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Girl Gang Social 🌸Enjoyable, simple & impactful insta marketing
🫶🏻 Creating irresistible content

Grab that polish, it's time for an IG spring clean! Spring cleans aren't just for the house you know 😉 now is the perfec...

Grab that polish, it's time for an IG spring clean!

Spring cleans aren't just for the house you know 😉 now is the perfect time to give your Instagram a polish up too!✨ So, grab yourself a big coffee, put on some positive music, fire up your computer and spring clean your account! 🙌🏻

So why is it important to actually freshen up your account every few months?! 👇🏻

✨ Keeping things updated means your audience and ideal clients/customers will not miss out on key and correct information. It's a bit like a clothing shop changing up their window displays each season with new, relevant pieces to grab your attention!

✨It keeps your account optimised and relevant.

✨Helps YOU feel more positive and clear using Instagram to market your business.

Will you be spring cleaning your account? Lemme know in the comments! 👇🏻

Tell me, does this sound like you🤔...You told yourself 'I NEED to be more consistent on Instagram, have a plan and post ...

Tell me, does this sound like you🤔...

You told yourself 'I NEED to be more consistent on Instagram, have a plan and post more consistently, I KNOW my business will benefit from it', so you pour yourself a coffee, sit down at your desk, churn out some content and feel GREAT because finally you feel like you're back on track. 🙌🏻

😩 BUT, as a few weeks pass on, and slowly you find yourself back to square one again. Inconsistent.

Girl, I understand. I've found myself in this exact cycle SOOO many times😣. Yup, even as a Instagram manager I have definitely neglected my own content too and become trapped inside the inconsistency circle. 😬

BUT these few things (swipe to check out what they are👉🏻 ) have seriously helped me stay on track and bring my consistent self back onto the 'gram! YAY! ✨

But if you STILL continue to find yourself showing up with no game plan...I got ya!🙌🏻

👉🏻 If you're ready to ditch the constant content overwhelm and save more hours so you can focus on YOUR zone of genius, my Instagram packages are perfect for you. I'll manage Instagram so you can get visible, show up for your ideal clients/customers without having to put in the hard graft yourself.💗

Let's chat! Head to the link in my bio to enquire today!

You DEFINITELY want to hit the save button! 😍Swipe to check out a bunch of content ideas you can use in April to level u...

You DEFINITELY want to hit the save button! 😍

Swipe to check out a bunch of content ideas you can use in April to level up your IG content and make the whole creation process easy peasy. 🙌🏻

Thinking of content ideas can be such a headache😩, right? With this april content calendar, you'll be posting meaningful and intentional content like a breeze!🍃

Oh and if you want to take monthly instagram planning of your to do's so you can focus on the areas of your business you ADORE without content panic, I have content packages designed specifically for YOU! Together, we can make a instagram presence you and your ideal audience are obsessed with!😍

Head to the link in my bio to book a complimentary call today and let's discuss! Coffee is a requirement 😉

I was 8 years old when I started my first 'business'...It was just me, pretending to run my own business in my imaginary...

I was 8 years old when I started my first 'business'...

It was just me, pretending to run my own business in my imaginary world spending hours on microsoft publisher creating newsletters, price lists, business cards you name it! Thinking back to it now, publisher was like the OG of canva! 🤣

Anyways, my wonderful Mum would give me a couple of pounds and we'd take a trip to Tesco. Filled with excitement, little 8 year old me would walk up the sweet isle and pick out some sweets and chocolates I could then 'sell' to my family. I remember always been super savvy thinking 'what can I get most profit from?!" 😆

Then we'd make our way home and, I'd be itching in my seat to get into the house and set up my shop! I'd run to the cupboard to get my table for my 'till station' AKA the ironing board! I would chuck a blanket over it and make it look like a 'pretty' little shop in the corner of our living room.

I also had one of those toy tills when I was little (coolest things EVER btw😍) and lay out allll the sweets I bought with prices. Then, my lovely Dad, Mum (who technically invested in this 'business'😆) and big sisters would come to my shop and buy their sweets!

