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Request to All Admin Contact Robin Wicca Farrington in regards to the Administration of the Steller ? Please PM or Email...

Request to All Admin Contact Robin Wicca Farrington in regards to the Administration of the Steller ? Please PM or Email [email protected]

Good morning everyone and welcome to Steller Nexus

Good morning everyone and welcome to Steller Nexus


First 30000 suffering,terified missing children saved ,this may still be under your city ....please pay attention ,Usually bases like this like public mases walking every day so may be under:airports,churches,galeries,even close to rivers,lakes.
You can save missing kids....they got only us because governments and media were SILENT FOR AGES !



This lock expert comes across the strangest lock ever found 🤔😲


Just recently those photographs surfaced of a War in Iraqi convoy in the desert that was filmed.

Who pays close attention to the frame by frame sequence from this video, with the right size and contrast, can see the use of a 'Directed Energy Weapon'!
Watch how on the left a vague beam comes from the dark sky, then slowly mostly to the right and then in a millisecond intensifies when it hits the convoy. The Ammo explodes in a slow-motion, frame by frame, the fire of the explosion, the blast wave that rips through the atmosphere and condenses the water v***r into a white mist. See how it moves away and how the actual blast expands and the debris starts to fly away. Only then the men can hear the blast and start to react by turning away for coverup... A matter of 2-3 seconds.

Space weapons do exist!
Secret flying triangles in the air...
An entire space fleet, that TRUMP now announces, exist for 15-20 years already!...
They have been traveling to space since the decades of the 30's.


Put most simply the N**i Bell was in fact a heavy particle accelerator used as an artificial neutron source to breed Protactinium 233 from Thorium 232. Protactinium would naturally degrade after 27 days into pure bomb grade Uranium 233

Uranium 233 derived from spent reactor waste is often contaminated by Uranium 232 when Thorium 230 gets bombarded by a second neutron, but in a particle accelerator this process does not have time to occur and thus U232 contamination is as low as one part per million and thus as safe to handle as weapons grade Plutonium.

According to speech notes recently uncovered in KGB archives, Heisenberg advocated harvesting Protactinium for a nuclear weapon at the Harneck Haus conference in July 1942. Later whilst interned at Farm Hall Cambridgeshire after the War, Heisenberg also identified harvesting Protactinium as one of three methods of obtaining fissile material for a nuclear bomb.

The other two of course, being to either enrich U235, or to reprocess Plutonium from spent fuel in a thermal nuclear reactor… Our history books tell us all about these other two methods in N**i Germany but are strangely silent on the Protactinium harvesting project. Why is that?

The wartime Chairman of AEG, Herman Bucher revealed to OSS informant Erwin Respondek that his company was funding development of a Heavy Particle Accelerator for the Atomic Bomb Project at Bisingen.

The process harnessed the fluorescent quality of Mercury to cause collisions between electrons and photons, which in result released thermal neutrons. The device was surrounded by a concave beryllium mirror to reflect neutrons back into a mass of Thorium oxide placed at the core. The machine generated this X-ray plasma in orbit around an axle which spun two carefully frequency phased contra-rotating drums.

Respondek also revealed to the OSS that Heisenberg worked closely with Swiss engineer Dr Walter Dallenbach at a secret facility known as “Forschungsstelle D” at Bisingen to develop the N**i bell. A report by the OSS in November 1944, cited information from an engineer named Nagglestein who related Otto Hahn’s laboratory at Tailfingen in a town close to Bisingen was using Thorium to obtain Uranium for an Atomic Bomb.

Inside the Bell was located two contra rotating drums. Norwegian born physicist Rolf Wideroe wrote in his autobiography about development of the Bell at Hamburg, by the company CHF Muller. In his patent his diagrams showed one sphere inside another spun on a common axle. As is common with particle accelerators a vacuum has to be created to propagate plasma inside these evacuated chambers. Then heated mercury vapour would have been bled into the cavity and then once spun up subjected to powerful discharges of electricity to ionise the Mercury. Under this influence the Mercury would fluoresce and photons would collide with extremely energetic electrons, creating Gamma X-rays. These X-rays in turn would stimulate the Beryllium oxide in the Xerum 525 to emit thermal neutrons. In turn these thermal neutrons would be absorbed by the Thorium 232 changing it into Protactinium 233.

