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NO BLINK Video We create videos that make your business, products, and services stand out. Based in Sofia, Bulgaria.


*English Below*

“Той те тормози защото те харесва”

В третото видео от кампанията „Насилието обича мълчанието“ режисьорът и актриса Яна Титова разказва за първата си любов и защо насилието никога не е безобидно.

📞 Ако сте жертва на насилие или имате познат, който е жертва на насилие - ИМА КОЙ ДА ВИ ЧУЕ НА 0800 1 8676 - Национална гореща телефонна линия за пострадали от насилие 📞

Режисьор и сценарист: YYana TitovaС участието на: Яна Титова
Продуцент: BBoyan Dechev No Blink | Video
Монтаж и пост-продукция: NO BLINK | Video
Оператори: Боян Дечев и SSimona PopovaГафер: VVasil HristovГрафичен дизайнер: JJoanna RadoslavovaГрим и прически: AAlice Shopova

"He bullies you because he likes you"

In the third video of the “Violence Loves Silence” campaign, director and actress Yana Titova talks about her first love and why violence is never harmless.

📞 If you are a victim of violence or have an acquaintance who is a victim of violence - THERE IS SOMEONE TO HELP YOU! CALL 0800 1 8676 - National Hotline for Victims of Violence 📞

Directed and written by: Yana Titova
Starring: Yana Titova
Producer: Boyan Dechev, No Blink | Video
Edit and Post-Production: No Blink | Video
Camera Ops: Boyan Dechev and Simona Georgieva
Gaffer: Vasil Hristov
Graphic Design: Joanna Radoslavova
Make-up and Hair: Alice Shopova


*English Below*

В този втори видеоразказ от кампанията „Насилието обича мълчанието“ актрисата Дария Симеонова разказва как контролът в една връзка E форма на насилие.

📞 Ако сте жертва на насилие или имате познат, който е жертва на насилие - ИМА КОЙ ДА ВИ ЧУЕ НА 0800 1 8676 - Национална гореща телефонна линия за пострадали от насилие 📞

Режисьор и сценарист: Yana Titova
С участието на: Daria Simeonova/Дария Симеонова
Продуцент: Boyan Dechev No Blink | Video
Монтаж и пост-продукция: No Blink | Video
Оператори: Боян Дечев и Simona Popova
Гафер: Vasil Hristov
Графичен дизайнер: Joanna Radoslavova
Грим и прически: Alice Shopova


In the second video of the ‘Violence Loves Silence’ campaign, actress Daria Simeonova illustrates how control in a relationship equates to violence.

📞 If you are a victim of violence or have an acquaintance who is a victim of violence - THERE IS SOMEONE TO HELP YOU! CALL 0800 1 8676 - National Hotline for Victims of Violence 📞

Directed and written by: Yana Titova
Starring: Daria Simeonova
Producer: Boyan Dechev, No Blink | Video
Edit and Post-Production: No Blink | Video
Camera Ops: Boyan Dechev and Simona Georgieva
Gaffer: Vasil Hristov
Graphic Design: Joanna Radoslavova
Make-up and Hair: Alice Shopova


*English Below*

Социалните кампании са едни от най-смислените и вдъхновяващи проекти, по които работим в No Blink | Video. Погрижихме се изцяло за продукцията и пост-продукцията на серия от 6 видеа, които са част от кампанията “Насилието обича мълчанието”. Ще споделим всички видеа в близките седмици и се надяваме те да достигнат до повече хора.

В този първи епизод на кампанията Маргарита Стойкова разказва за опита си с насилието в интернет и социалните мрежи.

📞 Ако сте жертва на насилие или имате познат, който е жертва на насилие - ИМА КОЙ ДА ВИ ЧУЕ НА 0800 1 8676 - Национална гореща телефонна линия за пострадали от насилие 📞

Режисьор и сценарист: Yana Titova
С участието на: Margarita Stoykova
Продуцент: Boyan Dechev No Blink | Video
Монтаж и пост-продукция: No Blink | Video
Оператори: Боян Дечев и Simona Georgieva
Гафер: Vasil Hristov
Грим и прически: Alice Shopova


Social campaigns are some of the most meaningful and inspiring projects we work on at No Blink | Video. We took full charge of the production and post-production of a series of 6 videos that are part of the "Violence Loves Silence" campaign. We will be sharing all the videos in the coming weeks and hopefully they will reach more people.

In this first episode, Margarita Stoykova talks about her experience with violence on the internet and social media.

📞 If you are a victim of violence or have an acquaintance who is a victim of violence - THERE IS SOMEONE TO HELP YOU! CALL 0800 1 8676 - National Hotline for Victims of Violence 📞

Directed and written by: Yana Titova
Producer: Boyan Dechev, No Blink | Video
Edit and Post-Production: No Blink | Video
Camera Ops: Boyan Dechev and Simona Georgieva
Gaffer: Vasil Hristov
Make-up and Hair: Alice Shopova

Как лесно да постигнете 80% повече конверсии и 1200% повече споделяне за Вашия бранд? Видеосъдържание! 🎬Ако вашият бизне...

