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Theartofweather Opinions about current and future weather events by a credited meteorologist.


Weather Rant by Professor Art Horn, Meteorologist AMS

“I have always strenuously supported the right of every man to his own opinion, however different that opinion might be to mine. He who denies to another this right, makes a slave of himself to his present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it.”

― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

Published at

Sunday February 11th, 2024

Winter reclaims its territory.

Yesterday was the warmest day at Windsor Locks Connecticut since December 18th, 2023 when the high temperature reached 64 in the rain. Yesterday’s high was 62 degrees but as opposed to December 18th, it was a beautiful mostly sunny day!

The first ten days of February have been exceptionally mild, in case you hadn’t noticed. The average temperature for that period has been nearly 10 degrees above the long term average at Windsor Locks for this time of year. That’s a big number. However, it’s still February and winter is lurking right around the corner, ready to pounce!

And pounce it will very soon! Since last week the weather simulations have been indicating a low-pressure area would come out of Texas and move into our area during the beginning of this coming week. The exact details of how all of this would play out remained unresolved due to the length of time into the future involved. These predictions from the simulations should never be taken at face value when the time frames are 4, 5, 6 or more days into the future.

Now that we are within the window of reasonable predictability, more definitive and accurate predictions can commence. Once again there is no high-pressure area to our north to anchor the cold air. That has been the case for most of the winter. However, indications are that a high-pressure area will project its nose into Quebec province to our north.

That will help supply enough cold air during the storm to bring that critical element into the mix and ensure that the majority of the precipitation falls as snow across southern and certainly central New England. It appears that northern New England will get very little to nothing from this one.

It appears now that heavy amounts of snow will fall across portions of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, southern Vermont, southern New Hampshire and southwestern Maine. Extreme southern Connecticut, Rhode Island, Cape Cod and the Islands will likely see a mix of sleet and rain for a time.

The rate at which the storm strengthens as it passes to our south tomorrow night and Tuesday morning will be an important feature of this event. As the storm center reaches northern West Virginia around midnight Monday, a new center will begin to develop around the Delaware Bay area.

By around 7:00 am Tuesday this center will have completely taken over as the primary center of the storm. This is a classic example of a coastal re-development. This occurrence has produced a great many Nor’ Easter snowstorms here in New England.

As the new storm center moves to the east northeast the air pressure at the center will be dropping or, in other words the air pressure will be decreasing. This occurs due to upper-level divergence of air exceeding low-level convergence of air. Now you might ask, what the hell does that mean!

The winds in the Jetstream over the storm’s center at around thirty thousand feet will be blowing from the southwest at about 125 miles per hour Tuesday morning. Those strong winds will be evacuating air from the storm’s center and lifting it higher and higher. This vertical motion of air is what causes the clouds and precipitation.

It also removes huge masses of air and transports it thousands of miles away to the northeast. In doing so the amount of air leaving the top of the storm will exceed the air rushing in near the ocean’s surface in a counterclockwise fashion to replace the air being carried away by the Jetstream. That’s what upper-level divergence of air exceeding low-level convergence of air means. As long as this occurs the storm will intensify.

Another result of this imbalance is that colder air to the north of the storm will be drawn southward into central and southern New England during the storm. This will help to offset the lack of a full-blown high-pressure area to out north over Quebec Province.

Colder air will rush in behind the storm Tuesday night and Wednesday. The cold air will dominate next week into the weekend. This will ensure that however much snow falls will stick around for a while. By next weekend we we’ll have to look out for another possible winter weather event.

On another note, last week’s trial verdict involving allegations of defamation may have ominous implications for the future of free speech and the integrity of science. Last week a jury of six people in Washington D.C. decided that if you say something about a climate scientist’s work, and the author of the work doesn’t like what you said, you can be sued for defamation and win.

That’s the bottom line about what took place last week. One of the defendants in the case was ordered to pay the plaintiff one million dollars in damages to his career even though it appears there were no damages. What’s next, jail time for questioning the validity of the “climate crisis”?

What door this opens for more cases like this is unknown. The appeal process may correct this ill-advised verdict. If not, we may be witness to more cracks appearing in the bedrock foundation of what America is supposed to stand for.


