Addition Marketing

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Addition Marketing Owned and operated by the sister-duo, Annaliese and Nicole, Addition Marketing was born out of our p

This is your reminder that everyone needs a little support from time to time. 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏾We know for sure that without each ...

This is your reminder that everyone needs a little support from time to time.

👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏾We know for sure that without each other we wouldn’t have started this venture into the business world.

💕 Without the friends and family supporting us we wouldn’t have kept going.

🧳 Without those people who put their trust in us we wouldn’t have found where we can provide the most help for businesses.

And without the network of people we’ve met along the way we wouldn’t be as inspired as we are to continue on this journey to achieve our BIG GOALS!

Most of all, we’ve learnt that without reaching out to people who can help you grow you’ll often be stuck in the one spot trying to do it all yourself.

So if you’re feeling the stresses of business, or you feel like you need to ‘do it all’, remember to take a breather, look around and ask for help - your body, mind and business will thank you for it!

All businesses want to make a sale but what happens during this process that makes your business unforgettable? 🤔 To ans...

All businesses want to make a sale but what happens during this process that makes your business unforgettable? 🤔

To answer that, we want to take you on a little trip down ✨ The Customer Journey ✨

The Customer Journey encapsulates the entire process a person has with your business. This includes
▪️Before they purchase
▪️During the sale/service experience and

All these touchpoints give you a lot of opportunities to make your mark and be that business they go onto to tell their friends about, or come rushing back again and again.

While there are so many ways you can engage your customer the one that is often forgotten about is post-purchase.

A few ways that you can optimise this phase are:
🌟 Ask them to leave a review
📱 Encourage them to share something on social media
🎁 Send a thank you note or gift
💬 Share a referral code they can share with friends

How many of these do you do once a customer walks out the door?

Drop a comment below if you want to know more about the customer journey. And if you need help understanding the wild world of marketing and what’s best for your business, drop us a message and let’s chat!


No matter your business - whether you’re a personal trainer, have a restaurant or run local tours - you should be thinking about the entire customer experience.

Here are three things to consider when assessing your customer experience:

1️⃣ What are the touchpoints between your customer and your business?

2️⃣ Is the process smooth and are you guiding the customer along a journey pre, during and after their experience with you?

3️⃣ Is the way you speak to your customer at each touchpoint consistent?

We talk about this and so much more on the podcast. Thanks once again to the fan-bloody-tastic for having us on!

Listen here:

Goal #1 for 2022: be invited onto a podcast ✅

This is the scariest thing we've ever done! 😰Believe it or not, it WASN’T jumping from a plane ✈️ It wasn't swinging 300...

This is the scariest thing we've ever done! 😰

Believe it or not, it WASN’T jumping from a plane ✈️ It wasn't swinging 300m between mountains in New Zealand 🏔 And it wasn't walking through London Dungeons 🧟 (though Annaliese would say that was a close second!)

But it has been running a business.

It's scary. Every day we must be prepared to jump out of the plane. But much the same as all those other experiences, it also come with a THRILL, pure elation, and adrenaline.

You realise what you are truly capable of and that feeling pushes you to get ready to go again despite the fear. 👊🏼

That's how we feel every day running a business. Every day we’re chasing the next thrill to jump even further. 🪂

So, as we winddown 2021 and look ahead to 2022, we’re setting an intention to continue to jump. To be brave. To embrace change and the fear of the unknown in order to chase the next thrill.

What's one thing you're dedicating the next year to?

Here’s the secret to turning one customer into eight? 🙊Our friends over at  revealed that 78% of people rave about their...

Here’s the secret to turning one customer into eight? 🙊

Our friends over at revealed that 78% of people rave about their favourite recent experiences to people they know at least once per week. 🎙💬

These raving fans can keep your business thriving and have the power to catapult your growth. 📈

So, how can you turn every customer into a raving fan?
Swipe through our tips and save the checklist for later.

Together we’ve travelled to 24 countries ✈️🌎…and if we weren't literally locked in our homes for the last 2 years, we’re...

Together we’ve travelled to 24 countries ✈️🌎

…and if we weren't literally locked in our homes for the last 2 years, we’re sure that number would have been even higher (Mexico and South America was next up on the list!)

I don't think there will be a day when we’ll stop travelling (we have no doubt that we’ll be the ones still planning the girls trip to Europe in 20 years) 👯‍♀️

What keeps us going back for more isn't just about being able to add another flag to our insta bios. 🇯🇵🇲🇦🇪🇸

But it's for the memories. For the experiences we collect. It’s part of creating an extraordinary life. ✨

But travelling is only one way to do this. We also love trying new restaurants, new activities (have you ever tried axe throwing? 🪓 and attending events.

