… and we present to you… THE INTRO FOR OUR PODCAST: @ignitingconversations WITH FLINT & STEPH!! Beyond excited to share this clip with you all - - something we like to live by is “1% better every day” … so, here we are …. SHOWING UP 1% better.. TODAY 🙌🏻
Comment below and share with us how you plan on showing up 1% better today 👏🏼
Special thanks to: @covafilms for putting this together !
This co-hosted series, starring Flint Faulkner and Stephanie Romero, delivers an intimate insight into the stressful life of successful overachievers, by discussing the pros & cons of being a high performance working professional. Check out a taste of what's to come with our "Igniting Minutes": LAW OF GIVING & RECEIVING SERIES. #ignitingconversations #ignitingminutes #flintandsteph #lawofgivingandreceiving #chopra https://IgnitingConversations.com https://YouTube.com/@IgnitingConversations
THE LAW OF GIVING & RECEIVING: When you’re doing something for the greater good…
The law of giving and receiving - ever heard of it? 🧐
Have you seen our first episode? What was your favorite part?! 🤩 YouTube.com/ignitingconversations
EXCITING NEWS! Our first episode launches this week! 👏🏼
THERE’S ALWAYS GOING TO BE BACKGROUND NOISE SERIES: if you were to have a conversation with you future self… what would this conversation look like? 💥 #motivation
Intro to Igniting Conversations with Flint & Steph
This co-hosted series, starring Flint Faulkner and Stephanie Romero, delivers an intimate insight into the stressful life of successful overachievers, by discussing the pros & cons of being a high performance working professional, as well as other challenges related to the non-stop action and inevitable fatigue of true professionals. Guest appearances provide additional perspective on how to overcome the dreaded obstacles of fear, doubt, lack of confidence, overwhelming stress, delivering essential alternative approaches to the daily battles our professional and personal pursuits tend to bring. Join us in our journey in becoming the best version of ourselves. Listen to no-nonsense, non-gimmical, deep, inspirational, heart to heart discussions related to the humanitarian aspects of why we succeed and why we fail. Gain critical knowledge and application in order to “stay the course”. Build your own personal “persistence arsenal”, vital for crashing through those “uphill” moments.
WE ALL HAVE A PONYTAIL SERIES: If you did not have the roadblock, what would be your next step? Message us or comment below 👇