Weather Rant by Professor Art Horn, Meteorologist AMS

I reverently believe that the Maker who made us all makes everything in New England but the weather. I don't know who makes that, but I think it must be raw apprentices in the weather-clerk's factory who experiment and learn how.
Mark Twain

Published at

Friday January 12th, 2024

Oh no!!! 2023 Was The Hottest In 100,000 Years!!!

Another in what seems to be an endless parade of hysterical “Oh No” stories is out…again. This time it’s from the European Copernicus Climate Change Service. Yes, there actually is such a thing. Need an outrageous climate change story for today’s headline? We’ll write one up for you, if you can afford it. Copernicus must be rolling in his grave.

The director Carlo Bountemp made the shocking declaration. Oh my God no! Please say it ain’t so! He said they used tree ring data (very suspect) and ice core analysis to make the determination. I don’t know what they looked at for ice cores but the ice core data actually shows that for thousands of years during the current interglacial period we live in it’s been several degrees warmer than today.

Numerous peer reviewed studies have conclusively shown that temperatures on earth have been warmer than today during the last 10,000 years. Studies of tree line movements using radiocarbon dating reveal that trees were growing up to the Arctic coast in Siberia thousands of years ago. I think Siberia is an excellent place to study temperature change since it’s the coldest place in the northern hemisphere.

The Mendenhall glacier in Alaska has been retreating for many years. The receding glacier has exposed tree stumps that have been radiocarbon dated to 1,200 to 2,000 years ago and older. This reveals that there’s a glacier in that location today where there was a forest thousands of years ago. For a forest to exist thousands of years ago where there is a glacier today tells me that is was significantly warmer than now 1,200 to 2,000 years ago. There are ancient painting on walls in western Egypt that depict people swimming in what is now a desert. There was a shallow inland sea there thousands of years ago with animals and plant life where there is just sand and rock now. It was warmer and wetter.

In the story the Copernicus Climate Change Service also says that “climate disasters” cost $250 billion dollars last year according to insurer Munich Re. Let me tell you something. There were no climate disasters last year or in any other year. Yes, there were weather disasters but no climate disasters. There are weather disasters every year. Apparently they just don’t know the difference between weather and climate. They say climate change is fueling bigger, more frequent and more damaging storms. What they don’t understand is that climate change doesn’t cause anything on a daily, weekly or yearly time scale. Climate change is far too gradual to cause anything.

Let’s say the earth average surface measured temperature over the last 100 years (which was very poorly measure across the planet 100 years ago) has increased about 2.0 degrees Fahrenhiet. That equates to an increase of 0.02 degrees per year or 0.00005 degrees per day. You get the point.

Another talking point that drives me batty is all this hand wringing and dooms day proclaiming about earth’s average temperature exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenhiet) from pre-industrial times. Almost every day I see a story on the internet announcing that exceeding this number will lead to horrific “tipping points”. If we exceed 1.5 C we will cross into a climate apocalypse that we can never reverse! The only tipping point that means anything is the one you get after a good meal at a restaurant. That’s a real tipping point!

All that talk and fear mongering about the 1.5 C tipping point comes from the United Nations climate division known as the Intergovernmental Pannel on Climate Change. They made the number up, yup it’s fake. There is absolutely no science that indicates passing 1.5 C or 2.7 F will do anything. They use that number to motivate nations to give them money. Believe it or not, the UN wants the developed nations of the world (us) to donate one hundred billion dollars A YEAR for their “green climate fund”. Are you out of your freaking mind!!!

When I read these stories about the 1.5 degree thing it makes me wonder what all these so called reporters are thinking. Don’t they ever question the motives of the UN? Do they ever wonder why the UN would be interested in climate change in the first place? Do they ever do any research into what the leaders of the UN IPCC have repeatedly said their goals are? Apparently very few do. Perhaps for some of them the reason is they can’t.

If you work writing stories for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA times and many other publications and web sites, questioning the seriousness of man-made climate change will get you a big promotion, right out the door.

