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Struggle as a convert
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The story from embrace
“Upon shahada, the born Muslim community smiles in our faces and says,“Mashallah, you chose Islam. You are so great!” Then they walk away and leave us alone in our new Muslim state. Like a child, we are entering a new life, a new way of thinking and perceiving the world. We don’t always know what to do; we don’t know whom to trust or whom to listen to. Many assume others are helping us or have become our friends when truthfully, most of us spend our Eids alone and we break our fast alone. Many of us have never even stepped foot into the house of another Muslim. Majority of reverts are alone in their walk of faith”
One should convert to Islam only if one is convinced that Islam is the truth and then to witness the truth one should convert to Islam. Just to try it out does not work.
Islam has rules and regulations on almost every aspect of life. You have to sacrifice your will, your wealth, your time and your desires. These are overwhelming. But all that can be done only if you have true faith in God and when your heart bows at the feet of your lord with complete submission. In return definitely you get Jannah (paradise) in the afterlife and a great contentment and peace of heart and mind. The joy of connecting with your lord is far above all the joys this world.
If you convert with your heart and firm belief then welcome to a wonderful religion that would grant you success in this world and the hearafter. A religion which you feel proud of to belong to
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One should convert to Islam only if one is convinced that Islam is the truth and then to witness the truth one should convert to Islam. Just to try it out does not work.
Islam has rules and regulations on almost every aspect of life. You have to sacrifice your will, your wealth, your time and your desires. These are overwhelming. But all that can be done only if you have true faith in God and when your heart bows at the feet of your lord with complete submission. In return definitely you get Jannah (paradise) in the afterlife and a great contentment and peace of heart and mind. The joy of connecting with your lord is far above all the joys this world.
If you convert with your heart and firm belief then welcome to a wonderful religion that would grant you success in this world and the hearafter. A religion which you feel proud of to belong to
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One should convert to Islam only if one is convinced that Islam is the truth and then to witness the truth one should convert to Islam. Just to try it out does not work.
Islam has rules and regulations on almost every aspect of life. You have to sacrifice your will, your wealth, your time and your desires. These are overwhelming. But all that can be done only if you have true faith in God and when your heart bows at the feet of your lord with complete submission. In return definitely you get Jannah (paradise) in the afterlife and a great contentment and peace of heart and mind. The joy of connecting with your lord is far above all the joys this world.
If you convert with your heart and firm belief then welcome to a wonderful religion that would grant you success in this world and the hearafter. A religion which you feel proud of to belong to
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One should convert to Islam only if one is convinced that Islam is the truth and then to witness the truth one should convert to Islam. Just to try it out does not work.
Islam has rules and regulations on almost every aspect of life. You have to sacrifice your will, your wealth, your time and your desires. These are overwhelming. But all that can be done only if you have true faith in God and when your heart bows at the feet of your lord with complete submission. In return definitely you get Jannah (paradise) in the afterlife and a great contentment and peace of heart and mind. The joy of connecting with your lord is far above all the joys this world.
If you convert with your heart and firm belief then welcome to a wonderful religion that would grant you success in this world and the hearafter. A religion which you feel proud of to belong to
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One should convert to Islam only if one is convinced that Islam is the truth and then to witness the truth one should convert to Islam. Just to try it out does not work.
Islam has rules and regulations on almost every aspect of life. You have to sacrifice your will, your wealth, your time and your desires. These are overwhelming. But all that can be done only if you have true faith in God and when your heart bows at the feet of your lord with complete submission. In return definitely you get Jannah (paradise) in the afterlife and a great contentment and peace of heart and mind. The joy of connecting with your lord is far above all the joys this world.
If you convert with your heart and firm belief then welcome to a wonderful religion that would grant you success in this world and the hearafter. A religion which you feel proud of to belong to
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