New episode of #10000nospodcast is out.
With some gems from Casting Director Stephanie Holbrook
@holbrookboss @mattydel #10000nosinsiders
“How do you memorize your lines?”
A very common question I get.
Hopefully, you’re prepping THE SCENE…
Who you are, what you want, who you’re trying to get it from, etc etc…
It’s way less about the lines than you think (in my opinion)
BUT… at the end of the day, you DO need to know the lines
(Even if you improv, throw them away, tweak them, whatever)…
In the case of this particular audition, the writing is great, so I don’t feel a need to tweak much, if anything…
And it’s jargon-heavy, so I find it best to know it cold and be able to throw it all away a little and be loose in the playing of the scene…
#bradwhitford was a master of this when we worked together on #thewestwing - another jargon-heavy show with great writing…
Writing it down seems to help.
Index cards are great cause you can inconspicuously pull them out to work on it when doing other things (like #morningdogwalk )
Throw a 👊 in the comments if this helps.
Throw a 👎 if you hate this advice and/or have a different technique (which you can share)
#actingadvice #memorizinglines #auditionprep #matthewdelnegro #10000nosinsiders #10000nospodcast
The single-most-used phrase I’ve stolen from an Acting Coach…
Is from the great Kim Gillingham…
“Most times, people over act because they don’t feel like they’re enough. So they over-compensate.”
So I’m telling you: YOU. ARE. ENOUGH.
Trust it.
Don’t contort yourself in all kinds of ways to try to convey the story.
Trust the words.
Trust yourself.
Trust that the camera will find the truth if it’s behind your eyes.
You don’t need to ACT for people to understand your character’s perspective…
Just like you don’t need to douse your pancakes with gallons of syrup for your waffles to taste good.
(truth be told, I’m not sure I’m willing to ALWAYS go light on my syrup… just sayin’)
#actingadvice #10000nos #10000nospodcast #matthewdelnegro #syrup #waffles
#bts how to get your next gig when you’re on the road and something good comes in and you have to improvise a #selftapeaudition setup…
I’m personally not above using ice buckets, garbage pails, luggage, books or any other object that will give my camera height when I need it…
Leave a comment below if you’ve been there yourself…
Love to hear other solutions actors have used.
#10000nos #10000nospodcast #10000nosinsiders
It ain’t easy being a professional artist…
Especially in the beginning of your journey.
Time is limited, so you’ll help yourself if you…
Bring your artist’s mind to your sideline gig.
If Billy Joel could do it, why don’t you try? #pianoman
If you like this, or any similar posts, you may want to listen to 10,000 NOs Podcast: we delve into ups and down of pursuing any competitive goal (the backdrop just happens to be the acting and writing industry in most episodes) every week.
Listen at, on @applepodcasts (LINK IN BIO) or wherever you podcast.
#10000nospodcast #10000nos #podcastsforactors #matthewdelnegro #nycactor #laactor #acting #careeradvice
A lot of actors, myself included, spend too much time railing against the business.
But it was brutal 100 years ago…
And it’ll probably be brutal 100 years from now...
If you are in it, acknowledge the suck and get busy getting better.
If you like this, or any similar posts, you may want to listen to 10,000 NOs Podcast: we delve into ups and down of pursuing any competitive goal (the backdrop just happens to be the acting and writing industry in most episodes) every week.
Listen at, on @applepodcasts (LINK IN BIO) or wherever you podcast.
#10000nospodcast #10000nosinsiders #10000nosbook #matthewdelnegro #workingactors #podcastsforactors #perseverance #adaptability #reinvention #actingtips #careeradvice #sayyes @10000nos #writing #pivot
I worry too much about what people will think of me…
Will my project/role/writing/anything be considered NOT ENOUGH?
It doesn’t matter what others think.
If WE believe what we’re saying is truthful, it will likely be seen that way by at least SOME other person…
But the truth is: that doesn’t matter. Our opinion of ourselves is the one we should be chasing.
If you like this, or any similar posts, you may want to listen to 10,000 NOs Podcast: we delve into ups and down of pursuing any competitive goal (the backdrop just happens to be the acting and writing industry in most episodes) every week.
Listen at, on @applepodcasts (LINK IN BIO) or wherever you podcast.
#10000nospodcast #10000nosinsiders #10000nosbook #matthewdelnegro #workingactors #podcastsforactors #perseverance #adaptability #reinvention #actingtips #careeradvice #sayyes @10000nos #writing #pivot