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Triumph News Network - TNN Bringing the truth to the people through sharing news sources, articles, and videos.


This went over most everyone's head.

Nancy Pelosi was the 52nd speaker of the house.

Watch the video in the comment from a few days ago. The 45th speaker of the house? Who was the 44th?

First hint. It was in 1875.

2nd hint. It most likely is the same reason Trump knew he didn't need to put his hand on the Bible to be sworn in.

They are always leaving crumbs everywhere for those who are awake.


UNBELIEVABLE! The worst fears have been confirmed with this study released Dec 18th. For those vaccinated, the risk of d...

UNBELIEVABLE! The worst fears have been confirmed with this study released Dec 18th.

For those vaccinated, the risk of death is 69 TO 94% HIGHER. That my friends is catastrophic.

I feel absolutely awful for those that bought into the ridiculous lying narrative propaganda by the media people trusted while mocking us "crazy conspiracy theorists" for trying to show the writing on the wall. Do you now see why us truthers have been calling it the death shot since 2021? You would think even just one statistic like the one I posted in 2022 would have been enough. "For over 50 years, the average number of sudden cardiac arrests in sports was 126 per year. In the year following the vaccine, it jumped to over 2,200." People still wouldn't listen.

Turbo cancers emerged. People who got Covid got it ten times worse than the unvaccinated. Kids with myocarditis at rates never before seen.

If you got this thing, you need to go to work fixing all of the things it has done and is doing to your body. Vitamins, clean eating, exercise, immune builders, pro-biotics, etc.


New study published 18th December 2024 confirms the worst fears.

The covid vaccines were a huge gamble because there was no long term safety data.

And the data now confirms that that gamble was a catastrophic error.

For while this new study found a 4 to 8% decrease in the risk of death for those vaccinated in the medium term, in the longer term, the risk of death was 69 to 94% higher for the vaccinated.

So for a negligible benefit against Covid, after one year the benefit was reversed and the vaccinated showed a substantially greater risk of death.

The study’s authors suggest that "the Covid 19 vaccines
may have an indirect effect on the immune system" and the effects "could contribute to an increased risk of death from other causes over time."

The Covid vaccines should be immediately pulled off the market.

And those that lined up to be injected, based upon politicians promises of "safe & effective" should be absolutely furious.

For anyone interested in the flat vs globe debate that's been raging for years, there is something called The Final Expe...

For anyone interested in the flat vs globe debate that's been raging for years, there is something called The Final Experiment going on right now. Pastor Will Duffy invited people from both sides to Antarctica to see if a 24 hour sun exists. 9 people have met up yesterday in South America and will be leaving for Antarctica on Saturday. His goal was to put an end to the debate and prove once and for all who has been right.

That's turned out to be more challenging than expected as flat earthers quickly began coming up with other reasons there can be a 24 hour sun. For years flat earthers have said things like "let's go to Antarctica, that will prove flat or globe." "We would love to go but it's off limits. Governments don't allow anyone to go." "Every video of a 24 hour sun is doctored or edited." Those statements are why Will chose to actually go there, to once and for all end the debate.

It's been very interesting to say the least. If you would like to follow, there is a YouTube channel and a website with a ton of interviews, debates, and trip updates.

The Final Experiment | Antarctica Expedition to End the Flat vs. Globe Earth Debate


I read something today that hit me right where I needed it, when I needed it, so I felt led to share it. Video in comments since Facebook hates my Rumble channel. 🙄



A large percentage of the American people do not realize how close we really are to nuclear annihilation because this is what the Biden regime wants. We are much closer than the Cuban Missile Crisis when all Americans were deathly afraid of a nuclear exchange, back when news reported everything going on. So they're not telling people how close we are.

We now have people in Russia trying to calm the entire situation since our government has gone silent on it. And check this out. This is simply unbelievable. The American embassy has blocked Zelensky from doing any interviews with reporters besides CNN or NBC. Private companies and individuals being told who they can speak to in other countries. If that doesn't tell you what their propaganda tools are nothing will. See video in comments.


Biden has now granted 1 billion dollars to homes affected in Africa while people in North Carolina are still suffering after receiving their tiny $700. Someone I know was just there in Asheville giving out nearly 2,000 meals because there are now so many displaced and homeless people. And believe it or not, there are actually people that support this decision by Biden. It is baffling and basically just plain evil. Your government could care less about you.

