Be ye transformed
Your life can be an example to your friends and family of the power of God to change and transform a person, no matter how many sins you committed or how bad they were. God was with you all along and never left you, when you came back to him, he showed you grace and mercy.
God is ready to accept all that want to change and the holy spirit will be given to those that want it.
Why Are Pricey To High?
Have you seen the price of gas or try buying some food. Why Are prices so high? Come join us in this discussion.
Entrepreneurship - Is It Worth It? Is it for Me?
Do you have what it takes to be an Entrepreneur? Is it worth the effort, time and the money. Come and join us as we discuss this and much more,...
Burning Books in America
They're Burning Books in America.
A few days ago there was a book burning in a small town, a place were my mother grew up and as a young boy I would spend my summers, Mt. Juliet Tennessee… You want to believe this is unusual in America but it’s not. Burning and banning books in a country that prides itself on free speech is just another item in a long list of Crazy is the new normal.
Truth About Being An Entrepreneur
Find out what they don't tell you about being an Entrepreneur.
What's going on here and around the world.
Do Your Actions Align With Your Goals?
Have you accomplish what you set out to do? Have you set goals in the past and got side tracked? Let's get it right this time!