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The Horn Magazine The Horn Magazine is a U.S. based, online magazine that serves to provide meaningful articles on a variety of subjects that impact your daily lives.

After winning in the primary elections in August and tweeting “One step closer to the statehouse,” Munira Abdullahi was ...

After winning in the primary elections in August and tweeting “One step closer to the statehouse,” Munira Abdullahi was bound to be victorious in the general elections, as there was no opponent on the Republican ticket. But that final step occurred on election night to make it official.

Munira Abdullahi was bound to be victorious in the general elections, as there was no opponent on the Republican ticket. But that final

In this year’s World Cup, five countries will be representing Africa. And the team at the top of that list is Senegal in...

In this year’s World Cup, five countries will be representing Africa. And the team at the top of that list is Senegal in its second consecutive appearance. With the best player in Africa in Sadio Mané, does Senegal have a chance to take the crown?

In this year’s World Cup, five countries will be representing Africa. And the team at the top of that list is Senegal in its second

For over half of a decade, there have been talks about the next economic crash. And as the housing market has skyrockete...

For over half of a decade, there have been talks about the next economic crash. And as the housing market has skyrocketed beyond most people’s imagination, this lurking crash seems to be drawing nearer by the month. And as there are talks of it coming, many Americans are already feeling it.

For over half of a decade, there have been talks about the next And as there are talks of it coming, many Americans are already feeling it.

While dementia has victimized people of all backgrounds indiscriminately, there are small, easy measures that can help p...

While dementia has victimized people of all backgrounds indiscriminately, there are small, easy measures that can help prevent it.

A study in Neurology, the official medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, has shed some light a simple preventative measure: an anti-inflammatory diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, beans, coffee, and tea.

“Diet is a lifestyle factor you can modify, and it might play a role in combating inflammation, one of the biological pathways contributing to risk for dementia and cognitive impairment later in life,” said Nikolaos Scarmeas, MD, PhD, of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology.

While dementia has victimized people of all backgrounds indiscriminately, there are small, easy measures that can help prevent it.

The Somali community in Minnesota has waited two years to resume its annual festival, which was previously canceled due to Covid. With Covid restrictions now uplifted, Somali Week is set to kick off on Saturday, July 2. For over a decade Minnesotans have been gathering to celebrate the 1st of July,....

Because of Covid-19, a moratorium was enacted on student loan payments. And as there have been ongoing talks about endin...

Because of Covid-19, a moratorium was enacted on student loan payments. And as there have been ongoing talks about ending the moratorium throughout the past two years, new Covid surges quickly dismissed those talks. And its latest extension was extended from May 2022 through the end of August.

Because of Covid-19, a moratorium was enacted on student loan payments. And as there have been ongoing talks about ending the moratorium

While the world may be shocked by the ruble comeback, Dylan Grice, founder of Calderwood Capital, anticipated the effect...

While the world may be shocked by the ruble comeback, Dylan Grice, founder of Calderwood Capital, anticipated the effects of these sanctions that would represent “a turning point in monetary history” and “the acceleration towards a bipolar monetary order.”

While the world may be shocked by the ruble comeback, Dylan Grice, founder of Calderwood Capital, anticipated the effects of these sancti

Every year, thousands of pilgrims from Ethiopia flock to Israel for Easter Sunday. But with a reeling nation in its seco...

Every year, thousands of pilgrims from Ethiopia flock to Israel for Easter Sunday. But with a reeling nation in its second year of a civil war, Israel has reconsidered allowing pilgrims to enter.

This year, there are many signs of the war coming to a halt with truce talks from both the federal government and its opposition, TPLF. But last year, in the middle of a war that seemed to have no end in sight, when pilgrims landed in Israel for Easter, they stayed in the country way past Sunday. Some are still there till today.

Every year, thousands of pilgrims from Ethiopia flock to Israel for Easter Sunday. But with a reeling nation in its second year of a civil wa

The prolonged civil war in Ethiopia has left millions displaced and wounded, not to include the many thousands who have ...

The prolonged civil war in Ethiopia has left millions displaced and wounded, not to include the many thousands who have died. But to put an end to the unrest that has lasted almost two years, the Ethiopian government declared an immediate “humanitarian truce” with the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF).

The prolonged civil war in Ethiopia has left millions displaced and wounded, not to include the .... Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF).

On February 27, three days after the Russian-Ukraine war began, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged volunteers all over ...