As hard as it may be at times, it is what we are called to do, be like-minded. It must have been important as Paul not o...

As hard as it may be at times, it is what we are called to do, be like-minded. It must have been important as Paul not only told the church at Rome this, but also the church at Phillipi. Check this out.

Romans 15:5-6
Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Philippians 2:2-3
fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Sometimes we confuse being like-minded with having the same opinion. That would be uniformity of opinion, not like-minded. So he describes it several different ways.

Having the same love
Being of one accord
Of one mind

"One mind and one mouth" in Romans. And we do what with that? Glorify God. We are to "mind" that one thing, God's love for the church and our love for one another no matter the differences of opinion.

I can assure you that during conflict, if those 2 people stopped and sought to together Glorify God together, to then "esteem each other better than themselves", their differences will crumble and seem much less important.

A good reminder today for us believers especially during times of turmoil or disagreement. Sometimes we forget to keep the main thing the main thing.


N**i N**i N**i 😂😂😂 A specialist in TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is helping people recover.

Link in Comments 👇


It is removing anything I post on TNN. I believe this page has been flagged by Facebook. I will keep trying.


Right on brother!! Bringing God back to homes, schools, the country, and the UFC!!

**My Rumble channel has been flagged by Facebook as disinformation and therefore shadow banned. Amazing even though I post nothing that I haven't personally verified as truth. I know it's harder to share like this, but such is the world we live in now. See below 👇


I've just noticed that when I click share to both my personal page and to TNN, it stopped over a week ago sharing to TNN. My apologies.

Be sure to also follow my personal page to get all content. I will start double posting to here also.

This will be long but worth the read. After talking to someone who was on the inside of the election process and to a fe...

This will be long but worth the read. After talking to someone who was on the inside of the election process and to a few other credible sources, here's what is going on. The great question. Why didn't the left do the same thing they did in 2020?

First, for those that aren't wondering how one of the greatest voter turnouts in history (2024) ended up with 15 million votes (or whatever it ends up being) less than 2020, go back to sleep, we'll take it from here. 😂

1. Proof of the Steal. Remember the most unpopular president in history ending up with the highest vote count in history at 81.2 million when he could barely fill a middle school gymnasium? Please just stop if you bought the "it was because of Covid" narrative or Vivek Ramashady's take, "people just showed up to vote against Trump." Don't trust that guy. He has no plans to help further bring 2020 to light.

Anyway, in 2020, riots brought tens of thousands out. Protests brought tens of thousands out. Trump brought tens of thousand out every single location. People were still going to events they wanted to go to!! Oh but for this insanely popular man named Biden, 200 people came out....if he was lucky and half of those were paid. They even photoshopped people in to event photos. They did the same for Kamala. Oh and let's not forget every single bellwether indicator being wrong, a 100% statistical impossibility. Precincts having 105% turnout. There were hundreds of statistical impossibilites if you dive deep into the data as I did after several data engineers and experts had.

2. Why was 2024 so different? Why didn't they do the same? Well they did to a certain degree, quite a bit actually. Trucks full of ballots did indeed show up in the middle of the night in several states. The unknown is did someone stop them? But those weren't to steal the election. They were to make the difference between Kamala and Trump less.

There were 2 bomb threats, Atlanta and Pennsylvania to attempt to shut down the poles. It was quickly discovered and reported that it was false reports.

Prior to the election, Trump said that the Patriots had identified fraud in Pennsylvania and it was being dealt with. He also said you can rest assured that those involved will be put in prison. There were a lot more eyes watching for that stuff this go around, and the thieves were scared.

Keep this in mind. It took tens of thousands of people to pull off 2020. A LOT of those spent 4 years hearing about possible indictments if the same thing happened again. In 2020 those people had everything going their way. Dissenting voices were being silenced. Censorship was at an all time high. You couldn't even mention the word "steal" without having your account shut down. Criminals were being let free and not prosecuted. They felt they could do whatever they wanted. But then came 2024. Thousands refused this time knowing if Trump won, they might end up in jail.

The Patriots were 100% prepared for this. Trump had people in place everywhere to quickly shut down all attempts. There were hundreds more of those attempts that just haven't been revealed. They have been planning for these attempts for 4 years.