Several years ago, MSNBC in New York contacted me. They saw a story I published about an Oilicane. The point of my story was what could happen to the northern Gulf of Mexico communities if a major hurricane struck during a big oil spill. They loved that idea! They had a limo pick me up here and drive me to the studio in New York. They wanted me to depict what would happen. They were very disorganized in the new room. Anyway, despite their lack of setting me up with a green screen to work with I did my spot and they drove me home.

A few months later they contacted me about another weather-related story. I happened to mention that “Oh yea, that occurred right around the time the warming trend ended and the pause in temperature began”. Click! Never heard from them again. There actually was a nearly 20 year period of flat global temperature from around the late 90s to around 2016. They didn’t want to hear about that. I can’t stand them anyway.

Okay, lets turning the page. We have a very interesting weather pattern setting up for next week. Right now the core of the coldest air is in western Canada. Indications are it will migrate east by early next week. These blobs of cold air are very temperamental and that makes them very hard to predict. Seems that if these cold blobs remain fairly circular they behave reasonably well. It’s when they begin to stretch out and grow long appendages of cold that they can grab some warm air and spin up a large storm very quickly. You need the warm air to bring in the moisture for the storm.

Next week the core of the cold will be just to our northwest. That puts it in a position where it could reach out and produce a storm or two that could have significant impacts on we here in the northeast. This winter is far from over and the biggest storms are yet to come.


Weather Rant by Professor Art Horn, Meteorologist AMS

The new year begins in a snow-storm of white vows.

George William Curtis

Published at

Saturday January 6th, 2024

It’s extremely extreme and getting more extreme!

Happy new year to all those that read this and to those that should. Another year has come and gone. It was another year of “extreme weather”. Around the globe there were horror stories of catastrophic hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, blizzards, heat waves, droughts, hails storms and every type of tempest never before seen in history. The year of 2023 saw weather that was extremely extreme. Wrong.

Wrong you say? Yes, the year of 2023 had weather, just like all the years before it. Some of the weather was what you would consider bad and some was what many would consider good although that type of weather doesn’t get much attention. That’s just the way nature works. Weather is a consequence of the imbalances that exist in the atmosphere and oceans. These imbalances have always existed and always will. Weather, including that which we arbitrarily call extreme, must exist. If it did not, the earth would have an atmosphere that would make the planet uninhabitable.

The naturally chaotic nature of the atmosphere results in naturally occurring weather events that attempt to reduce the imbalances that come about from the large temperature differences between the polar regions and the tropics. The imbalances of temperature between the poles and the tropics vary throughout the year. We call these changes seasons. In the northern hemisphere, where we live, the imbalance is lower in the summer than winter.

The earth is traveling at about sixty-seven thousand miles per hour around the sun at this very moment. As earth speeds along in its orbit it’s tilted from the vertical at about 23.5 degrees. This tilt is critical in producing the seasons. Without it there would be no summer or winter anywhere, at least as we know now know it. It would likely be some type of spring or fall all year with the sun rising and setting in the same location every day of the year, just like it does now if you live on the equator.

If earth had no tilt as it orbited the sun the temperature difference through the year between the poles and the tropics would be much less than it is now. This lack of a tilt would likely result in less annual variability in weather. Storms would continue to exist, just as they do now in the Spring and Fall but with less ferocity than our tilted world experiences. Why would the storms be less powerful than they are in our tilted world? The answer is they wouldn’t need to be. With less temperature difference between the poles and the tropics the atmospheric battles (storms) would be less violent with the possible exception of hurricanes.

Of course, all of that is theoretical. We live on a tilted world and that makes our weather much more variable and cantankerous. In the northern hemisphere summer, the north polar regions receive 24 hours of daylight. Even though the sun is low in the sky its warming power is enough to raise daytime temperatures into the 60s, 70s and even the 80s in some land locations. Naturally it’s much cooler over the waters of the high latitudes due to waters stubborn nature of being hard to warm up. With all that sunlight up there the difference in temperature between the polar north and the tropical south is diminished.

