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Tru Life Balance Doing the Inner Work 👩‍❤️‍👨
Blended a Family of 10+❤️
Exploring Tru Freedom & Enlightenment 🪷

What does freedom mean to you?? Today we celebrate the United States Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of a c...

What does freedom mean to you??

Today we celebrate the United States Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of a crown.

Every day is an opportunity to practice the independence that comes from liberating ourselves from the ultimate oppressor; our own mind, stories, and ego.

Happy 4th of July, friends!!

I recently had the opportunity to be on the Retire Wealthy & Happy Podcast! I had an amazing conversation with Earl and ...

I recently had the opportunity to be on the Retire Wealthy & Happy Podcast! I had an amazing conversation with Earl and ! I love that they are shining light on retirement plan in the real estate space! Most Realtors don’t have a 401k so investing in real estate is our retirement plan! They let me know that this episode already has several hundred downloads after just a couple hours and is proving to be their most popular, so make sure to check it out! 🙌🏼


Setting Intention is something that I truly believe in and have seen work wonders in my own life. This my be Woo-Woo but it is very REAL🌎
🌟 Intention-setting is all about telling the universe what you want and need. It's about being intentional with your thoughts and actions, and then manifesting those intentions into reality. You see, everything in the universe is energy, and intention is just energy. When you set an intention, you're putting out a specific kind of energy that the universe responds to.
💖 I make it a habit to set an intention each week, especially when it comes to my family and connections. For example, my intention could be to connect at a deep level with my partner or to spend quality time with my children. Writing down your intention and looking at it often helps you stay focused on your goal, and that energy helps manifest the intention.
✨ It's amazing how I have written an intention down and then look back later to realize that it made its way into my life. That's the power of intention-setting! It's all about being mindful and intentional with your thoughts and then take massive actions.
📖 So, my advice to you is to make it a habit to set an intention each week, and focus on those intentions. Whether it's to strengthen your family relationships, deepen your connections with loved ones, or simply show more gratitude, make that intention a priority. The Tru Life Balance Journal has been instrumental in helping me stay focused and mindful of my intentions, so I highly recommend it. (Link in Bio📲)
👁️ Remember, your thoughts become your reality, so be intentional with them, set your intentions, and watch as the universe responds in amazing ways!


Celebrate Your Wins Every Week!!

Our ego tends to focus on areas of our life that we are falling short as a defense mechanism and validate our personal limiting beliefs and devalues everything that we do well.

By instead, focusing and celebrating on all the WINS we have had EVERY WEEK, we are able to generate more motivation to go out and continue performing at a higher level.

Where our focus goes, GROWS💯

This is a tool that I utilize in my “Tru Life Balance Journal” (link in bio) where I have a section dedicated to a Weekly Meeting with Self to take inventory for how our last week went. This tool not only ensures that I am on track to reach my goals on a weekly basis but it actually ensures that I focus on my successes every week and it actuallyrewires my mind to be more grateful and aware of the successes I have on my personal journey!!


Watch as we record episode 31 of our Podcast “Partner Accountability for Self Actualization”



When we take a step back from the problem and stresses we feel and create the space we need, the heart will tell us the answer✨The issue is we get so preoccupied with our lives and just spinning our wheels each day that we never slow down and give our heart a chance to speak!

This is one of the the key tools I utilize in my Tru Life Balance Journey!! (Link in Bio📲)

By scheduling a 1 hour think time with your self where you take the 30,000 ft view of your situation each week, you are better able to see the whole picture and easy some of the stress and overwhelming we may be feeling🌸


AGENTS, clearly defining your Sphere of Influence is the first step to building your Real Estate career!

If you take an hour of pure think time and list out all the people you know, I bet you will surprise yourself with how many people you know!!

Start with the contacts in your phone…
Then go to your social media…(huge hack)
Then go to your high-school year book!

Once you have all of these contacts in your CRM/Google sheet (DM us for our free template) you can start calling and catching out with your sphere. Get to know how life has been then, have an authentic connection and then tell them you are a real estate agent, just in case they are looking to buy or sell or if you know anyone and… before you know it you will have plenty of people looking for business!

