I watched Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me yesterday. It's a good documentary that required Selena to be very vulnerable with her highs and lows. The most powerful scene is in the beginning, as Selena is criticizing her performance and therefore herself in distress to her team.
"So I get the voice that comes in my head that says that, 'You missed this. That sucked. That sucked.' Oh, you get a glimpse of yourself on the screen. 'Wow, that looks pretty f--king sh-tty.'"
It's by far the most relatable scene to me - even if Selena and I work in very different fields and have different struggles, I understand the constant beating up of yourself and the 'voice' incredibly well. The way I've always thought of it is being painfully self-aware of myself, but not enough to do anything about it. I've tried to get over that - there's a lot about myself that I simply can't "fix." That's what autism is. I think autistic pride is a beautiful concept, even if I struggle to accept myself, because no one deserves the voice in their head constantly saying "that sucked, that sucked, what are you doing? You're a freak, you have ruined everything, all of these people see you as disposable."
I am proud of Selena for her vulnerability and sincerely hope that with her reach, she is able to make others feel less alone when they feel low and when they feel like an exception to the love the world has to offer. I think the ND community does a fantastic job at this as well.