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An Open Letter To The
|Minister OfI Youth and sports

Dear Hon. Minister

Democracy cannot live up to its promise if part of the population is not adequately represented in
leadership be it in politics or in any other aspect of life. Regrettably, young people with disabilities are
often excluded from leadership in the Gambia working to change this, It's a collective responsibility as
disability rights defenders to work with the Community of Democracies in The Gambia to help young
people with disabilities navigate the challenges they face and bring about more inclusive democracy in
the Gambia!

Young people with disabilities are continually underrepresented in relevant positions within political

parties and the civil service. For instance, out of the 19 currently registered political parties, none have
young people with disabilities as party leaders. Moreover, most young people with disabilities are active
in political parties as supporters, mobilizers, and voters, not decision-makers.
Nowadays many political discussions focus on equality, diversity, representation, and issues of

marginalized groups such as women or people of tribes. Although there is a growing number of female

politicians. But people with disabilities are still underrepresented in this area in the Gambia.

Besides the obvious issue of adequate representation and equal opportunities, we need more young
people with disabilities politicians to raise awareness. We often treat isability as a taboo, thinking if we
don't talk about it, it won't be an issue.

Young people with disabilities have to face struggles every day because of this attitude. More
representation would not only mean more discussion about current issues but talking about the
everyday challenges of young people with disabilities.

In conclusion, Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities UNCRPD clearly
states the rights of persons with disabilities to participate in political and public life without discrimination
and on an equal basis with others, and it calls upon state parties to guarantee those rights. This is a
vital aspect of combating exclusion and inequality, and leaving no one behind.

Yours sincerely

Hon. Cherno Ceesay
Representative of young people with disabilities at National Youth Parliament-t The Gambia

"A Clarion Call for Action"


Hon. Cherno Ceesay



Fellow Gambians, Today is International Day Of Persons With Disabilities and The theme for this year is “Transformative ...

Fellow Gambians,
Today is International Day Of Persons With Disabilities and The theme for this year is “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fueling an accessible and equitable world.”
Fellow Gambians , it is stated about 2.5 billion persons with disabilities need at least one assistive product. Also fellow Gambians it is stated that in each 10 people with disabilities 9 out of that 10 is in need of an assistive produc and they cannot have of which our Gambia is not an exception.
Fellow Gambians these need a serious reflection, development is inclusive there is no way we can realise development when persons with disabilities are lacking even the must basic assistive products.
Now that there is an act on disabilities, we cannot relax until when our Ministry of Finance when ever there is preparation of Budget the Ministry remember that there is about 15%% of the population that is far too left behind and their issue need an urgent attention. Until when all Ministries always factor that about 15% of the population who’s have to be remembered in any program they are to design. Until our parliamentary members, and all the grass root representatives remember to engage this 15% of the population when ever they are to make any decisions.

To conclude Fellow Gambians the business of persons with disabilities should be every one’s business.

Best Regards. Copied from Bubacarr Sanneh.


Happy world disability day celebrations to all differently abled persons across the world


Start Now is recruiting to select the next cohort of College Preparatory Training for Visually Impaired High School Graduates and solicit your help to spread the news within your network.

Due to inadequate skills, including technical skills to compete with their sighted peers in colleges and employment prospects, Start Now, through support from the U.S. State Department and U.S. Embassy Banjul, will train another set of 20 visually impaired high school graduates in January 2023.

The College Preparatory Training for Visually Impaired High School Graduates is a six-month intensive training aimed to prepare visually impaired high school graduates with the necessary technical skills and academic techniques that will enable them to participate inclusively in higher education.

The training will be at the Start Now Center in Brikama New Town, West Coast Region of The Gambia. A typical day class schedule will run from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The full training program of the College Preparatory Training for the Visually Impaired High School Graduates includes computer literacy/keyboarding, braille, cane travel, independent living skills, career guidance and counseling, academic techniques skills, English and communications, as well as attitude to leadership building.

