Those men looked scared out of their minds!!! #Plandemic
Are UN forces on the ground in Ottawa?
Confirmed: Trudeau’s foundation owns 40% of Acuitas Therapeutics which makes mechanic nano lipids for Pfizer which are included in the mRNA ‘vaccines’.
Dr. Robert Malone discusses this conflict of interest as long investors start dumping Pfizer/Moderna stocks ahead of the actual vaccine safety data leaking out.
This is powerful. What side of history will you want to be remembered to be on?
More footage emerges from Ottawa of Police brutality! #Ottawa #Police #Tyranny #FreedomConvoy2022 #Plandemic #Canada
WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Explains the Timetable for Microchipping Everyone by 2026
"At first we will implant them in our clothes... We will implant them in our brains or on our skin... In the end, maybe, there will be direct communication between our brain and the digital world."
A protester arrested at gunpoint in Ottawa from a truck with 'liberte' (freedom) painted on the side - The NWO is here!
DNA gathered from PCR swabs sold for millions and stored indefinitely. Remember, this is part of biometric control to have your DNA fingerprint in store. It can also be potentially used to frame you in a staged crime scene.
Kids in a Las Vegas showing their feeling toward not being masked up anymore .....
Bidden leaves the helicopter and gets lost at the white house!
The latest Omnicron variant is most likely to Infect vaccinated people.