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Forest of Lebanon Publications We are living at a time when conspiracy rules and deception abounds. Both books are carefully researched to afford an accurate historical backdrop.

Forest of Lebanon Publications promotes books, both fiction and non-fiction, that peel back the web and give a glimpse of what lies beneath. Ni**od Twice Born and Opus Dei were written almost concurrently over a period of more than thirty years. Ni**od Twice Born is primarily an historical novel beginning at the time of Christ and culminating in the events of the Second World War. The two themes r

un parallel to one another and are intricately linked through the sacred relics. Simon Magus conceives of the value of the relics to the formation of a world religion. Centuries later, Heinrich Himmler makes his own bid to overthrow those forces conspiring to politically dominate the world, creating an unexpected twist to the tale. Opus Dei opens in the 1970′s and culminates in 2016. It begins with a street attack on a Lebanese journalist and ends in almost global conflagration. It moves from civil war on the streets of Lebanon to world war, and from a family in turmoil to a leader who determined to assume power over the planet. This book demonstrates a common direction to prophecy and mythology, the foretelling of a coming world leader – a king in the likeness of Ni**od. Underlying both books is a conspiracy to establish a New World Order, one which has grown over centuries; a low note sounding below the events of history and rising to a crescendo in our age. Many are oblivious to the pattern of occurrences unfolding before our eyes – The move towards World Government; the growing economic crisis; the build-up towards another Middle East war, this time against Iran. The network of interconnected events is mysterious, arcane and almost unbelievable. And it has been contrived and manipulated over centuries by a small group of men and women with an agenda of their own. Both Ni**od Twice Born and Opus Dei are big books, plus minus 600 pages. They are uncompromising, make no pretence at political correctness, and are guaranteed to provoke the reader to think outside of the box.

SOUNDING THE SEVENTH TRUMPET if you are unprepared for the turbulent days ahead?...

What if you are unprepared for the turbulent days ahead? The Bible promises betrayals, persecutions, hardships, deprivations and sorrows. Will you be among the disillusioned that fall by the wayside, or, keeping your eyes firmly on the Lord Jesus, your all-sufficient Lord, will you stand until that final moment of glory when Christ calls His Bride home?
Read Sounding the Seventh Trumpet on Amazon and other online book stores.

CONSPIRED Castle was designed as an SS training center. The castle was t...


Wewelsburg Castle was designed as an SS training center. The castle was triangular with a dominant north tower. Windows set deep into the five-foot thick walls of what was known as the Realm of the Dead, spilled a little light into the gloomy interior. Its brick-domed ceiling climaxed in a sw****ka design beneath which a sacred flame was kept burning day and night. Three steps led down to this flame, marking the castle’s power point at the heart of the complex.
It was from the Realm of the Dead that Himmler envisaged the psychic force of his men emanating forth to control first Germany, then the world.


SOUNDING THE SEVENTH TRUMPET on Amazon              And the seventh angel s...

Available on Amazon

And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.
And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. Revevation 11:15, 18

Someone shouted and waved a stein in greeting. Ernst Röhm lifted his hand in recognition and nodded to the others.“They’...

Someone shouted and waved a stein in greeting. Ernst Röhm lifted his hand in recognition and nodded to the others.
“They’re over there.”
He strode across the room and voices were raised in welcome.
“Röhm! Wie getz?”
Ernst Röhm struck an imposing figure. He was a familiar sight to many Bavarians and was hardly a character to be ignored. When he entered a room, heads invariably turned to follow him. The captain was short, square-set, and solidly built, abounding in energy. His skull bristled with a thin covering of hair, which tended towards red. An old bullet wound had cut away half his nose and burnt a livid scar into features that were thick and fleshy, a disfigurement which he wore proudly, like a badge of honour. Most of his comrades looked up to him as a true soldier, a heroic figure, but there was an earthiness about Röhm, a coarseness of speech, which repulsed some and fascinated others.
Unaccustomed to attracting attention, young Heinrich Himmler followed Röhm somewhat self-consciously. Compared with the captain, he appeared slight and almost effeminate with the sort of face that youthfulness rested upon awkwardly. His skin and eyes were too pale and despite many attempts before the mirror to prime his mouth with definition and maturity, he had achieved little success. A pince-nez gave him a short-sighted, owlish appearance, and he was still apt to blush awkwardly in difficult or embarrassing situations. Heinrich Himmler still fell far short of the exacting standard he had set for himself.
A waitress no more than a girl, leaned over the table in front of Röhm, setting the foaming steins of beer down on the long table, her bosom provocatively exposed above the bodice of her dirndl. Two blonde plaits formed a coil around a face that was white and delicate.
“Hello, sweetheart!”
Röhm cupped a hand under her breast. She coloured and drew back in confusion as the men at the table shouted with laughter



