2021.07.01 銅鑼灣
2021.07.01 Causeway Bay
A terriost in black has stabbed a Police officer from his back. The officer was severely injuried and hospitalized.
609, 黑暴先動手襲擊警察
It was the Hong Kong Rioters who caused the escalation of violence in the upcoming protests.
Midnight. 9th June, 2019. During a rioting event at the Legislative Council, Rioters have assaulted a Police Officer. Kicking him and throwing metal rods directly at his head. He was severely injured in the head. Police have not fired any tear gas, rubber bullet at prior this incident.
Source: i-Cable TV News
本片是為了恥笑【黑暴黃片 - 不割席】的導演Anders Hammer而製作,恥笑他縱使用盡了美化暴力的骯髒手段,也無法贏取奧斯卡的笑話。
The following video is to poke fun at Anders Hammer
for his "Do not split" yellow documentary. For his failed attempt to win an Oscar by glorifying the violence
committed by under-aged protesters in Hong Kong.
#不割席 #DoNotSplit #hongkongprotest
721元朗站警員撤離原因 ”39分鐘冇警察”為何嚴重誤導
721當日,警員離開元朗站時,視頻證據顯示現場還沒有爆發大型衝突。受受沙田7.14暴力事件所影響,現場警員決定先撤離現場請求增援。在10:57分爆發衝突後,快速應變部隊約40名警員在18分鐘已經趕到現場。Youtube: https://youtu.be/EC0bWV16mzY
Backup: truth-hk.com/721
When the Police officers leaves the station on the day of 721, video evidences proved that there were no violent conflict during the time. Also, the Shatin 7.14 incident is the reason why Officers have decided to retreated and request for backup from the Station.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/EC0bWV16mzY
Backup: truth-hk.com/721
#721 #元朗721 #冇警察 #平反元朗黑夜
831太子站,多名黑衣暴徒持械向乘客施襲,然後喬裝企圖逃避警方追捕。警方被逼展開武力拒捕行動時他們反抗拒捕,有暴徒背包更意外掉出防毒面罩。Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/vyqSVGrNxok
During the 831 incident. A group of rioters have assulted civilians on the train. Afterwards, the rioters changed into disguse, tired to run away and resisted arrest. When the Police are going after them, camera have caught a gas mask dropping off from one of their backpacks. Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/vyqSVGrNxok
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/NZQcIwhbZVg
On 721, biased media have made a huge deal about an innocent cook being attacked by the Men in White. However, when the Rioters in Black assaulted an also innocent driver earlier on the same day, they deliberately downplayed the incident.
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/NZQcIwhbZVg
Full Video: truth-hk.com/721
#721 #白衣人 #平反元朗黑夜2
元朗721,警察拍白衣人膊頭事件的前因後果。大批持械黑衣人攻擊白衣人村落,警方到場阻止時分別拍了兩邊成員的膊頭。請廣傳為警方進行闢謠。Youtube: https://youtu.be/ql5LvXoCyPE
Yuen Long 721 - What really happened behind the infamous “Police patted men in white in the shoulder” disinformation photo. Youtube: https://youtu.be/ql5LvXoCyPE
Full video:www.truth-hk.com/721
721 元朗警署落閘前已派出增援,警員更向市民耐心解釋
【721視頻證據】元朗警署落閘前已派出增援,警員更向市民耐心解釋 。風平浪靜時更需要把握機會進行闢謠,請幫忙廣傳。Youtube: https://youtu.be/_fKkAq2fHec
Solid Video evidence from Yuen Long 721. Before the Police station gates were closed, more than 40 officers has been sent out to YL station as reinforcements. Officers have explained to civilians. As the crowd were still emotional, they closed the gates to avoid conflict. Youtube: https://youtu.be/_fKkAq2fHec
Full video: www.truth-hk.com/721
黃之鋒認罪及被判監的理由 Why Joshua Wong pleaded guilty and jailed for the crimes he comitted
黃之鋒認罪及被判監的理由:621警察總部惡意非法集結證據確鑿,可分享youtube鏈接: https://youtu.be/DNVNE_j5QwQ
Why Joshua Wong pleaded guilty and jailed for the crimes he comitted back in June 2019. He is found guilty of organising and taking part in an unauthorised assembly near the police's headquarters.
Chinese University 13.11.2019
中文大學 Chinese University 13.11.2019
Rioters blocked major civilian roads, that attacked Police with fire arrows, bricks and petrol bombs. Rioters claimed that they are "protecting the university". Yet, a few days later, they burn down the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.