Ah, and then there’s the other side of the coin, winter! Now the north polar regions have no sunlight at all for months! Temperatures drop to 30, 40, 50 degrees below zero and even 80 to 90 degrees below in Siberia, which by the way, is the coldest place annually in our winter, not the north pole. However, it’s still warm and humid in the tropics. This results in a much greater temperature gradient (difference).

During winter the atmosphere must, in a manner of speaking, work harder to get the job of decreasing the imbalance done. This is accomplished by creating storms. These winter storms are much larger and more intense than what we see in the warmer time of the year with the exception of hurricanes. The reason for this is that they need to be stronger in order to transport the enormous amounts of warmth from the tropics to the polar regions in the never-ending quest to negotiate a solution to the imbalance problem.

Sometimes the imbalance is greater than at other times. The atmosphere responds by ramping up its engine to produce bigger storms to get the job done. On top of that, other factors come into play as well. The oceans of the world contain gigantic amounts of heat energy. Between 30 degrees of latitude north and south of the equator the upper reaches of the ocean contain about one thousand times more heat energy than the entire atmosphere! But that heat energy is not evenly distributed.

Sometimes the waters of the equatorial Pacific Ocean warm significantly from the west coast of South America along the equator. This warming can extend westward all the way to the international date line. It’s known as El Nino. This ocean phenomenon adds a whole new element into how the atmosphere above it behaves. Interestingly, the atmosphere reacts to this oceanic warming by creating a river of wind (a Jetstream) over the warmer equatorial waters to essentially take some of the warmer, more humid air created by the El Nino and move it way in an attempt to aid in the battle between the cold high latitudes and the Tropics.

The El Nino generated high atmospheric river or Jetstream of wind blows across the southern Pacific Ocean, over Mexico and out over the Gulf of Mexico and eastward toward the Atlantic Ocean. At times a higher latitude Jetstream will dip southward and interact with the El Nino Jetstream. This interaction can produce a powerful mid-latitude cyclone, or in everyday language a storm.

There is currently a potent El Nino occurring along the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Keep in mind that not all El Nino events are the same. The departure of the water’s temperature from average and the areal extent of the warmth determines the intensity of the El Nino.

Historically El Nino events such as the one occurring now, have a tendency to produce storms that first hit the southwest coast of the United States and then proceed through the southern states to the east. Once these storms leave the parched southwestern states, they reach the watering hole known as the Gulf of Mexico. There they lap up vast quantities of water. This water is in the form of v***r that lies over the warm Gulf. This water v***r contains stored heat energy that the storm utilizes to produce decreasing air pressure, strong winds and increased precipitation. In other words the warm, moist air over the Gulf of Mexico aids in making the storm stronger and wetter.

Some of these storms then proceed through the Gulf coastal states and Florida. Many end up continuing to the east northeast and pass well south of New England. However, a few do turn the corner once they come near the east coast. As they make their way up the coast they frequently run into air that is cold enough near the ground so that the snowflakes the storm made in the cold, upper reaches of the atmosphere don’t melt before they reach the ground.

Some of the most severe, snowy winters here in New England have occurred when there is an El Nino event. Right now the table appears to be set for a wintery feast to be served during the next two to three months here in the northeast. Not all of the meals will be white, some warmer rainstorms are part of the menu but a significant number will be served cold and deep.


Weather Rant by Professor Art Horn, Meteorologist AMS

“The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.” – Bertrand Russell, “An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish”

Published at

Monday January 1st, 2024

Science vs. Sensationalism

Below is a good but somewhat technical article from The Week That Was (TWTW). It is my opinion that after reading this story many of you will gain some insight into the climate change issue no matter what your background in science, if any, is.

Also, in the short term, the weather simulations that are the dominant tool used to predict the atmosphere’s future tantrums are strongly hinting that a radicle change in temperature and precipitation type is imminent across the mid-latitudes including the United States. The last three winters have been dominated by the La Nina phenomena along the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Historically most la Nina winters are not snowy in southern New England. This winter will be different due to the change from La Nina to El Nino.