Wideroe called this device the Wirbel-Rohr, or Vortex Tube. Patents for variations on the same theme had been applied for in 1935 by both Prof Max Steenbeck and his rival Swiss scientist Dr Walter Dallenbach. After WW2 Steenbeck co-operated with the Soviets to replicate the N**i Bell. The Soviets named it the Tokamak.

The Bell concept exploited an even earlier patent. In March 1934 Hungarian scientist Leo Szilard applied for a patent which was titled “improvements in, or relating to the transmutation of Chemical Elements. His Patent described how radioactive bodies are generated by bombarding suitable elements with neutrons. Szilard went on to describe “such uncharged nuclei pe*****te even substances containing the heavier elements without ionisation loss and cause the formation of radio-active substances.”

Mercury (alternate accounts say amalgams of Mercury) were spun inside these drums. In likelihood the Mercury was introduced from beneath as a heated vapour. Jelly like compounds of Beryllium with Thorium were located in flasks contained within the central axis. The N**is were known to have made special paraffin from Deuterium (heavy Hydrogen) because of it’s catalytic qualities in radioactive exchanges. Mercury also played a role by releasing photons into the plasma. It is the collision of energetic electrons with photons which gives off gamma radiation.

Beryllium compounds used in the N**i Bell were called “Xerum 525.” During WW2 N**i scientists discovered paraffin was useful as a moderator in reactor experiments. Paraffin would fit the description of “Xerum 525″ as a pinkish jelly like substance. Pink colour possibly came from the mixing of Mercury (II) Iodide also known as Red Mercury into the compound, thus by implication Xerum 525 most likely contained Beryllium and Thorium suspended in heavy paraffin.


The N**i Bell was initially housed in a basement beneath the Charity hospital in Berlin and thus the project was known as Charite Anlage.

From November 1943 the N**i bell was housed in an underground laboratory beneath Gandau airfield on the western outskirts of Breslau, now known as the Polish city of Wroclaw. Xerum 525 compounds were supplied from a laboratory in the city of Danzig now known as Gydina. After operation the spent and altered compound was reprocessed at a laboratory west of Breslau then known as Neuberg.

It was shifted from Gandau in November 1944 to Furstenstein Castle and later in December 1944 located inside Wenceslas mine. Following the war Professor Manfred von Ardenne led two Soviet scientists Nicolai Flyerov (aka N.I. Frolov) and Igor Kurchatov to the Wenceslas mine and gave them a description of installing what he called a cyclotron in the mine.

This mine was abandoned before the war. Above ground there was a power station with two steam cooling towers. The bases of these have become known by various names like the “Henge” after Stonehenge, or the Fly Trap. Bizarre claims are made by some that these are related to N**i UFOs.

Near the mine entrance Nobel Dynamit AG operated a bullet manufacturing plant. Wenceslas mine was also known by it’s codename Komplex Milkow. A short distance away was Ludwikowice. The area in wartime had been part of Germany’s Silesia region, but after the war most Germans were forced into East Germany and their homes were turned over to Polish refugees. In German the village was called Ludwidsdorf.


A constant criticism of the Bell story is that it is a myth based entirely upon the unverified claims of Polish author Igor Witkowski. In fact there are others who contribute small portions of the story who are also witnesses to the Bell at Ludwikowice.

SS Lieutnant General Jakob Sporrenberg, Police Chief (ie Gestapo) Lublin (occupied Poland) SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Rudolf Schuster, from interrogation report at Berlin Document Centre about evacuation of the Bell by air in 1945.
Dr Wilhelm Voss, Chief Executive of Skoda Works, Czechoslovakia given to Tom Agoston Soviet plasma scientist G.N. Frolov in 1983 interview referred to Prof Baron Manfred von Ardenne as first hand witness.
Railway employee from Opole, Joachim Ibrom Dr Otto Cerny (whilst working at NASA, recounted N**i Bell to Greg Rowe) Argentine Economic Ministry report declassified 1993 refers to Bell being unloaded in Argentina from a multi-engined German aircraft in May 1945 Other individuals who may not have first hand witnessed the Bell device itself have also contributed to understanding the project surrounding the Bell. Dr Ronald Richter strove to recreate the Bell project in Argentina after the war and the dismantling of his Bell device under political pressure applied upon Argentina in 1952 grant further insights.

