Life and Love.
In life, one should learn how to be less worried in every situation we find ourselves around,
Sometimes its not really a bad situation but a challenge to a better life.
Life is full up and down.
The up is:
When we see everything so good and beautiful, we escape trouble and challenge in all daily activities, we do share good memories and have good times with friends and loves one, at this point, we look at life and say its good to live life.
The Down is:
Most the time, challenges and problem came in at the time which we don't expect, many of us keep this questions “GOD WHY” as the first words we say at everything that happens around us, things might not be working good doesn't mean that life ends there, sometimes we pass through the stressful days for a better life ahead, but many people will not understand the meaning of ups&down, in some cases, friends and family will excuse you mostly when you need more of their help, you might as well ask yourself why is everyone avoiding me at this time..?, You never still get it right b'cos all happened for a few reasons you might not understand.
Likely they say the down fall of a man is not the end point of his life, many of those who say i love you far back in better day, will be avoiding you with different excuses, the worst of it all is that, if you have a dream or a career and your family stand against it, don't expect people to be completely happy for you, some people won't support you talkless of believing in your career, they can only believe in your career and your dreams when the dream bring success, so never you see it as anything it's also part of love.
Nomatter any challenges you're going through in life, always look at the solutions, stop looking at the problems, b'cos the you looking at the problems, the problem is bringing you down.
If you have a dream or career, go for it, and make it a positive one, always try to create a good impact in societies to affect life. DON'T GIVE UP