Remember this for future issues!!! This is precisely why 2020 NEEDED to happen. Trump said back in 2006 that all elections had been rigged for years. He said back in 2015 that this was his biggest reason for running in 2016. Without fair elections, you don't have a country for the people and by the people. He wanted to give the country back to the people. 2020 was the ultimate setup. The man is one of the most brilliant strategists in the world and has one goal, save the country he loves, same goal he's held for decades now.

When it comes to actual votes cast, they could not have Kamala get the tiny amount she actually got. That would be a horrible look. The machines did what they were programmed to do. She did NOT receive 70 million votes, nowhere close to that. Data taken from many of the machines over the last 4 years showed that each ballot gets weighted, many machines showed numbers like .79% Trump, 1.21% Biden. It is different in every district. That is how they change the results. Well one way. It requires many, a lot of moving parts. Also, several independent polls show that the woke left is actually less than 20% of the entire population. Just because it seems to be all you see on TV and news doesn't mean it's popular. It's not. So do the math on Kamala's vote count.

Without the additional 15 million bogus ballots, voter turnout for Trump overwhelmed the algorithm since really all that was left was those machines. BUT AND A BIG OLE BUT!! Both sides knew it would!!! The machines cannot do all the legwork to steal an election with that kind of turnout and it would have been even more obvious than 2020. It is estimated it would have been more like Trump 90 - 100 million plus, Kamala 50 million or probably even less. Trump had 100K plus turn out for rallies. He sold out Madison Square Garden and entire arenas in Phoenix, Atlanta, etc. The math is easy to see for all you critical thinkers out there.

6 months ago somebody asked me if I thought the same thing would happen as 2020. I said I didn't believe it would because I figured the left would let it go and that 2020 was the setup to get prepared for 2024. All of the parading of Kamala around, fake supporter turnout, etc. was to make the final count more believable. They knew they couldn't rig this one.

It could also very well be they've lost so much power that they are struggling now. Unbeknownst to many, the Patriots have been taking people down in the background for 4 years. They have lists of those who participated in 2020. A lot of those people got *anonymously* contacted. Trump needed 2020 to know who was in on it. He found out who by letting it happen. This is what many of us were trying to tell people back in 2020. Remember this? "You can't tell them. You have to show them." This was the only way to do that. And look at how many finally woke up, millions. That would NOT HAVE HAPPENED if Trump won in 2020. The country would have remained and become even more divided, and right now we would be entering what we entered in 2020, hell.

Another good thing to remember and the final reason is that since the Save Act is sitting out there in the house, if they just let Trump win, they're hoping that maybe the Save Act will just die. They're like "see, we have election integrity, Trump won so no need to do anything" while they focus their evil on 2028.

The next 2 months is going to be very interesting. Get your popcorn. But also get involved. Don't just sit back and hope people will do something now that Trump is back in office. That's exactly what they want you to do, and don't think for a minute the left is just calling it quits. It's like poking an injured lion. They are more desperate than ever before. They are losing power around the world, but they will not go down without one helluva fight


This has brought up some amazingly tough memories. It was this time 4 years ago when the federal government gave me pause in what I was. First priority became the safety of my family. But before they did that, I had started collecting gobs, I mean hundreds of videos of the election theft all that would soon be mysteriously wiped from my storage. I wish I still had all of them. Some I'll never forget.

The videos with the republican election workers being kept away from where they belonged to watch the counting. Not a single one denied access to democratic counters.

Election workers about to fight screaming outside the doors to let them in while a security guard was blocking the door.

Videos that showed how far away it was from where they would normally stand to watch the counting, 50, 60 feet away.

The woman in that building in Atlanta in the middle of the night after a mysterious water main burst that never actually happened but that cleared the building of all people. It was surveillance video of her taking the SAME ballot and running it through the machine over and over for over 3 hours.

The videos of people admitting to fraud and how much they got paid per ballot.

Videos of democratic elections workers explaining the fraud they had witnessed. They didn't like Trump, but they hated seeing an election being stolen.

Videos of the machines flipping the numbers live on TV, suddenly Trump would drop 3000 and Biden go up 3,000.

