Christmas shopping for your nearest and dearest and thinking of getting them a gift voucher?Well, I’ve read the small print, so you don’t have to! Give my video a listen and empower yourself with legal knowledge!#consumerrights #getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #law #christmaspresents #giftvouchers
Did you know that If you remove a condom during sex without the other persons consent you ARE committing a crime! Give my video a listen to discover more about your rights, as always, in plain and simple English .#getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #knowthelaw #legalpodcast
More and more stores are becoming cashless, but is it illegal for them to refuse to take your cash?With many of us starting our Christmas shopping, this video is a must-listen!Empower yourself with legal insight, as always, in plain and simple English.#getlegallyspeaking #cashless #shopping #consumerrights
The law is never going to be sexy, but I am on a mission with Get Legally Speaking to give you the insights that you NEED, to empower yourself to be your own legal advocate.
Comment to let me know the topics would you love to see me cover!
#getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #law #legallearning #podcast
As of June 2025 the UK will place a ban on disposable vapes, aiming to tackle environmental harm and curb youth vaping.
Want to know more? Give my video a listen as I explain the ins and outs of this new ruling, as always, in plain and simple English.
#getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #law #disposablevapes #newlaw
If you are accused of a crime, can your ignorance of a law be used as a defence? Let me explain! As always, in plain and simple English #learnthelaw #getlegallyspeaking #law #crime
What happens if you need to go off sick from work?Give my video a listen as I explain everything about statutory sick pay and whether you’re eligible. As always, in plain and simple English. #getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #sickpay #statutorysickpay #knowyourrights #employmentlaw
Have you lent someone money and you can’t get it back? Then this video is a must-watch!Give it a view as I explain your rights, as always, in plain and simple English #getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #law #consumerrights #knowyourrights #legalsupport
Does an employer have to give you a payslip?Let me give you the information to empower you to know your rights and be your own legal advocate – as always, in plain and simple English!#getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #law #employmentlaw #payslips #employee
Do you need a TV licence to watch ANY TV? Give my video a watch and empower yourself with legal insights, as always, in plain and simple English. #getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #law #tvlicense #consumerrights
More than 3 million service workers in England, Scotland, and Wales will benefit from a new law that came into effect from 1st October. The new ruling will mean that workers should receive 100% of the tips from customers, with firms banned from withholding the payments - whether in cash or by card. Give my video a watch as I explain more… #getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #law #legallearning #tips #hospitalityindustry #hospitality #knowyourrights
How powerful are your words?In my latest video I explain whether a verbal agreement is legally binding. Give it a listen and up your legal knowledge to empower yourself – as always, in plain and simple English!#getlegallyspeaking #learnthelaw #law #legallearning #legallybinding #verbalagreement