FNQ News 4U

FNQ News 4U A grass roots media company proud of non biased reporting.

We are only a young start-up, but have a passion for using modern drone and gropro technology to bring you in depth accurate representations of current news stories.

A picture says a thousand words. And yes while many who have received their 4th jab tend to be the ones to be more susce...

A picture says a thousand words.

And yes while many who have received their 4th jab tend to be the ones to be more susceptible to respiratory disease, isn’t the whole point of the vaccine to reduce this risk?

So true, yet so sad to think most people have no clue.Here's the Honest Government Ad ICYMI: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

So true, yet so sad to think most people have no clue.

Here's the Honest Government Ad ICYMI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCRDseUEEsg

A major cleanout of Coalition-appointed members of a committee overseeing emissions reductions in Australia has seen three resignations, including the chair.


Mission For Freedom Rally Footage
Bit of a rough edit, Sorry it took a while. Enjoy 💪😎

G'day Everyone, The Cassowary Coast Business Alliance "Drop Box" folder is a fantastic resource with lots of useful form...

G'day Everyone,

The Cassowary Coast Business Alliance "Drop Box" folder is a fantastic resource with lots of useful forms, documents, shop front signage and a whole lot more.


To help prepare ourselves for life after the 17th of December we have made up an information kit.

The folders are Set up in drop box that you can access from the link above.

If you have any questions please email us and we will do our best to help you . We are a small team who also have our own business’s we are all new to this , so if you hear first-hand information or find documents, or video that you believe will help , please share. There are many people who have contributed to this group coming together and are passionate in standing up against medical segregation, and to them we want to say a heartfelt thankyou !

Warm Regards,

The CCBA Team .

Jeanette, Allan ,Paolo, Kylie, Brian, Sarah, Suzie, Coleene, Sandra, and Sharon


Short Video explaining what small business needs to Consider before complying

Fabulous resource step by step how to manage once the mandate begins if you choose to not comply


We must Understand what a Mandate is - and what it is not...

Everyone will benefit from taking the time to watch this video from Mike Palmer

Know your Rights Bit Chute Page - great videos explaining the law

Know your rights Web Page

Reignite Democracy Site - amazing !!

TGA adverse reaction reports

https://covid19.swa.gov.au/covid-19-information-workplaces/industry-information/hospitality/vaccination --4--tab-toc-workers,_customers_and_vaccinations

Fair Business Australia


Human rights commission


Parents -


Barrister Raymond Broomhall-

States can’t mandate and neither can federal.


Super import information n this website. 🙏💪😎

Please share/ Like and Follow the page - Cassowary Coast Business Alliance - Proc Choice.

Welcome to Cassowary Coast Business Alliance first newsletter .

Our mission is to educate and support our local community inside of the looming mandates on the 17th of this month.

Our meeting at the Mission Beach Tavern last Friday had 86 attendees from local businesses . A massive thankyou to the team at Mission Beach tavern for hosting the event.

Our next meeting will be Monday 13th of December .

6.30pm – 7.30 ish pm. Location : the Hall next to the markets in North Mission Beach.

We will open with Q and A and then do some role playing to build your confidence when dealing with Inspectors and patrons.

Special thanks to all who participated in and contributed to the Freedom Rally held on Sunday, It was powerful to stand together , over 200 people attended standing for the possibility of NO mandates in our region.

We heard some passionate speakers at the Freedom Rally who are standing for our freedom to be restored, to operate with integrity and lawfully without restrictions and without segregation and discrimination.

We believe everyone present felt and was proud to belong to this amazing this community . We must stand together as a collective to change this tyrannical narrative.

We must hold the line. – keep the momentum, knowing the law is on our side.The law is tantamount to our Freedom.

The Cassowary Coast Council has another meeting tomorrow morning.

you can watch it via live stream on u tube search

"CCRC livestream council meeting "

Even if you have written to them, do it again , perhaps you learnt something at the rally you were unaware of .Perhaps you think it won't make a difference this close to the meeting to write again - but It will.

