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Na Woman You Be For Liberated Women & Men

This movie addresses a big issue that continues to stand as an obstacle to the wellbeing of many in our society, especia...

This movie addresses a big issue that continues to stand as an obstacle to the wellbeing of many in our society, especially women.

Marriage worship.

Why are we so obsessed with this thing called marriage? Why do we elevate it so much and value its preservation over the preservation of the humans involved in it?

We socialize girls to grow into women who are crazy about becoming a “Mrs.” It doesn’t matter if it is Mrs Rap1st, as we have in this movie, or Mrs Crim1nal; provided she is married, our job with her is done.

We see a young woman who is living her life peacefully and thriving. What do we do? We start harass1ng her with silly questions like “When are you getting married?” We continue to insist that she is not complete as an individual. The unfortunate ones give in to the pressure and marry the next available guy. Sometimes, it goes well. But more often than not it doesn’t. And when that happens, we tell her to endure, that it rains everywhere. Oh, how convenient.

If you want to understand the fool1shness some married women mean when they say stuff like, “You won’t understand because you are not married” or “Marry first,” watch this movie. Observe the characters Amanda and her friend, Ngozi. Because na for only inside marriage una dey always force nonsense to make sense to una. Always making it seem like the wedding ceremony is an occasion for indoctrination into a cult of stup1dity. Of course, no sane person will understand.

Sadly, Amanda and Ngozi represent the quintessential married woman. And I will blame this on our confused society that fails to raise confident girls. We are more interested in raising “nice” girls, girls who grow into women who will be so nice in the face of injustice that they are no longer able to tell right from wrong.

Again, Nollywood is beginning to pay attention to stories that matter. For an industry that has a huge influence on the quality of humans Nigeria churns out, I am excited to see this.

There are so many themes in this movie whose surface I have not even scratched. In fact, I haven’t even talked about the major conflict the movie revolves around. You should go watch it.

Thank you Blessing Jessica Obasi for bringing this very topical issue to our screens.

“I would like us all to become one.”

“I would like us all to become one.”


On Menstruation, Mood Swings, and Pastor Jerry Eze

As seen in a video clip published on his page on 30th March 2024, Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze, the lead Pastor of Streams of Joy International and Convener of NSPPD, said to the women in his congregation:

“If you are here and you run mood swings, your soul is under attack…There is a deeper problem in your soul you have not solved. The mood swing is only symptomatic of the wounds that are in your soul.”

Still on the subject of women and mood swings, Pastor Jerry Eze continued:

“So today you come in and you’re all very nice…and then you turn around and say, ‘It’s because I am in my period.’ You are not the only one that menstruates. Don’t give this kind of useless excuses. I want you to know that point in time when you are all that way, you are a toxic person. People of God, there is no excuse for toxicity.”

Watching that video and recalling other times I’d heard similar harmful teachings from preachers and people with a cult following, it became imperative for me to say this: People in powerful positions ought to stop using their influence to create and reinforce myths that are harmful to women and girls. Women and girls should be safe at their places of worship and in our society at large.

On societal attitude toward women, menstruation, and mood swings, Elissa Stein and Susan Kim, authors of the book, Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation, recount how “The heightened emotions and various physical symptoms many women experience in the week before their period were first identified in 1931 by Dr Robert Frank, who called it ‘premenstrual tension.’ Previously, women who complained about it to their doctors were bluntly labeled ‘neurotic,’ ‘nervous,’ or ‘hysterical’ and summarily sent on their not so merry way.”

Because the medical community could not comprehend the root cause of the various symptoms women experienced at the time, they continued to dismiss women’s complaints, just as Pastor Jerry Eze is doing in 2024, making them feel their physical symptoms were all in their heads.

For decades, the American Psychiatric Association officially recognized “hysteria” as a disease in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and continued to diagnose women with it. This erroneous diagnosis was officially removed from the Manual only in 1952, and the symptoms, which include mood swings, tender breasts, fatigue, food cravings, nausea, irritability, depression and so on, have come to be known as Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). The extreme case of PMS is known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).

So, dear Pastor Jerry Eze, contrary to what you believe, menstruation-related mood swings are not a character flaw in women. They are rather diagnosable physiological conditions. I think PMDD is what you were trying to describe during your “sermon.” And, no, it is not a sign of toxicity. What I consider toxic, however, is the fact that places where girls and women are meant to go for their spiritual well-being have continued to turn out unsafe for them, with sermons such as this coming from pulpits.

Pastor Jerry Eze, PMS and PMDD symptoms are real and women who experience them neither wish it upon themselves nor can switch the symptoms on and off at will as you assume. It might also interest you to know that no two women are the same. In fact, when it comes to menstrual health, no woman remains the same throughout her lifetime. Some women experience severe, life-threatening symptoms at some point in their cycles; some experience mild, bearable symptoms; and then there are the lucky ones who experience negligible symptoms. Therefore, your wife’s experience does not reflect the experiences of other women in your congregation or those who are viewing your video on the internet.