The El Nino phenomena along the equatorial Pacific Ocean has historically produce a strong low latitude Jetstream that blows from west to east across the Pacific Ocean waters from Hawaii to northern Mexico eastward to the Atlantic Ocean and Beyond. This El Nino is no different. There is also a northern Jetstream that exhibits considerable variability in its latitudinal and Longitudinal meanderings. When the two of these strong rivers of wind in the upper atmosphere combine or what we call phase together in meteorology, the impacts here in the northeast can be dramatic!

It appears such a phasing of the two streams is becoming more likely in January of 2024. The timing and degree of the phasing is never predicted exactly by the simulations. This is true especially in the longer time frames but the simulations are valuable in that they give us clues as to what is possible over a period of a week to 10 days into the future. As the forecast period grows shorter the simulations become more capable of determining the important specifics of individual storms.

So get ready for some coastal storms (Nor’ Easters) that will have significant impacts beginning as early as next weekend (the 6th and 7th,). The specifics of these storms will not reveal themselves until the middle to later days of this week but keeping an ear to the ground is recommended especially if you have travel plans.

The story below is brought to you by the Science and Environmental Policy Program. It’s titled as The Week That Was (TWTW). It’s worth your time.

Scope: Physical science advances in several ways. One major type of advance is by improvements in understanding nature, A second type is dispelling false concepts with physical evidence. This TWTW will focus on what may be the most significant improvements in understanding the role of greenhouse gases in influencing temperatures covered in TWTW in 2023. Advances in dispelling false concepts will come in January.

In addition, TWTW will discuss a recent paper by Ross McKitrick demonstrating what statistical experts and econometricians have long known – certain types of statistical techniques can produce biased results including one now fashionable in the climate community.

Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere: The greenhouse gases were termed by John Tyndall who used early instruments to measure how different frequencies electromagnetic radiation (light) are affected by certain atmospheric gases in 1859. Since Newton showed that light split into colors by a prism could be recombined to white light, many scientists have explored spectroscopy. However, Tyndall identified that certain gases, particularly water v***r, interfere with the transmission of infrared radiation from the surface to space sufficiently to keep the land masses of Earth from entering a deep freeze at night, killing young life. This answered the question: "Given its distance from the sun, why is Earth warm enough to support diverse, complex life?"

Decades of laboratory experiments ensued and decades of speculation about what was happening in the atmosphere. Perhaps the most influential speculation prevalent today is the speculation that the small amount of warming caused by increasing a minor greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2), will cause a significant increase in the major greenhouse gas, water v***r (H2O), leading to a significant warming. This speculation was embodied in the influential 1979 Charney Report, which was influenced by modern numerical weather modeling.

Certain theorists speculated that the techniques of numerical weather modeling can be expanded into climate modeling. Later, Chaos Theory showed that long-term weather forecasting is unreliable, even only two weeks out, and forecasting must be updated frequently. This is a requirement that many climate modelers largely ignore in making forecasts lasting decades to centuries.

After World War II, the US Air Force was interested in discovering how greenhouse gases in the atmosphere influence infrared radiation and financed the development of databases combining both laboratory experiments and observations from instruments on weather balloons measuring temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity (which can be used to calculate water v***r). The most detailed of these databases is the high-resolution transmission molecular absorption database (HITRAN). “HITRAN is a compilation of spectroscopic parameters that a variety of computer codes use to predict and simulate the transmission and emission of light in the atmosphere.”

On March 3, AMO physicists William van Wijngaarden and William Happer posted their “Atmosphere and Greenhouse Gas Primer” since renamed to “The Role of Greenhouse Gases in Energy Transfer in the Earth’s Atmosphere” using the HITRAN database. Discussed in several TWTWs starting last April 1, this paper is likely the most significant new work in climate science discussed by TWTW in 2023.

Among the important issues discussed in this paper and largely ignored by the climate community are the role of water v***r in convection, the sharp reduction in water v***r with altitude (in the idealized atmosphere), and the importance of saturation and the extent to which water v***r interferes with the ability of other greenhouse gases to block infrared radiation.

