Anonymous Operation July 4th - #OPJULY4TH
Greetings Fellow Citizens,
We Are Anonymous.
Anonymous Presents Operation July 4th.
This is a Call to Action. Grab your V for Vendetta Masks and Join Us this Independence Day.
On Saturday July 4th 2020 Anonymous invites you to take it too the streets and hand out copies of the US Constitutions Bill of Rights.
Alone or ina crew. Keep it serious. Hand out Flyers. Make art, Graffiti, Banner Drops, Posterings, redistribution, squat buildings, organize and Together We Will Restore the Ideas and Freedoms this Nation Is Founded On.
America will forever be remembered for the protests and riots that erupted across the country after the death of George Floyd.
This is a national crisis. National protests and riots are a result of the destruction of our system of government.
As protests and riots erupt across America in response to George Floyd American citizens are united now more then ever.
Citizens are experiencing and witnessing police brutality first hand. The actions of police in situations and their role in society are being questioned and continues to echo across the entire globe.
American Citizens truly manifest the essence of the many socio-political issues going on in America today.
The U.S. capital has acknowledge these truths and continues to wrestle with the fight against fascism. Learning from these situations and taking action to rectify it is one way to do so.
We The People will no longer tolerate citizens fatalities and critical injuries caused by the excessive use of force by police.
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Police do not serve and protect the people they serve and protect the state.
We the American people will not rest until America’s corrupt system is brought down and removed from power.
In the words of John F. Kennedy: "We dare not forget that we are the heirs of that first revolution".
People should not be afraid of their Governments. Governments should be afraid of their People.
We will not forget the