Hey Guys! , Confused which supplements to consume?🤯 Or tired of carrying those bulky boxes everywhere you go? 🥵 Let me tell you this, Setu has come up with a one-stop solution for this - Setu Pill Pack!🥰 And these daily health essentials present in Setu’s Pill Pack are taking the internet by storm! After watching so many people using this, I also wanted to try my hands on these, and guess what? They are fully customizable and contain 30 sachets! Meaning? Setu personalizes them according to your health needs! All you need to do is take out 1 sachet each day and pop all the supplements in one go! 🤗 They’re super easy to carry and can be consumed easily! Just swipe them open, pop them in your mouth and you’re good to go! A super easy solution to fulfill your nutritional needs. Use my code SetuPillPack10 to get 10% OFF! T&C for code - Valid for the next 6 months from today Valid once per person Head to ’s bio right now and place your orders! ❤️