All these things give us the same thrill as travelling overseas. It’s the opportunity to experience a new (micro) world and see a new perspective.

This is why we choose to serve experience and entertainment businesses. It’s because we believe they provide the essence of a great life.

Opportunities for shared experience.

What’s one memorable experience you’ve had recently?

The great debate on social media is always...Am I not posting enough OR am I not posting the right content that hits my ...

The great debate on social media is always...

Am I not posting enough OR am I not posting the right content that hits my audience.

For someone without social media experience, we bet there are a lot of WTF's and 🤯's when you see the mixed signals coming from the 'experts'.

Well, if you want our advice, it's this 👇

Start with QUANTITY. You're new here and we bet the content strategy you start with won't be the one you end up with (we know that from experience). Just getting into the routine of posting will help you be more confident, will show you which content is on the money, and what is valuable to your audience.

💰 Speaking of value

This is where QUALITY comes in. Once you know who your audience is, what they vibe with and what they want to see, you can craft a sharp, targeted message.

So which will it be for your business right now? Quality or Quantity 🤔

🔖 Save this post for later as a reminder that you don't have to follow what everyone tells you to do, you just need to find what works for you.

If you took a look at our bank accounts you’d quickly figure out what we love most is…FOOD! 🌮🍕🥙🍟🥓🥟🍦🍹🍷☕️And we are more t...

If you took a look at our bank accounts you’d quickly figure out what we love most is…


And we are more than happy that that’s the case.

Not just because we love to eat (even though that is also true).

But because it fits our values. ✨

That may sound strange, but hear us out. 👂🏽

Whether it’s a rooftop bar with friends, a family dinner at a local restaurant or trying a new cuisine (it was Polish for us last weekend 🥟) - these are all experiences. And that’s what we value. We aim to fill our lives with experiences as we believe that’s what makes a full life.

This is also why we love working with businesses that focus on providing experiences for others, because they contribute to building fun, full lives.

Does what you invest in reflect your values?

What is an experience business? To us, there's one tell tale sign of these businesses that set them out from the rest.It...

What is an experience business?

To us, there's one tell tale sign of these businesses that set them out from the rest.

It's not something tangible you walk out of the door with. Or that you get something you needed at the end.

It is the ✨ FEELING ✨ it brings you. It's the joy, excitement and thrill you get from trying something new or spending time creating memories with your friends or family.

It's that feeling which makes you come back again and again. And for us it's something we crave and try to fill our lives with us many experiences as possible.

Does this sound like the kind of thing your business gives people? Comment below if it does.

Yesterday we asked you all what comes to mind when you think of marketing. We received answers like advertising, social ...

Yesterday we asked you all what comes to mind when you think of marketing. We received answers like advertising, social media, public relations, market research and websites.

And while all these are definitely part of marketing, if you were to ask us what comes to mind when WE think of marketing, our answer would be a little different.

We like to think of marketing as the mouthpiece of your business. Its role is to communicate what goes on inside of your business to those outside of your business through a series of touchpoints that build trust, value and loyalty.

It’s the way you visually present your brand, it’s the words you use to describe your business, and it’s the channels you use to reach your potential customers - whether online or offline. All of these in combination are what marketing really is.

Still not 100% on the ins and outs of marketing? Shoot us a DM to pick our brains!

Oh, hey Instagram 👋 We know it’s been some time since we’ve spoke, so we just thought we'd take a second to catch up on ...

Oh, hey Instagram 👋 We know it’s been some time since we’ve spoke, so we just thought we'd take a second to catch up on what’s been happening in the life of Annaliese & Nicole…

➕ We’ve been working our little 🍑 off! There’s been a few late nights, weekends and even early mornings but we’ve loved having the opportunity to work with some awesome clients. (You guys are the 🐝 knees!)

➕ We got our first intern 🐶 Barney is our laziest employee, but also boosts morale in the office so he’ll be sticking around for a while.

➕ We moved 🏘 as if we didn’t see each other enough already, we thought why not just move in together and set up Addition HQ by the beach 🌊 (and just in time before lockdown 2.0 hit too)

➕We learnt that we REALLY love talking marketing and all things business – so we’ll be bringing more of this to you.

That’s been our lives for the past year or so.