Water v***r, H2O, has a molar mass of 18 grams/mole (g/mol), while the dominant gas in the atmosphere which is nitrogen, N2, has a molar mass of 28 g/mol and the second most dominant gas oxygen, O2, has a molar mass of 32 g/mol. Even argon which less prevalent than water v***r has a molar mass of 40 g/mol. Water v***r is buoyant, leading to convection in the atmosphere which transfers heat absorbed on the surface when water ev***rates into water v***r (latent heat) to the upper troposphere where it condenses into clouds releasing sensible heat and eventually falls as rain. Even though radiation transfer occurs at all levels in the atmosphere, convection is the most important mechanism in the troposphere. At higher altitude, water v***r freezes out. In their paper van Wijngaarden and Happer have a simplified model showing this. The altitude at which water freezes out is called the tropopause which is about 60,000 feet (18km) above the equator, 20,000 feet (6 km) above the poles and averages about 36,000 feet (11 km).

In the standardized atmosphere, water v***r drops from about 7750 parts per million (ppm) at sea level to about 4 ppm above the tropopause. [TWTW thinks 7750 ppm is far too low and it may be closer to 17700 ppm.] Thus, water v***r's importance as a greenhouse gas declines with altitude. Carbon dioxide concentration does not decline in the atmosphere. However, it is secondary to water v***r until above 36,000 feet (11 km), where the atmosphere is thin, and the warming effect of blocking infrared radiation is greatly reduced. This reduction in blocking also applies to minor greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). Only ozone (O3), created by solar radiation, increases with altitude, with greatest concentration from 20 to 40 km (65,000 to 130,000 feet).

In their calculations Van Wijngaarden and Happer demonstrate the concept of saturation over the hundreds of thousands of frequencies. If a frequency is already saturated, adding more greenhouse gas does not influence the blocking in that frequency. Water v***r covers the broadest range of frequencies, greatly reducing the effectiveness of carbon dioxide, and largely eliminating the effectiveness of methane and nitrous oxide. Thus, efforts to eliminate livestock as producers or methane, and artificial fertilizers as a source of nitrous oxide, are destructive and have no value in preventing greenhouse gas warming.

Carbon dioxide has a limited range of frequencies in which it is an effective greenhouse gas. Adding more CO2 to today’s atmosphere has a minor impact on temperatures. Ozone, which is formed by the sun high in the atmosphere, has a negligible impact in warming the atmosphere. See link under Challenging the Orthodoxy – Radiation Transfer and TWTWs from April 1 to April 15
UAH Temperature Trends Confirmed: The bulk of the greenhouse effect occurs in the lower and mid-troposphere, where water v***r dominates. Researchers Roy Spencer and John Christy have compiled atmospheric temperature trends of the lower and mid-troposphere covering the last 45 years, since December 1978.

The calculations are based on satellite measurements of the changing brightness of Earth’s atmosphere. Organizations such as NASA dismiss satellite measurements because the data has been compiled from more than 16 different satellites, subject to orbital drift, declining altitude. This complicates the calculations required to convert the measurements into temperature readings. (Spencer and Christy took note of these problems and have been correcting for the effects since the 1980s.) However, if the observations are consistent and the calculations have are verified, satellite observations provide the most comprehensive measurements of Earth’s temperature trends ever compiled.

With changing instrumentation and changing instrument locations, with no calibration or standardization periods from one dataset to another, surface observations are neither consistent nor comprehensive.

On March 3, JGR Atmosphere published a paper from NOAA atmospheric scientists led by Cheng-Zhi Zou of the Center for Satellite Applications and Research “Mid-Tropospheric Layer Temperature Record Derived From Satellite Microwave Sounder Observations With Backward Merging Approach.” The abstract states:

“We present a new version (v5.0) of the NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) mid-tropospheric temperature (TMT) time series. This data set uses a backward-merging approach to intercalibrate 16 satellite-based microwave sounding records. The instrument observations included those from the Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) during 1979–2004, Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) during 1998–2017, and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) from 2011 to present.

A TMT time series during 2002–present based on satellite microwave observations in stable sun-synchronous orbits was used as a reference in the backward merging process in which earlier satellites were adjusted and merged to the reference. Observations from earlier satellites were recalibrated to remove their calibration drifting errors relative to the reference using sequential overlapping observations. This included removal of spurious warming drifts in the MSU observations onboard NOAA-11, NOAA-12, and NOAA-14 and a spurious cooling drift in the NOAA-15 AMSU-A observations. Temperature changes resulting from diurnal sampling drifts were corrected using an observation-based semi-physical model developed in this study.

