The Jesus Feed

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The Jesus Feed The Jesus Feed is a podcast designed to encourage you to a deeper, daily walk with Jesus. A new epis


The Jesus Feed Podcast : Episode-28: "Come to Your Since's: Since You're Justified"


The Jesus Feed Podcast : Episode-26: "The Jesus Tattoos: Attendance to the Broken"


The Jesus Feed Podcast : Episode-25: "The Jesus Tattoos: Honor to God" (Part-2)


The Jesus Feed Podcast : Episode-23: "Come to Your Since's: Since God Loved You"

What will heaven be like? What will we do for eternity? Will I still be married? Will we have jobs and work? Where will ...

What will heaven be like? What will we do for eternity? Will I still be married? Will we have jobs and work? Where will I live? Will there be animals and pets? Will I be able to fly? Where are my loved ones right now and what are they doing?

Enroll in my 10-week course (discussion format) on ZOOM called, "HEAVEN" today! I will answer those questions and many more in this course.

BEGINS: Tuesday, December 1st @ 6pm
ENDS: Tuesday, February 9th

Book Required: "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn
(Amazon Link: ($2.53-$10.25)

Book Recommended: "Heaven Study Guide" by Randy Alcorn
(Amazon Link: ($7.71-$16.99)

How to ENROLL: 3-Easy Steps
1. Join the Truelifers Facebook group. If you discover this course is not for you, you can unjoin at any time. (

2. Comment on this post, "I'm in!"

3. Order the book, "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn (mentioned above) as soon as possible.

Once you've joined Truelifers and commented on this post, you'll begin to receive informational messages from me on the Truelifers group page on how to attend and engage in this course. I hope you'll join in on the discussion and discover what the Bible says about our eternal destination!

What does it mean to have compassion for others? How often does God require it? In this episode, Pastor Jamie addresses ...

What does it mean to have compassion for others? How often does God require it? In this episode, Pastor Jamie addresses those questions and more as we journey toward making compassion a permanent, daily part of our lives.

What does it mean to have compassion for others? How often does God require it? In this episode, Pastor Jamie addresses those questions and more as we journey toward making compassion a permanent, daily part of our lives. 

In this series we're talking about the permanent signs or markings every Christian should have in their daily attitudes ...

In this series we're talking about the permanent signs or markings every Christian should have in their daily attitudes and behaviors. In this episode, Pastor Jamie talks about what it means to honor God. What exactly does that mean and how do we do that on a daily basis. Pastor Jamie gives us three simple things we can do and build upon in order to begin honoring God with our lives.

In this series we're talking about the permanent signs or markings every Christian should have in their daily attitudes and behaviors. In this episode, Pastor Jamie talks about what it means to honor God. What exactly does that mean and how do we do that on a daily basis. Pastor Jamie gives us....

When you think of tattoos, one of the things that come to mind is the word, "permanent." Although tattoos can fade over ...

When you think of tattoos, one of the things that come to mind is the word, "permanent." Although tattoos can fade over time, there is something that God gives His servants that never fades and can never be removed. When we begin to grip these permanent, eternal gifts that God has given us, we begin to see life differently, see others differently, and live life beautifully. In the introduction to this five-part series, Pastor Jamie discusses the most important Jesus tattoo a person can have.

When you think of tattoos, one of the things that comes to mind is the word, "permanent." Although tattoos can fade over time, there is something that God gives His servants that never fades and can never be removed. When we begin to grip these permanent, eternal gifts that God has given us, we begi...

Feel stuck in life? Are you in the right place? Are you thinking that life is going to be what it is and there’s nothing...

Feel stuck in life? Are you in the right place? Are you thinking that life is going to be what it is and there’s nothing you can do about it? This is how it will always be? In “The Deep,” Pastor Jamie encourages those struggling with these questions to keep moving because you may just be one space away from the purpose and place God has always destined you to be.