All classes will emphasize the development of self-confidence and a positive attitude toward blindness. Only 20 visually impaired will be selected to benefit from the six-month training program, and selection criteria will base on the following:

The individual must be legally blind or partially sighted as confirmed by an Eye Doctor, optometrist, or ophthalmologist.
Must complete high school.
Must be between 18 to 40 years old.
Willingness to participate for six months. Passion for higher education upon completion of the College Preparatory Training Program.

Interested applicants can contact the following numbers for additional guidance: 9936532 or 3626226.

The deadline for recruitment and selection is December 20, 2022.

The College Preparatory Training for 20 visually impaired high school graduates will commence on January 13, 2023.


Al Salam Alaykom Rahmatullah Brothers and sisters. All praises due to Allah most beneficial and most merciful we thank him on all conditions. we are asking him to send his peace and blessings upon our prophet Muhammad SAW his companion and anybody who follow his path until the day of resurrection. followers of Asalam TV the Gambia Friday is fast approaching and this Friday God willing your program Friday a message will be back on your TV. This weeks addition will focus on our last week theme women in Islam this time around we will take a closer look at the hijab and Niqaab that is women covering their head with veils. We intend to discuss the following topics one ruling of Nick Niqaab and hijab in Islam. 2 we will also discourse on women who face is abuse and harassment by simply wearing veils in our institutions. we will hear live testimonies from some of our sisters who are either victims or they know someone who have been victims of wearing hijab. join us this Friday 18th of November 2022 at 17:00 GMT that is 5:00 PM on a salaam TV the Gambia page . I’ll panelist on the program are Sheikh Abou Ayoub Ibrahim Dunno and sheikh Abou Airbaad Ali Ishaqa Fatty May Allah protect and preserve them all. Please like and follow our page and share this message.

September 6, 2022- Advertisement -By: Dawda BaldehThe Gambia Federation of the Disabled (GFD) has expressed shock over t...

September 6, 2022

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By: Dawda Baldeh

The Gambia Federation of the Disabled (GFD) has expressed shock over the removal of the Kassa K***a Alkalo by the Ministry of Local Government and Lands through the Governor’s office in the West Coast Region and demands an explanation from the said ministry.

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The federation advocates the protection and promotion of the inherent dignity and fundamental rights of Persons With Disabilities as vehemently enshrined in both national and international legal instruments. The federation acts as the focal point on disability matters in The Gambia.

Magistrate M Kurubally, the chairman of the federation through a letter addressed to the ministry of local government and lands seen by this medium, said they are shocked by the removal of the Kassa K***a Alkalo.

“From the information we heard and that is circulating on social media, the Alkalo was removed from his portfolio referencing his blindness.

This news is one of the greatest shocks received by Gambia Federation Of The Disabled,” the federation chairman expressed.

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M Kurubally added that the federation is concerned over the decision leading to the removal of the said Alkalo.

“We hereby write to your office (ministry of local government) to offer us reason or reasons for his removal from his portfolio as soon as possible before taking the next necessary, appropriate and legal step.”

Gambia Federation Of The Disabled herein referred to as GFD is the umbrella body representing an estimated number of Three Hundred Thousand Persons With Disabilities ranging from Visually Impairment/Blindness, Hard Of Hearing, Physically Challenge, Albinism, Mental Illness, and Autism amongst other forms of disabilities in The Gambia.

It can be recalled that the Alkalo of Kassa K***a village Cherno Siranding Sabally was dismissed from his position by the ministry of local government through the Governor’s office in Brikama citing his blindness. The Alkalo’s dismissal was frowned at by many residents in the village who protested against the decision last month.


By: Dawda Baldeh



The National Youth Parliament of the Gambia, held its 9th inaugural session on Monday at the Assembly building in Banjul.

The young parliamentarians will conduct parliamentary sittings until Wednesday 31st August 2022, in demonstrating participation in decision making.

The Speaker of the assembly, Hon, Omar Cham said, the session will avail the young parliamentarians the opportunity to look at the laws and policies governing young people in the country.

