WELCOME to Everything Here, a page on morbid reality and rare/shocking stories. We features the odd, iconic, historic and bizarre stories & photos. Get ready to be amazed. If you want to contribute to this page, you can do so by sending us shocking/rare/historical story or photos you come across and we will feature the story with your name. We request you to write to us whenever there is an issue
and it will be sorted out on its earliest possibility. It will help us communicate with you, make the page better and "keep it on the Facebook" for a longer duration. Comment Rules
1. Personal attacks, abusive language, trolling or bigotry in any form is not allowed and will be removed.
2. Keep the discussion on-topic. Comments that do not directly add to the discussion will be removed.
3. This is an English page, so all comments must be written in English. If someone wants to enter a comment in a foreign language then it should be accompanied with a translation in closed brackets.
4. No "flaming" or "badgering" -- writing hostile or insulting messages aimed at other users for their views or comments. You can disagree with someone's views and still be polite about it. Name-calling (i.e. "stupid") is at the moderators' discretion and can be removed without warning.
5. Do not copy or plagiarize comments. No "spamming" - No advertisements of any type - No comments via page - or posting of referral links (You can post links that contribute to the post) to other services. We also classify "spam" as short replies (usually fewer than 7 words) which do not contribute to our post.
6. No posting of any photo comment or text which bypasses our profanity filters by purposely misspelling, using letter/symbol substitutions or any other means to bypass our censoring anyone doing so will be banned from this page.
7. Use proper punctuation, grammar and caps lock only where ever necessary.
8. Asking for friend request, bullying, threatening or any other type of harassment would result in immediate ban.
9. Humor at the expense of someone's pain is strictly prohibited. There are many other pages that welcome brash humor join those pages instead. Not adhering to the rules would result in removal of comments and depending on the severity also a temporary/permanent ban. If you have any questions about these rules, you may contact a moderator via Email or Message. For Business or copyright issues you can message or email. I love exploring stories and do it with incredible passion, and I'm so grateful that through social media I can share my passion with the whole world and meet people who share similar interests. I'm completely overwhelmed by the feedback I get and I'm incredibly excited about the future and as always, thank you very much for being on this page making it a great community. You guys are the best