It is common for women and girls to demonstrate remarkable strength as they go about their jobs and businesses despite facing numerous menstrual cycle-related challenges, often due to societal constraints that leave them with little or no choice. However, their experiences must not be minimized or dismissed on this basis.

Pastor Jerry Eze, given that you are not an authority on women’s matters, since you are neither a woman nor at least a gynecologist, to the best of my knowledge, I suggest you avoid speaking about women’s menstrual issues with so much authority, if you must speak about them at all. It is only reasonable that when one is delving into a subject that they are not very familiar with, they approach it with utmost humility, acknowledging the possibility that they could be wrong. You can take a cue from men such as the Indian Arunachalam Muruganantham, who have been great allies to women and girls when it comes to menstruation and its many challenges.

I am addressing this issue for two main reasons:

Firstly, the church has a history of demonizing and prosecuting women who exhibited symptoms that were unfamiliar to men. For instance, During the Middle Ages in European history, “[a]ny undiagnosable illnesses or instances of bizarre behaviour were…diagnosed, conveniently if not constructively, as having been brought on by the devil himself. So…women unfortunate enough to merit the diagnosis of hysteria were instead tried in Church courts and often prosecuted as witches” (Stein and Kim). Unfortunately, in 2024, we see church leaders continuing the path of this harmful practice by stigmatizing diagnosable illnesses that affect women within their congregations.

We must speak up against these erroneous and dangerous narratives. We must make an effort to protect the well-being of women and girls in our society, whether within religious institutions or elsewhere.

Secondly, Pastor Jerry Eze commands a substantial global following, with a considerable number likely to adopt his teachings without question. This presents a concerning possibility that his message may inadvertently sow confusion among women regarding their own experiences. His teachings also indirectly encourage insensitivity toward the struggles of women rather than promote a response of compassion and empathy. In a nutshell, Pastor Jerry Eze, your “sermon” of 30th March 2024 holds the potential to endanger women.

In the words of Anita Diamant, the author of Period. End of Sentence. A New Chapter in the Fight for Menstrual Justice, “Ignorance is the opposite of bliss, and in the absence of facts, fear and misinformation flourish.” This is why people who are not experts on women’s matters must endeavour to approach subjects concerning women with caution, humility, and respect.

I call on other women and well-meaning men to join forces as we challenge these dangerous narratives that attempt to demonize girls and women. We must challenge these endless cycles of ignorance, misinformation, and shame.

Written by Hope Eze


Whenever there’s a conversation about early marriage, the focus is always on girls. If early marriage is so good, why don’t you encourage boys to get married before, during, or immediately after their university education?

Why do you encourage impressionable girls to get married to grown men while encouraging boys to sort out their lives as individuals first before considering marriage?

Why always girls?!


One of the reasons misogynists are very uncomfortable with the large number of women who are using their intellect and voices to disrupt the patriarchy on social media is that this is the first time many of them have heard women speak truth to power.

Before social media, most women in their homes, places of religious worship etc. hardly spoke up. So, this is new for them. But we don’t care.

We will continue speaking. We will continue using our voices to make society a little better for women and everyone else every day.


For years, women who insist on a better society for everyone have been termed “bitter” and “angry.” These women went ahead to own these tags and refused to be distracted by them.

Now, there is a wave of new tags. You hear “vile,” “demonic,” “witchcraft,” “evil” etc being used to describe women who think differently and disruptively about the state of women in our society.

Surprisingly, though, when women get r@ped and even k1lled by men, we don’t get outrage from the same quarters that use such strong words to describe feminists who only use words online to seek a better society for women.

We know the reason for the selective outrage by these people who claim to care about family values. We see the attempt to demonize. We know and we will not be distracted by it.


Christmas will be merry for many today but not so merry for others. Such is life. However, for many women, the merriness of Christmas is lost not to some unavoidable life circumstance, but to their lack of agency, their inability to prioritize themselves.

It is no longer news that the holiday season is anything but holiday for the average Nigerian woman. Married women who travel to their husbands’ villages are expected to do most of the chores that will enable everyone else in the extended family have a restful holiday.

In a bid to curtail the stress they endure, many women resort to tricks such as pretending to be sick or pregnant.

But why can’t these women insist on more favourable conditions if they must travel to their husbands’ villages? Why is it difficult for our women to express themselves?

An adult should be able to say, “I am not comfortable with this situation. Something has to change.” An adult should be able to go ahead and make those changes. But because the average woman has been socialized to be voiceless, to have no agency, she continues to accept situations that diminish her.

I look forward to a society where more women will begin to have a truly merry Christmas.


We have a long way to go in terms of making our society better and safer for all, especially women. But one thing that gives me joy about our current age is the intellectual progress we are making.

Today, we have many women who question EVERYTHING. Gone are the days when men would make claims that clearly make no sense and go unquestioned.

For instance, the statement “Men are logical in nature,” a statement that makes no logical sense whatsoever, became so popular and common that men would say it proudly and women would agree. But today, you can’t make such claims and unquestioned.

I saw a post where a man was trying to make excuses for absent fathers who provide only money for their children. The intelligent responses from women and some men make me so proud.