More effective than cold calling💯

The people who know you, like you are the one who are most likely to do business with you!


Take your Book of Business SERIOUSLY!👏👏👏
This is the backbone of any good real estate agent!💯

Your book of business is a database with all of your potential and past clients information like name, phone, email to start. you can expand from that however you would like. I recommend you keep track of the last time you talked to each contact as well as a notes section to remember what you talked about. And for past clients, record the anniversary of your last transaction so you can send a reminder message. ✨

You can keep your Book of Business in a CRM or just a simple google sheet if you would like!

Message me "Book of Business" and I will send you my google sheets template that I started with to build my database!👌

If you would like to learn more how to become a better agent and potentially join the Tru Agency team from anywhere in the nation, schedule a 1 on 1 with Tiffany here! 📲

Tiffany Gourley Lancaster
Tru Agency Team


Committing to each other (at a surface level) seems to be a given when it comes to relationships but as you get into the mud, it becomes an incredible challenge.

Being able to choose love in the moments when your ego is firing and you are feeling defensive, judgment or fear is no easy task. Being able to take a step back out of your individual perspective and see your relationship as a whole allows us to refocus on what is most important.

Committing to each other means that in times of term oil, when emotions are heightened, we choose to recommit to our relationship rather than diving back into defensiveness or judgment or the "need to be right".

We become aware of the emotions we are feeling and do our best to set our ego aside because we both are committed to growing together in our love for eachother.


Radical Honesty was the basis of our Relationship.

I had to go through 15 years of an unhappy marriage and layers upon layers of hurt and suffering to learn that if I would just be really honest about who I am and what I have done, I can take my power back and let go of the shame.

By being Radically Honest with your partner you build a foundation of trust that you can always fall back on when you face challenges in your relationship. This one lesson has been KEY in the success of our marriage.

And being Radically honest allows you to finally be seen by your partner. Once you stop trying to be anything besides who you really are, you meet a new level of vulnerability and your love for one another will reach new heights

 Podcast Available!! Our little bird has left the nest!😭😥🥲We are so grateful to have an h...

New Podcast Available!!
Our little bird has left the nest!😭😥🥲
We are so grateful to have an hour of deep, meaningful conversation with our son Javen on our podcast before he left to Fresno, California for summers sales!
Javen is such a bright kid and we are so excited to see life he will lead. Javen is hit the road yesterday morning and Tiffany has been watching his GPS location non-stop since!😂 We are so, so proud of Javen for taking these step toward his dreams! Javen owns his own apparel company "Enlighten Fits" with the mission of sharing positive messages as seed to reach enlightenment on simple stylish clothing, give it a look!

Javen Dunn

So grateful to have our 18 year old son, Javen on our podcast! Javen is Tiffany's second child from her first marriage and he is such an amazing addition to ...


All of us will be victomized at some point but choosing to stay a victom an have the victom mind set, that is a choice!💯

Tiffany never allowed herself to have a victom mindset dispide everything she has gone through... Losing her dad at the young age of 8 years old and being left to be raised by an incompantent alcholic mother, then being in a highly abusive marrage as a young adult. She never took the stance of the victom becuase she belived as soon as your believe the universe is happiung TO you rather then FOR you, is when you give your power away.👏

Tiffany is the strongest women I know and she continues to amazse me every day. So, so thankful to have her in my life💕


The foundation of our relationship was built on radical honesty. 💯👏👀

We both where facing our own nightmare in our individual divorces and when we met, it was really just us comparing war stories ⚠️💀

Our game became who can bring out a skeleton out of their closest that could potentially scare the other one away and after we shared ever dark face we have ever worn, nothing scared us away 💕

With this radical honesty as the basis of our new relationship, we new that we could trust each other at the deepest level rather then repeating the same cycles that failed our last marriages. Building that foundation of trust really is what allowed our relationship to grow and furnish today. 🌸


Does your boyfriend follow THIRST TRAPS on social media? 🫦💦

This isn’t always a bad thing for a relationship (most times it is) but if you are not clear with your partner weather or not this is right for your relationship, this is very real way for resentment to build in a relationship in our modern world… we can’t speak for everyone and every relationship, but for ours, this is a HARD NO! 👏💯
Where your attention goes, your energy goes and it grows 🌱 we want to grow our relationship together and we decide that it is not in our benefit for us to follow other people just because they are attractive.

