Check out our article on Atlantium's environmentally friendly solution for aquatic invasives that clog hydro works from our February issue.
Invasive mussels arrived in U.S. waters on the ballast of boats in the 1980s. When the problem reached the Colorado River in 2007 and started clogging the cooling water systems of some of the nation’s biggest hydroelectric dams, the Bureau of Reclamation got involved in the search for a solution. Leonard Willett, who at that time was the environmental compliance manager at Hoover Dam, undertook 10 years of exhaustive research into the issue. As a result of his work, Reclamation facilities—and since then, those of other major asset owners—have turned to Atlantium Technologies ’s Hydro-Optic Disinfection (HOD) medium-pressure (MP) ultraviolet (UV) system.The cost- effective, chemical-free technology is proving effective at protecting fish and human health while effectively targeting invasives that are gumming up the works. To learn more, we interview Mr. Willett, who is now an associate at RNT Consulting, and Dennis Bitter, Atlantium's director of sales for innovative applications in the power, energy, and industrial markets.