3 Blondes 1 Battle

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  • 3 Blondes 1 Battle

3 Blondes 1 Battle 3 moms bringing Hope and Joy into those living with Multiple Sclerosis. We are NOT medical professionals but collectively 47 years living with MS.

We know what it’s like to experience its trials. Whether newly diagnosed or years into it..we got you!

I have been using these for 2 months now. In month 3. I love this testimonial!💯💯💯If you wanna try them out Revonda Morse...

I have been using these for 2 months now.
In month 3.
I love this testimonial!
If you wanna try them out Revonda Morse is your gal!
Reach out to her..she will get you started!

Danielle was an action girl who rode dirt bikes and went hunting, until diagnosed with MS in 2014. Her life went into a downward spiral and more issues surfa...


I’m trying something new.
Has anyone else done this?
There’s a ton of studies evaluating Parkinson’s.
3 x week for 30 mins and improved mobility by 40%!!
Why not for MS?

Here’s the one I ordered:

Motorized Mini Exercise Bike Electric Pedal Exerciser for Seniors Rehab Training, Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser for Arm/Leg Fitness & Physical Thera https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D78GYKRH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_3RwYgaD7YLvSl


Come join me to see my “managing ms” MUST HAVEs next to my bed EVERY NIGHT! I’ll link the details in comments.


I love what he says at the end of this short clip. This is key! You should NOT be managing multiple sclerosis obese.. Brutal honesty here.
Obesity + MS = faster progression of the disease.
I can HELP YOU (with food given to you) lose 10-12lbs a month. Anddd you will keep losing until your body is at a healthy BMI. I did it in 11 weeks. You can do it, too.
THEN once healthy..you can look to your supplements & technology like this.

If you need help, fill this out & I will coach you for free: https://form.jotform.com/223004696392053

Nikki Reed


So far I’m on week 2 of wearing these patches.
I wear one under my belly button & one on neck on spinal cord.
Here’s my observations:
Legs are not as heavy
Balance is noticeably better
Energy is high

You should see what 3 weeks has done for my friend managing ALS🤯🤯

Full interview is in comments.

To buy the X39 & try them, here is link: www.lifewave.com/nicolereed

They have a 90 day money back guarantee.

I will put some testimonials about MS in comments below.
These are what caused me to try this!
And yes. I reached out to these people!


🎊🎊🎊🎊HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the dads out there!!🎊🎊🎊🎊

This summit is AWESOME!! You should def sign up! David is my friend & coach from a far. *************You CAN regain mobi...

This summit is AWESOME!!
You should def sign up!
David is my friend & coach from a far.


You CAN regain mobility and strength and David is the man with the plan.

If you want to hear more about David's journey with MS and discover how you can overcome your limitations through fitness then you are going to want to sign up for the summit right here...



Does multiple sclerosis create a social stigma?

Social stigma is the disapproval of, or discrimination against, an individual or group based on perceived characteristics that serve to distinguish them from other members of a society.

Social stigmas are commonly related to culture, gender, race, socioeconomic class, age, sexual orientation, sexuality, body image, physical disability, intelligence or lack thereof, and health. Social stigmas can occur in many different forms. The most common deal with culture, gender, race, religion, illness and disease.

Stigma may affect the behavior of those who are stigmatized.
Those who are stereotyped often start to act in ways that their stigmatizers expect of them. It not These stigmas put a person's social identity in threatening situations, such as low self-esteem. Individuals who are stigmatized usually feel different and devalued by others.

Lets chat about it..


This episode will be our once A month catch up about what is going on in our own personal lives and the current journey managing good ol' ms.

