NOW AVAILABLE via afewgoodclones.podbean.com 2GGRN: Back to the Clones Clone vs Troopers Empire Dawn (Episode 4) The Good, the Bad, the Whiplash of the Bad Batch so so SO much promise (3/26/2023)
The Good, the Bad, the Whiplash of the Bad Batch so so SO much promise LOL LOL Hahahahahaha, lets get one thing clear THIS show, in particular THIS era of Star Wars has so so SO much promise ala episodes like THE CLONE CONSPIRACY and TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES, but it is promise that is echoing through a the CLONE WARS echo chamber, which THIS show desperately, DESPERATELY needed to STOP doing really early on, HECK at this point the most Bad Batch so far, has been the arc that introduced them in the Clone Wars: The Final Season ............. but *sigh* hey is what it is right????
On the latest episode of Back to the Clones Clone vs Troopers Empire Dawn, your hosts David Senden and Kyle Wagner discuss episodes 10, 11 and 12 of the Bad Batch season 2, streaming EXCLUSIVELY on Disney+