Feel stuck in life? Are you in the right place? Are you thinking that life is going to be what it is and there’s nothing you can do about it? This is how it will always be? In “The Deep,” Pastor Jamie encourages those struggling with these questions to keep moving because you may just be one s...

We're all sinners. And for the follower of Jesus, it's easy to place good things at the center of our everyday lives. An...

We're all sinners. And for the follower of Jesus, it's easy to place good things at the center of our everyday lives. And yet, somehow, although we've placed good things at the center of our lives, we end up down the road wondering how we lost intimacy with God. Where did we go wrong? Join me in this episode as we talk about where we can ultimately find peace, comfort, and strength. Have a sinner's peace has everything to do with your centerpiece.

We're all sinners. And for the follower of Jesus it's easy to place good things at the center of our every day lives. And yet, somehow, although we've placed good things at the center of our lives, we end up down the road wondering how we lost intimacy with God. Where did we go wrong? Join me in thi...

He**in has been identified as "the devil's drug," and for good reason. There is perhaps no stronger addiction than what ...

He**in has been identified as "the devil's drug," and for good reason. There is perhaps no stronger addiction than what he**in brings. And for the Virnig family, he**in brought a struggle and a loss they never imagined would or could happen to their family. They lost 29-year old son, J.R., to he**in. So where was God in all of this? What are we to make of God when tragedies and distractions that turn our lives upside down hit so suddenly? It was my honor to interview J.R.'s mother, Lori Virnig from WAY-FM radio, and explore the woman whose faith allowed her to overcome the most devastating loss a mother could experience. Join us for this twentieth episode for the encouragement and hope this story has to offer.

He**in has been identified as "the devil's drug," and for good reason. There is perhaps no stronger addiction than what he**in brings. And for the Virnig family, he**in brought a struggle and a loss they never imagined would or could happen to their family. They lost 29-year old son, J.R., to he**in...

One of my pet peeves is bad traffic, especially when drivers don't pay attention. They're in and out of their lane and s...

One of my pet peeves is bad traffic, especially when drivers don't pay attention. They're in and out of their lane and sometimes they cause major accidents. Bud nothing good comes from drivers who don't stay in their own lane. Sometimes we have a tendency to get out of our own lane when it comes to living life. We get into other people's business or we try to jockey positions that only God should occupy. And that's where we can get into some trouble because arrogance and the need to control can send us careening out of our lane and into oncoming traffic. In "Stay in Your Lane," Jamie talks about one thing that is necessary for us to truly experience the blessings of God, humility.

One of my pet peeves is bad traffic, especially when drivers don't pay attention. They're in and out of their lane and sometimes they cause major accidents. Bud nothing good comes from drivers who don't stay in their own lane. Sometimes we have a tendency to get out of our own lane when it come...

Ever wondered why life isn't more fulfilling? It's almost as if something was missing. I mean, you're a Christian (or ma...

Ever wondered why life isn't more fulfilling? It's almost as if something was missing. I mean, you're a Christian (or maybe you aren't) and there's just something...there's just something off. There's a void. Why are we unsatisfied? Can we ever truly be satisfied in this life? In this episode, Jamie digs into the Word of God to answer these prevalent questions in today's world.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S Ever wondered why life isn't more fulfilling? It's almost as if something was missing. I mean, you're a Christian (or maybe you aren't) and there's just something...there's just something off. There's a void. Why are we unsatis...

There's more to life than just what you see. If you find yourself overwhelmed and with a constant sense of doom & gloom,...

There's more to life than just what you see. If you find yourself overwhelmed and with a constant sense of doom & gloom, perhaps you've missed a valuable fact found in Scripture. Without understanding the principle of "There is More," you cannot exist with the contentment, peace, and hope God wants you to experience.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S   Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:1-11   There's more to life than just what you see. If you find yourself overwhelmed and with a constant sense of doom & gloom, perhaps you've missed a valuable fact found in Scripture...

