A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth

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A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth is hosted by James Cordiner


I’m just a guy trying to replace competition with cooperation because it is the nature of humans to be free.


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So.... A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth was and will always be a part of my life that I cherish. However, if you don't alre...

So.... A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth was and will always be a part of my life that I cherish. However, if you don't already know, this show will no longer have any fresh uploads to it.

Thank you all for the years of your listenership, you guys rock!

If you would like to keep up with the new project, I would love to see you there at :


Search for VA on Facebook!

Much Love and undying respect,
James Cordiner

Voluntaryist Academy is for all things regarding the only "ISM" that is fair for everyone. While you are here, you can find all the resources necessary to understand this philosophy of consent.


When you go to the circus, expect to see some clowns.

The first Newsletter goes out today! Are you signed up? Sign up here:

The first Newsletter goes out today!
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Thank you for signing up to our Newsletter! By signing up, you have consented to receiving the best in Memes, Podcasts, Reading Material, and News that Voluntaryist Academy has to offer! Check your inbox each Saturday to stay up to date! Sign up today for you very own copy of “The Voluntaryist Cre...


Now Asante is free! Great news? Yes, I think so. Not only because of the fact that he is indeed free and was wrongfully imprisoned, but also because now, ALL OF YOU WHO FOCUSED ON THAT CAN NOW TURN YOUR FOCUS ONTO ROSS ULBRICHT!


https://rumble.com/c/c-1507751Please come over to my Rumble channel! Censorship is gearing up! After all, next year is a...


Please come over to my Rumble channel! Censorship is gearing up! After all, next year is an election year. Plenty of content creators such as myself are being buried by algorithms. So, please subscribe over there, I may just be streaming there full time soon.

Browse the most recent videos from channel "A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth" uploaded to Rumble.com


Saturday, August 19th, 2023

All Call-In Show

Go to Free Your Mind New England to call in to the show LIVE!!


-Down the Rabbit Hole vol.1-

We will be going over source material on the Trivium method for Truth discovery. Tune and to discuss this topic, or any topic that you may want to bring up.


Opening up the discussion to folks who might like to jump in. What do you think? Is suffering necessary? How much? Are we manufacturing needless suffering in our society? This is a continuation from the previous One Great Work Warriors Chat titled, Is Manufactured Suffering Necessary?


Saturday, July 29th, 2023
Thank you for tuning in!

The speed at which we exchange information has continued to increase at an exponential rate. We are living in the great age of communication.

My guest this week is certainly no slouch when it comes to producing not only his own content. He has also extended his reach into organizing multiple platforms on which a great amount of information can be communicated out to the masses, if they only knew about it! If that isn't enough, he is also an event organizer too.

His Bio:
Cory Edmund Endrulat is a fellow human being and messenger of nature. Often referred to as an abolitionist (voluntaryist), author, speaker, inventor, teacher Of Natural Law, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (certified by the Institute For Integrative Nutrition) and video content creator. Host of the End Of Slavery Summit, featuring about 50 speakers and hundreds of resources. Main editor of The Liberator 2 newspaper, online and in-person, for advocating a voluntary free world, allowing anyone to collaborate and make a greater impact. He encapsulated the philosophy of nature in what he calls Naturosophy. His books include "Slavery Gone For Good: Modern Abolitionism," "Sapientia Naturae: The Wisdom Of Nature," "Naturosophy: The Guidebook," "Nature's Radical Honesty: A practical application of Naturosophy" & "Government Is Unnatural, Anarchy Is Natural: A practical analysis therein Naturosophy." Originally from Pennsylvania, the birthplace of American independence. Specializing on topics concerning health, education, freedom, morality, self-created philosophy and action. All his works connects to his mission and message known as "Nature Is The Answer," a movement created for anyone to use in sharing timeless and universal knowledge through the generations. His content includes interviews, resources, news, analysis, dot-connecting, documentaries, seminars, recipes, podcasts, live-streams and more! He is not afraid to talk about what some may call "taboo" subjects and actively encourages seeking beyond the consumer-based echo-chambers of society. Former populist statist, NaturalNewsBlogs writer and World of Warcraft guild leader. Share your own expertise with him and get involved with The Liberator 2 because we absolutely can change the world, but it depends on the movement that is all of us!