Other adjustments included channel frequency differences between MSU and AMSU-A companion channels and instrument blackbody warm target effect on observed radiances. These adjustments resulted in inter-consistent TMT records spanning MSU, AMSU-A, and ATMS. The merged time series produced a global mean TMT trend of 0.092 ± 0.043 K/decade during 1979–2021 and a total tropospheric trend of 0.142 ± 0.045 K/decade after removal of a stratospheric cooling effect in TMT. Remarkably, the total tropospheric trends during the latest half period were nearly doubled the earlier half period over the global ocean.”

The paper verifies the calculations by Spencer and Christy that for the entire satellite record the temperature trend in 0.14°C (0.25°F) per decade from all sources including greenhouse gases and increasing water v***r from El Niños and submerged geothermal activity. Therefore, there is no climate crisis brought on by greenhouse gases; and models used to forecast future warming due to greenhouse gases fail miserably.

Interestingly this paper received little notice except for frivolous criticism which has been refuted by statistician Ross McKitrick. Except for Paul Homewood and McKitrick, few climate commentators mentioned it. As McKitrick titled an article in the Canadian Financial Post: “The important climate study you won't hear about challenges trends in climate simulations.”

Plate Tectonics: TWTW considers diverse video presentations particularly significant; one by Geoscientist Tom Gallagher and the second by Professor Wyss Yim of University of Hong Kong. Both dealt with physical evidence showing that plate tectonics changes climate.

On September 11, 2020, the journal, Science, by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) published an article written by Thomas Westerhold and over 20 European scientists titled, “An astronomically dated record of Earth’s climate and its predictability over the last 66 million years.” The data is based on using different isotopes of oxygen (O16 and O18) to estimate temperature and different isotopes of Carbon (C12 and C13) to estimate sources of change in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. The abstract of the paper states:

“Much of our understanding of Earth’s past climate comes from the measurement of oxygen and carbon isotope variations in deep-sea benthic foraminifera. Yet, long intervals in existing records lack the temporal resolution and age control needed to thoroughly categorize climate states of the Cenozoic era and to study their dynamics. Here, we present a new, highly resolved, astronomically dated, continuous composite of benthic foraminifer isotope records developed in our laboratories. Four climate states—Hothouse, Warmhouse, Coolhouse, Icehouse—are identified on the basis of their distinctive response to astronomical forcing depending on greenhouse gas concentrations and polar ice sheet volume. Statistical analysis of the nonlinear behavior encoded in our record reveals the key role that polar ice volume plays in the predictability of Cenozoic climate dynamics.” The Cenozoic Period goes from today to 66 million years ago. Isotopes of oxygen are commonly used to estimate surface temperature of oceans and ice sheets, such as Greenland and Antarctica. Having fewer neutrons, thus less dense, O16 ev***rates more easily than O18 which has two more neutrons. Similarly, O18 condenses more rapidly than O16 and falls out earlier as rain or snow. Thus, temperature trends can be determined by ratios of O18 to O16.

Isotopes of Carbon are used to determine the likely source. Volcanoes have a higher ratio of C-13 to C-12 than plants (wood) or fossil fuels. Thus, one can determine if the source of carbon dioxide is volcanic or from fires. [Carbon 14 is ignored because, although it is regularly created in the atmosphere by protons ejected from the sun, it has a half-life that is noticeably short compared to geologic time.]

The data was taken from the multinational Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) running from 1985 to 2004. It was funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and 22 international partners with the purpose of conducting basic research into the history of the ocean basins. The summary of one segment, called Leg 198, begins:

“The mid-Cretaceous (~125-85 Ma) and early Paleogene (~65-34 Ma) were characterized by some of the most equable climates of the Phanerozoic and are among the best known ancient “greenhouse” climate intervals. In addition, these intervals contain some of the most abrupt and transient climatic changes in the geologic record, including the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), the mid-Maastrichtian deepwater event (MME), and the early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a). These critical transitions involved dramatically modified oceanic circulation patterns, profound changes in geochemical cycling, and abrupt turnover in marine biotas.

