Today’s guest is Pádraig Ó Tuama, poet, theologian, host of On Being’s Poetry Unbound, and member and former leader of the Corrymeela Community. Pádraig doesn’t need much of an introduction, as his gifts for writing, and reading, and reading into poems have become widely known and admired. With his keen sense for the meaning behind a poem, his interest in language, violence, power, and religion, and his background in conflict mediation and peacebuilding, Pádraig has a way of seeing deeply into the soul of a poem, and into the people who created them, and into how those poems can help us find grounding in difficult times.
I know Pádraig from when we overlapped at Corrymeela, and when I wanted to talk with someone about the poetry of the Psalms, who better to ask? And I’m delighted that next year, Pádraig will be a virtual guest facilitator on the Resilient Spirit Pilgrimage to Ireland in April 2024, helping us explore the connections between poetry and resilience in our lives.
In this conversation we talk about the language of the Psalms - Psalms in translation, Psalms in Irish; about how the beauty of words put together in a certain way can move us and heal us; and about how even when we might feel all alone, a poem - and a prayer, and a Psalm - is a way for us to imagine what it might be like to be listened to, for our deepest selves to be heard.
Listen now (51 mins) | A Conversation about Poetry, Language, What Keeps Us Grounded, and the Psalms