
Zamek Królewski na Wawelu Muzeum Krakowa Hello Kraków. Żyjemy tym miastem dla Ciebie Kraków5020 Kraków Experience RMF Classic Radio Kraków Kraków Convention Bureau LoveKrakó
The Kraków Experience
Kraków Experience
Kraków Heritage
Christmas Atmosphere in Kraków, Poland
May this truly be an exceptional #Christmas Season for you and your loved ones! May it bring you #peace, #love and a deep sense of #gratitude for things big and small, especially in this turbulent #world of ours where not much can be taken for granted. May 2023 bring you many an #inspiration to spread #wisdom #generosity and #solidarity with those in need.
From Krakow with love!
Kraków Zamek Królewski na Wawelu LoveKrakó RMF Classic Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie Muzeum Krakowa OVPM OWHC OCPM UNESCO ICCAWorld TVP World BBC Culture Euronews English Gazeta Wyborcza RMF FM Radio ZET Kraków Convention Bureau Polska Organizacja Turystyczna ICE Kraków Congress Centre TAURON Arena Kraków Radio Kraków Kraków5020 KBF Karnet.Kraków Culture Kraków Heritage
As Poland is playing against France in Qatar, this is what Krakow‘s iconic Market Square feels like. 
Kraków PL