‘’This new dawn will give us the opportunity to critically assess the status quo of young people as well as the laws, policies and initiatives governing youth. We will discuss and debate on key matters confronting the lives, welfare and wellbeing of the youth of this beloved country’’, he said.

Hon. Bakary Badjie, Minister of Youth and Sports, applauded young parliamentarians and assured them of future engagement.

‘’Let me assure you that as a Ministry and government in general, we will continue to engage with you as much as necessary and further strengthen our collaborative work in all areas of concern to the youth constituency that we professionally and voluntarily served,’’ he said.

He urged youth representatives to show commitment and be realistic in their submissions.

‘’The ordinary session is an opportunity that gives youth a platform to voice their concerns in a free and democratic space. It is therefore important that all of you present here and participating in the ordinary session take it seriously,’’ Minister Badjie said.

Hon Badjie equally challenged young leaders to extend advocacy in the areas of ‘’drug abuse, climate change and livelihood skills acquisitions.’’

The UNDP country Rep Aissata De, highlights the importance of young parliamentarians discussing issues related to young people.

‘’With increasing demand for civic engagement, accountability, and transparency, this youth parliament provides a strategic opportunity to enhance participation of young Gambians in political discourse’’, she said.

The session of the Youth Parliamentary Sittings is adjourned to Tuesday 30th August 2022 for continuation of proceedings.

By: Ndey Ceesay

Please give a helping hand to the disability community in the Gambia. AUGUST 25, 202236- Advertisement -By Amadou Jadam...

Please give a helping hand to the disability community in the Gambia. AUGUST 25, 2022

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By Amadou Jadama

Lamin Manneh, the secretary general of the Gambia Federation for the Disabled, has made a clarion call for support to the Gambia’s physically challenged community who are suffering from neglect compounding their everyday struggle for a living.

Speaking to The Standard, Mr Manneh said a lot of physically challenged people are without wheelchairs or other indispensable materials to aid their movement and quality of life.

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“The situation is so bad that there are cases where two people share a wheel chair while a lot of people with vision issues are without white canes,” Mr Manneh lamented.

He said visually impaired students too are without learning kits. He called on President Barrow to personally look into the plight of the community, arguing that the government has done very little for this section of the society.

Mr Manneh lamented the absence of people with disabilities in the National Assembly or cabinet. He said the last thing the government needs is to face a protest by people with disabilities over neglect of their plight.

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Energy minister “shocked” by environmental damages mining caused
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August 25, 2022
Energy minister “shocked” by environmental damages mining caused

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Auditors reveal 55 accounts with wrong closing balances

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The Standard Newspaper brings the Latest News from the Gambia, Africa and the World. Get live news and latest stories from Politics, Business, Technology, Sports and more. The newspaper is published and printed by XL Standard Co. Ltd. located at Sait Matty Junction, Bakau. Telephone: +220 4496481. Email: [email protected]

© 2020 The Standard Newspaper (The Gambia) - Site by DigiTech Solutions

By Amadou Jadama Lamin Manneh, the secretary general of the Gambia Federation for the Disabled, has made a clarion call for support to the Gambia’s physically challenged community who are suffering from neglect compounding their everyday struggle for a living. Speaking to The Standard, Mr Manneh s...


The Epidemiology and Disease Control (EDC) unit received a report through the Director of Health Services from a concerned nephrologist of a sudden raise in cases of AKI among children aged 5months - 4yrs. Over 35 cases were reported, while only 32 met the event based case definition with 28 deaths (CFR=87.5%). The cases were reported from Western 1, Western 2, Lower River Region and Central River Region.

Event case definition: Any child less than 5 years of age with sudden failure to pass urine for more than a day with any of the following: fever, diarrhoea or vomiting from the 24th June 2022 to date.


Press Release

EFSTH management wishes to inform the general public that there is a rare condition currently under observation in the Paediatric Outpatient. Samples were collected from the affected children and awaiting results from the lab.