Honestly, I can still feel the happiness, joy and excitement ALL of this gave me back then. I loved it. It is one of my most memorable, happiest memories that always puts a smile on my face. Tiny little Gem didn't even realise she'd have a real business of her own one day....

When I think of how little 8 year old Gem would feel now, knowing she had her own business, she'd be so happy and proud and that just makes my heart want to burst! 💗✨ Honestly can feel myself getting emosh writing this!🙈

I guess you could say entrepreneurial spirit has always ran through my veins and I running my own business has always been something I dreamt of! 💗

Have you always wanted you own business OR did you stumble into the business world accidently? Let me know in the comments!👇🏻

Important Question 👉🏻 What is your GOAL on instagram right now?Having a goal in place will help you create content with ...

Important Question 👉🏻 What is your GOAL on instagram right now?

Having a goal in place will help you create content with more flow. When you know your goals, you can create content to help support those specific goals!

Swipe along to check out my key tips, pointers and ideas to POWERFUL content that support your goals...

✨ Connection
✨ Conversion
✨ Increase Engagement
✨ Brand awareness

I am pretty confident you'll want to save this one for later, do click that save button now so you can refer back to this when you need it!📱

LET'S WORK TOGETHER!✨😍I am SO excited to be announcing my polished, re-named services (can I get a whoop🙌🏻!)Hey business...


I am SO excited to be announcing my polished, re-named services (can I get a whoop🙌🏻!)

Hey business owner, if you are ready to👇🏻

✨ LOVE the way your business shows up on Instagram

✨ Feel CONFIDENT your Instagram is supporting your business in the best and most effective way possible

✨ Show up consistently on the 'gram

✨Reduce the overwhelm, despair and frustration

✨ Have an Instagram wing woman by your side supporting your business every step of the way

I'm ya girl! 💖

I love helping female business owners fall in LOVE with marketing their biz on Instagram with my management and training services! 📲

Whether you are ready to hand an expert the reins to work their insta-magic OR want a 'done-with-you' approach, I've got a package that'll take you from feeling 'meh' about insta to feeling full of fire and enjoyment! ✨

Seen something that's caught your eye?!👀 Sound like we'd make a dream team look average!? Let's have a chat!💖

Head to the link in my bio to complete my enquiry form now! 📲

LET'S WORK TOGETHER!✨😍I am SO excited to be announcing my polished, re-named services (can I get a whoop🙌🏻!)Hey business...


I am SO excited to be announcing my polished, re-named services (can I get a whoop🙌🏻!)

Hey business owner, if you are ready to👇🏻

✨ LOVE the way your business shows up on Instagram

✨ Feel CONFIDENT your Instagram is supporting your business in the best and most effective way possible

✨ Show up consistently on the 'gram

✨Reduce the overwhelm, despair and frustration

✨ Have an Instagram wing woman by your side supporting your business every step of the way

I'm ya girl! 💖

I love helping female business owners fall in LOVE with marketing their biz on Instagram with my management and training services! 📲

Whether you are ready to hand an expert the reins to work their insta-magic OR want a 'done-with-you' approach, I've got a package that'll take you from feeling 'meh' about insta to feeling full of fire and enjoyment! ✨

Seen something that's caught your eye?!👀 Sound like we'd make a dream team look average!? Let's have a chat!💖

Head to the link in my bio to complete my enquiry form now! 📲

Can you believe we are in Feb tomorrow?!😱With a new month comes your monthly Instagram marketing planning (can I hear a ...

Can you believe we are in Feb tomorrow?!😱

With a new month comes your monthly Instagram marketing planning (can I hear a whoop🎉!)! If Instagram is a marketing tool for your business (I am guessing it is if you're reading this! 😆) it is important you take some time to hone in on your plans for the following month...

Having a simple, solid, and clear plan in place for how you are going to show up every month on the 'gram will help you...

👉🏻 Feel less jumbled in your mind when you plan and create content, lifting a whole weight off your shoulders. No more scrambling to create a piece of content you just randomly thought of in your mind. Everything is clear and smooth 😎

👉🏻Have confidence that your business is being represented on Instagram in a way that propels you closer to your goals. You're not aimlessly scrolling, creating mediocre content, and feeling uninspired. You know exactly what to do in order for your business to market itself in the best possible way for your biz!😍

But I understand you might not 1) have time to put your all into your insta marketing and 2) know what you REALLY need to do to put everything into successful action.

