Javier Lozano, Jr.

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  • Javier Lozano, Jr.

Javier Lozano, Jr. We ALL have a plan 'A'... but when life hits us in the face, we sometimes need to resort to a Plan B for secondary revenue.

The Plan B Podcast helps you navigate the different options when creating your side hustle.

Probably one of the toughest things to do as a marketer is to create timeless content.  Nike is amazing at creating ever...

Probably one of the toughest things to do as a marketer is to create timeless content.

Nike is amazing at creating evergreen content.

Like their old school kicks, their ads never loose style. If anything, they get better! They age well.

Have you ever created content and looked back at it 6 months later and was like “WTF was I thinking?”

Yep. Been there. Still do that sometimes too. 😬

But that’s why good content. Copy. Creative. Strategy. It all takes time. Precise planning. And perfect ex*****on.

Be like the Air Max 90. Timeless.

Mines bigger. 😅

Mines bigger. 😅

When I decided to join  in 2022 as the CMO — I had a feeling we’d be doing some exciting things.But I had no idea that o...

When I decided to join in 2022 as the CMO — I had a feeling we’d be doing some exciting things.

But I had no idea that our team would collaborate with to introduce a 3D configurator and custom graphics program for the new VW ID. Buzz.


Pumped. Excited. Pinch me moment. All of it.

We’re on all sorts of auto blogs, EV blogs, auto tech blogs, social... it’s nuts.

And mentioned NEXT to VW. That is what is so wild about this all.

Checkout VW’s social page. The post that came out on June 2nd... the ‘Love the Earth’ wrap. Our team wrapped that.

Anyhoo — if you want to check out the ID. Buzz 3D configurator and create some fun graphics, visit Wrapmate . Com / vw

Maybe share your design too!

 said my hair looked bad. ☹️

said my hair looked bad. ☹️

The startup life isn’t for the faint at heart. Days are dynamic. Weeks are a blur. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way...

The startup life isn’t for the faint at heart. Days are dynamic. Weeks are a blur. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’m excited to share that Wrapmate hit a new milestone with a $16 million capital investment by JettyCove.

This investment will be a game-changer for our team and the wraps and graphics industry. We’ll be able to...

- accelerate our suite of product offerings (just wait until you see what we’re building).
- continue to innovate the customer experience (we want to give our customers the best journey when buying a vehicle wrap)
- build our national network of 2k+ wrap installers (we want to elevate the wrap industry)

And, this is just the beginning.

I just celebrated my 2 year wrapiversary at Wrapmate. It’s been wild. But the fact that I’m able to contribute to something big, innovative, and rewarding excites me every day.

I dread Fridays because the week is over, and love Mondays because I get to jump back at it again.

I want to give a HUGE congratulations to Chris Loar, our CEO. His vision, leadership, and determination to get us TOGETHER to where we are is extremely impactful.

And I just want to give a shout-out to our entire Wrapmate team. Each and every one of you has a crucial role. I truly enjoy working next to all of you each day. You make my job easier.

(not the actual event of me celebrating this investment... but a celebration nonetheless)

This is my outfit for pics next week to celebrate CholoMas.Horale!!

This is my outfit for pics next week to celebrate CholoMas.


Got my deer head back. Antlers are like daggers. Love the euro look.

Got my deer head back. Antlers are like daggers. Love the euro look.

Doing   And my Buffs Football and   wrap is coming along


And my Buffs Football and wrap is coming along

Spent Sunday afternoon washing my truck to get ready for a wrap transformation by  This  and   wrap will be a unique tak...

Spent Sunday afternoon washing my truck to get ready for a wrap transformation by

This and wrap will be a unique take on branding and marketing.

Not to mention it’s my Alma Mater. 🦬

1) this is a design like never before, thanks to Travis Olsen’s amazing skills. He CRUSHED it.

2) this is a great way to showcase our company in many different ways. From flexing our design muscle. To inspiring what branding can also look like for your company.

3) I’m already getting a handful of local news stations picking up different elements of this story.

Our team is hoping we get some ❤️ from and a few more stations.

Let me know what you think.

First day of school for my kids. Hard to believe how quickly they’ve grown over the past few years. My son wants to be a...

First day of school for my kids.

Hard to believe how quickly they’ve grown over the past few years.

My son wants to be an NBA player. And my daughter wants to teach dance.

Their 2 favorite sports.

Enjoy your kids. They grow up way too fast. But spending time and watching them grow is priceless.

He’s here! He’s there! He’s every f@cking where! Roy Kent!!!! Roy Kent!!!

He’s here! He’s there! He’s every f@cking where! Roy Kent!!!! Roy Kent!!!

This is motivation. I had a 2.7 GPA in college. I graduated. 🫠Once, I thought about getting my MBA. They saw my transcri...

This is motivation.

I had a 2.7 GPA in college. I graduated. 🫠

Once, I thought about getting my MBA. They saw my transcripts. I needed a 2.75 to not take the GMAT.

Even though I had successfully ran a company for 10 years. Then sold it.

Your GPA does not define you. It simply means that you and school aren’t a match. And that’s ok.