Write a personal email of how these mandates will affect your business or how it has already affected your family your work , your friendships and divided your community. Share what you are witnessing in someone else's life .

Let your voice be heard! It does make a difference .

Address’s below

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

To help prepare ourselves for the 17th we have an information kit.

The folders are Set up in drop box that you can access from the link below.

Within this message we have Attached a link to a Mandate information Pack – this is a fantastic resource for you to become empowered and ready for the 17th. It is also in the folders in drop box.

This will be added to as we compile more knowledge to support you.

If you have any questions please email us and we will do our best to help you . We are a small team who also have our own business’s we are all new to this , so if you hear first-hand information or find documents, or video that you believe will help , please share. There are many people who have contributed to this group coming together and are passionate in standing up, we want to say a heartfelt thankyou !

We are in this together .
Warm Regards,

The CCBA Team .

Jeanette, Allan ,Paolo, Kylie, Brian, Sarah, Suzie, Coleene, Sandra, and Sharon

Short Video explaining what small business needs to Consider before complying

Fabulous resource step by step how to manage once the mandate begins if you choose to not comply



We must Understand what a Mandate is - and what it is not...

Everyone will benefit in taking the time to watch this Video


Know your Rights Bit Chute Page - great videos explaining the law

Know your rights Web Page


Reignite Democracy Site - amazing !!

TGA adverse reaction reports

https://covid19.swa.gov.au/covid-19-information-workplaces/industry-information/hospitality/vaccination --4--tab-toc-workers,_customers_and_vaccinations

Fair Business Australia


Human rights commission


Sovereign people offering protection and practical tools, please read and share 🥰😎🙏https://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=https...

Sovereign people offering protection and practical tools, please read and share 🥰😎🙏


The idea of serving this document is to protect you, and to let the relevant people know that you no longer choose to fall under the jurisdiction of the Belligerent Occupiers (The Crown in the Right of the COMONWEALTH and or the “STATES and or TERRITORIES – caps used to denote their corporate s...

URGENT CALL to ACTIONMany of our Senators will be sitting down with the Prime Minister to discuss vaccine mandates. We a...

Many of our Senators will be sitting down with the Prime Minister to discuss vaccine mandates. We ask everyone to please email all the Senators on this list and ask them to put an immediate STOP to these mandates. They are starting to listen after Senator Gerard Rennick started posting all the stories from normal Australians who have been injured.
1. Share your stories of vaccine injured friends and family and
2. How these mandates will affect your business in terms of loss of employees and revenue.
Here is a list of all the email addresses to send it to:
Please copy in [email protected] so we can keep track of number of emails sent.


Email Address Lists Senator bulk email addresses. This is a list of all the Senators. copy the addresses and paste the into the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; senator.birm...


FEDERAL MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT EMAIL ADDRESSES and the images I sent to them. These addresses are already formatted and can easily be copy and pasted into a new email.

Please use the below email as a template and add your own comments too.

It's best to use your own personalised subject title so to avoid automated email filters that remove generic emails.
------‐‐------------------------------------------ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Senator.O'[email protected]
Subject: (Use your Own words)

From: John Citizen

Dear Federal Members,


Also, I know it is my duty to keep you informed as to My Will on any matter that comes before the Parliament or should come before the Parliament.
It has come to my attention that the Federal Government is proposing to introduce Mandatory Vaccination and associated restrictions for the purposes of reducing the spread of COVID-19.
I do not consent or agree to the proposed actions, and it is My Will that you instead make it known to the Federal Parliament that it is The Will of this constituent that the wording of new legislation regarding mandatory vaccination and restrictions associated with vaccination be changed, so that wherever the word “must” appears, it is changed to “may” or “should”.
I respectfully remind you that, your role as a local community representative that you in good faith should be respectfully communicating your communities displeasure with the proposed laws through to the Federal Members of Parliament. We ask you to please express the WILL of your constituents, and only the WILL of your constituents.

I have also included some research material for you to peruse and use as supporting evidence I you so choose to take up the fight against these horrificly divisive laws.


Sincerely, (Your Name)

Stronger we Stand, Together!