What’s next for us you ask? 🤔

Probably more of the same, but this time we’re taking you along with us. Strap in for the rollercoaster ride that is running a business, plenty of marketing chat (because, you know, that’s just what we do) and some life stuff sprinkled in.

This has been one of our biggest projects to date, and one of our favourite! 😍 Thank you to our lovely Lauren at LV Beau...

This has been one of our biggest projects to date, and one of our favourite! 😍 Thank you to our lovely Lauren at LV Beauty Room for trusting us with this this next stage of your business journey.

Over the last 6 weeks we’ve provided creative direction for her rebrand, drafted website copy, designed multiple assets and integrated an ongoing social media launch and communications plan.

It was a pleasure working with Trent at Ctrl Alt Design Australia - it was such a seamless and fun process and couldn’t recommend him highly enough!

If you have an idea that you need help bringing to life, we’d love to help so get in touch!

Some call it a relic, we call it a treasure. 💎 Email marketing might seem like a thing of the past but don’t leave your ...

Some call it a relic, we call it a treasure. 💎 Email marketing might seem like a thing of the past but don’t leave your email lists behind to collect dust!

According to Hubspot, on average email generates $38 for every $1 spent, bettering most social media KPIs. Email subscribers are also 3x more likely to share social content - they are part of an engaged audience so there are no surprises there! You may not realise it but you own your email list, you don’t own your followers on your social accounts, so you should treat them like a business asset.

Something we’ve noticed is common amongst small businesses is that emails aren’t being used to their full potential. This might be because they don’t see value, struggle to create content or are unsure how to drive people to subscribe. So we’ve provided a few tips to help;

📩 Encourage your customers to opt-in so they become part of your business fam, and you can keep speaking to them even after they purchase.
🤔 Think about what you like to read and write about that. Provide education, value or reward your loyal customers with exclusive access to special offers or new launches.
🆓 Provide an incentive for people to subscribe to your email list with free downloads or discount codes.
🗝 If nothing else, be sure to keep a record of emails as these can be used to create lookalike audiences if you ever dive into Facebook Ads (more on this another time!)

Still need help with utilising your email list? - just slide into our DMs! 📥

From one side hustler to another…We started working with Emily from Bad Batch, a go-getter and kick-ass cookie queen, ba...

From one side hustler to another…
We started working with Emily from Bad Batch, a go-getter and kick-ass cookie queen, back in June to level up her social media advertising and since then we’ve helped sell over 1,000 of her quirky cookies. 😍🍪

From the get-go, we fell in love with Em’s vibe, her business and her sweet but hella sassy cookies. We knew that we had just landed a dream client and were so excited to help market a brand that we were passionate about. Thank you to Em for trusting us with your brand and we look forward to continuing this journey. She has some epic plans and we can’t wait to see it all come to life. This is exactly why we started Addition - to help businesses make their ideas a reality!

P.S. She’s giving away some of her bad-ass cookies, but the competition ends this Sunday. Head on over to our story for the details!
P.P.S. She’s also just released a Father’s Day hamper – a gift that’s guaranteed to be better than any dad jokes! 😉


Us: Advises clients to post regularly on socials
Also us: Doesn’t post on own socials for three months 🤦🏻‍♀️

We’ve clearly taken this whole ‘social distancing’ thing a little too seriously as it’s even impacted our presence online 😂 While we’ve been offline, we’ve been busily working away and thought we’d quickly catch you up.

So, we launched Addition two weeks before the pandemic hit. Really great timing hey!

We landed our first few clients which we’ve been working with over the last few months. We’ll introduce you to them soon!

We’ve made some great connections with other small businesses in the local Penrith and Hawkesbury area. We’re so lucky to have great word-of-mouth – something that is often so undervalued!

We both are still working in other full time marketing roles which is a challenge every day. It’s been stressful and scary, and yet liberating and exciting at the same time.

And now, we’re edging closer to our 6-month Addition anniversary. How crazy is that!

We’re off for now, but promise to be back soon! *Pinky promise!

Your little Monday reminder. ✨▪Whatever it is that you are working on. School. Uni. Work. Starting, or just trying to co...

Your little Monday reminder. ✨

Whatever it is that you are working on. School. Uni. Work. Starting, or just trying to continue to run a business in this crazy time.

You CAN and you WILL get through it!

Is anyone else grateful for this iso period? For us it’s been a blessing in disguise.▪While it definitely flipped our or...

Is anyone else grateful for this iso period? For us it’s been a blessing in disguise.