It is also worth noting that Ardenne disclosed to Frolov that whilst Ardenne had installed one cyclotron like device in the mine at Ludwikowice, he said there was already another one inside the mine. At Bissingen in April 1945 the French captured what appears to have been another, incomplete Bell device created by the Swiss scientist Dallenbach. When ALSOS reached the Austrian town of Melk they came across another nuclear project with what was termed a transformer room. Dr Rolf Wideroe after the war referred to a device known as an X-ray transformer which also appears to be the N**i Bell.

At least four such devices may have existed including Bells at Melk, Bissingen and Ludwikowice. Furthermore a giant underground transformer room at Jonsthal may have contained yet more N**i Bell machines. The contents of Jonsthal remain classified by US authorities.

The N**i Bell is intimately connected with the work of Swiss Plasma physicist Dallenbach’s work with Forschungsstelle D. Dallenbach was contracted by AEG and his laboratory was located at Bisengen in Germany just north of Zurich. Dallenbach scrupulously avoided giving any impression that he was anything other than a neutral during the war, however he was a fervent N**i and several slip-ups by N**i officials and his own deputy, revealed that he was working on an atomic bomb project vital to Germany’s war effort. Dallenbach himself maintained his work was pure research yet during his time in Germany the N**is refused to fund any scientific work not vital to the war effort.

Charite Anlage:

Numerous Top Secret codenames are associated with the so-called N**i Bell. The term N**i Bell however is just a modern affectation, due to the device’s resemblance to a Bell. When the Bell arrived in Argentina in May 1945 however, Argentine Intelligence referred in a report classified until 1993, calling this device the “Bell.”

By protocol of the Army Weapons Office session of 21.7.1942, this project was awarded the priority classification “Kriegsentscheidend” – decisive for the outcome of the war – the highest known category of secrecy and funding priority known in the Third Reich. No other known project had it. The electrical giant AEG provided the huge amounts of electrical power under the contract code-name “Charite-Anlage”.

The code name Charite-Anlage co-existed with Project Thor. Priority classification was invoked for the Bell with the Gestapo in 1944, quoted as SS/1940. This classification was cited seeking the release from of engineer Richard Cremer from a 2 year sentence for defeatist attitudes. The name Charite-Anlage applied specifically to electrical engineering and manufacture of the Bell itself and the supply of power.

**er **iBell

Irish Teenager Invents Magnetic Liquid Trap That Can Remove 90% of Microplastics From Water

Irish Teenager Invents Magnetic Liquid Trap That Can Remove 90% of Microplastics From Water

Teenager wins Google Science award for genius invention that could cheaply remove most microplastics from the ocean Because microplastics are so small — some as tiny as grains of sand — scientists have had a hard time figuring out to remove them from the soil and the sea. Now, an …



[ WARNING : ​This one might be a kind of tough red-pill for some to swallow! ]


OMEGA Conspiraciones

Voy a explicar de que se trata esta nueva herramienta proporcionada por youtube, por que veo que muchos se quejan y no están comprendiendo de que se trata. ESTA NUEVA HERRAMIENTA para unirse a la comunidad de miembros EXCLUSIVOS da ventajas especiales, eso no significa que no van a poder ver los videos de mi canal, TODOS LOS VIDEOS Y MI TRABAJO SON PUESTOS PARA TODO EL MUNDO Y DE FORMA PUBLICA, LA HERRAMIENTA BRINDA UN SERVICIO APARTE. donde podrás formar parte de un grupo diferente y exclusivo de usuarios que realmente les interesen los temas que tocamos en nuestro canal. si quieres formar parte de este nuevo proyecto y apoyar nuestro canal te dejare este enlace para que leas cuales serán las ventajas que tienen los miembros del canal . tambien les recuerdo que youtube no le da esta herramienta a todos los canales y lo podrán comprobar, ya que hay que cumplir ciertos requisitos, entre ellos brindar información y videos de calidad,,(esa es la única razón por que otros canales de conspiración y misterio no tiene esta herramienta ) y dentro de la temática que maneja nuestro canal solo existen pocos canales que cumplen con esto. Por eso hago esta aclaración por que no faltan los que insultan y critican este nuevo proyecto del canal y creen que mi trabajo y tiempo no vale nada, y esta nueva herramienta brinda algo nuevo y una interacción diferente, he visto canales que piden donaciones a través de PATREON con la excusa de que les ayuden a realizar videos , y luego vemos los videos y están realizados con 5 fotos y un audio , un trabajo que no lleva mas de 15 minutos realizarlo, yo siempre compartiré mis vídeos de forma publica para todo el mundo, siempre responderé los mensajes que me manden siempre estaré tratando de ayudarlos en lo que pueda, no soy el dueño de la verdad y solo trato de dar mi visión de lo que pasa en este mundo de locura , no lo se todo y siempre se aprende algo nuevo, estamos reescribiendo la historia y estoy seguro que has notado que hay algo mal en el mundo, no puedes explicarlo, pero lo sientes, lo has sentido toda tu vida, y eso, es lo que te a traído a mi, BIENVENIDOS AL NUEVO AMANECER Nuevo Amanecer INSTAGRAM _