According to 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 there are two signs given to the Church before the Rapture can take place. The first ...

According to 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 there are two signs given to the Church before the Rapture can take place. The first is a great falling away from Christ and the second, the revealing of the Antichrist.
When is he revealed? When he enters the Temple and declares that he is God. As yet, we don't have a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
Only when the seventh angel sounds his trumpet will the mystery of God will be finished. Revelation 10:7
So much happens at the Trumpet Judgments!

The Year of the Dragon 2020/2021  On the eve of Purim, the order Israel had been waiting for was received from the Unite...

The Year of the Dragon 2020/2021

On the eve of Purim, the order Israel had been waiting for was received from the United States. The night conditions were perfect as a host of Spirit Stealth Bombers took to the skies like bats in the darkness. Flying beneath the RADAR across Iraqi territory they reached Iran just as dawn lightened the horizon. As with the bombing of the Iraqi nuclear site in 1981, the operation was a massive gamble. With that strike, failure could have resulted in a wipe-out of major Israeli cities by Saddam Hussein. This time, if they missed one plant, if their intelligence had misled them and the potential for one bomb remained, it could be all over for Israel.
Surgical strikes, timed to the second, were made against enrichment plants at Arak, Natanz, Bushier, Isfahan, and other locations across Iran. Before the international community had been given a chance to fully react to this new crisis, an attack took place in Jerusalem that was to change the world.

In the early hours of the morning, a group of right-wing Israelis under the leadership of a man named Chaim Bar-Shemer prepared themselves for the assault on the Dome of the Rock. Beneath the mosque, within the Temple Mount, there existed a honeycomb of cisterns and wells, Jerusalem’s ancient water system, which was linked to a cave known by Muslims as the Abyss of Chaos. The Bir el Arwah, or Well of Souls, separated the Dome of the Rock from the Abyss of Chaos to prevent the faithful it was said, from setting their mouths to the cracks in the floor and chatting to the dead. Now an entrance was being created through this partition, large enough to allow the passage of the men and their equipment.
Only Chaim Bar-Shemer and one other entered the shrine itself, both men explosives experts and highly skilled in their field. They had calculated beforehand how many charges of plastique would be needed to raze the building completely. The PE4 was attached to timers; detonators were wired in and checked. Working swiftly now, they taped the explosive to the load-bearing columns, using only limited light so as not to attract the guards outside. When the job was completed, just over forty-five minutes later, they returned quietly down the steps of the Well of Souls and slipped back through the opening in the floor. As they rejoined the three men in the Abyss of Chaos, Bar-Shemer remarked jokingly that it would soon be just that.
They made their way back through the tortuous underground route by flashlight, and in the mouth of the tunnel’s south entrance, still enshrouded in pre-dawn silence, Bar-Shemer checked his watch and nodded. Although they were well away from the Dome of the Rock when it imploded, they were shaken by the earth’s tremor through the walls of the tunnel. They stepped over the bodies of the two guards that lay where they had been dragged back into the shadows earlier and faded away into the darkness.

Another leader is about to arise. A man who will seize Europe and overpower her as a man takes a woman. He will dominate her and she will serve him. The man’s name is War. Pierre Zein, a Lebanese journalist, interviews Hussein ibn Muhammed, an Ayatollah claiming to be the Twelfth Imam of the Shii....

Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed.In a moment, in the twinkling of...

Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed. 1 Cor 15:51,52

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. Rev 10:7

Paul explains the Mystery as the moment of the Rapture of the Church.
When? At the Seventh Trumpet (Rev 10:7) after the revelation of the Antichrist in the Temple in Jerusalem at the 6th Seal.