ATHERTON TABLELANDS COUNCIL EMAIL ADDRESSES and the images I sent to them. These addresses are already formatted and can easily be copy and pasted into a new email.

Please use the below email as a template and add your own comments too.

It's best to use your own personalised subject title so to avoid automated email filters that remove generic emails.

Subject: (Add your own title)

Dear Councillors,

Just thought I'd share with you some pertinent information in regards to the communities feelings regarding the proposed COVID DISCRIMINATION LAWS


As our representatives I urge you to spend a little time studying the Federal laws and relevant privacy an anti discrimination acts that afford all Australians their freedoms. I also hope that rather that just ignoring this email, that you take a look at some of the Facebook groups listed so that you get a fair idea of the numbers of people that are opposing these laws, including large swaths of local business owners that have already stated they will be boycotting these laws and collectively are currently arranging a community based protest for the 05th of December in Mission Beach and this weekend in Cairns as I'm sure you're already aware.

As a community we will all be supporting eachother and these businesses during this time. We also hope you all take the time to look into this urgent matter further and we look forward to seeing you (our representatives) at Mission Beach and Cairns freedom rallies? Afterall, it's going to be a very large and highly significant event for our small and tight knit towns.

Also, I know it is my duty to keep you informed as to My Will on any matter that comes before the Parliament or should come before the Parliament.

It has come to my attention that the Federal Government is proposing to introduce Mandatory Vaccination and associated restrictions for the purposes of reducing the spread of COVID-19.

I do not consent or agree to the proposed actions, and it is My Will that you instead make it known to the Federal Parliament that it is The Will of this constituent that the wording of new legislation regarding mandatory vaccination and restrictions associated with vaccination be changed, so that wherever the word “must” appears, it is changed to “may” or “should”.

I respectfully remind you that, your role as a local community representative that you in good faith should be respectfully communicating your communities displeasure with the propesd laws through to the Federal Members of Parlinemt. We ask you to please express the WILL of your constituents, and only the WILL of your constituents.

I have attached a few pics of information that you may find helpful including details of upcoming protests in Mission Beach and other helpful information that has been widely disseminated throughout our communities.

Look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience

Sincerely, (Your Name)

Stronger we Stand, Together!


CAIRNS REGIONAL COUNCILLORS EMAIL ADDRESSES and the images I sent to them. These addresses are already formatted and can easily be copy and pasted into a new email.

Please use the below email as a template and add your own comments too.

It's best to use your own personalised subject title so to avoid council email filters that remove generic emails.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Subject: (use your own)

Dear Councillors,

G'day my fellow Australians.

Just thought I'd share with you some pertinent information in regards to the communities feelings regarding the proposed COVID DISCRIMINATION LAWS

As our representatives I urge you to spend a little time studying the Federal laws and relevant privacy an anti discrimination acts that afford all Australians their freedoms. I also hope that rather that just ignoring this email, that you take a look at some of the Facebook groups listed so that you get a fair idea of the numbers of people that are opposing these laws, including large swaths of local business owners that have already stated they will be boycotting these laws and collectively are currently arranging a community based protest for the 05th of December in Mission Beach and this weekend in Cairns as I'm sure you're already aware.

As a community we will all be supporting eachother and these businesses during this time. We also hope you all take the time to look into this urgent matter further and we look forward to seeing you (our representatives) at Mission Beach and Cairns freedom rallies? Afterall, it's going to be a very large and highly significant event for our small and tight knit towns.

Also, I know it is my duty to keep you informed as to My Will on any matter that comes before the Parliament or should come before the Parliament.
It has come to my attention that the Federal Government is proposing to introduce Mandatory Vaccination and associated restrictions for the purposes of reducing the spread of COVID-19.
I do not consent or agree to the proposed actions, and it is My Will that you instead make it known to the Federal Parliament that it is The Will of this constituent that the wording of new legislation regarding mandatory vaccination and restrictions associated with vaccination be changed, so that wherever the word “must” appears, it is changed to “may” or “should”.
I respectfully remind you that, your role as a local community representative that you in good faith should be respectfully communicating your communities displeasure with the propesd laws through to the Federal Members of Parlinemt. We ask you to please express the WILL of your constituents, and only the WILL of your constituents.