Recent ocean drilling efforts have led to profound advances in our understanding of the ocean and climate dynamics of a warm Earth; however, we have yet to gain a firm knowledge of how atmospheric or deep-ocean circulation operates in the apparent absence of substantial thermal gradients, how rapid removal of important elements such as nutrients in some of these events is maintained for a long period of time, and exactly how environmental changes cause extinction and speciation of marine biotas.”

The data has recently been criticized as not giving precise estimates of temperatures. However, that is not the issue. What is the issue is consistency of the data. If the data are consistent then generalizations can be developed from them. These are the most consistent data TWTW has seen covering the past 67 million years of Earth’s history. Gallagher unravels the data and develops a better explanation for changing climate than changing carbon dioxide. For periods of tens of millions of years, temperatures were roughly constant while CO2 concentrations changed dramatically.

Gallagher explains the four distinct periods in the Westerhold paper as Four Climate States:

• Hot house: 56 to 47 million years ago (Mya) more than 10 C above today

• Warm house: 66 to 56 Mya and 47 to 34 Mya

• Cool house 34 to 3.3 Mya Warmer than today

• Icehouse: 5 C below with beginning of the Pleistocene (closing of the Panama seaway 3.3 million years ago).

In short, the changing land masses caused the current Thermohaline Circulation. He points to the age of the ice masses as evidence of the Icehouse Earth. The oldest ice found in various locations is:

• Rockies, Alps, New Zealand, Patagonia, and Alaska, mostly Little Ice Age (1000 years old)

• Canadian Arctic and Greenland, 120,000 years

• Himalayas 600,000 years.

• Antarctica 800,000 to 1.2 million years

It was not until the Panamanian Seaway was blocked, that the Earth experienced dramatic changes in glaciation, coinciding with the Milankovitch Cycles. The ice record over the past 900,000 years shows that the dominant periods of the cycles have changed, with maximum duration of severe ice stretching from about 41,000 years long to 100,000 years long.

To Gallagher, the following cause Climate Change:

• Solar cycles – The sun controls the energy system; Solar cycles govern longer-term timing of climate change.

• Oceans control energy storage • Water in all phases drives the energy cycle of Climate.

• Continental Drift has shaped major steps in climate change over the past 67 million years.

• CO2 and Temperature proxies do not correlate in paleoclimate data.

• Until recently, CO2 was produced by volcanoes and oceans, with volcanoes heavy in C-13

• Catalysts such as Clouds (Albedo) and vegetation modify cycles.

What is important here is that the global climate models start about 1850 or 1870. Their construction includes no prolonged cold periods, which have been Earth’s dominant climate condition for the past 3 million years.

Current Plate Tectonics: In November Professor Wyss Yim, University of Hong Kong gave a talk to a group in Australia detailing recent submarine volcanic activity which, in the Pacific has all too frequently been confused with El Niños, due to the surface water warming. Submarine volcanic activity in the Atlantic off El Hierro in the Canary Islands dramatically warmed a small area of water there, prompting Al Gore to declare that carbon dioxide is causing the oceans to boil, which is absurd. A more complete discussion of Yim’s presentation is in the December 2 TWTW,

Statistical Games: A very influential paper in the climate community was one in 1999 by Allen and Tett that claimed it met the conditions of the Gauss Markov theorem for making reliable assessments of probability, namely, they are BLUE – Best, Linear, Unbiased, Efficient (close to true value), estimates. In 2021 Ross McKitrick published a paper in the same journal, Climate Dynamics, showing that the Allen and Tett paper does not meet the conditions of the Gauss Markov Theory. TWTW has not seen any publication refuting McKitrick’s assertion.

Now McKitrick has had a paper published in Environmetrics challenging the use of Total Least Squares which creates biased results in making assertions that weather events are caused by changes in carbon dioxide. It is amazing that given the hundreds of millions being spent on climate change studies, organizations fail to include statisticians and econometricians who have dealt with statistics and biased statistics for hundreds of years.



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