This is right in line with P**N! Subconsciously, when we watch p**n we are comparing our partners to this unrealistic standard, these hyper sexualized, perfect individuals and that is just an unhealthy, unrealistic expectation to plan in your relationship.

It is worth having an open and honest conversation about how to set boundaries and expectations about THIRST TRAPS and P**N, to keep both of you feeling comfortable and respected.

Half way though interviewing all  8 of our kids about what is like living in a blended family… been really sweet to get ...

Half way though interviewing all 8 of our kids about what is like living in a blended family… been really sweet to get to sit down and have real talk with our kid. We asked each one of our kids what their experiences where meeting and eventually learning to love their new step siblings and step parent. We asked about the different challenge they each had and talk about the good times and turning points! Really excited with how it going and we as super excited to introduce the rest of the members of our family!

Episode 24-27 check them out!!


Having a partner who is doing the inner work with you is the fastest way to reach enlightenment because you use each other as mirrors to reflect back at each other our inner shadows. When we are alone it is very easy to simply not look at the part of ourselves that we don't like and so those parts of ourselves never get healed. The work is always our own to do but when we have a partner they can shine light on the toxic traits we carry that would normally go unnoticed.

The paradoxical nature of this concept is that only the person we love most in this world is the one who can trigger us the most. We need their affection. If some random person came up and pointed out your flaws, most of use would be like " f*ck that guy" and then avoid them. When it is our lover we are forced to take a real look inward to try to heal that part of yourself. With no shame or judgment. Knowing this was probably a trait that we unconsciously learned from our imperfect parents.

We often project our inner wounds onto our partners, but this is our chance to do the inner work, so we can better understand ourselves and one another.


💡Impacting the Collective means making a difference in your household, community, and with those you interact with daily. 🌍Taking the wisdom we've gained and using it to make the world a better place than when we arrived. 💛By showing up for those closest to our hearts and having a positive impact on the world closest to us. 🌿Small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on someone in need.🤗 So, let's integrate our spiritual experiences and wisdom into our daily lives, making the world a happier place for all.❤️



Tonight was one of those surreal moments where I just want to keep pinching myself to make sure I’m not dreaming!

Brad and I have been Satsang fans since 2017. The first time we met Drew McMannus was at Wanderlust, a yoga festival that we went to every year in Squaw Valley. It was the first time we took our kids and we sat in an acoustic sounds bath with Drew as he played someone else’s guitar. He wasn’t loving the guitar but the experience was life changing for us! We soaked in every moment!

The lyrics that Drew writes just speak to our soul. He is so vulnerable, raw and REAL! The song ‘I AM’ is like a mantra around our house. Our kids have become just as big of fans as we are. There have been countless Sunday mornings where we had Satsang playing in the house.

We have been to lots of Satsang shows, we’ve gotten backstage passes and have even met Drew several times. You guys, when I say that Satsang is our favorite artist, I REALLY mean that!

So when Jimmy Rex (one of Brad’s best friends) told Brad that he had met Drew at a retreat we were so blown away! The universe works in mysterious ways.

The WATT conference was phenomenal but I could have never imagined it ending like this! Jimmy told all of his friends on stage tonight that if you’re gone be his friend, he’s going to push you out of your comfort zone, and he meant it. Tonight he told Brad that he was going to have him sing with Drew. Brad resisted and Jimmy persisted and won! 😂

Drew also brought his beautiful wife and son, which we got to meet! Tonight was definitely one for the books!


Spiritual bypassing is where one is avoiding the interwork it takes to integrate wisdom into their personal life, while also caught up in the ego of having a spiritual identity.

We can't skip the work necessary to reach enlightenment and focus on the blissful feelings alone. We are all about Love, Joy and Peace but the world is also hard and complicated. It's just the nature of polarity.

We have to work in our lives, in our family, our communities to have our effect on the world. Having a positive effect on the ones we love most!