They present with diarrhoea, vomiting and reduced urination output. It is severe and already causing mortality in children. Our doctors are working hard to establish the cause of the condition.

Meanwhile, the public is urged to be vigilant and report to the nearest health facility if their child have above symptoms mentioned earlier.



Congratulations to Para Powerlifter Modou Gamo for a brilliant performance in the 107kg in para Powerlifting.

Gamo finished 4th with two clean pushes. Proud moments for us all


GAMBIA ready for Athletics showdown

Birmingham, England, August 3, 2022 - Excitements are looming as Gambia athletics team step up their final touches into the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

5 athletes will participate in the 200m heats on Thursday at Alexander stadium in Birmingham from 10am onwards with 2019 African Games 200m winner Gina Basa leading that line up.

Wurrie Njadoe will run her first 200m for the country after missing the 100m earlier on finishing fourth.

Team Gambia captain Adama Jammeh is also ready to face off opponents in heat 8, Whiles Sengan Jobe and Alieu Joof will be in heat 3 and 4 respectively.

Olympian Ebrima Camara is set to compete in the men's 4x100 relay.



In the world of expertise and social dynamics the rights and freedom of the differently abled are shackled and neglected in the cave of architectural dilemma and the dream of living a normal and luxurious life remains a scrap.

Architectural barriers are physical features that limit or prevent people with disabilities from accessing the facilities or services that are offered which challenges their social freedom and inclusion.

Disability is any condition of physical, mental, intellectual, learning, or sensory impairment including an episodic disability that hinders an individual’s networking and effective participation in the society and the world around them.

In the Gambia most buildings and public facilities are built without ramps, elevators or parking access to ease the movement of the disabled in their daily activities.
Having only one step or barrier at the entrance can prevent access by a person using a wheelchair, walker, or cane and can make entry hard or impossible for many other people with mobility disability Said, Sherrif Kongira an architect at the Ceesay construction ltd.

He said, an Accessible parking spaces should be close to the entrance to make sure it’s on the same level ground with at least 96 inches of access parking. He adds that, houses, offices schools and other public facilities should be design with ramps or elevators to ease the movement of wheelchair users equally providing edge protection to prevent people from accidently rolling off the edge of theses ramps.

The existence of colors is not only for designing and beautifying constructions but a symbol of identification towards helping and improving the accessibility of low vision individuals likewise serving as a life guidance tool.

Lamin Colley, the executive director of GOVI and visually impaired said, colors play an important role in their life as it helps them to differentiate pillars from the corridors or entrance for proper vision and accessibility for persons with low vision condition.

He adds that, public buildings such as toilets, schools, markets etc. are built in a way that denies accessibility to the differently abled and its facilities.

Ndey Agie Manneh a business woman and a wheelchair user at the serrekunda market said, on several occasions she was called to attain an important training and meeting but couldn’t make it due to lack of elevators or other means to ease her movement upstairs for the training.

The Gambia National Assembly with a pile of pressure and relentless efforts from the disability world and its advocates, enacted the disability bill on 6th July 2021 as an act that provides for all persons with disabilities to be entitled to a free and accessible environment such as public premises, facilities, roads, communications and other social amenities to assist, promote and support their mobility.

The document also states that, Architects, construction engineers and other persons who are involved in design and construction of physical environment shall observe and comply with accessibility requirements to ensure that all new buildings, roads, playgrounds, transport facilities and renovations, conform to designs aimed at creating access for persons with disabilities, but is this the real trend in the country?
Government and other private sectors should make sure that policies against barriers are formulated and implemented in steering the affairs of disability and its related issues in any decision-making process especially in the concerns of architectural barriers for a better inclusive nation.

Disability barriers if tacked would promote equal support and treatment which would create and enhance a better world of mutual understanding and protection in conquering discrimination and marginalization against disability.
Disability has been in existence for decades but the lack of awareness, support and inclusion has made the condition a stranger in the mist.
Disability is not a problem of a minority group within a community, but an experience that everyone in their lifetime could encounter.