Find him at:

​James is currently holding a fund raiser to help pay his tuition to Autonomy - if you would like to contribute, please do so at:


Saturday, July 22nd, 2023

Thank you for tuning in!

The knowledge of how to attain and maintain Freedom starts in the home, these principles and values are supposed to be passed to us by our parents and guardians.

Sadly, this is not always the case and the primary reason as to why is simple. It is the lack of attention and education parents actually give their children. There are no good excuses for abandoning your children to be brainwashed by the state.

The school system is a Government Indoctrination Machine, churning out our kids to be good children for the rest of their lives. You read that right, PERPETUAL CHILDHOOD!


But we have solutions. There is always a solution.

Joining me to discuss the importance of stepping up to the plate and doing right by your children is Stephanie Kosonen.

Stephanie Kosonen is a Mother, Homeschool Advocate, Freedom Fighter and an Inspirational Person who gave up on quitting long ago.
She has made big plans for the future by setting up "Freedom Labs", a one stop shop for parents to gain the confidence they'll need as they embark on the adventure of homeschooling their children.

To sign up to Freedom Labs, please visit:

To find Stephanie on social media, visit her Twitter:

We will be taking calls toward the end of the show, to call in visit:


Welcome back to the show Vinny Eastwood!

Talk Radio Host, Singer/Song Writer, Comedian, Film Maker and all-round good guy!

Vinny Eastwood is a New Zealander with more reach into the United States & global truth movement than any other.

Hilarious, cynical, insightful, inspirational, terrifying, enlightening & incredibly modest, from 2008 till today he's created over 6000 published videos and radio broadcasts consisting of 20,000 hours of long-form interviews with over 2000+ of the world's leading thinkers, researchers, inventors, warriors, scientists & professionals from hundreds of different disciplines, gaining what few come to possess, perspective.

In the not too distant past, Vinny and many others sharing a principled stance on what it means to be free, attended a protest to show the Government in New Zealand that they will not be silenced, that they will not go quietly. This led to Vinny being arrested.

Vinny honored us with that story last time he was with us in 2022, to hear that, please click this link:

Now, Vinny has returned to give us an update!

To find more from Vinny, please visit:

To reach out to James, please visit:


Have you ever just wanted to get away? Leave the city or urban/suburban life behind? Live off the grid?

My guests this week have done just that!

Amy and John-Paul are the founders of LUV-A-LUTION!

LUVALUTION isn't only a brand, LUVALUTION is much more. LUVALUTION is a way of Life. It is the Movement of Self-Awareness & Self-Luv. It is taking a deeper look into our beings and healing our wounds and forgiving ourselves. It is about Remembering Who We Truly Are, Following our Souls. Our Planet Can Change Drastically, even Overnight if we connect our Soul, Body & Mind. LUVALUTION is the Solution! In a World So Fake it is our Moral Obligation & duty to Speak the Truth!

Go to their website:

Check them out on You-tube:

James's website:

Be ready to call in with your questions and comments!


In the modern age, we have been inculcated into a materialistic worldview. It can be very difficult to see past the concrete jungle and the thickness of your wallet. You were not born with these ideas.

You were not born thinking that a savior will descend from the sky to save you. You were not born thinking that this savior will have a desk in some big white building. These ideas were also programmed into you.

You were, however, born into this world with a Birthright. Our Birthright is Freedom. In order to attain and maintain True Freedom, a positive relationship with Natural Law must be established.

The Earth Herself is a living thing. We must get back to learning Her ways. We must get back to living in harmony with Nature.