We've all seen the knock-down, drag-out presidential debates on television. They seem to have everyone's undivided atten...

We've all seen the knock-down, drag-out presidential debates on television. They seem to have everyone's undivided attention, especially in this time of very important decision in our country. There's a lot at stake. But in this episode, I want to take a look at a far more powerful and compelling debate that took place around 2,000 years ago. One king versus one governor. I think this debate will be a refreshing break from the debacle we've witnessed over the past few months.

We've all seen the knock-down, drag-out presidential debates on television. They seem to have everyone's undivided attention, especially in this time of very important decision in our country. There's a lot at stake. But in this episode I want to take a look at a far more powerful and compelling deb...

Do you tend to see things as "half-empty" or "half-full"? Do you find yourself being critical of others and yourself? If...

Do you tend to see things as "half-empty" or "half-full"? Do you find yourself being critical of others and yourself? If so, you may also be experiencing a lack of joy in your life. Do you ever wonder where that comes from? You never wanted to be this way, but somehow you've become a more negative person than you've ever wanted to be. In this episode called, American Pickers: Finding the Joy in the Junk, Jamie talks about how we can walk into our garage of failures, regrets, and pain and find and pick-out the treasures and valuables we never thought could exist there. If you learn to pick-out the joy in the junk of your past, you'll be equipped to pick-out the treasures of joy in the present.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S Do you tend to see things as "half-empty" or "half-full"? Do you find yourself being critical of others and yourself? If so, you may also be experiencing a lack of joy in your life. Do you ever wonder where that comes from? You...

"This Side Up: Mad Aint Bad"Have you ever said something to someone out of anger and later regretted it terribly? Have y...

"This Side Up: Mad Aint Bad"

Have you ever said something to someone out of anger and later regretted it terribly? Have you ever reacted violently or abusively in your anger? Or perhaps you're the kind of person who bottles it up. If you, or someone you love, struggles with anger...THEY ARE HUMAN!!! Whatever the case, anger has a way of getting the best of us. In this episode, Pastor Jamie discusses what the Bible says about anger. You may just be surprised to find out that mad aint bad. He'll also give you a strategy for staying vertical in your faith when you're angry. You no longer have to react with revenge in mind, but with restoration in mind. It's only there that you'll find peace of mind.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S "This Side Up: Mad Aint Bad" Have you ever said something to someone out of anger and later regretted it terribly? Have you ever reacted violently or abusively in your anger? Or perhaps you're the kind of person who bottles it....

Every day we unknowingly walk by people that God has purposely placed in our path. Too often we miss the blessings of Go...

Every day we unknowingly walk by people that God has purposely placed in our path. Too often we miss the blessings of God for our lives and the lives of others. But if we could somehow stop wasting these engagements, we would start tasting the blessings we are called to receive and called to be. In this episode we look at three stories in the New Testament that will help us understand the importance of praying for engagements, looking for engagements, and investing in those engagements so that we can live differently.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S EPISODE 13 Every day we unknowingly walk by people that God has purposely placed in our path. Too often we miss the blessings of God for our lives and the lives of others. But if we could somehow stop wasting these engagements,...

"Why do I do the things I don't want to do? And the things I do want to do, I don't do?" Ever wonder that? Every person ...

"Why do I do the things I don't want to do? And the things I do want to do, I don't do?" Ever wonder that? Every person has urges, that feeling to do this or to do that. So what's the deciding factor in the actions we take? How do we deal with the strong emotions and feelings that so often lead us to make bad decisions? In this episode, Jamie addresses these questions and provides a technique for better decision-making when strong and powerful urges arise.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S EPISODE 12 "T.R.U.E. Living Brings New Living" Episode 10: WAStED: Introduction Message Episode 11: WAStED: Wasted Time (Finding Lasting Satisfaction) Episode 12: WAStED: Wasted Resources (Finding Financial Freedom) Episode 13:...