Sounding the Seventh Trumpet: Exploring the Trumpet Judgments and the Coming Rapture

Did your eschatology skip the Trumpet Judgments?

Did your eschatology skip the Trumpet Judgments?

Sounding the Seventh Trumpet: Exploring the Trumpet Judgments and the Coming Rapture The Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler, locked the door of his room in Wewelsburg Ca...
The Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler, locked the door of his room in Wewelsburg Castle and leaned against it for support. He was breathless with fear and elation. Walking a trifle unsteadily, he stood looking at the faded leather case on his bed before leaning down to open it. The spear, blackened with age, lay in its place. Halfway down the blade, in a central aperture, the beaten nail head was secured by a cuff threaded with wire. In a familiar ritual, Himmler lifted the spear from its case and held it in his upturned palms. The gesture was one of supplication, an offering to the gods. But this night was different, the spear in his hands was the actual Spear of Longinus and the powerful sense of its presence filled the room. The fear he had experienced dropped away, and his body became the receptacle for something infinitely deeper and darker. He was at that moment possessed by a spirit of such power and magnitude that he reeled as though intoxicated.
As he lay on his bed later that night, only the memory of the moment remained with him. The fear had returned, licking at his soul, and it seemed that Wewelsburg was filled with shadows as never before. His eyes burned like coals in his sockets, and his hands, clenched into fists as his sides, were damp and icy cold. The voice of the dragon had spoken...


Lina passed him his food and watched him while he ate.  He consumed it swiftly and automatically, without appearing to n...

Lina passed him his food and watched him while he ate. He consumed it swiftly and automatically, without appearing to notice what he was eating, then pushed his plate aside. As he lit a cigarette and refilled his glass, she noticed the tremor in his hands.
“He agrees with everything I say and then he goes behind my back! I get messages from my staff saying, ‘the Reichsführer says that Hi**er wouldn’t like it’.”
Lina laughed. “He’s scared of you,” she said.
Heydrich observed her with interest. “Scared,” he repeated slowly as though the thought was new to him. “I think you’re damned right. He’s too scared to turn me down, so he hides behind the Führer. Look at our so-called leaders!” he said loudly, slopping the liquid in his glass. “Hi**er’s so full of fear that he can’t be left alone at night. He’s afraid of werewolves and moonlight and he worries about the most humane way to kill a lobster. He’s so damned terrified of impurity that he gets his doctor to draw blood from him.” His laughter was unpleasant. “He spends hours contemplating the vial. From what I understand, there’s more Jew in that blood than he would ever want to admit. Why else would he have killed Dollfus?”
“In that attempted Anschluss with Austria?”
He nodded. “Dollfus was investigating Hi**er’s background and he got wind of it. If he had nothing to hide, why was he killed?” He pushed his chair away from the table and put his feet up on the tablecloth. “Didn’t even manage to capture the file Dollfus had on him, so presumably there are still incriminating papers floating around in Austria somewhere. Could be the reason the Führer doesn’t sleep well at night.”
It was her turn to laugh. “I’ve heard he wakes screaming and babbling; demanding his aides.”
Heydrich shrugged. “The man’s a mental case,” he said. “The one minute he’s claiming to be the German Messiah, the next he’s calling himself a sh*t-head.”
“Is it true he’s impotent?”
“How the hell should I know?” he grinned.
“You know what I mean. You must have heard rumours.”
“My dear wife, I have a personal and carefully guarded file. Nothing gets by me, not a fact, not a rumour.”
“Then what?” she asked eagerly.
“Sure he’s impotent. The man’s s*x is simply in his power of oratory. When he speaks to a crowd, he woos them and whips them and himself up into a frenzy. The man’s a pervert but by all accounts, he doesn’t get anything together in the bedroom.” He stood up and saluted sardonically. “Drink a toast with me Lina to our dear Führer and Reichsführer-SS. Seig heil!”
Lina picked up her glass, attempting to emulate his solemnity. “How can I drink a toast with an empty glass,” she complained.
“An empty glass for an empty toast,” he replied and tipped the contents of his glass into the remainder of the stew. “To the Führer and his idiot henchmen, seig heil!”