The only way to celebrate the 4th of July on a Tuesday is to make sure it’s Taco Tuesday style food. We by-passed German...

The only way to celebrate the 4th of July on a Tuesday is to make sure it’s Taco Tuesday style food.

We by-passed German style food and went straight Mexican.

Smoking a brisket for later this week.

Smoked Chuck roast for Barbacoa.

Smoked tomatoes, jalapeños and onions for smoked salsa.



It’s hard to create KPIs if your company hasn’t ever really had them before.

For instance, measuring social media performance. If your company has never (or consistently) posted on social media, using ‘new customer’ as a KPIs is sorta not realistic.

That’s why using vanity metrics such as Impressions, Reach, Likes, Shares, and Comments are great indicators to see HOW your social media is performing.

From there, you can start tracking leads… then finally, customers.

But, just saying “we need 5 customers from social per month, otherwise it’s not a viable channel” is simply silly.

That’s like saying cold outreach should generate 5 new customers in 30 days to a new BDR.

Sometimes just the activity of posting consistently will eventually generate an output.

Just gotta go from zero to 1.


Have you been burned by Google Ads in the past? Yea, me too. I’m sure there’s some sort of GA…A group we can all join.

Anyway, it sometimes feels like you’re wasting money on Google Ads, thus not seeing any results for your business, right?

Well… I hate to say it, but you may have set something up incorrectly.

#1 Keyword research. You gotta spend time here. You need to know what types of keywords to go after. And don’t go after the broad one’s. Imagine if you were in the water business… and you ran ads for ‘water’. You’d be competing with Dasani and Fiji… they have deep pockets. So be more strategic.

#2 Bad landing pages. Yea, I see this all the time. A company runs ads. Then sends the traffic to the homepage. And, the homepage doesn’t have a clear CTA, how to capture leads, etc. It’s a nightmare. Paid ads need a very specific type of landing page.

#3 Poor copy. If you’re going to be spending several hundred (or thousand) of dollars per month, it makes sense to pay someone that can write conversion-style copy. Like someone that understands how to sell… but by using words.


Here’s a quick hack to writing an email campaign.

Determine what your goal is for the email series. Sales. Education. Nurturing. How-to. Promotion. Figure that piece out first.

Let’s say you’re trying to convert a lead into a customer. So, it’s a Sales Email.

Think about how long it may take to convert a lead into a customer. If it’s 30 days, then maybe have a series of 8 to 12 emails over the course of 30 days.

Now, don’t share EVERYTHING in one email. Rather, focus on 1 thing that you think is a value prop to your business. Talk about that 1 thing. Then push the lead to contact you (meeting link, reply back, demo, etc).

Keep doing that until you have enough email content to take a lead through the buying cycle. This should help make it easier for your Sales team to close more deals.


Want a simple and effective way to build your organic social strategy?

Share stories. We all love a good story.
Don’t promote yourself (unless it’s a dope podcast you’re on)
Offer value. Like something someone would pay for.
Comment on other people’s content. (GASP!!!) that means we have to be… social.
Find where your audience hangs out.

Do this and you’re a few steps ahead of the game when it comes to growing your organic social posting strategy.


I used to struggle in creating a marketing strategy for my business back in the day. And, even when I started working in corporate again… creating a marketing strategy was always challenging.

But, I then learned this cool hack.

Instead of planning for 12 months chop up your strategy into 4 quarters. Especially if you’re a smaller business.

You need the ability to pivot and change directions. A 12-month plan can be a bit scary. But a 3 month plan allows you to test. Fail. Pivot. Adjust. Analyze.


Do you want to improve your business's online visibility and attract more potential customers?

Yea, you could go the route of paid ads. I love paid ads. But, right now, I want to share about SEO, as I think this is an underused (and undervalued) marketing strategy.

The basics of SEO include…


On-site SEO is gonna be content on your website. Blogs. Web pages. Etc.

Offsite SEO is going to be linkbuilding. Getting links for authoritative websites.

Technical SEO is website structure. Here you’ll need to get some sort of web developer to help get this right cause you’ll screw it up. I’ve done it a few times.

Next, you’ll need to do some extensive SEO keyword research. Don’t skimp out or get lazy here either.

There are plenty of free tools and some great paid tools. Whatever you choose, make sure to be thorough.

Google does a great job with its simple search feature. Notice the suggestions… yea, that’s SEO ninja stuff.

Google Ads is another way to do research. You don’t need to run ads. You just need to use the tool too. Can’t figure it out…? A simple YouTube search will pop up some great videos.

Or you can use tools like Ubersuggest, Spyfu, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and more. These are all paid services. Some are more robust than others. But, if you’re starting off, Ubersuggest is a great option.

And, don’t forget to research long tail keywords. That’s like the ace-in-the-hole type of trick. You’ll find some goldmines using this approach.


The best movies have a villain. An enemy. A bad guy.

It’s what makes a story… a story.

Oscar-winning movies always have certain characters or parts to a story. If it doesn’t, the audience won’t be able to get pulled into the movie.

