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Iran's Ambassador to Moscow recently expressed support for Russia's actions in the ongoing conflict, framing them as a l...

Iran's Ambassador to Moscow recently expressed support for Russia's actions in the ongoing conflict, framing them as a legitimate response to what he described as the "continued oppression" faced by the people of Donbass at the hands of the Ukrainian government. He emphasized that, from Iran's perspective, Russia's intervention is justified given the circumstances in the region.

The ambassador also voiced a hope that diplomatic negotiations between Russia and Ukraine will eventually lead to a peaceful resolution. However, he firmly rejected the Western characterization of Russia's actions as "aggression," arguing that such a label is a biased and oversimplified interpretation of a complex situation.

In his statement, the ambassador underlined that Iran believes in the right of nations to protect their interests and respond to threats, and he suggested that Russia's actions should be understood within this context. He stressed the importance of respecting the sovereignty and rights of all parties involved while advocating for a negotiated settlement to the conflict.


A Green Beret absolutely destroyed stolen valor Tim Walz during a Trump-Vance event in western Pennsylvania on Thursday.

During President Trump's recent visit to North Carolina, a Secret Service agent reportedly abandoned their post, raising...

During President Trump's recent visit to North Carolina, a Secret Service agent reportedly abandoned their post, raising concerns about national security protocols. This breach highlights the importance of effective measures to protect the nation's leaders.

The Secret Service has a critical responsibility to safeguard the President, and any lapse in this duty is troubling. The incident brings to light broader issues regarding the Biden administration's focus on national security and whether there are underlying vulnerabilities that need addressing.

Critics of the administration express concern over policies that emphasize diversity and inclusion, questioning whether these priorities could compromise the competence and effectiveness of federal agencies, including the Secret Service. Ensuring that all agents are selected based on their ability to perform their duties effectively is crucial for maintaining high standards.

This situation underscores the necessity for strong leadership and accountability. The administration must thoroughly investigate the incident, addressing any systemic issues that may have contributed to this lapse. It is vital for the American public to trust that their leaders are protected by capable and highly qualified agents.

As the administration faces a complex international landscape, prioritizing the President's safety and security is essential. Congress should conduct a comprehensive review to ensure the Secret Service is fully equipped to fulfill its mission without compromise.

In challenging times, it is crucial to maintain vigilance and accountability in government to protect the nation and its leaders from internal and external threats. The security of the country should take precedence, and any signs of negligence must be promptly addressed to uphold the integrity of our protective services.

A report from Real Clear Politics’ Susan Crabtree reveals that during President Donald Trump’s visit to North Carolina on August 14th, a Secret Service agent abandoned her post to breastfeed her baby.


The recent arrest of several individuals, including a doctor, in connection to the death of actor Matthew Perry, has stirred significant attention. Perry, best known for his role in "Friends," died from a ketamine overdose in October 2023. From a conservative viewpoint, this case underscores the urgent need for stricter drug regulations and more accountability in the healthcare system. It highlights the dangers posed by certain medical professionals and the importance of robust enforcement to prevent such tragedies. The arrests reflect an ongoing commitment to address these issues effectively. For more details, you can read the full article (


President Trump announced on Monday that his legal team will sue the Biden Department of Justice for $100 million over the unprecedented raid on his home in 2022.


Politico now reports that "a few dozen" DNC delegates are organizing a petition requesting rules changes so that the party nomination is a secret ballot with delegates allowed to vote however they wish.

Imagine calling yourself the party of "democracy," then demanding to ignore your party's own primary voters and not even letting those voters know who actually picked their party's nominee.


The Biden controversy is evolving into a potential major cover-up, comparable to the magnitude of Watergate. There is a widespread curiosity to identify those who may have concealed information on behalf of the Biden administration, effectively influencing the nation's direction via an unelected committee. This scenario raises serious questions about allegiance and the adherence to democratic norms, suggesting possible elements of treason and a move towards a dictatorial regime.

Biden wants to talk about Generals, Here Colonel Douglas McGregor.Share the hell out of this video.                     ...

Biden wants to talk about Generals, Here Colonel Douglas McGregor.Share the hell out of this video.

In this eye-opening video, Colonel Douglas McGregor provides the best analysis of the situation in the US, revealing the disturbing truth behind President Biden's mental decline. McGregor argues that


"It's not just Biden's age that's a concern, but his perceived approach to critical issues. Some people might find it alarming that he doesn't seem to view nuclear war as an existential threat, prioritizing climate change instead. Given the immense power vested in the presidency, particularly regarding nuclear weapons, these concerns are valid. It's worth considering these factors when deciding on reelection." ://

Cnn Debate.    .

Cnn Debate. .

During his initial 100 days in office, President Donald J. Trump has displayed decisive initiative in revitalizing the economy, ensuring the safety of Americans, and enhancing governmental responsibil

Who's in charge of the US Women’s Basketball team selection? They've overlooked Caitlin Clark, the NCAA's top scorer of ...