Just ordered the pink ones! -Nikki

Just ordered the pink ones! -Nikki

Our adaptive shoes are for those with:

-Foot Drop
-Multiple Sclerosis
-Cerebral Palsy
-Stroke Patients
-Parkinson’s Disease

…and for anyone with a walking difficulty seeking empowerment and confidence while on the go! 👟🙌🏼🙌🏼


For MOST managing multiple sclerosis, the majority of the time you appear to be just fine. Others around you can not tell you battle daily. BUT sometimes we just can't hide it. We say YES to something we know will be a challenge and very quickly we realize we physically can not DO what we once were able to do. We can't go where we want to go. We can't be a part of the 'rest of the group.' We need assistance. And there is NO one looking to be your friend during those moments. It is easier to respond "aww" to your very candid answer to their very fake "How are you?" then actually ask how they can help. How do you battle that in your mind? OR maybe there is no one around you that knows what you going through bc they just know to avoid the girl that can't keep up with the rest. OR they know you are struggling and they offer zero assistance or companionship when you are struggling b/c that would inconvenience them. The single, unmarried are definitely left with the most quiet moments of battle. HOW do you push through those moments of feeling so very trapped. Isolated. On an island of your own? Literally in my case. (Nikki) IS this familiar to you? Can you relate on some level with something you battle? lets chat

Fun Fact: these sit by my bedside and I take them before bed.These 3 products are (IMO) the best in their field.What min...

Fun Fact: these sit by my bedside and I take them before bed.
These 3 products are (IMO) the best in their field.
What minerals or nutrients do YOU take right before bed?

❌Qunol: Magnesium Citrate at 420mg are great for those who take around 900mg a night. It gets REAL annoying taking 6 x 150mg pills a day.

HOW do you find your MAX dosage for MG per day that YOUR BODY needs *everyone is different, duh!*: You start with the 150mg dosage and up it until you have diarrhea the next morning. If you do, that is TOO much. Decrease 150mg at a time. I will post in comments the BEST and affordable 150 pill.
MAGNESIUM is KEY to SO MANY PROCESSES in your body. If you are not taking Mg daily, you are behind/wrong and need to start ASAP. NEVER take on an empty stomach.. aka if you fast. You will have the worst nausea since being prego.. promise.. don't do it! haha.

Ps. Do not take Mg with certain antibiotics and certain meds. ASK your PHARMACY the question.. and actually... look online to see if they interact, as well. Once a pharmacist told me it was okay and it was DEFINITELY NOT OKAY and later when I told my primary doctor what happened she was like 'oh yeah.. good FIND online bc they were WRONG!" come on now.. do your own homework.. type in does X interact with magnesium..

Pss. There are DIFFERENT TYPES of magnesium. I will include some info in the comments

❌Stonehenge Biotics: BEST Probiotic. Why?
55 Billion live probiotic cultures per serving
16 Diverse probiotic strains *THIS IS HARD TO FIND!*
Delayed release capsules resist stomach acid
NutraFlora® Prebiotic Fiber aids growth of beneficial gut flora*
Vegetarian, No Preservatives, Non‑GMO, Gluten Free
Manufactured in the USA from the finest globally sourced ingredients
3rd Party Tested for Quality Assurance

❌Riordan Clinic: D3/K2 10,000IU. THIS IS ONLY FOR THOSE that need this much. BEST brand out there if you need this dosage.
WHO needs this much? You will need to do some homework. DEFINITELY if you are in a State with not alot of sun.. or have SAD.. you need this dosage during those months.. AND MS patients.. neurologists will tell you to take this much..