That’s one of the reasons all of the Star Wars movies are epic. Or why a soccer mom (or dad) will feel connected to the movie Moneyball… even though it has nothing to do with soccer.

Your company needs a bad guy. And, it doesn’t need to be a person. Or even a competitor. But it can be a thing. A problem.

Look at All State… their enemy is… Mahiem.

At Wrapmate… our enemy is a plain, blank vehicle.

Having an enemy makes it easier to create a marketing strategy.


If you're not using Google Business Profile to promote your business, you're missing out on a huge opportunity.

Even if your brand is a national provider, optimizing your GBP can increase more eyeballs for your business.

On a high level you gotta do the following:

Build out and optimize your business profile. Fill every field possible. Be descriptive. Don’t tell people your business has been around since 1974. No one cares. I promise.

Add tons of pictures. Not stock pictures. But pictures of the team. Company events. The office. Etc. And, if you can geo tag them… that’ll help a little bit.

Write mini blogs. GBP has a mini blogging feature. Think of it as an SEO play. Don’t know what to write? Repurpose the blogs you have on your website and simply use an AI service such as Jasper or Chat GPT.

Request reviews on your profile. This is for a different post. But do it.

Reply to all reviews. Positive or negative. Doesn’t matter. Just engage with your audience. They want to know your business is human.

And, make sure that ALL of the information on your business is the same in other directories.


Brand is something that I wish I got introduced to more when I was a young B2C marketer/business owner.

To a degree, brand came natural while running my business, but not the way brand is looked at today.

Today, we look at brand as your reputation.

But, like 10 to 15 years ago, brand was looked at differently. Maybe it was your company colors. Your slogan. Your logo. At least that’s what I THINK my marketing classes taught me…

One of my favorite ways to tell your company’s story is using brand (reputation).

There are a lot of ways to achieve this, but leveraging online reviews from Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc are a great way to build your company’s brand (reputation)

And, yes, even the bad reviews are important. We have a few. But, as long as you learn from your online reviews, adjust, and move forward – you’re good to go.


Are you struggling to stand out in the crowded market?

The solution is simple: build a brand that people care about.

But, there are some misconceptions about brand, so I’m going to clear the air on this.

Brand isn’t your company colors.
Brand isn’t your website.
Brand isn’t the color of your website buttons.
Brand isn’t your logo.

Brand is deeper.

Brand is your reputation. It’s what people think about when they hear your name. Or your company’s name.

You can build your brand through

Podcast (my favorite outlet)
Social posting
Live events

How do you do it?

You first need a spokesperson. Maybe your CEO. Maybe the CRO. Or it could be the CMO. But someone that is charismatic and can captivate an audience.

You then need to tell a story that people can relate to. Hip-hop is relatable because people feel like the artists are speaking their lives.

And, you need to position yourself as the guide. Not the hero.


Copywriting wasn’t something that came naturally to me. I didn’t go to school for marketing. Or even journalism.

I Didn’t do well in my marketing classes. I mean who the hell remembers what the 4 Ps are???.

And, I avoided classes that made me write a ton of stuff. Reports. Essays. I hated it.

Oh, and I’m dyslexic. Go figure.

Yes, my copy will have stuff that “looks” write (I did that on purpose) in my head/eyes but is wrong.

So how the hell did I become a CMO that all of a sudden figured out copywriting???

When you’re bootstrapping a start business and need to generate leads, you start pulling every lever. Eventually, I found what came naturally to me.

I just write the way I talk.
I write choppy.
I write for scanning eyes.
I use stories to get my point across (did you notice the story above).

And, so much more.

Today, copywriting is fun. Especially when you get to do it for a brand that is cool.

OK… enough of being vulnerable.


Want to make your company stand out from the competition?

It's all about telling a captivating story. Sorta like a movie.

Think about your favorite movie(s)... Typically those movies will have the following:

A main character… usually the hero.
A guide… like Yoda… or Jonah Hill in Money Ball
A problem… no story is good enough without a problem.
A plan… Simple… easy to follow…
A call to action… If there’s no action, there’s no story.
What success looks like when the plan is followed through with action… (Luke defeating the Empire)
What failure looks like when the hero doesn’t follow through. (Yankees win the World Series with deep pockets).

This 7-step framework that I use for nearly all of my marketing strategies allows me to create engagement.

More importantly, I no longer need to compete based on price, but rather on how my story will help others.


Thank you for your continued support, it really means a lot to me. Onwards and upwards into the next month!




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The Plan B Podcat: How To Create A 2nd Revenue Stream

I’ve always been hustling to achieve success. From winning a World Title in sport karate as a young adult, to getting kicked out of college and finding a way to graduate.

Or starting my first business as a Plan B income (eventually plan A), while still working a full-time job... hustling has been my thing.

After selling my business in 2018, there were a few things I learned during that chapter of my life. Yea, I got amazing at sales and marketing. Not gonna lie. But, what I also understood is that I needed to always create a variety of income streams, just to survive.

The Plan B Podcasts gives aspiring entrepreneurs, families and individuals a better understanding of WHY you need a Plan B in today’s ever evolving economy.