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Paramahansa Yogananda A podcast:
Series 2— Autobiography of a Yogi, Line by Line
Series 1— Awake: The Life of Yogananda


Chris gets married in Brazil 😍, Mike and Priyank make a last minute effort to join the party 🥳. Inspired by

My hand in his, my guru led me to his temporary residence in the Rana Mahal section of the city. His athletic figure mov...

My hand in his, my guru led me to his temporary residence in the Rana Mahal section of the city. His athletic figure moved with firm tread. Tall, erect, about fifty-five at this time, he was active and vigorous as a young man. His dark eyes were large, beautiful with plumbless wisdom. Slightly curly hair softened a face of striking power. Strength mingled subtly with gentleness.

As we made our way to the stone balcony of a house overlooking the Ganges, he said affectionately:

“I will give you my hermitages and all I possess.”

“Sir, I come for wisdom and God-contact. Those are your treasure-troves I am after!”

The swift Indian twilight had dropped its half-curtain before my master spoke again. His eyes held unfathomable tenderness.

“I give you my unconditional love.”


What would it have been like having Sri Yukteswar as a Guru? Join the discussion on our Yogananda Podcast YouTube channel.

Chapter 1 Part 1 - The Disciple-Guru Relationship:

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“The purpose of Kriya is to magnetize the spine by circulating life current lengthwise within it, thereby withdrawing li...

“The purpose of Kriya is to magnetize the spine by circulating life current lengthwise within it, thereby withdrawing life current temporarily from the sensory nerves and involuntary organs, and concentrating it in the centers of life and consciousness in the spine [chakras]. This practice helps to effect a permanent change in the center of consciousness, liberating it from preoccupation with the mortal body and establishing the mind on the spinal altar of eternal spiritual consciousness.”

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YSS locations across India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, including ashrams, retreat centres, Kendras, Mandalis, Educational inst...

YSS locations across India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, including ashrams, retreat centres, Kendras, Mandalis, Educational institutes and hospitals. Correct as of Jan 2024.

Source: YSS centenary publication

Our podcast series covers an in depth study of the Autobiography of a Yogi - Line by Line! Join the discussion on

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SRF locations across America and Europe, which include temples, centres, ashrams, retreata, meditation groups and circle...

SRF locations across America and Europe, which include temples, centres, ashrams, retreata, meditation groups and circles. Correct as of June 2024.

Source: website.

Our podcast series covers an in depth study of the Autobiography of a Yogi - Line by Line! Join the discussion on

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“My family name was Priya Nath Karar. I was born here in Serampore, where Father was a wealthy businessman. He left me t...

“My family name was Priya Nath Karar. I was born here in Serampore, where Father was a wealthy businessman. He left me this ancestral mansion, now my hermitage. My formal schooling was little; I found it slow and shallow. In early manhood, I undertook the responsibilities of a householder, and have one daughter, now married. My middle life was blessed with the guidance of Lahiri Mahasaya. After my wife died, I joined the Swami Order and received the new name of Sri Yukteswar Giri. Such are my simple annals.”

- AoY

What would it have been like having Sri Yukteswar as a Guru? Join the discussion on our Yogananda Podcast YouTube channel.

Chapter 1 Part 1 - The Disciple-Guru Relationship:

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“Wrath springs only from thwarted desires. I do not expect anything from others, so their actions cannot be in oppositio...

“Wrath springs only from thwarted desires. I do not expect anything from others, so their actions cannot be in opposition to wishes of mine. I would not use you for my own ends; I am happy only in your own true happiness.”

- AoY

What would it have been like having Sri Yukteswar as a Guru? Join the discussion on our Yogananda Podcast YouTube channel.

Chapter 1 Part 1 - The Disciple-Guru Relationship:

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So many devotees and monastics have been critical for Guruji's mission, but have stayed in the shadows of public attenti...

So many devotees and monastics have been critical for Guruji's mission, but have stayed in the shadows of public attention, Swami Bidyanand for example 🙏🏽✨️

No limiting facts about Babaji’s family or birthplace, dear to the annalist’s heart, have ever been discovered. His spee...

No limiting facts about Babaji’s family or birthplace, dear to the annalist’s heart, have ever been discovered. His speech is generally in Hindi, but he converses easily in any language. He has adopted the simple name of Babaji (Revered Father); other titles of respect given him by Lahiri Mahasaya’s disciples are Mahamuni Babaji Maharaj (Supreme Ecstatic Master), Maha Yogi (the Great Yogi), and Trambak Baba or Shiva Baba (titles of avatars of Shiva). Does it matter that we know not the patronymic of a fully released master?

