So this isn't an easy post to make, but because of my small involvement in the Sea of Thieves streaming community, I think I should say something. Recently, it's been revealed that LGBTQ+ streamers in the Sea of Thieves community had been getting harassed, both in-game and out, by some of the SoT Partner Streamer's communities and even by large streamers like Summit1G. And Rare did nothing about this. They tried to sweep it under the rug and even went and started promoting Summit1G. A lot of streamers have left the game due to this and, while I'm a small streamer, I am a streamer and so I and LauraS have decided to stop streaming Sea of Thieves and stand against the homophobic, toxic community that Rare has built. We will be looking at streaming other games for our normal Wednesday Night Streams and we hope that other streamers in the Facebook Gaming Community follow suit. Gaming has gotten a rotten reputation for being toxic to women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ people and while these small actions alone might not seem like much, together they can change the gaming culture to one that everyone can enjoy and not face such bigotry and hate we've all seen. When we sailed in Sea of Thieves, the HMS Bess sailed under the Rainbow Flag in support of the LGBTQ+ and to show we were fun and friendly pirates. Due to Rare's inactions and actions, we can't do so and call ourselves allies.
When Rare announced their pirate-adventure-sandbox Sea of Thieves to the world, the studio put an emphasis on developing the game alongside a community of players. A part of this was establishing a Pirate Code that dictated—among other things—“Everyone is welcome on the Sea of Thieves regardle...