Japan knows what’s up. America is catching up lately with people talking more & more about “hydrogen water” and “alkaline water.” This machine has been around for 50 YEARS!!! It produces acidic (yes need that to kill viruses!) and very alkaline (can’t buy the level this unit produces in stores!) Kangen is the leader in water ionization transforming crap tap to pure, healthy, electrolytically-reduced & hydrogen rich water😍😍 y’all. I think most of us know acidic body breeds cancer cells and inflammation and is just terrible for us! Well .. when the body is rid of its toxic, acid waste and replaced by daily LIVING WATER.. your body can start to heal. If yah haven’t noticed..cancer rates & autoimmune disease is at an all time high😓 Ps. This 2.5ph KILLS all viruses (including e-Coli!) within seconds. SO you get sick, sore throats, virus, upper respiratory infections, rona.. it’ll rid it from your body within days. DAYS!! 🆘This is a patented MEDICAL DEVICE. NOT surprising is used in Japan hospitals but not USA🙄 Hello. We know what that is. You can have this in your home for you and family! AND if you’re wondering it was $5K. I financed it with 0% APR for 21 months. Hey. If you want HEALTHY bad enough..you find a way. 👌 Ps. SHAMELESS PLUG for my nutrition program: NO EXCUSE if you are not a healthy BMI. Health starts w the food you feed your body. Reach out to me!!! Let’s get you feeling light & energetic & off those meds ASAP🤜🏽🤛😘PSs. I tagged Revonda b/c she is the rep here! Reach out to her if you want more details!😍


Per MS Fitness Challenge


🤩🫶🧘‍♀️🧘As part of a health/fitness presentation on brain and muscle connection, we are looking for individuals to take part in a 4-month-long resistance exercise program designed for those managing MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. These individuals are those who have been diagnosed with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. Participants are asked to commit to the program by participating in a before/during/after assessment and performing the assigned 20-30 minute exercise session daily May 1-August 31. There are days of rest built into the program. The program is FREE and in partnership with UGA (University of Georgia). All exercise sessions are led by fitness experts Carol Ann, MS. and Multiple Sclerosis warrior, David Lyons, BS.

Participants receive:

FREE 4-month resistance training

1 Set of resistance bands

If interested, click here to register. https://www.jotform.com/form/240633084696159

Please fee free to share this post with friends, family, and anyone you know with MS.


When it comes to living with an unpredictable disease, it can be quite frustrating. It is never the same. Flares arise one day and disappear the next. Attacks are a BIT more predictable, but not much. If you are to master ONE THING in this journey battling multiple sclerosis, it needs to be your MINDSET. This is the single most IMPORTANT part of this journey. You master THIS and you will be set until the day you die. No really. No matter WHAT is thrown your way if you continue to tell yourself certain things day after day, you will ALWAYS win. Lets chat.


Today we will chat a bit about the life lessons we (just Bobie and Nikki today) have learned throughout our journey. We will talk about the fluidity needed when it comes to navigating ms.

Multiple Sclerosis Exercisers Needed: May 1-August 31, 2024🤩🫶🧘‍♀️🧘As part of a health/fitness presentation on brain and ...

Multiple Sclerosis Exercisers Needed: May 1-August 31, 2024

🤩🫶🧘‍♀️🧘As part of a health/fitness presentation on brain and muscle connection, we are looking for individuals to take part in a 4-month-long resistance exercise program designed for those managing MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. These individuals are those who have been diagnosed with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. Participants are asked to commit to the program by participating in a before/during/after assessment and performing the assigned 20-30 minute exercise session daily May 1-August 31. There are days of rest built into the program. The program is FREE and in partnership with UGA (University of Georgia). All exercise sessions are led by fitness experts Carol Ann, MS. and Multiple Sclerosis warrior, David Lyons, BS.

Participants receive:
FREE 4-month resistance training
1 Set of resistance bands

If interested, click here to register. https://www.jotform.com/form/240633084696159

Please fee free to share this post with friends, family, and anyone you know with MS.


One thing you will ABSOLUTELY have to navigate at some point in your journey battling ms are the NAYSAYERS. The people who are cynical about what you are going through. The ones who compare their weakness and fatigue with their fatigue (after they run 5 miles and/or 'have a hard workout'). Insert eyeroll about NOW. Then you will come across the family members or friends who think they know best about what YOU are going through. They are usually the perfectly healthy ones, too. 😐 If you are there, lets chat. Being us 3 have over 50 years combined of managing ms, we have some thoughts we would like to share. Hopefully helpful to YOU as the one managing MS or YOU as the naysayer ;)


Does anyone else do this!? I find it smart when you’re/if you’re spending hundreds of $$’s a month on supplements.

