Big poetry update: Cover reveal and pre-order info for Midlife Abecedarian!
I'm so happy that this book will be in the world soon. This is the best work of my life, and I'm really proud of these poems.
Thanks to so many people, especially:
Courtney LeBlanc at Riot in Your Throat, my publisher turned dear friend. This is one of the healthiest and most supportive relationships I've ever had in my life. (Also, RIYT is having an open reading period this whole month, so if you have a poetry manuscript looking for a home, it's my opinion that there's no better home!)
Jai Johnson, who isn't on social media, but she still deserves credit. She's designed every book of mine, and she's so talented. I love everything about this cover, including hanging out with her and working on it together. Maybe especially that!
Joan Kwon Glass, Laura Passin, and Leah Umansky for writing the most generous, beautiful blurbs--more about those later.
And Lynn Melnick, whose invaluable feedback is the reason this book exists at all!
Midlife Abecedarian is a nostalgic collection that takes the reader on a journey through time. It provides a template for a life well-lived, even if you’re only halfway through. Conjuring memories and a sense of satisfaction and comfort, Midlife Abecedarian is a map to things remembered and things...