1. Shiva - Babaji
2. Paramahansa Yogananda Birthday Commemoration Service
3. Paramahansa Yogananda under Christmas Lights
4. Prayer for Food
5. Ranchi - Xmas
6. Radha Damodar - in Vrindavan
7. Shiva dressed as Gopeshwar to enter Raas Leela

Autobiography of a Yogi

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During a visit to Paramahansa Yogananda's ashrams in India (October 1963 − May 1964), Sri Daya Mata made a sacred pilgri...

During a visit to Paramahansa Yogananda's ashrams in India (October 1963 − May 1964), Sri Daya Mata made a sacred pilgrimage to a Himalayan cave that has been sanctified by the physical presence of Mahavatar Babaji.
I was taking the name of Babaji. All I could think about was Babaji. My heart was bursting with a thrill indescribable.

Suddenly, I lost all awareness of this world. My mind was completely withdrawn into another state of consciousness. In an ecstasy of sweetest joy I beheld the presence of Babaji. I understood what Saint Teresa of Avila meant when she spoke of "seeing" the formless Christ: the individuality of Spirit manifesting as soul, cloaked only in the thought-essence of being. This "seeing" is a perception more vivid and exact in detail than the gross outlines of material forms, or even of visions. Inwardly I bowed and took the dust of his feet.

Master had told some of us: "You need never concern yourselves about the leadership of our Society. Babaji has already selected those who are destined to lead this work." When I was chosen by the board, I questioned, "Why me?" Now I found myself appealing to Babaji about it: "They chose me. I am so unworthy. How could it be?" I was sobbing inwardly at his feet.

So sweetly, he replied: "My child, you must not doubt your Guru. He spoke the truth. What he told you is true." As Babaji spoke these words, a blissful peace came over me. My whole being remained bathed in that peace, for how long I do not know.

Gradually I became aware that the others in the party had come back into the room. When I opened my eyes, I beheld my surroundings with a new perception. I remember exclaiming, "Of course! I have been here before." Everything was instantly familiar to me, memories of a past lifetime reawakened!

1. Pandukholi temple on the mountain peak of Babaji's cave, murtis of Babaji and his sister Mataji.
2. YSS Babaji Smriti Bhavan
3. Pandukholi havan
4. Pandukholi puja room
5. Pandukholi temple statues dedicated to Pandava Brothers
6. Pandukholi sign
7. YSS Pre-meal prayer
8. Dwarahat ashram - Radha Krishna
9. One of many ashrams dedicated to Mahavatar Babaji
10. Car glorifying Mahavatar Babaji

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"'I am Mataji, the sister of Babaji. I have asked him and also Lahiri Mahasaya to come to my cave tonight to discuss a m...

"'I am Mataji, the sister of Babaji. I have asked him and also Lahiri Mahasaya to come to my cave tonight to discuss a matter of great importance.'
"A nebulous light was rapidly floating over the Ganges; the strange luminescence was reflected in the opaque waters. It approached nearer and nearer until, with a blinding flash, it appeared by the side of Mataji and condensed itself instantly into the human form of Lahiri Mahasaya. He bowed humbly at the feet of the woman saint.
"Before I had recovered from my bewilderment, I was further wonderstruck to behold a circling mass of mystical light traveling in the sky. Descending swiftly, the flaming whirlpool neared our group and materialized itself into the body of a beautiful youth who, I understood at once, was Babaji. He looked like Lahiri Mahasaya, the only difference being that Babaji appeared much younger, and had long, bright hair.
"Lahiri Mahasaya, Mataji, and myself knelt at the guru's feet. An ethereal sensation of beatific glory thrilled every fiber of my being as I touched his divine flesh.
"'Blessed sister,' Babaji said, 'I am intending to shed my form and plunge into the Infinite Current.'
"'I have already glimpsed your plan, beloved master. I wanted to discuss it with you tonight. Why should you leave your body?' The glorious woman looked at him beseechingly.
"'What is the difference if I wear a visible or invisible wave on the ocean of my Spirit?'
"Mataji replied with a quaint flash of wit. 'Deathless guru, if it makes no difference, then please do not ever relinquish your form.'
"'Be it so,' Babaji said solemnly. 'I will never leave my physical body. It will always remain visible to at least a small number of people on this earth. The Lord has spoken His own wish through your lips.'

The only sound in the silence was that of my Ganges-drenched cloth, swish-swashing with every step. As I passed beyond t...

The only sound in the silence was that of my Ganges-drenched cloth, swish-swashing with every step. As I passed beyond the site of the large banyan tree near the river bank, a strong impulse urged me to look back. There, under the shade of the banyan, and surrounded by a few disciples, sat the great Babaji!

“‘Greetings, Swamiji!’ The beautiful voice of the master rang out to assure me I was not dreaming. ‘I see you have successfully completed your book. As I promised, I am here to thank you.’