That's why there are people like me (hey👋🏼) who can relieve you of the Instagram headache. As your Instagram manager, I will take the worries, struggles, and frustrations of Instagram off your plate so you can focus on your zone of genius while feeling reassured that your IG is pumping out engaging content your audience loves.😍

No more worrying about thinking of fresh content ideas, remembering to post your reel, or even waking up in the night remembering you haven't replied to your comments; as your IG sidekick, I have got ALL this covered!

I am so excited to be taking on NEW clients! Now is your chance to watch your Instagram bloom🙌🏻 head to the link in my bio to inquire!

C H A P T E R 24! 🎉💛 Here are 24 lessons I have learned so far! 👇🏻It was my bday yesterday (yay😃) and this post was due ...

C H A P T E R 24! 🎉💛 Here are 24 lessons I have learned so far! 👇🏻

It was my bday yesterday (yay😃) and this post was due to go out yesterday BUT I thought I saved it to my drafts but hadn't!😭🙈 anyways! Here is to 24!🥂

1.Kindness is EVERYTHING! 💛
4. Your mindset is so powerful!
3. Dogs are the most special & precious creatures on earth. 🐶
4. Never, ever settle less for what you deserve.
5. Embrace your crazy, weird, funny little quirks! They make you, YOU! 😍
6. People don't know enough about OCD.
7. Everyone has a story to tell, so always be kind and never be quick to judge.
8. Make everything an adventure ✨
9. A good cup of tea makes everything okay! ☕️
10. Happiness is wealth.
11. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, let go of those who don't!
12. You can say no & still be a kind person💛
13. Don't let people treat you like s**t, know your worth💪🏻
14. You will never please everyone and that's okay!
15. Take the leap and go after your dreams no matter how scary they feel.
16. Everything in life is a lesson. Learn from your mistakes and failures, don't dwell on them. Learn from them.
17. Be grateful. Everyday.
18. Appreciate the little things, those are really the big things.
19. Have empathy
20. Never leave the house without perfume ✨
21. You are your only competition.
22. Family is everything. Love those you love with your whole heart and more 💛
23. People only share the 'good stuff' on social media. Take it with a pinch of salt.
24. Life is so amazing. Embrace every day and LOVE your life !! 😍

Let me know one of your top life lessons in the comments! 👇🏻

I'm going to take a wild guess that your CTA's look a little like this...👉🏻"Link in bio!"👉🏻"Head to my website for more ...

I'm going to take a wild guess that your CTA's look a little like this...

👉🏻"Link in bio!"
👉🏻"Head to my website for more info
👉🏻"DM for more info"!

Let's add a little bit of spice 🌶 to that....SWIPE for more engaging CTA's that will leave your audience EXCITED and KEEN to take action!

Which one will you be trying first? I seriously need to know...let me know in the comments!👀💗

HAPPY MONDAY lovely people! 💗I hope you had a wonderfully relaxing weekend, ready for a positive week ahead! 😍Here are y...

HAPPY MONDAY lovely people! 💗

I hope you had a wonderfully relaxing weekend, ready for a positive week ahead! 😍Here are your insta actions for the week to help you have a positive, impactful and productive week on the 'gram!

What did you get up to this weekend? Let me know in the comments! 👇🏻

Raise your hand if managing your insta feels like a full-time job?!  🙋🏼‍♀️⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Many of our clients work with us beca...