On February 27, three days after the Russian-Ukraine war began, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged volunteers all over the world to come to Ukraine and help fight. Perhaps for the potential of having a better life in Ukraine, the president’s words were heard loud and clear by a 27-year-old Nigerian named Ottah Abraham. He tweeted, “I want to join them.”

Ukraine authorities have claimed that some 20,000 people from 52 countries have applied to join the legion.

“The use of no-knock warrants has a deep-rooted history in division, racism, and the criminalization of Black and brown ...

“The use of no-knock warrants has a deep-rooted history in division, racism, and the criminalization of Black and brown people,” Omar said. “This is yet another occurrence of police in Minneapolis utilizing tactics that deny human dignity.”

“The use of no-knock warrants has a deep-rooted history in division, racism, and the criminalization of Black people,” Ilhan ... George Floyd

Within the past six months in western Washington alone, there were three attacks against Islamic centers. And in early M...

Within the past six months in western Washington alone, there were three attacks against Islamic centers. And in early March, a fourth one against Muslim American Youth Foundation (MAYF) in Burien, Washington, 15 minutes south of Seattle.

Within the past six months in western Washington alone, there were three attacks against Islamic centers. And in early March, a fourth one against Muslim American Youth Foundation (MAYF) in Burien, Washington, 15 minutes south of Seattle.

The Russia-Ukraine crisis has not only caused havoc to the millions of Ukrainains who have been displaced, its economic ...

The Russia-Ukraine crisis has not only caused havoc to the millions of Ukrainains who have been displaced, its economic effects are felt by billions globally. And Africa is feeling the effect in one area in particular more than other regions: a food shortage.

The Russia-Ukraine crisis has not only caused havoc to the millions of Ukrainains who have been displaced, its economic effects are felt by billions globally.

The United Nations general assembly had an emergency session about the Russia-Ukraine crisis, in which the UN demanded a...

The United Nations general assembly had an emergency session about the Russia-Ukraine crisis, in which the UN demanded an immediate withdrawal of Russian military forces from Ukraine. In the emergency session, 141 states voted for the resolution, 35 abstained from voting, and five voted against the resolution.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has caused havoc for the Ukranaians and uproar across the globe. Read about Russia-Ukraine Crisis

“We felt [like we were] treated like animals,” Gurure says. “When we left [Kyiv], we were just trying to survive. We nev...

“We felt [like we were] treated like animals,” Gurure says. “When we left [Kyiv], we were just trying to survive. We never thought that they would have treated us like that. I thought we were all equal…that we were trying to stand together.”

“We felt [like we were] treated like animals,” Gurure says. “When we left [Kyviv], we were just trying to survive. We never thought that they would have treated us like that. I thought we were all equal…that we were trying to stand together.”

Research from Washington University and the Veterans Administration Health Care System in Missouri found that those who ...

Research from Washington University and the Veterans Administration Health Care System in Missouri found that those who have been infected with Covid-19 are more likely to incur cardiovascular issues, even a year after recovery from the disease.

Research from Washington University and the Veterans Administration Health Care System in Missouri found that those who have been infected with Covid-19 are more likely to incur cardiovascular issues, even a year after recovery from the disease. In comparison to those who have not been affected by C...

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has had a comfortable seat representing the Democratic Party in Minnesota’s 5th district since ...

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has had a comfortable seat representing the Democratic Party in Minnesota’s 5th district since 2018. However, she now has some contenders on the Republican ticket who are stirring up enough noise to get Omar’s attention, as she is set to run for her third term this November.

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has had a comfortable seat representing the Democratic Party in Minnesota’s 5th district since 2018. However, she now has some contenders on the Republican ticket who are stirring up enough noise to get Omar’s attention, as she is set to run for her third term this Novem...

Congressman Joe Neguse has had his fair share of success while serving Colorado’s 2nd congressional district since 2018....

Congressman Joe Neguse has had his fair share of success while serving Colorado’s 2nd congressional district since 2018. He is the first Eritrean-American congressman in American history. And since his arrival in office, he’s been gaining attention from Congress, while gaining popularity in his district. His latest feat: garnering $54 million in funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act.

Congressman Joe Neguse Brings Home $54 Million in Funding to Colorado

Minneapolis police officer Kim Potter fatally shot Daunte Wright at a traffic stop on April 11, 2021. And last week, she...

Minneapolis police officer Kim Potter fatally shot Daunte Wright at a traffic stop on April 11, 2021. And last week, she was sentenced to just two years for taking the life of a 20-year-old. Interestingly enough, Mohamed Noor, a Black, Somali-American, was also a former Minneapolis police officer who shot and killed Justine Ruszczyk on July 15, 2017 and was sentenced to 12 years. Wright was a 20-year-old Black male. But Ruszczyk didn’t quite look like Wright and the typical victims of the police – she was a white blonde.