Don't just focus on the feelings of enlightenment, rather embrace the day to day work it takes to continue on your path. This work is taking your kids to school, going to work, cleaning the kitchen, and doing it all your best because how you do anything is how you do everything.
The discipline of every day.

Tune in to the podcast now!


Being present is the key to alleviating, depression and anxiety. At any point in your life that you felt pure joy or bliss, you were profound present and at easy with you self and your surroundings.✨ Simply showing up in this moment allows us to become more aware of the things that are really important to us. With our modern world, it is so easy to escape our reality and “not be” numb our selves out with endless stimulation on social media. So breaking out of the cycle and find a deep presence is key 🔑

This is my series of my “7 Keys of Consciousness” from my wellness journal published on Amazon, Tru Life Balance Journal. A 90 day planner to help you achieve your goals while keeping a balance life, explained though the perspective of the Chakra system. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍

link in my bio for my journal!📲


Shame-Free Living - a teaching of Christ

After being raised a Christian for my whole life, after 50 years, For the first time, I truly understood the power and grace behind Jesus’ teachings. Forgiveness and compassion have given me the confidence and freedom to embrace my mistakes and move forward with grace.

Dispite being excommunicated from the church of Latter Day Saints and hating everything the church stood for for the most of the last decade. I finally have healed my spiritual trauma and I know what the feeling is of Christ. I just had to learn what it really meant to me outside of the limiting confines of what the church told me I had to be in order to be worthy. I am finally at a place that I am proud of where my spiritual journey began.


Journey to Self-Discovery 🧘‍♂️
I am sharing my experiences overcoming spiritual trauma .

It isn't easy, and looking back I “cringe” at how defensive I was 🤦🏻‍♂️but when my partner asked me to do the Namaste Together challenge, i knew i would have to do it full out because how we do anything is how we do everything. I was taken through a very beautiful exercise where I was able to uncover the lies and limiting beliefs that I have accepted about myself, that were given to me by the other imperfect humans in my life. Now, I am sharing my journey in attempts inspire others to embark on their own path to spiritual healing 💫So so grateful for my wife Tiffany for healing me ask the hard questions and pushing me to grow🤍


Finding Faith in Love

💭 Beliefs and spirituality can be a tricky thing in relationships. When Brad and I first got together, he identified as an atheist and I felt a connection to something more. But that didn't change our love for each other. 💕

My father passed away when I was 7 and in all the challenges i faced, I always felt like he waw there helping my though. When brad denide any greater power, that felt dangours to me!

With where we were at on our inidivudal paths, this was a small discounect for us. Howeverit just so happened to be that brad would later heal his spiritual trama and begin to engage with his perzsoanl sence of spirituality.

The key was we had to ahve open and honest conversations about our beliefs and learned to accept and respect each other's perspectives.🌟 It's important to remember that growth and change are a part of life and our beliefs may evolve over time. The most important thing is to have open communication and love for one another. 💛


💕 Relationships are a choice, not a destiny. We believe in free will and that we were meant to be together when we were meant to be together. 💭

The beauty of choice is that it gives us the power to make different choices at any point. If it is no longer serving us to be in this relationship, then reserve the right to leave in the pursuit of happiness. We chose to recommit to our relationships every day because we believe we will be happiest together..

A reminder that any relationship is no more than 30 days away from being over if one of the partners stops choosing the other.💖 It's a daily choice to continue choosing each other.

What is interdependent?

When two empowered individuals that are spiritually, financially and mentally independent choose one another because they understand that together they are greater than the sum of their parts.💛


💭 Growth and evolution in a relationship can be challenging but inescapable. We either grow together or apart…

It's important to be honest with ourselves and our partner about where we are in our personal journey.

We made a pact to always communicate and address any struggles in our relationship. It's NOT always easy, but it's necessary for growth.💕

A healthy relationship requires work and commitment. It's about being true to ourselves and being open to the possibility of change and growth.💛

Keep an eye out for our next post about the hard conversations we had with each other and how we found common ground.

At the end of the day, you have these hard conversations as a form of LOVE! You deal with the discomfort because you want to invest in the love you share together.

Are you struggling because your partner is refusing to grow?
Have you dealt with this in the past but found common ground with your partner?
Let us know about it in the comments.




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