Videos of the huge box crates showing up in the back of pickup trucks with tens of thousands of ballots. Once counted, not a single one for Trump. We went to bed with Trump winning and by morning, losing. They didn't even try to hide it. It was so in our face because they knew so much of the American public would believe anything they said, like that Trump was just a sore loser. I was certain there would be massive arrests.

You can't tell them, you have to show them.

It's so interesting thinking back to when I was awakened as so many millions have been in recent years. Mine was 6 years...

It's so interesting thinking back to when I was awakened as so many millions have been in recent years. Mine was 6 years ago. I did not like Trump and grew up loving the nightly news. Well, I decided to pull up the actual script of what Trump had said about something and couldn't believe my eyes as to what news was saying he said. So very similar to what happened recently when Trump was talking about illegals hurting women. He said that whether women like it or not, he's going to start protecting them from these murderers and rapists. Mainstream media was saying that he was talking about abortion laws and that he was gonna stop them "whether women like it or not."

Kind of like how the entire J6 speech telling people to go home, violence will not be tolerated, stay peaceful, etc. got twisted by pulling 3 or 4 words here and there. If you ever decide you want the truth, it takes a little time to go read every single transcript every single time the man gets quoted. I think you'll be amazed.

Unfortunately a lot of people are too lazy and want everything spoon fed to them. We must allow those to stay in the darkness of ignorance as they choose. But the Great Awakening will no doubt go on without them.

Welcome to Conservative Critical Thinking Skills 101, and a self awareness master class. The hypocrisy of some conservat...

Welcome to Conservative Critical Thinking Skills 101, and a self awareness master class.

The hypocrisy of some conservatives these days is truly baffling. They'll boycott what's convenient to boycott. Oh but they'll still shop at woke Walmart, woke Amazon, woke Aldi, eat at woke Cracker Barrell, and stay right here on woke Facebook while boycotting companies like Disney. Why? Because that's an easy one and doesn't inconvenience them. You do realize where you are reading this don't you? 😂

What should matter most is the effect something may have on children. Guess what, our children didn't somehow get indoctrinated into any woke idealogies on our Disney trip. It didn't even cross their mind. They could care less what some corporate heads believe. They just wanted to see their favorite cartoon characters and shows like Buzz Lightyear, Lion King, and Ratatouille. If you want to sacrifice precious memories you could have with your children because of some corporation's political views, be my guest. But give me a freaking break looking down on fellow conservatives while you secretly continue to support other woke companies. Self awareness would say "well I can't say anything, I went to Walmart last week."

And it's the same people that laugh at virtue signaling while they are doing the exact same things themselves. "Look at me, I stand up for what I believe and won't give a dime to a woke company" as you secretly go buy crap you don't need from a store you can't stand. Give it a rest and focus on your family and the values you teach them and support stores that deserve to be supported, WHEN YOU CAN!! I can assure you eating with them at Cracker Barrell or riding It's a Small World isn't going to pollute their innocent minds. They just want to see their entire family laughing together enjoying each other's time making memories that will last a lifetime.

So go boycott whoever you want. But either do it or don't if you're going to point your fingers at others. Stop riding the proverbial fence based on convenience while you sit back in judgment. There's some of us that just do what we can when we can. We try to stand up for what we believe knowing in this world, it's pretty much inevitable that you're going to at times give to companies you'd rather not give anything to. But most of us still try our best support companies that deserve to be supported.

Rant over.

"The devastation is beyond anything we have ever seen and far beyond what is being reported. Few know how bad this reall...

"The devastation is beyond anything we have ever seen and far beyond what is being reported. Few know how bad this really is." Yep. And they won't accept donations if the government hasn't requested them. People about to rise up and show the reason we have a 2nd amendment. It is first and foremost to protect ourselves from tyrannical government rule which we are seeing at a pace never before seen.

If you want to see the truth, I highly suggest you follow this guy. He has been predicting this scenario for 2 years now.

Get Your Gold IRA FREE Investor Guide Today! Click Below!http://adapt2030gold.comCall (1-888-546-7020) Today! With all of western North Carolina and parts o...

You gotta see this. 😂 If their lips are moving, they are lying. It's pretty remarkable actually that anybody would belie...

You gotta see this. 😂 If their lips are moving, they are lying. It's pretty remarkable actually that anybody would believe a word they say.

This is why the military hates these people.




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