Raise your hand if managing your insta feels like a full-time job?! 🙋🏼‍♀️
Many of our clients work with us because they just DON'T have the time to manage their socials. They are busy enough as it is, and the thought of having to sit down and plan a bunch of content just sends their brain into a total FRAZZ!😩
Here are some of our top tips if you want to save more time:
Create a daily social media to-do list, to help you stay on track when on the app and avoid getting dragged into the 'reels' rabbit hole!😆 make sure this list is sustainable for you to complete everyday!
This is one of our fave tricks! Check out your content from a few months ago, see what's performed well (check your insights for this), and recreate it! So quick and easy! News flash...This graphic and cation are repurposed!😉
If you aren't already doing this, you should! Using an app to auto-post your content is a game-changer. One less thing for you to think about! We recommend planoly, Facebook business suite or buffer.
We love a good batching content day! Commit a day every 2 weeks or each month (or whatever works for you) to just bulk out a wholeeee load of content. Put on some good music, get some snacks and lots of coffee and create create create!
If 'social media' time is in your diary you are more likely to do it. Even if you dedicate 15 mins a day, that's more than nothing! A little can go a long way!
Use some content templates to help you save time! There are lots of amazing templates on canva for your graphics. Or, head to the link in our bio to get your 100 canva templates for just £15! This is perfect for you service providers out there! 😍 Our templates will keep you on brand and save TONS of time!
Do you feel like social media WHOLE other job? Let us know in the comments! ⬇️

Caption writing is like marmite.You either ❤️ it or it's just not your thang. (Personally, I love both, marmite on toast...

Caption writing is like marmite.

You either ❤️ it or it's just not your thang. (Personally, I love both, marmite on toast is 👌🏻!)

If you find caption writing overwhelming and like you want to tear your hair out, the best thing to do is break it down and structure your captions into 3 sections.


Not only is this soooo much easier for you, but having this structure makes your caption SO much easier to follow and read for your audience.

Also, captions don't need to be perfect or super professional, have fun with them and let your personality shine through! 💃🏼If you're having fun writing it your audience will have run reading it! 🙌🏻

Do you LOVE or hate caption writing? Let me know in the comments! 👇🏻

My first story took an hour to film! 🙈ANDDDD it was literally 10 seconds long! 😆So when I say I know how overwhelming an...

My first story took an hour to film! 🙈

ANDDDD it was literally 10 seconds long! 😆

So when I say I know how overwhelming and intimidating it feels to film yourself on insta stories, I mean it! It's pretty daunting!!😰

If you're determined to overcome your worry about speaking on camera and showing up more for your biz on Insta stories, SWIPE for 6 of my best tips! ➡️

REMEMBER though, speaking on stories isn't for everyone and never EVER feel like you have to do so. Your insta strategy and the way you show up on this lil app should always be what feels good for you! ❤️

Which tip was most helpful? Let me know in the comments! 👇🏻

Are you utilising your highlights?! 🧐⏩ SWIPE ⏩to check out the only guide you'll ever need to make most of your highligh...

Are you utilising your highlights?! 🧐

⏩ SWIPE ⏩to check out the only guide you'll ever need to make most of your highlights!

Was this helpful?! Let me know in the comments!

Pointlessly engaging with random accounts with ZERO strategy...yikes!😫Your time is PRECIOUS and you should be using it w...

Pointlessly engaging with random accounts with ZERO strategy...yikes!😫

Your time is PRECIOUS and you should be using it wisely on Insta if you want your business to reach more eyes and stand out! 💫

Engaging on this app is essential for EVERY type of business if you want to build a community and skyrocket your brand awareness 🚀

It's a non-negotiable 😉

Here is what happens when you STRATEGICALLY engage on the 'gram! 👇🏻

💫 You build the know, like and trust factor with your ideal people

💫 You increase brand awareness, reaching a wider target audience

💫 You get to know your audience better and discover what they want to see from you

💫 Your content will get pushed out tho those you engage with regularly (insta sees you as friends!☀️)

Remember! Without engagement, social media is basically just 'media'.

My best tip: Treat everyone like a friend! Engage with authenticity and kindness always! 💫

Do you enjoy engaging on Insta?! Let me know in the comments! 👇🏻

Oh hey, loveliness! It's about time I reintroduce myself! 👋🏻If we haven't met before then HELLO my I'm Gem & I am an ins...

Oh hey, loveliness! It's about time I reintroduce myself! 👋🏻

If we haven't met before then HELLO my I'm Gem & I am an insta-loving, dog mama🐾 & latte lover!