“I am founding an Order, Adolf Hi**er confided to Gauleiter Rauschning, shortly before the latter defected to the West. He was speaking on this occasion about his plans to establish the Burgs where the next phase in the breeding of a new race was to take place. “It is from there that the final stage in human mutation will emerge – the MAN-GOD! This splendid Being will become the object of universal worship!”

The Spear of Destiny p.252

Pre-order now on Amazon! Available at only $1.14 until 31st May. Adolf Hi**er surveyed the small group of men who had be...

Pre-order now on Amazon! Available at only $1.14 until 31st May.

Adolf Hi**er surveyed the small group of men who had been chosen to dine with him that evening.
“I often returned to look at it after that,” he said reminiscently. “There seemed to be a presence surrounding it, similar to that which I had felt with me at moments of great destiny in my life. I began to understand that it bridged the world of the senses and the world of the spirit.” He swilled the liquid round in his glass and held it to the light to watch it. “On the second visit, it was as though a window opened up on an event in the future. I could see a time when I would stand as leader before the people of Austria and I knew without any doubt that the blood in my veins would become the vessel of the Volk spirit of my people.” His glance was now steady and confident, and he spoke with complete certainty. “Soon, when the time is right, the Spear of Destiny will become my personal possession and with it, I will fulfill my role in world history.”
Heinrich Himmler looked down at his plate. Adolf Hi**er’s statement had stirred a curious mixture of excitement and anxiety in his breast, as though the gods were whispering their refrain just beneath the words of the Führer’s. It would be a little while before he learned its interpretation.


Part of Christ's church awaits with excitement the Jewish Feast of Trumpets; also known as Rosh Hashana, Head of the Yea...

Part of Christ's church awaits with excitement the Jewish Feast of Trumpets; also known as Rosh Hashana, Head of the Year, and Yom Teruah - the Feast of Blowing, or the Awakening Blast. "Could this be the year when Christ returns for His Chuch?"
2022 has awakened more speculation than usual as it is the beginning of a new Shemitah "year" comprising a seven-year period. Could this be the seven-year Tribulation period the Bible speaks about? As we study the present tumultuous world events, I believe it is highly possible.
But so many critical aspects of the prophecies remain unfulfilled if Jesus were to return in the next few days. Sounding the Seventh Trumpet closely examines these prophecies and the result could turn the Church on its head.

Sounding the Seventh Trumpet


Have you explored the prophecies of the Seventh Trumpet? What if the Church is wrong about the Rapture? What if the shee...

Have you explored the prophecies of the Seventh Trumpet? What if the Church is wrong about the Rapture? What if the sheep and the goats are separated during a time of intense persecution?






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Novels - Ni**od Twice Born and Opus Dei

Ni**od Twice Born and Opus Dei were written almost concurrently over a period of more than thirty years. Both books are carefully researched to afford an accurate historical backdrop. Ni**od Twice Born is primarily an historical novel beginning at the time of Christ and culminating in the events of the Second World War. The two themes run parallel to one another and are intricately linked through the sacred relics. Simon Magus conceives of the value of the relics to the formation of a world religion. Centuries later, Heinrich Himmler makes his own bid to overthrow those forces conspiring to politically dominate the world, creating an unexpected twist to the tale. Opus Dei opens in the 1970′s and culminates in 2016. It begins with a street attack on a Lebanese journalist and ends in almost global conflagration. It moves from civil war on the streets of Lebanon to world war, and from a family in turmoil to a leader who determined to assume power over the planet. This book demonstrates a common direction to prophecy and mythology, the foretelling of a coming world leader – a king in the likeness of Ni**od. Underlying both books is a conspiracy to establish a New World Order, one which has grown over centuries; a low note sounding below the events of history and rising to a crescendo in our age. Many are oblivious to the pattern of occurrences unfolding before our eyes – The move towards World Government; the growing economic crisis; the build-up towards another Middle East war, this time against Iran. The network of interconnected events is mysterious, arcane and almost unbelievable. And it has been contrived and manipulated over centuries by a small group of men and women with an agenda of their own. Both Ni**od Twice Born and Opus Dei are big books, plus minus 600 pages. They are uncompromising, make no pretence at political correctness, and are guaranteed to provoke the reader to think outside of the box.