Have you ever felt like your life is wasting away and it feels as though nothing is going to change? Have you ever felt ...

Have you ever felt like your life is wasting away and it feels as though nothing is going to change? Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time living as a Christian? Have you ever wondered, "Where's the blessing in my life?" In this series called "WAStED: Finding the Joy You Were Always Meant to Have," Jamie discusses these challenges and provides you with biblical answers to these questions. Learn how to live a life of joy each and every day, regardless of your circumstances, and watch your life in Christ miraculously change from waste to great.

Are you struggling with having peace about your current financial situation? Have you discovered that no matter how much money you make, how much money you spend, and how much stuff you acquire, you're not going to experience anything more than temporary happiness? In week-3 of "WAStED," I talk about the financial biblical principle that, if followed, will bring you the lasting peace and joy you're searching for.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S Have you ever felt like your life is wasting away and it feels as though nothing is going to change? Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time living as a Christian? Have you ever wondered, "Where's the blessing in my....

Have you ever felt like your life is wasting away and it feels as though nothing is going to change? Have you ever felt ...

Have you ever felt like your life is wasting away and it feels as though nothing is going to change? Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time living as a Christian? Have you ever wondered, "Where's the blessing in my life?" In this episode called "WAStED: Finding the Joy of Satisfaction," Jamie discusses our struggle with making the best use of our time. We must stop wasting time.

You'll also learn a two-question strategy for identifying where you might be wasting time and how to move forward down the road to experience the joy you were always meant to experience, regardless of your circumstances.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S Have you ever felt like your life is wasting away and it feels as though nothing is going to change? Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time living as a Christian? Have you ever wondered, "Where's the blessing in my....

Have you ever felt like your life is wasting away and it feels as though nothing is going to change? Have you ever felt ...

Have you ever felt like your life is wasting away and it feels as though nothing is going to change? Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time living as a Christian? Have you ever wondered, "Where's the blessing in my life?" In this series called "WAStED: Finding the Joy You Were Always Meant to Have," Jamie discusses these challenges and provides you with biblical answers to these questions. Learn how to live a life of joy each and every day, regardless of your circumstances, and watch your life in Christ miraculously change from waste to great.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S Have you ever felt like your life is wasting away and it feels as though nothing is going to change? Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time living as a Christian? Have you ever wondered, "Where's the blessing in my....

Have you ever felt as though God was giving you the silent treatment? Have you ever wondered why in the darkest moment, ...

Have you ever felt as though God was giving you the silent treatment? Have you ever wondered why in the darkest moment, when you needed to hear God's voice the most, He was silent? In this series called, "When God Fails A.C.R.O.S.S. the Board," I'll delve into those challenging thoughts we have all faced at one point or another in our lives, and I think you'll be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S Why doesn't God speak to me? Why doesn't He just say something! Is He mad at me or something? Or perhaps God doesn't even exist? Why would He give me the "silent treatment"? Well, what if I told you that God is never silent and...

Have you ever wondered how God can watch you suffer pain and anguish and do nothing to relieve it? Have you ever wondere...

Have you ever wondered how God can watch you suffer pain and anguish and do nothing to relieve it? Have you ever wondered if God was actually a loving God, why doesn't He shield me from this pain? Does God really love you? In this series called, "When God Fails A.C.R.O.S.S. the Board," I'll delve into those challenging thoughts we have all faced at one point or another in our lives, and I think you'll be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.

Why does God allow us to feel pain? Why does He permit us to be hurt time and time again? What kind of loving God would allow this to happen? Does He truly loves me? Is there a purpose for my pain? Is pain a punishment from God? If not, what is it and why do I have to experience it? Join me in this....

"Do black lives matter?" Most of us say that they do. In fact, we believe that all lives matter. And that's right, they ...