“With a fast-beating heart, I prostrated myself fully at his feet. ‘Param-guruji,’ I said imploringly, ‘will you and your chelas not honor my near-by home with your presence?’

“The supreme guru smilingly declined. ‘No, child,’ he said, ‘we are people who like the shelter of trees; this spot is quite comfortable.’


The devotee should choose for his meditation a quiet place. Noise is distracting. Only a yogi who can go into ecstasy at will can meditate in both quiet and noisy places. The devotee should begin his meditation with the practice of the techniques of Kriya Yoga, by which he can disconnect his mind from the outer sensory world.

- Paramahansa Yogananda

Tell us about the meditation space you use...

Parlor in Benares home of Lahiri Mahasaya. Photograph taken in 1957.Lahiri Mahasaya is the Param-paramguru of all SRF-YS...

Parlor in Benares home of Lahiri Mahasaya. Photograph taken in 1957.

Lahiri Mahasaya is the Param-paramguru of all SRF-YSS Kriya Yogis. "Here the great gura sat in silence most of the time, locked in the tranquil lotus posture... No visitors departed without upliftment of spirit; all knew they had received the silent blessing of a tme man of God."
-AoY Chapter 35: The Christlike Life of Lahiri Mahasaya

Picture 2: Cartoon reflection of the scene described in the AoY.

Picture 3: Scene as reflected in the "Awake: The Life of Yogananda documentary".

Home of Lahiri Mahasaha, from the front doors, from the top inside the courtyard and finally from side of the premises."...

Home of Lahiri Mahasaha, from the front doors, from the top inside the courtyard and finally from side of the premises.

"Unknown to society in general, a great spiritual renaissance started in 1861 in a remote corner of Banaras. As the fragrance of flowers cannot be suppressed, so Lahiri Mahasaya, quietly living as an ideal householder, could not hide his innate glory. Devotee-bees from every part of India began to seek the divine nectar of the liberated master."

- AoY Chapter 13 - The Christlike Life of Lahiri Mahasaya

“Yogananda,” he said with unusual gravity, “you have been surrounded from birth by direct disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya. ...

“Yogananda,” he said with unusual gravity, “you have been surrounded from birth by direct disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya. The great master lived his sublime life in partial seclusion, and steadfastly refused to permit his followers to build any organization around his teachings. He made, nevertheless, a significant prediction.

“‘About fifty years after my passing,’ he said, ‘an account of my life will be written because of a deep interest in yoga that will arise in the West. The message of yoga will encircle the globe. It will aid in establishing the brotherhood of man: a unity based on humanity’s direct perception of the One Father.’

“My son Yogananda,” Sri Yukteswar went on, “you must do your part in spreading that message, and in writing that sacred life.”

Immortal dialogue on mental/will power impact on health - between Sri Yukteswar and Lahiri Mahasaya from the Autobiograp...

Immortal dialogue on mental/will power impact on health - between Sri Yukteswar and Lahiri Mahasaya from the Autobiography of a Yogi.

“‘Sir, I am ailing again.’

“My guru’s glance was quizzical. ‘So! Once more you indispose yourself.’

“‘Gurudeva, I realize now that day by day you have been ridiculing me.’ My patience was exhausted. ‘I don’t understand why you disbelieve my truthful reports.’

‘Really, it has been your thoughts that have made you feel alternately weak and strong.’ My master looked at me affectionately. ‘You have seen how your health has exactly followed your expectations. Thought is a force, even as electricity or gravitation. The human mind is a spark of the almighty consciousness of God. I could show you that whatever your powerful mind believes very intensely would instantly come to pass.’

“Knowing that Lahiri Mahasaya never spoke idly, I addressed him with great awe and gratitude: ‘Master, if I think I am well and have regained my former weight, shall that happen?’

“‘It is so, even at this moment.’ My guru spoke gravely, his gaze concentrated on my eyes.

“Lo! I felt an increase not alone of strength but of weight. Lahiri Mahasaya retreated into silence. After a few hours at his feet, I returned to my mother’s home, where I stayed during my visits to Benares.


What are the benefits of wearing astral bangles, rudraksh and the navratna?

Sri Yukteswar tells us in the Autobiography of a Yogi:

Just as a house can be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock of lightning, so the bodily temple can be benefited by various protective measures. Ages ago our yogis discovered that pure metals emit an astral light which is powerfully counteractive to negative pulls of the planets. Subtle electrical and magnetic radiations are constantly circulating in the universe; when a man's body is being aided, he does not know it; when it is being disintegrated, he is still in ignorance. Can he do anything about it?

Watch the full discussion on Chapter 3 part 5. Join the discussion on our Yogananda Poscast YouTube channel-



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