😱🤯 Isn’t this given right before OCREVUS injections!?******“Treatment with clemastine was stopped, however, because thre...

Isn’t this given right before OCREVUS injections!?
“Treatment with clemastine was stopped, however, because three (33.3%) of the patients experienced an accumulation of disability that was more than five times greater than that observed before the treatment.”
Full article:


Our body is around 60% water.
Water is important for cellular function and waste removal to name a few.
People can maintain the balance of water in their bodies by drinking fluids throughout the day.
We all know this.
BUT did you know the TYPE of water is very, VERY important?
Did you also know that Japan is the #1 most healthiest country in the WORLD?
Lets talk about how they look at water vs America today.
We will teach you the in's & out's of WHY the PH of their living, micro-clustered, anti-oxidant (1 x 8 ounce glass of the water they drink is the same antioxidant power of 5lbs of blueberries and/or brocolli) is FAR superior to America's water.
We will then tell you how it could help those with autoimmune conditions and much, much more!
Ps. America is the 35th healthiest out of 169 countries in the world.
Join us LIVE!

See you LIVE at 1:30pm EST! This is crazy, wild info!! 💦💦💦💦💦💦

See you LIVE at 1:30pm EST!
This is crazy, wild info!!

Our body is around 60% water. Water is important for cellular function and waste removal to name a few. People can maintain the balance of water in their bodies by drinking fluids throughout the day. We all know this. BUT did you know the TYPE of water is very, VERY important? Did you also know that...


Okay.. this podcast will be a DIRECT correlation to what Nikki has just currently had happen to her.
Have you SEEN the documentary called ROOT CAUSE?
It has been on Youtube now for a few years.
Honestly? I never watched it because I had them in my mouth.
Do you do that?
Avoid researching something because you would rather NOT know.
You would rather be ignorant in bliss than having to embrace a hard truth?
Join us..
Lets chat today.

Does he manage MS? Nope. But guess what…the things he’s doing are EXCELLENT for MS, too!Research. Research. Research!!!M...

Does he manage MS? Nope.
But guess what…the things he’s doing are EXCELLENT for MS, too!
Mitochondria boosters, baby!!
Anddddd what’s at the core of every dang cell in body??
I use red light bed & EES weekly as part of my own health protocol.
You can find one near you, I’m sure.
Use unifydheing.com/locations
Use LightStim for the FDA Approved red light beds.

Six year ago Matt Wolfe was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He went "out of bounds" to treat AND beat this cancer. He started a treatment plan that was natural, not chemo. He learned what he knows now from people God placed in his life. With ALL the knowledge he learned, he decided to start a non profit called Project Bouncy Ball In 2021. Think of him as a LIFE COACH for you during this time and then also a financial resources to you if you decide to treat the cancer in your own body naturally. Fast forward 2023 and a car accident later, he is treating himself, once more, naturally to beat pancreatic cancer currently.

Save his website and phone number IF you ever end up needing it! SHARE with a friend or family member that might need his advice/funds, as well!

These are the resources he is using here in Winston Salem and Asheville, NC.
🔷Light Stim Red light therapy bed and EES Scalar Wave frequency technology: e1evateusa.com
🔷CVaC at: 8thelementavl.com

0:0 Intro
1:45 How scary was finding out you had cancer?
5:30 Should you be more aware of your body?
9:30 What went wrong and do you think something caused it?
17:25 Why did you study these things before being diagnosed
26:50 What did you use the first round?
34:10 What does bouncy ball mean?
38:00 How many people have you helped since 2019?
48:20 Are you able to find facilities in a person's location if they reach out to you?
52:00 More about how his non-profit pays for peoples treatment
53:10 How can people find you?

🎙️SPOTIFY LINK: https://open.spotify.com/episode/69OIBwZ2DeyVpNRiV9IOxU?si=nCDAJx7uQpapA97nsc0XOQ

🎙️iTunes/apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/3-blondes-1-battle/id1608629658



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