Medicare for All NOW

'Under No Condition' Will EU Agree to Invite Russia Back Into G7 - Tusk

'Under No Condition' Will EU Agree to Invite Russia Back Into G7 - Tusk

Earlier, following remarks by US President Donald Trump that he would "certainly" support Russia's return to the G7 to recreate the G8 group of nations, a 'high-ranking source' in Brussels told reporters that doing so would be a "sign of weakness."


Crop Circle truther/debunker

Another new one on August 20, 2019 on Etchilhampton Hill, photos by Nick. What do you think it is showing us?


Dr. Horace R. Drew from Australia (“Red Collie”) asks me to post this, because he can no longer go on Facebook to share theories or news with you directly. Yes, he assures me, there was indeed a big conspiracy to “debunk crop circles” in the summer of 2018. About 2 dozen different people were involved, most having long-term associations with the UK, USA or Italian intel services, he informs me. It was a devious and subtle plot, leading eventually to a fake-news article in National Geographic last month. They targeted him and two other major English crop-circle researchers, who threatened their cover-up the most. Dr. Drew warns everyone that these intel people are not only devious, but also dangerous.

“Why do all of this”, he asks you to consider, “unless crop circles are real, and they desperately don’t want the general public to know?” He adds that he remains probably safe so far away, but would not be safe if he travelled to Wiltshire and they learned about it. He says that things have changed from the genteel and polite English society which he knew in Cambridge from 1982-87, while working at Britain’s leading medical-research lab (which has gotten 14 Nobel Prizes, two recently to his former friends). Finally he asks the good British people to “look at what you have become?”

Dr. Horace R. Drew from Australia (“Red Collie”) asks me to post this, because he can no longer go on Facebook to share theories or news with you directly. Yes, he assures me, there was indeed a big conspiracy to “debunk crop circles” in the summer of 2018. About 2 dozen different people were involved, most having long-term associations with the UK, USA or Italian intel services, he informs me. It was a devious and subtle plot, leading eventually to a fake-news article in National Geographic last month. They targeted him and two other major English crop-circle researchers, who threatened their cover-up the most. Dr. Drew warns everyone that these intel people are not only devious, but also dangerous.

“Why do all of this”, he asks you to consider, “unless crop circles are real, and they desperately don’t want the general public to know?” He adds that he remains probably safe so far away, but would not be safe if he travelled to Wiltshire and they learned about it. He says that things have changed from the genteel and polite English society which he knew in Cambridge from 1982-87, while working at Britain’s leading medical-research lab (which has gotten 14 Nobel Prizes, two recently to his former friends). Finally he asks the good British people to “look at what you have become?”

A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously

A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously

The new theory suggests that time does not PASS and that everything is ever-present.The researchers indicates that time should be regarded as a dimension of spacetime, as relativity theory holds — so it does not pass by us in some way, because spacetime doesn’t.

Robert Edward Grant

Sonic Geometry.

A few years ago I executive produced Sonic Geometry II along with Eric Rankin and Alanna Luna, (a friend and colleague) after learning of his work in Sonic Geometry I (this video). This thought-provoking first film was his vision for many years. The film’s message is universal and describes the mathematical link between geometry and music. In so doing, it spans ancient history, philosophy and science in an attempt to answer some of the bigger questions that continue to face humanity today. I hope you enjoy Eric’s creation.

YouTube is deleting videos on N**i history as part of its hate speech crackdown

YouTube is deleting videos on N**i history as part of its hate speech crackdown

The site’s torrid week shows what a challenge moderation has become for big tech firms.The news: YouTube announced new rules around hate speech on Wednesday that prohibit videos promoting N**i ideology or denying the existence of the Holocaust or other well-documented violent events like the shoot...




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