Who's in charge of the US Women’s Basketball team selection? They've overlooked Caitlin Clark, the NCAA's top scorer of all time! And they've picked Brittney Griner, aka "the male Griner," who's been spotted sitting during the US National Anthem. Talk about a justice system with a "VIP" section! Seems like love for the country isn't a requirement to represent it (politicians, you know who you are!). Oh, and let's not forget about the guy who's playing in the women's league now. Lastly, when did a tall tale become the gospel truth?

It's infuriating to witness how both Putin and Biden are silencing their opponents! Putin's ruthless crackdown on dissen...

It's infuriating to witness how both Putin and Biden are silencing their opponents! Putin's ruthless crackdown on dissent is well-documented, with opponents facing jail or worse for daring to challenge him. Now, look at what's happening here at home. The so-called conviction of Trump is a blatant political hit job, manufactured to take him down and silence his voice. The parallels are chilling.

Even worse, Joe Biden's administration is deeply involved in this travesty. From day one, Biden and his cronies have made it their mission to destroy Trump, using every dirty trick in the book. Biden's weaponization of the justice system is eerily reminiscent of Putin's tactics. Some even argue that Biden is one of the worst perpetrators of political repression, rivaling what we accuse Putin of doing. This isn't justice; it's political persecution. When will this madness end? . . . .

Our film reveals the tactics used by the Russian president to intimidate the opposition

Unbelievable! The lengths these so-called "prosecutors" will go to just to target Trump is absolutely infuriating. This ...

Unbelievable! The lengths these so-called "prosecutors" will go to just to target Trump is absolutely infuriating. This case in Manhattan is nothing but a politically motivated witch hunt! Even CNN's own legal expert, Elie Honig, admits the charges are a mess and were only brought to take down Trump. The judge even violated rules by donating to anti-Trump causes. This is a disgrace to our justice system! The case should never have been brought to court in the first place. Enough is enough!

CNN’s top legal expert dismantled the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s criminal case this week against former President Donald Trump, saying that prosecutors only brought the case to get Trump. Elie Honig, a former federal and state prosecutor, wrote in a newsletter on Friday...

The injustice faced by Sam Melia and his children is a disgrace that should enrage every American patriot. It is unaccep...

The injustice faced by Sam Melia and his children is a disgrace that should enrage every American patriot. It is unacceptable for any "justice" system to deny a father his right to be with his own children. This violation of fundamental rights based on political beliefs is an assault on freedom and compassion. We must not tolerate a society where expressing dissent leads to family separation. Let us unite against this tyranny, demand justice for Sam, and uphold the values that make us proud patriots!

Two weeks ago political prisoner, Sam Melia, was moved from HMP Leeds to HMP Hull. After a week of settling in to his new prison and beginning to get into a new routine, Sam received the shocking news that he would no longer be allowed contact with his children. HMP Hull, working alongside the natio...

BREAKING: Our Republic is at a crossroads! The recent conviction of President Trump is a stark example of political pers...

BREAKING: Our Republic is at a crossroads!

The recent conviction of President Trump is a stark example of political persecution. This isn't just an attack on one man—it's an attack on our democratic principles. Americans from all walks of life must unite and stand up against this injustice. The rule of law and fairness in our political system are at stake. We must demand accountability and ensure that no party wields unchecked power. Join us in rallying for justice and the protection of our Republic. Together, we can make a difference!

Either you’re willing to jail Democrats on the same terms they’re using to jail Trump, or you’re merely controlled opposition.

Senator Tammy Baldwin is among numerous lawmakers who have benefited from AIPAC’s financial backing. Baldwin has receive...

Senator Tammy Baldwin is among numerous lawmakers who have benefited from AIPAC’s financial backing. Baldwin has received significant campaign contributions—$430,790—from AIPAC and its affiliates. This exemplifies the troubling nexus between money and policy in Washington. Despite her progressive veneer, Baldwin’s actions suggest a disturbing willingness to align with AIPAC’s agenda. Her support for continued military aid to Israel underscores a broader pattern of complicity in actions that result in severe human rights violations against Palestinians.

Senator Baldwin has received considerable financial support from AIPAC and its network. This financial entanglement raises serious questions about her policy decisions, especially regarding U.S. support for Israel. The exact figures of these contributions must be made transparent to the public to understand the extent of influence AIPAC wields over her.

Baldwin's alignment with AIPAC’s agenda means supporting a regime that has systematically oppressed Palestinians for decades. The military aid she endorses fuels actions that have led to egregious human rights violations, including the destruction of homes, unlawful detentions, and systemic discrimination. Most damningly, this aid supports military operations that have resulted in the deaths of thousands of Palestinian civilians, including children.