"Do black lives matter?" Most of us say that they do. In fact, we believe that all lives matter. And that's right, they do. But today I want to talk specifically the black community and the white community's responsibility and the white community's response in lieu of that responsibility. As Christians, we must base both our mindset and our responses to the standard of God's Word. Everyone is scrambling to blame politicians and police officers and/or policies and flawed laws. Is the answer gun control policies, charging Hillary with a crime, firing police officers, prosecuting police officers? What's the answer? Well, as Christians we may not have the answers, but God gives us very clear instructions for what we can do and what we should do, especially in this series of unfortunate and tragic events. Tune in and let's turn things around one conversation at a time.

* This was recorded on July 9, 2016, when information about BLM was quite limited.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S "Do black lives matter?" Most of us say that they do. In fact, we believe that all lives matter. And that's right, they do. But today I want to talk specifically the black community and the white community's responsib...

Have you ever felt as if God has not only shut the door to your dreams but locked it? Have you ever felt stuck and not e...

Have you ever felt as if God has not only shut the door to your dreams but locked it? Have you ever felt stuck and not even God wants to get you unstuck? Have you ever wondered if what you are experiencing right now is the best life will ever get? In this series called, "When God Fails A.C.R.O.S.S. the Board," I'll delve into those challenging thoughts we have all faced at one point or another in our lives, and I think you'll be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S Are you in a desert or a rut? Have you come out of one situation, expecting something big to happen on the other side, but when you get there nothing happens? You find yourself in a rut for weeks or months…sometimes years. Yo...

Have you ever felt as if God just let you suffer as He stood by and watched? Have you ever felt as though He wanted you ...

Have you ever felt as if God just let you suffer as He stood by and watched? Have you ever felt as though He wanted you to suffer anguish? Have you ever depended on God only to have your expectations and faith broken into pieces? In this series called, "When God Fails A.C.R.O.S.S. the Board," I'll delve into those challenging thoughts we have all faced at one point or another in our lives, and I think you'll be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S Have you ever wondered why God has not rescued you from your situation? Have you ever wondered how long you were going to remain in a situation before God did something...before he rescues you? In this episode Pastor Jamie Worl...

Have you ever felt as if God was unloving? Have you ever felt abandoned by God in your darkest moment? Have you ever fel...

Have you ever felt as if God was unloving? Have you ever felt abandoned by God in your darkest moment? Have you ever felt God had left you out to dry? In this series called, "When God Fails A.C.R.O.S.S. the Board," I'll delve into those challenging thoughts we have all faced at one point or another in our lives, and I think you'll be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.

S  H  O  W    N  O  T  E  S Have you ever felt alone in this world of 6-billion people? I have and it's excruciating. It's even more excruciating when we call upon God just to give us a hint of His presence in the midst of our loneliness. And sometimes He...

Have you ever felt as if God was ignoring you? Have you ever felt as if God were too busy or too angry at you to answer ...

Have you ever felt as if God was ignoring you? Have you ever felt as if God were too busy or too angry at you to answer your prayers? Have you ever felt as though you were unimportant to God? In this series called, "When God Fails A.C.R.O.S.S. the Board," I'll delve into those challenging thoughts we have all faced at one point or another in our lives, and I think you'll be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.

S  H  O  W      N  O  T  E  S Have you ever felt as though God has failed you? Have you ever prayed so hard and with so much faith that you knew without a shadow of a doubt that God was going to answer your prayer? I have. In late 1999 my son, C...

Have you ever felt as if God has failed you? Have you ever felt abandoned or betrayed by God? In this series called, "Wh...

Have you ever felt as if God has failed you? Have you ever felt abandoned or betrayed by God? In this series called, "When God Fails A.C.R.O.S.S. the Board," I'll delve into those challenging thoughts we have all faced at one point or another in our lives, and I think you'll be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.

S  H  O  W      N  O  T  E  S Have you ever felt as though God has failed you? Have you ever prayed so hard and with so much faith you just knew God was going to answer and rescue you...but didn't? Have you ever felt so alone that you felt like....



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