Joining me for this special episode of A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth:
Returning champion, Will Keller

Let's give a warm welcome to our first time guest:
Logan Hart

Of course, James also has a website:


Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own content? Do you understand Natural Law and want to speak to a wide audience about it, but you just don't have the confidence you wish you had when operating a computer? Are you tired of seeing the world going to Hell and you just can't stay quiet about that any longer? Well, have I got news for you.....

Mark Passio of What On Earth is Happening can help!

How To Become The True Media is an intensive 23 week long skill sharing seminar focused on bringing YOU up to speed on just what you need to know in order to produce content and distribute that content to an audience far and wide on the internet, hosted by none other than Mark Passio.

This week, Mark joins us to discuss the seminar and just how important it is for more people to gain the skill set to use technology to speak Truth to an audience far and wide.

The time is NOW!

Visit Mark's website

Enroll in the seminar at:

James Cordiner's website:

I’m working on adding more fun shirts with interesting messages printed on them! Check out my shirts! This is one of the...

I’m working on adding more fun shirts with interesting messages printed on them! Check out my shirts! This is one of the best ways to keep my operation going and growing! Thank you very much!

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth Official Merch. Welcome to the online shop dedicated to the podcast 'A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth' hosted by James Cordiner. Please enjoy this selection of apparel featuring original designs created by James Cordiner.


Now trying to collect donations to keep the show LIVE! We need some help to fund the cost of restream to keep the show going at the quality it has been, please go to freeyourmindne.com/donate to lend a helping hand.


Does the difference between right and wrong only exist because we say so? Can we change that difference whenever we want?

Individual perception is definitely an important tool, but is that all we have? Is that all we need?

That and more this week on A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth!

On this edition of A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth, I am join by the extremely talented and dedicated, Kris Nelson.

A little about Kris in his own words:
"Truth seeker and content creator for Evolve Consciousness. I started to put out my own work in 2014 relating to what is truth and morality, and their supreme importance in life, as well as what and how consciousness functions relating to the Trivium Method. I now have a family and full time job, but hope to get back into making content. I am also one of the developers that helped to make the OGWN site.

I don’t know everything and never will, but that won’t stop me from walking the path, from embarking on the journey, from climbing the mountain. I share what I really do understand. I don’t know every specific detail. I do understand certain aspects of what is going on in reality and how things work."

Please visit Kris's website:

Find James’ work here:⁠
Please donate to James here:⁠ https://www.freeyourmindne.com/donate


A True Anarchist is one who refuses to make violent claims of ownership over another living beings property and refuses to support those who are willing to perform violent acts in order to make claims of ownership over another living beings property.

The understanding of Natural Law and Objective Morality, alongside remaining responsible for what are our Free Will choices and seeking the abolition of any and all ruling classes; these are the modern day praxes of any True Anarchist.

Has this always been the case? Just what has the modern day True Anarchist learned from the past? What did the progenitors of this philosophy get correct? What did they get wrong?

This and more on this edition of A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth!

On this edition of A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth, we are joined by Brandon Martin.

In his own words Brandon describes himself-
"I’m an Independent Researcher, Symbolist, Alchemist, Philosopher, De-Occultist, Public Speaker, Founder of the SEED Truth Academy, S.E.E.D Conference, Co-Host of the Cubbywhole Podcast, with experience in Live speaking, Graphics Design and Event Organization. I am an activist for Natural Law, Freemasonry, and the Mystery Traditions. I am working on a few Books, and many Essays that pertain to critical topics for the betterment of the species. I have the goal of creating an evolutionary shift into a Moral society through raising Consciousness at the aggregate level. Through my presentations videos, Podcast, and Essays I attempt to take people on an inward journey of self-exploration, examining human Consciousness and the way these things pertain to the Universal problems which we all currently facing as a species. "

Find more from Brandon at

Find James’ work here:⁠

please donate to James here:⁠


Join me this this Saturday night at 9 pm EST / 6 pm PST for a special reading of "Government" The Biggest Scam in History EXPOSED by Etienne de la Boetie².
He recently released the 5th edition of his book and I am very excited to go through it again. We will be doing a deep dive review, full of exploring links and articles referenced in the book.

