Institutions like these carry a legacy rooted in confinement and control, often perpetuating the intersecting oppressions of racism, ableism, and sanism. It’s essential to recognize how these historical foundations continue to influence their practices today, especially in moments when marginalized voices, such as Palestinian ones, are silenced.
[Image Description:
A dark, high-contrast graphic with text discussing the history and practices of CAMH, highlighting its origins as the ‘Provincial Lunatic Asylum’ and its ongoing use of involuntary admissions: text reads “CAMH, originally the ‘Provincial Lunatic Asylum,’ has roots in confinement and control. Today, it still uses practices like involuntary admissions, echoing a legacy of forced institutionalization. Systems like CAMH reflect how racism, ableism, and sanism are deeply intertwined—so it’s no surprise when anti-Palestinian and racist behaviors surface. These systems are built on the same oppressive foundations.” and clip from another post reads “camh CENSORS PALESTINE.” End of description.]