Kim Potter %George Floyd %Black Lives Matter White Cop (Kim Potter) Kills and Gets a Two-Year Sentence – Black Cop (Mohamed Noor) Kills and Gets 12 Years - Why?

ኢልሃን ከ100 በላይ ህጎች በማስተዋወቅ፤ ስምንት ረቂቆች በህግ ማዕቀፍ እንዲገቡ በማድረግ እና 48 ረቂቅ ህጎችን በምክር ቤቱ በኩል በማፅደቅ የስልጣን ዘመኗ ስኬታማ ቢሆንም የሪፐብሊካን ፓ...

ኢልሃን ከ100 በላይ ህጎች በማስተዋወቅ፤ ስምንት ረቂቆች በህግ ማዕቀፍ እንዲገቡ በማድረግ እና 48 ረቂቅ ህጎችን በምክር ቤቱ በኩል በማፅደቅ የስልጣን ዘመኗ ስኬታማ ቢሆንም የሪፐብሊካን ፓርቲዎች በበኩላቸው በሰፊ ሁኔታ በከተማዊ የሚገኘውን የሶማሊ ህዝብ የሚመለከቱ ቁልፍ ጉዳዮችን ለመፍታት ከመሞከር አልተቆጠቡም።

Is a College Degree Worth the Money በ 2018 በኮንግረስ ታሪክ ኢልሀን ኦማር የመጀመርያዋ ሶማሌ አሜሪካዊ ሆና ስትመረጥ ሀገሪትዋ በግርምት ተንጣ ነበር። ይህን የኢልሀንን ታሪክ በሚገዳደር መልኩ በሌላ...

After Ilhan Omar shocked the country in 2018 as the first ever Somali-American to be elected into Congress, there may be...

After Ilhan Omar shocked the country in 2018 as the first ever Somali-American to be elected into Congress, there may be a new Somali-American face in the race who’s planning to replace Omar: her polar opposite, Shukri Abdirahman.

Is a College Degree Worth the Money After Ilhan Omar shocked the country in 2018 as the first ever Somali-American to be elected into Congress, there may be a new Somali-American face in the race who’s planning to replace Omar: her polar opposite, Shukri Abdirahman. Omar is in her second term, and...

Will Rose of BBC Africa tweeted that “TPLF chairman, Debrestsion Gebremichael, tells BBC they’ve started talking with th...

Will Rose of BBC Africa tweeted that “TPLF chairman, Debrestsion Gebremichael, tells BBC they’ve started talking with the Addis government – ‘shuttle communications and discussions’ has led to ‘signs of improvements’ but waiting for this shuttle diplomacy to bear fruit.”

Is a College Degree Worth the Money On Dec 2, Prime Minister Abi Ahmed tweeted the “Great Ethiopian Homecoming,” in which he challenged 1 million Ethiopians worldwide to come to Ethiopia by January 7, while planting a seed of hope that the war is ending and that the federal government has stymie...

ከ ኮቪድ 19 አገግመን ወደ ድሮ የህይወት መስመራችን መመለስ ስንጀምር ዳግም ነገሮችን እንድናስተካክል ያስገደደን አዲስ የኮቪድ 19 ዝርያ መቷል። ይህ አዲስ ዝርያ የእለት ተእለት እንቅስቃስ...

ከ ኮቪድ 19 አገግመን ወደ ድሮ የህይወት መስመራችን መመለስ ስንጀምር ዳግም ነገሮችን እንድናስተካክል ያስገደደን አዲስ የኮቪድ 19 ዝርያ መቷል። ይህ አዲስ ዝርያ የእለት ተእለት እንቅስቃስያችንን እንድናስተካክል በማድረግ ብቻ አልተገታም! ይልቅስ ምጣኔ ሀብታችን ላይ ክፍተት በመፍጠር በድጋሚ የ ገንዘብ እንቅስቃስያችንን እንድንመለከት አስገድዶናል።

ሙሉውን ያንብቡ!

Is a College Degree Worth the Money ከ ኮቪድ 19 አገግመን ወደ ድሮ የህይወት መስመራችን መመለስ ስንጀምር ዳግም ነገሮችን እንድናስተካክል ያስገደደን አዲስ የኮቪድ 19 ዝርያ መቷል። ይህ አዲስ ዝርያ የ....



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