While it definitely flipped our original plan on its head, we’ve been so lucky to have the opportunity to work from home (rather than spend 3 hours each day commuting to the city 5 days a week) and instead, use that extra time to focus on building Addition Marketing. A passion we’ve been talking about non-stop for over a year.

While this isn't the journey we thought we’d be on, we’re learning to roll with the punches, juggle it all and loving the HUSTLE!

Have you learnt to be grateful for this strange time?

LV Beauty Room spends her days helping people put their best foot forward, and we love being able to help her do the sam...

LV Beauty Room spends her days helping people put their best foot forward, and we love being able to help her do the same with her social media planning.

For a lot of small businesses, posting regularly on socials can be an afterthought - if you’re one of those people, we’re currently working on something that will help!

From the wise words of Ross Gellar – now is the time to PIVOT! 🛋️ We’ve seen PTs and gyms provide home workouts and onli...

From the wise words of Ross Gellar – now is the time to PIVOT! 🛋️

We’ve seen PTs and gyms provide home workouts and online training, and restaurants turning to takeaway menus - where possible, this strategy needs to be adopted for all industries.

In these hard times, small businesses need to identify their clients' problems and find ways to pivot, adapt and diversity your offerings to provide solutions. We are fortunate enough to be living in the digital era where technology and social media allow us to maintain connections and facilitate business.

Even if it was never a direction you saw your business going, at this time, we have to embrace change, experiment and do all we can to keep our businesses running.

💇 Are you a hairdresser? Sell products and provide at-home tutorials.
🎼 Are you a performer? Provide singing, instrument or dance lessons online.
🏠 Are you a home decorator? Use technology to provide virtual consults.

We’ve seen some brilliant examples of business ‘pivots’ and predict that these will likely become additional revenue streams for these businesses.
Need some help with your business pivot? Get in touch, we’d love to help.

All businesses start from an idea. 💡 A simple thought that pops in your mind and excites you. They can come to you quick...

All businesses start from an idea. 💡 A simple thought that pops in your mind and excites you. They can come to you quickly or build slowly and develop into bigger plans. So how do you take this brilliant idea and make it a reality? That can often be the hard part, and many ideas can be left to die because they’re put into the ‘too hard basket’. That’s where we come in.

We love hearing your ideas and thinking about them critically and creatively to make them happen. We’re the extra pair of hands (and minds) to make the transition from idea to reality. We aim to always be considered as an addition to every business we work with and when you succeed, we do too.

Taking the first steps into owning a business has been a huge achievement for us. But it’s sad to hear that so many othe...

Taking the first steps into owning a business has been a huge achievement for us. But it’s sad to hear that so many other women don’t even make it to this point. According to recent research, 60% of women who considered starting a business, didn’t because they lacked the confidence to do so. Maybe it’s because of . (Don’t know what it is? We’ve written a whole blog about it below.)

On this , we wanted to thank the amazing women that have kept us out of this statistic by being a source of inspiration and support, and helping us to silence our inner critic that sometimes told us that we couldn’t make it happen. These women are building their empires or just dominating in their careers and lives.

Penny Lane Bookkeeping
LV Beauty Room
ACE Tutored
Boost Juice Rouse Hill
Bella Curtains
CPM Online Marketing
Hair By Dani_T
Everything Nice Embroidery
Natasha Vella Music

Finally, we’ve launched Addition Marketing! For us it’s been 12 months of ideas, conversations, doubts and excitement; so it’s such a relief to finally be here and ready to share this passion project of ours with you. For us, even just taking the first steps into owning a business is a huge ac...

Hello 👋, we’re new around here, so thought we’d introduce ourselves…We’re Annaliese & Nicole, a pair of marketing-geek s...

Hello 👋, we’re new around here, so thought we’d introduce ourselves…

We’re Annaliese & Nicole, a pair of marketing-geek sisters (who are often mistaken as twins 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏾) from Western Sydney. We’ve been toying with the idea of starting up our own marketing agency for the last 12 months or so and thought it was time to make that idea a reality!

…introducing Addition Marketing. 🤗

Being surrounded by small business owners our whole lives, we’ve noticed that the biggest thing that stops most from executing on big plans, is that they need some additional help to get started. It just so happens that our greatest passion is helping businesses realise their full potential…and so Addition Marketing was born.

We’ll be popping back on here from time to time with updates from our clients, tips & tricks, things that inspire us or that we just want to share. So if you’d like to catch up again, give us a sneaky little follow and come along for the journey.

But for now, we’re just excited to be here, to getting this off the ground and making it all happen.

See you soon,
➕ A&N



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