I have also included some research material for you to peruse and use as supporting evidence I you so choose to take up the fight against these horrificly divisive laws.


Sincerely, (Your Name)

Stronger we Stand, Together!


CASSOWARY COAST REGIONAL COUNCIL EMAIL LIST and can easily be copied and pasted into a new email.

EMAIL IVE MY LOCAL COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES and images that where attached for there information.

[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
[email protected]

G'day my fellow Australians.

Just thought I'd share with you some pertinent information in regards to the communities feelings regarding the proposed COVID DISCRIMINATION LAWS

As our representatives I urge you to spend a little time studying the Federal laws and relevant privacy an anti discrimination acts that afford all Australians their freedoms. I also hope that rather that just ignoring this email, that you take a look at some of the Facebook groups listed so that you get a fair idea of the numbers of people that are opposing these laws, including large swaths of local business owners that have already stated they will be boycotting these laws and collectively are currently arranging a community based protest for the 05th of December.

As a community we will all be supporting eachother and these businesses during this time. We also hope you all take the time to look at this urgent matter further look forward to seeing you (our representatives) at Mission Beaches protest? Afterall, it's going to be a very large and highly significant event for our small and tight knit town.


Thanks for your times,
Sincerely, Brian Puckey

Do you understand why politicians get paid completely differently to the rest of us hard working Aussies?Do you understa...

Do you understand why politicians get paid completely differently to the rest of us hard working Aussies?
Do you understand why they are immune to fluctuations in living costs, recession, etc?

They live in a "castle". Here's why!

Just read the Remunerations Tribunal Act. It is their castle. And from it they throw the scraps over the wall to us peasants. Read it. " (2) The Tribunal shall consist of three members appointed by the Governor‑General on a part‑time basis." 3 people apointed by the GG determine the income of our politicians ? And the GG since 1986, the Australia Act, has been appointed by the Government. They set their own wages, no matter how much you suffer.

This is one part of the current system that also needs to be abolished.
I mean, Why shouldn't politicians be paid under the same system as ourselves?
Why shouldn't they be held liable under the same clauses as decided by the Fair Work Laws the rest of us must abide by?



LIST OF STATE MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT EMAIL ADDRESSES and can easily be copied and pasted into a new email. Feel free to use this as a template, but I highly urge you to add your own story and comments to the email. Make it personal!

[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
[email protected]




Dear Federal Member,

G'day my fellow Australians.

Just thought I'd share with you some pertinent information in regards to the communities feelings regarding the proposed COVID DISCRIMINATION LAWS

As our representatives I urge you to spend a little time studying the Federal laws and relevant privacy an anti discrimination acts that afford all Australians their freedoms. I also hope that rather that just ignoring this email, that you take a look at some of the Facebook groups listed so that you get a fair idea of the numbers of people that are opposing these laws, including large swaths of local business owners that have already stated they will be boycotting these laws and collectively are currently arranging a community based protest for the 05th of December.

As a community we will all be supporting eachother and these businesses during this time. We also hope you all take the time to look at this urgent matter further look forward to seeing you (our representatives) at Mission Beaches protest? Afterall, it's going to be a very large and highly significant event for our small and tight knit town.

Also, I know it is my duty to keep you informed as to My Will on any matter that comes before the Parliament or should come before the Parliament.
It has come to my attention that the Federal Government is proposing to introduce Mandatory Vaccination and associated restrictions for the purposes of reducing the spread of COVID-19.
I do not consent or agree to the proposed actions, and it is My Will that you instead make it known to the Federal Parliament that it is The Will of this constituent that the wording of new legislation regarding mandatory vaccination and restrictions associated with vaccination be changed, so that wherever the word “must” appears, it is changed to “may” or “should”.
I respectfully remind you that, your role as a Federal Member requires you to express the WILL of your constituents, and only the WILL of your constituents, on the floor of Parliament.

Sincerely, (Your Name)

Stronger we Stand, Together! 💪😎✊






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