The society’s definition of them as being sick, bad omens, or punished by God would be reshaped and designed through the goal of tolerance and support. The condition can be driven from all aspects of life such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status age, religious belief etc. disability conditions sometimes are present at birth and may affect functions later in life such as cognition, mobility, vision haring or even behavior and other areas.


Persons with disability bill of the republic of the Gambia audio. listening session.

BY YUSEF TAYLOR ON MARCH 23, 2022 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, NEWS, POLITICSBy Yusef Taylor, Currently, the Gambia has only one N...

By Yusef Taylor,

Currently, the Gambia has only one National Assembly Member (NAM) from the Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) community. This is Nominated NAM Hon Ndey Yassin Secka, unfortunately, she will not be contesting for another term. Our reporter’s inquiry with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has confirmed that only one candidate from the PWDs community and 19 women will be contesting in the upcoming 9th April 2022 Parliamentary Elections.

The only PWD candidate named, Mr Lamin Manneh from Sukuta granted an interview to Gainako Online News. Mr Manneh will be contesting for the Sanneh Mentereng NAM seat currently occupied by Hon Baba Galleh Jallow who defected from the United Democratic Party to the President’s National Peoples Party (NPP). Hon Jallow will be seeking another term via an NPP ticket.

During our interview with Mr Manneh, he explained that he will be contesting as an Independent Candidate. Mr Manneh says he was born and raised in Sukuta. His mother is from Sukuta and his father is from Brufut which are both within the Sanneh Mentereng Constituency.

Manneh says that he contributed “immensely” towards the passing of the Disability Bill through his advocacy work in the PWDs community on radios programs and more. Manneh recalls how he held programs in four different radio stations. According to his narration, his efforts in securing scholarships for both abled and disabled persons has reaped rewards with one of them now a practising Doctor.

Although he is physically challenged and wheelchair-bound, Manneh completed further studies and worked in State House. According to his biography Mr Manneh completed his basic education in 1985, obtained a certificate in Communication from the British Telecommunications School in Banjul in 1987 and secured a HND in Communication from MDI. Mr Manneh’s biography states that he also studied Human Resource Management.

“Do not see me as a physically challenged person, or a disabled man. I believe in one thing disability is not inability and I believe, together we can make a difference” says the indefatigable Manneh. He reminded our reporter that “no Parliamentarian or government civil servant is doing their work with their leg but they are using their brains and hands to work and that’s exactly what I have”.

Mr Manneh’s biography impresses that he is “considered as the first handicap to” encourage PWDs to drive which encouraged other PWDs to take up the wheel.

With regards to work experience, Mr Manneh says that he worked at the country’s National Telecommunications Network, Gamtel as a Communication Officer at Quadrangle. He also worked at the State House and says that he has “working experience with all three regimes in the Gambia”.

In his view, equal access to education and the budget [national cake] is key for all Gambians including PWDs. “No matter am on the wheelchair, I was the head of Digital Satellite Communication doing monitoring and evaluating all Communications coming into State House” until when he retired in 2019. This gives him the confidence that there is no office that he cannot occupy and deliver.

In his advocacy work, Mr Manneh “was the founder and secretary-general of (NODO) National Organization for Disables and Orphans” and is “also serving as the Chairman of (DPO) Disabled People Organization”. That’s not all. Mr Manneh is also “the Secretary-General to (GFD) Gambia Federation for Disables” where he heads “(DAU) Disability Advocacy Unit”.

Mr Manneh believes that with his experience as a Civil Servant and Civil Society advocate he will be able to provide his quota in National Building. In his view, the Sanneh Mentereng ward is being completely neglected because they don’t have the right representation in Parliament.

According to the Civil Society Advocate he is the first PWD to participate in politics directly. He believes that he knows the problems of Sanneh Mentereng ward. When voted as the Sanneh Mentereng NAM Mr Manneh promises to unite the community and address tribalism. One of his main focus is also to eradicate segregation, particularly between abled and PWDs. He plans to engage the Village Development Committees to address their challenges in order to provide better services to the people of Sanneh Mentereng.