To get you very own copy of the book, go on over to

Please consider contributing to James via donation to help ensure that he can continue doing the Great Work in the digital arena.

Choose your own amount to donate to James at

James's website


Welcome back to the show Brandon Martin!

The battle for freedom does NOT only exist in the physical world. There is a depth to this war that far too few seem to know of, let alone understand.

Brandon Martin has been on the front lines of this battle for nearly a decade, but make no mistake, he has a lifetime of knowledge in regards of critical thinking and what it takes for True Freedom. He is one of the few willing to take on the task of not just learning, but then also teaching, the information required to truly be able to make a difference in the human condition.

The question still remains - Do YOU have what it takes to make a difference?

Join us Saturday, February 11th, 2023 at 9 pm EST/ 6 pm PST.

Please go check out Brandon Martin's websites to get a look at all the work that he has put in. Brandon has organized several conferences, has many podcasts and is truly a creative person.


​Please consider contributing to James via donation to help ensure that he can continue doing the Great Work in the digital arena.

Choose your own amount to donate to James at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jamescordiner7

James's website


Enjoy a lively conversation about the work of Ending Evil. What does it take, how do we change things, how do we change ourselves into the hero that we want to be? David gives listeners motivation and inspiration.


Welcome back to the show Etienne de la Boetie²!

Very excited to have him back to discuss the updated and newest volume of his book "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History EXPOSED. He has just released volume 5!

When I started live streaming just over 1 year ago, I did so by sharing his book with the audience. This is truly a special episode for me and I hope you can join us in the chat.

Please tune in at https://www.freeyourmindne.com/live.html

The show starts at 9pm Eastern! Don't miss it!

To get your own copy of the book, which you will not want to miss out on, please got to https://government-scam.com/

Please visit https://artofliberty.org/ to receive the weekly news letter that Etienne sends out. His news letter is densely packed with an enormous amount of information, memes and more! Sign up now!


What Does It Mean To Be A Man?
From The Female Perspective

The One Great Work Warriors originally met up to discuss the topic “What Does It Mean To Be A Man?”, and the discussion spurred some interest from the women who watched. We certainly wanted to hear their point of view, so we opened the door and a couple of brave women stepped forward to share their thoughts. What do you think? Contact us, we would love to hear your thoughts on the next convo!

Stephanie Mo Davis
Leslie Powers

Brandon Spencer
Chris Jantzen
Derek Bartolacelli
Jim Adams
Jerry Tappan
Crypt Rick


Welcome back Will Keller & Jonathan Wright to show this Saturday, January 21, 2023.

As sovereign beings, of course we have the right to choose what does or does not enter our body. Including drugs and alcohol. But the question remains, how free can you be if you are abusing drugs or alcohol? How conscious can you be? Is the harm that you are causing yourself causing harm to others?

This is not about stopping anyone, this is about raising awareness to the fact that those who wish to impose their will upon us, to subjugate us, to enslave us, have a better chance at accomplishing their goal if we are numbed by drugs and alcohol.
Please jump in the chat and enjoy the show!


How Do YOU Do It?
There’s no real way to avoid them- they tear at you in life at the hardest times, they hold you back, they get you into trouble…YOUR FEELINGS can be your worst enemy or they can be the guideposts to lead you in the right direction towards healing. This episode is all about how to manage and understand our feelings. Logan Hart joins the End Evil Podcast to break down the real life issues we face and how to deal with them so we can be the best possible version of ourselves.


Hosted by Sean McCann of the "Wake the Dead" podcast and James Cordiner of "A Hitchhiker's Guide to Truth", The Black Pill Digest is a new show focused on uncovering the most disturbing doom-and-gloom stories, all the while endeavoring to prepare the viewers with what they need to strengthen their mental fortitude and engage them in critical thought exercises. Set to air the first episode on Saturday, November 26, 2022.




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