So long as we have single mothers who take sole responsibility of providing their children’s needs and being there for them, no man can come up with a reasonable excuse why he cannot be available for children he chose to bring into this world.


When a single woman who has seen the light tries to dissuade her fellow women from tolerating abuse, abusers crawl out from everywhere and try to shut her up.
You hear stuff like: “She is single, bitter, and h8tes men.” “Wait till you get married before having an opinion about marriage.” “When man marry her now, her body go calm down.”

If the woman gets married and continues spreading the gospel of women’s liberation, these people crawl out again: “She is enjoying her marriage but is deceiving other women to remain single.” “These kind of women are door mats in their homes but come on social media to deceive other women” etc.

In all these shalaye without evidence, not once will they address the main issue, which is how to free you from abusive situations. The most they will tell you is “Do what works for you.” But how you know they don’t care about you at all is that once “what works for you” includes standing up to an abuser and speaking up for yourself, these same people who asked you to do what works for you will turn against you. They do not care about you and what works for you. They just want you to stop listening to women who have your interest at heart.

Realizing they couldn’t get enlightened women to stop preaching the gospel of women’s liberation and empowerment, they decided to focus on the gullible ones and convince them not to listen to words of freedom. Do they care about these women? No. They are only interested in having women tolerate and endure abuse.

These people are often:
1. Men who are either abusers or have the potential to abuse.

2. Women who love the “Mrs” title so much that they are willing to literally kpai for it, so they want company in their misery.

These people are not interested in your wellbeing. They only want you married. You can even die in the marriage. No wahala for them, provided you died married.

So why don’t you listen to women who have seen the light? These women are indeed enjoying their liberation whether married or single, which is why they are eager to see their fellow women enjoy, too. They hate to see you abused, tired, and unmoisturized. This is the reason they continue to speak.

It is left for you to choose who you will listen to. It is left for you to unlearn faster and stop identifying as “gullible,” because, in case you haven’t noticed, people are gradually beginning to show zero sympathy for “hide-my-ID” stories.


In our society, girls are raised to believe that a house is not something a woman can own. You are told you are in your father’s house, which implies that your mother is not a co-owner of the house.

They also tell you to go to your husband’s house, which implies that house ownership is not something that is expected of you as a woman.

This might seem insignificant, but it contributes a whole lot to why many girls grow up to become married women who behave like servants in their own homes.


As a Nigerian woman (especially Nigerian women living in Nigeria), you really cannot afford to be careless about your wellbeing in the name of marriage.

You must acquire and maintain some certain level of power and autonomy, even if it’s just the kind money can buy. The ideal world is one where everyone would be respected and protected irrespective of their financial status. But there is nothing ideal about that country.

The rate at which people are desperate to devour helpless women is beyond alarming. A man dies and people are eager to see his widow suffer.

Again, my dear Nigerian woman, always remember that you are not special. You cannot God-forbid and it’s-not-my-portion your way true life. You must develop a heightened sense of self-preservation.


Men r@pe girls and women, ki1l them, and do all manner of things to them. But the average person out there does not qualify these as a war on women and girls.

However, once a woman interrogates misogyny on the internet, they go, "Oh, stop this gender war." "Oh, stop disturbing the peace of the universe." "Oh, the world is coming to an end."..bla bla bla.

Their goal is to maintain the culture of silence over misogyny. But we are here to disrupt the old order. If insisting on the fundamental human rights of girls and women is "gender war," we shall continue to war until peace is restored to the female members of our society.


The reason I won't stop talking about women's empowerment and liberation is that had the women before me been silent, I would not have been liberated.


I prefer the expression, "Woman, occupy your space" to "Woman take your place."
In this context, "place" is a patriarchal terminology.

Many men often talk about putting women in their place. "Place" here implies restriction and sounds limiting. I'd rather use "space," which sounds more empowering because it implies boundlessness. Space is more powerful.


I watched an interview where Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey confirmed that society easily sees women as either too young to speak or too old to speak.

A woman will say something and get dismissed. A man will say the same thing and get aplauded. As I watched these two powerful women affirm this, it dawned on me that I had experienced such, especially among people who were close to me.

When I speak against systems of oppression, some people are more worried about my tone than about the injustice I am interrogating. Gatekeepers of "polite society" are more interested in getting me to be nicer.

While I acknowledge that some of them have good intentions, the fact remains that there are some things that cannot be said "nicely." It's either you want to talk about them or you want to remain silent.

I have chosen the kind of woman I want to be and she is not a quiet, silent woman. My ancestors did not fight for the rights of women to go to school only so that I'd become an educated, silent woman.

In a world where girls and women are constantly taught to be small, to diminish themselves, I choose to be one of the voices that will continue to remind women and girls that they matter and should occupy their rightful spaces in the world.


It's such a shame that in Nigeria, when a woman whose children are all male is called "Mama boys," it's considered something to be proud of and excited about.

But when a woman whose children are all female is called "Mama girls," it is almost considered an insult, something to be ashamed of.

Who do us this thing?





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