Как лесно да постигнете 80% повече конверсии и 1200% повече споделяне за Вашия бранд?

Видеосъдържание! 🎬

Ако вашият бизнес все още не инвестира във видеосъдържание - сега е моментът.

Доверете се на доказани резултати и добри практики! 🚀

Имахме голямото удоволствие да работим по един страшно стойностен и човешки документален филм, който вече официално може...

Имахме голямото удоволствие да работим по един страшно стойностен и човешки документален филм, който вече официално може да гледате в Max - “The Real Superheroes” / The Real Superheroes/ Истинските Супергерои на Bianca Ilich.

No Blink | Video се погрижи за цветовите корекции, color grade, постпродукция звук и sound design, a вие се погрижете да гледате филма при първа възможност : )

We had the great pleasure of working on a very worthwhile and heartfelt documentary that you can now officially watch on Max - “The Real Superheroes” by Bianca Ilich.

No Blink | Video took care of the final color corrections, color grade, sound post production and sound design, so make sure to watch the film at your earliest opportunity : )�



Готови ли сте за новата учебна година? С книжарници “Сиела” - лесно е! 📚

Клиент: Книжарници Сиела
Режисьор: Yana Titova
Продуцент: Aleksandar Aleksiev и Boyan Dechev
Оператор: Martin Balkansky
Асистент Продукция: Simona Popova
Гафер: Vasil Hristov
Монтаж и Color Grade: Boyan Dechev
В ролите: Мария Илиева / Maria Ilieva, Александър и Ая Алексиева


Part 2 of the project we did for the Bulgarian Fire Safety and Civil Protection Directorate General - this time in animated form 🚒 🚗🚕🛻

Directed and animated by: Georgi Svetlomirov
Produced by: Boyan Dechev, NO BLINK Video
Voiceover: Dragomir Simeonov


Do you know what actions you need to take as a driver when you see an emergency vehicle on the road? Or what to do if there’s a fire in your vehicle?

Learn all about it in this instructional video we produced for The Fire Safety and Civil Protection Directorate General.

A big thank you to the brave Bulgarian firefighters for their service and for giving us a glimpse into their world! 🔥🪓

Directed by: Georgi Svetlomirov
Camera, Edit, and Color: Boyan Dechev
PA: Simona Popova
Drone Pilot: Lubomir Tzankov, Digma Productions
Voiceover: Dragomir Simeonov


Our 2024 Showreel is here ✨

A big thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey. The best is yet to come!

We went behind the scenes with Chaos to show off their real-time ray-traced rendering for LED walls technology that is r...

We went behind the scenes with Chaos to show off their real-time ray-traced rendering for LED walls technology that is revolutionizing the industry and transforming virtual production. Take a look and be prepared for some unexpected twists and turns!

Director: Yana Titova
Camera Operators: Калоян Игнатов , Boyan Dechev , Ivailo Baldzhiev
PA: Simona Popova , Marti Kostelyanchik
Producer / Edit / Post production: Boyan Dechev

Join Chaos’ Head of Innovation Vladimir “Vlado” Koylazov and Chief Technology Officer Mihail Sergeev for a tour of our high-tech lab in Sofia, Bulgaria. You’...

We had the pleasure of producing this video for МБАЛ “Сърце и Мозък” гр. Бургас и гр. Плевен showing off their state-of-...

We had the pleasure of producing this video for МБАЛ “Сърце и Мозък” гр. Бургас и гр. Плевен showing off their state-of-the-art facilities, cutting edge technology and their team of highly skilled professionals 🩺

The future of Bulgarian healthcare is here.

Director: Yana Titova
DoP: Radoslav Gocheff
Edit / Color: Boyan Dechev
Starring: Vladimir Dimitrov

Yana TitovaDirectorRadoslav GocheffDoPBoyan DechevEditAleksander Aleksiev and Nicky StoichkovProducers



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Our History

NO BLINK studio is a production company.

We started with making short films 4 years ago. For the first three years, we made produced 20 short film. They can be viewed together with many other Bulgarian films on our short film platform- .

Today we work with many partners on numerous large scale projects. Over the last year we produced several major projects - the feature film "Dose of Happiness", the sport series "At the Weightlifters", 10 motion graphics video instructions for Dundee Precious Metals, corporate videos for companies like Tesy, Cargotec, Experian, Roche; book trailers, music videos, marketing videos for companies like Vivacom, Telenor, Metro, etc.

We will be happy to make the video that will best present you by telling your story.