We are harassed by drug abuse, women and children abuse, Gender Base Violence, Human Trafficking, crime, unemployment, corruption, discrimination, racism even poverty because the color of our skin, our religion, our culture and authenticity in South Africa. Instead of focussing on all the problems in South Africa, these are some of the major solutions we have identified:
1. Stop policies and legis
lation which prevents job-creation in our areas.
3. Stop racial discrimination against all marginalised regardless of colour, race, religion.
4. Stop Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment which is based on race only. So the most important question to ask yourself NOW...
WHY VOTE PATRIOTIC ALLIANCE!!! The Patriotic Alliance(PA) pledges itself to continue fighting for our Human Rights in order to endeavor to become a future governing partner for our Nation and Country as a whole.
1. Opposes legislation and policies that excludes JOB OPPORTUNITIES for all MINORITY groups.
2. Continues to strive towards creating and offering ideal solutions to assist with Social Ills in communities with regards to DRUG Abuse and the abuse of Women and Children in order to create healthier communities for all.
3. Supporting communities to establish Shelters for Abused Women and Children.
4. Continues to fight the unlawful arrests of Community Leaders and Activists by CORRUPT South African Police.
5. Ensures the well-being of our disabled, special needs, orphans and elderly folk in our community.
6. Will continue to support the rehabilitation of Drug Addicts and set up support structures for the families, friends and loved ones that has and is affected by the worst Drug Epidemic in our communities.
7. Encourage Drug Education in our communities, schools, faith based organisations, NGO's SMME's homes, etc so that our parents, adults, youth and future leaders are able to make informed decisions about the truth about drugs and the destructive effects it has on a human being, a community, and an entire nation.
8. Will continue, support and motivate any and all willing community members by empowering them through skills development, training and programs in order for community members to improve their lives, become sustainable and to continue uplifting and taking pride in our communities once again. Personally, what makes the PA unique is that they are by far the only God Fearing Political Party that I know of, Always giving God the Honor and the Glory because and only by the Grace of God is all things possible. And this has nothing to do with RELIGION but ones FAITH