"Devlopman Lakay" is a podcast designed to promote the development work of individuals, businesses and grassroots organizations both inside and outside of Haiti. In partnership with Radio Parole Verite (www.radioparoleverite.com), a web-based media organization in Brockton (Massachusetts, USA), we will focus on promoting efforts to create opportunities in key areas such as: capacity building and r
einforcement for grassroots organizations, education (primary, secondary and tertiary), MOOCs (massive open online courses), health and medicine, information technology, farming, entrepreneurship, and job creation (among others). The podcast will feature a diversity of distinguished organizations and individuals through their exceptional work in Haiti, as a way to introduce a much different side of our country and promote positive things happening in the motherland. Discussions will focus on specific activities being undertaken by these individuals and organizations, their motivation, some of the challenges they face, and the expected outcomes. Our ultimate goal is to help expose these efforts and garner the necessary support - both financial and moral. Click to read more https://www.facebook.com/devlopmanlakay/posts/1001097259961050:0