💫 I LOVEEE helping small business owners market their business successfully and confidently on Instagram (and most importantly, in a way that feels GOOD and POSITIVE☀️)!

I believe EVERY business owner should have the tools, knowledge, and support to market their biz on Instagram without feeling overwhelmed, confused, or like they want to throw their phone out the window (let's be honest, we've all been there!). 😆

Instagram is insanely powerful for business owners, and I want every business to thrive and shine on Instagram, reaping all of the benefits! 😍

I see you, and I want to help you! 💫

When I'm not working in my office creating client content, researching Instagram trends, and speaking to biz owners about how they can uplevel Instagram marketing for their business, here is where you'll find me! 👇🏻

☀️ Spending time with my boyfriend, enjoying yummy food, and sippin' on delicious cocktails! 🍹

☀️ Taking my dog on countryside walks with a latte in hand 🐶

☀️Spending time with my family; especially my niece and nephew who are SO fun!! 💕

☀️Listening to self-development podcasts and books (LOVE all things law of attraction, manifestation etc...) 😍

☀️ Watching Netflix, or trashy TV snuggled up on the sofa drinking tea (loving Love Island right now!🏝)

SO that's me! Tell me something about you in the comments! I love making new connections! 💫

✨Each business is unique! 👉Unique in their values👉Unique in their goals 👉Unique in what they offer & sell 👉Unique in the...

✨Each business is unique!

👉Unique in their values
👉Unique in their goals
👉Unique in what they offer & sell
👉Unique in their branding
The list goes on..

This is exactly why your Instagram Marketing strategy is alwayssssss going to be unique to you.

👉Just because they post reels everyday, doesn't mean you need to do the same.

👉Just because they show their face on stories, it doesn't mean it will work for you like it works for them...

Everyone's business is unique and your Insta strategy should reflect that!

Need some support building and implementing a Insta strategy that DOES work for you, that IS unique and fitting for your biz? We're your gals!

DM us 'STRATEGY' for more info!

Oh HEY there June ☀️  👋🏻 crept up on us! 😱Anyone else struggling to get their head around the fact we are halfw...

Oh HEY there June ☀️ 👋🏻 ... crept up on us! 😱

Anyone else struggling to get their head around the fact we are halfway through the year!!

Anyway, new months bring new goals, intentions and of course (our fave thing) content planning!😍

Here are some content ideas to use this June for both your service providers and product based biz owners out there! 💃🏼

What are you Social Media goals this month? Let us know in the comments we would LOVE to know!💕

2 YEARS IN BUSINESS! 🍾 🤍Soooo I totally only just realised , whilst sat on the sofa munching on some crackers in true Ge...


Soooo I totally only just realised , whilst sat on the sofa munching on some crackers in true Gemma style 😎, that today marks two years since I took the leap and started my own business!🥂😆

I can’t honestly believe it’s been 2 whole years! I remember the moment I came across the online world and something in me just clicked!✨

It’s been a totaaaal rollercoaster ride, filled with so much happiness, many tears and a TON of coffee (thanks costa!😆)

I’ve learnt soooo much along my journey so far, met some truly fabulous people and worked with incredible brands and businesses!🤍

Running a business is bloody hard at times but something I’ve learned is that it’s SO worth it🤍 also have my bestie and big sis working alongside me which I’m forever grateful for!😍

I’m so grateful for every person who has supported me and believed in me! You guys are so special and I love you all very much🤍

I feel like this caption probably isn’t making a whole load of sense and there is just SO much I could say right now🤍

Here is to the next 2 years waaahoooo 🥂 ✨🤍

These small actions can mean and help SO much! 💗Taking just a minute out of your day can reeallyyy help small businesses...

These small actions can mean and help SO much! 💗

Taking just a minute out of your day can reeallyyy help small businesses grow and get seen online! Not to mention giving business owners a little boost! 🚀

As a small business owner yourself, you will understand the positive impact a teeny little action can have and how great it can make you feel!

Let's support one another, we are in this together! 💗

How do you like to support other biz owners on social media?! Let us know in the comments! ⬇️




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