Mr Manneh bemoaned the cost of living which he believes cannot be compared with the cost of living in the first republic. He pledged to continue his human rights advocacy and to lobby for funding for health centres in his constituency.

Post Views: 224


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Yusef Taylor, commonly known as Flex Dan is an editor and practising journalist based in the Gambia with a keen interest in human rights, the economy and good governance among many others. He continues to break news on the economy, human rights violations and is highly engaged in security sector reforms, constitutional reform and the transition of the Gambia from dictatorship to a democracy, the NewGambia. Yusef has been working with Gainako as a media practitioner from 2015 to date. He has a degree in Civil Engineering with 5 years of Design Consultancy experience.

Almost 10 Thousand People Affected by Foni Crisis says NDMA
Japan and UNICEF awards Gambia $2.5 Million to Combat Covid-19
CSVR Completes Training of Trainers on Body Mapping

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MARCH 23, 2022
Meet Lamin Manneh, lone Person with Disability Contesting for a Parliamentary Seat
MARCH 23, 2022
Almost 10 Thousand People Affected by Foni Crisis says NDMA
MARCH 23, 2022
Japan and UNICEF awards Gambia $2.5 Million to Combat Covid-19
MARCH 22, 2022
CSVR Completes Training of Trainers on Body Mapping


GAINAKO is a news platform that serves you up to date news from Gambia, Africa and the World.

MARCH 23, 2022
Meet Lamin Manneh, lone Person with Disability Contesting for a Parliamentary Seat
MARCH 23, 2022
Almost 10 Thousand People Affected by Foni Crisis says NDMA
MARCH 23, 2022
Japan and UNICEF awards Gambia $2.5 Million to Combat Covid-19
Breaking News: Gambia Gov’t Cancels over 270 Gambian Diplomatic Passports Issued by the Former Regime (67,870)
Joint Press Statement By Cherno Njie and Alhagie Saidy-Barrow (61,089)
Breaking News: Jammeh threatens to Shutdown Banjul Airport ahead of January 19th Inauguration (54,997)
A Creation of NEXT DESIGN LAB | Copyright © 2021 Gainako Online Newspaper.


Coming up on Saturday, 11 December2021 at 17:00 GMT


It’s international day of persons with disabilities and we are proud of our own Samba Jaiteh.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10 aims at reducing inequalities within and among countries by fostering the social, economic, and political inclusion of all, including people living with disabilities. One way to progress on this goal is by providing access to quality education for persons living with disabilities and advocating for their rights. This is what Samba Jaiteh is doing in The Gambia.

Born with cataracts, a visual impairment that makes it difficult to read, drive or see the expressions in people’s faces, Jaiteh was doing fine but gradually lost his vision and required surgery. Unfortunately, the surgery was unsuccessful, leaving him visually impaired. Jaiteh’s current work was influenced by his lived experience navigating his country’s educational system as a person living with a visual impairment. His struggle motivated him to advocate for persons living with disabilities, specifically those with visual impairments.

“I started this work while I was young and in school. I will gather students together then and share my experiences with them, and I’ll tell them what they need to do to support other visually impaired students,” said Jaiteh.

His goal was to educate young people to reduce the stigmatization and discrimination against people living with disabilities (PWD). Today, Jaiteh hosts a weekly radio program in The Gambia where he advocates for PWDs and educates the general public on the challenges facing PWD. What is more, he consistently engages community leaders and other political stakeholders to advocate for policies that protect the rights of PWDs. He also designs workshops and capacity-building programs to teach PWDs how to leverage technology to support themselves and be more involved in their communities.

His work is not without challenges. In regards to the challenges he faces, Jaiteh said, “The challenges are uncountable! I still face discrimination; people are still quick to stigmatize and judge me based on my disability.

Well done Samba and keep up the good work



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