-Thousands of Palestinian Children Killed: These children are not just statistics; they were innocent lives cut short by military aggression funded, in part, by U.S. aid.
-Countless Injured and Traumatized: Tens of thousands of Palestinian children have been injured, many of them permanently disabled or severely traumatized by the violence.
-Displacement and Destruction: Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been displaced from their homes due to military operations. Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, with families left homeless and destitute.

In a clear display of evasion, watch the following video where Senator Tammy Baldwin ducks questions about genocide against Palestinians. This video highlights her unwillingness to confront the stark realities of the policies she supports:

Watch the video*(Note: Replace this placeholder with the actual link to the video.)

This is an outrage! Senator Baldwin, by continuing to support military aid to Israel, you are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people. This is not just a political issue; it is a moral crisis. The blood of thousands of innocent children is on the hands of those who fund and support these atrocities. It is time for immediate and substantial change:

Cease all military aid to Israel: Stop funding the machinery of oppression and violence that leads to the slaughter of innocent Palestinians.
Hold Israel accountable: Demand rigorous investigations into human rights abuses and ensure those responsible are brought to justice.
Stand with Human Rights: Align your policies with the values of justice, equality, and humanity that you claim to uphold.

Vote for Eric Hovde for Change

If you are tired of the status quo and want real change, consider voting for Eric Hovde. Hovde stands as a candidate who is not beholden to AIPAC and its interests. He is committed to ending U.S. complicity in human rights violations and ensuring that American foreign policy is aligned with principles of justice and human dignity.

Senator Baldwin, your constituents and the global community are watching. The lives of thousands of Palestinian children depend on the choices you make. It is time to choose humanity over political expediency. End your support for policies that perpetuate violence and stand up for the rights of all people, regardless of nationality or religion. Vote for Eric Hovde to bring about the change we desperately need.

In this emotionally charged short video, witness a powerful moment of truth as Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin faces the impassioned inquiries of her constituents, demanding answers regarding her acti

Joe Biden just held the biggest rally of all time according to The Gateway Pundit! Apparently, even my imaginary friends...

Joe Biden just held the biggest rally of all time according to The Gateway Pundit! Apparently, even my imaginary friends showed up!

Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Girard College, an independent boarding school in Philadelphia to pander to black voters since he is losing their support.


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Fever Coach Christie Sides Destroys the Greatest Basketball Scorer of All Time – Takes Down Caitlin Clark and the WNBA L...

Fever Coach Christie Sides Destroys the Greatest Basketball Scorer of All Time – Takes Down Caitlin Clark and the WNBA League in 7 Games – Bravo, Christie! Bravo!

The author of this post Jim Hoft is a two-time NBA HoopItUp champion Question: How do you take the greatest scorer in college history, men or women, and destroy her confidence and career in seven games or less?

Two-Tiered Justice System: A Blatant DisgraceThe hypocrisy of our so-called justice system is on full display. Soros-bac...

Two-Tiered Justice System: A Blatant Disgrace

The hypocrisy of our so-called justice system is on full display. Soros-backed Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby was found guilty on two federal counts of perjury and mortgage fraud, yet she faces no jail time. This leniency contrasts starkly with the relentless persecution of Christians and Trump supporters, who are often imprisoned for far lesser offenses. The Biden administration and its DOJ have weaponized the justice system to target political opponents, particularly Donald Trump and his supporters. This two-tiered justice system is a blatant abuse of power, undermining trust in our democracy and perpetuating division.

Under Biden's watch, the DOJ has pursued Trump with unyielding aggression, subjecting him to endless investigations and legal battles. Meanwhile, corrupt officials like Mosby escape serious consequences, highlighting the glaring double standards in our legal system. It's clear that prison is reserved for those who dare to support Trump or uphold Christian values, while allies of the current administration enjoy immunity from the law.

This disgraceful state of affairs cannot continue. The American people deserve a fair and unbiased justice system that holds everyone accountable, regardless of political affiliation. It's time to end the political persecution and restore equal justice for all.


Enough with the hollow political posturing. Declaring George Floyd Remembrance Day and making grand promises about deconstructing systemic racism does nothing to address real issues. It's all talk with no action. Instead of symbolic gestures, focus on tangible improvements like education, economic opportunities, and community safety. This administration’s commitment seems more about virtue signaling than enacting real change. The people need real solutions, not empty rhetoric.


Outrage at Wayne State: Activists Demand Special Privileges
In a shocking display of arrogance, Wayne State University is under siege by agitators from Students for Justice in Palestine. These pro-Hamas protestors have turned the campus into a chaotic encampment, demanding exclusive scholarships, legal protections, and financial advantages solely for Palestinian students. This outrageous list of demands includes halting police training in Israel and divesting from companies linked to Israel. It's an appalling attempt to hijack the university's policies, trampling on fairness and equality.

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