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Miscellaneous Notes

By Bhagat Singh taken in jail

{These notes were on fool scape papers and were taken prior to the issue of 404 pages Note Book}

Love “The most interesting and pardonable of human weaknesses - Love”

Charles Dickens -Pickwick

Love:- “ Burney and Vee loved each other , just as passionately as ever , at least they t

oo themselves that it was as ever, but at the while the subtle chemistry of change was at work. Men and women are not bodies only {,and cannot be satisfied with delights of bodies only} .Men and women are are minds , and have to have harmony of ideas. can they be bored with each other’s ideas and still be just as much in love ? Men and women are characters lead to action - and what if they lead to different actions ? What if the man wants to read a book and the woman wants to go to a dance?”

Upton Sinclair -Oil page 398

Love and S*x ;- “But how lamentable our young people are ridden by the inherited traditions that there is something shameful and immoral is the s*xual act itself, even when prompted by sincere love and emotional escalation.” P61

S*x is simply a biological fact. It is as much so as the appetite for food .Like the appetite for food it is neither legal nor illegal , moral or immoral. to bring s*x under the jurisdiction of law and authority is as impossible as to bring food ,hunger under such jurisdiction. Page 127

I believe in marriage and that I demand of it that it shall men the love of one man for one woman in a harmony and companionship .......... When it does not mean that or something like , I am unable to see that it is marriage , regardless of whether there has been a marriage ceremony or not . The love one man is marriage ,nothing else is. The marriage ceremony is simply The Public Aproval of a man and woman that such a relationship exists and it is further a formal recognition on the part of society that such a relationship exists. P 137

Judge Barr Lindsey “Revolt of the Modern youth”

--------------------------------------- 0 -------------------------------------------
Benjimin Barr. Lindsey and Wainwright Evans
Revolt of Modern Youth
New York, NY: Boni & Liveright, 1927 Twelfth edition. Inscribed To Robert Z. Leonard with the best wishes of Ben B. Lindsey Oct 1927". Love:- “ The Bird of Life is singing on the bough His two eternal notes of ‘ I and Thou ‘ O heasken well for soon the Song sings through And would we hear it, we must hear it now “

Page 2 of notes

Religion “ It will be found that empires based upon military force alone ,however cruel that may be , are not permanent , and there fore not so dangerous to progress, it is only when resistance is paralysed by the agency of superstitions ,that the race can be subjected to system of exploitation for hundered and even thousands of years. “

Profit of Religion --By Upton Sinclair Page 31

Salavery :- William LLyod Garrison , poineer of ‘Anti Salavery ‘ movement in USA started a paper “The Liberator” in 1831. In the first issue he wrote :- “I will be as harsh as truth , and as uncompromising as justice. On this subject I do not wish to think , or speak or write with moderation. tell a man whose house is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderatly rescue his wife from the hands of a vanisher , tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from fire into which it has fallen -but urge me not to use moderation in a cause like the present. i am earnest - i will not equivocate - I will not excuse - i will not retract a single inch - and I will be heard. The apathy of people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestral and hasten the resurrection of the dead.’

[ Boston P 156]

Religion:- “ Neitzche , as I gather ,regarded the slave morality as having been invented and imposed on the world by slaves making a virtue of necessity and a religion of their servitude. Mr.Stewart - Glennie regards the Slave mentality as an invention of the superior white race to subjugated. as this procession is in operation ,and can be studied at first hand not only in our church schools and in the struggle between our modern proprietry class and the Proletariate, but in the part played by christian missionaries in reconcilling the black races of Africa to their subjugation by European Capitalism , we can judge for ourselves whether the initiative came from above or below.”

“Major Barbara Preface p 153 Bernard Shaw “

Existing Social Oder :- “ This world , sir , is very clearly a place of torment and penance , a place where fool florishes and the good and wise are hated and persecuted , a place where man and women torture each other in the name of love; when children are scourages and enslaved in the name of parental duty and ..................................................

Page 3 of notes

healing and the weak in mind are put to the horrible torture of imprisonment hours but for years in the name of justice.”

“John Bull’s Other Island page 8 B. Shaw “

Poverty :- .................. that the greatest of evils and the worst of crime is poverty that our first duty - a duty to which every other consideration should be sacrificed -is not to be poor. ‘Poor but honest’ , ‘the respectable poor’ and such phrases are as intolerable and as immoral as drunken but amiable. “Fraudulent but a good after dinner speaker “ ‘splendidly criminal” or the like .Security the chief pretence of civilization cannot exist where the worst dangers ,the danger of poverty ,hangs over every body’s head, and when alleged protection of our persons from violence is only an accidental result of our persons of existence of a police force , whose real business is to see the poor man ,to [ force the poor man to] see his children starve whilst idle people overfeed pet dogs with money that might feed and clothe them.”

Major Barbara P 154 Barnard Shaw

Imprisonment :- We seize a man and deliberately do him a malicious injury : Say , imprison him for years ............. A man breaking into my home and stealing my wife’s diamonds , I am expected as a matter of course to steel ten years of his life ,torturing him all the time . .... But the thought less wickedness with which we scatter sentences of imprisonment , torture in the solitary cell and on the plank bed and flogging or moral invalids and energetic rebels , is as nothing compared to stupid levity with which we tolerate Poverty . P155

The crying need of the nation is not for better morals ,“cheap bread” temperance liberty ,culture , redemption of fallen sisters and erring brothers nor the grace ,love and fellowship of trinity, but simply for enough money. And the evil to be attacked is not Sin, suffering ,greed , priest craft ,kingcraft, demagogy, monopoly ,ignorance , drink, war pestilence , nor any other of the scape goats which reformers sacrifice but simply poverty . P 161

But the successful scoundrel is dealt with very difficulty and very Christianity. He is not only forgiven ,he is idolized ,respected made much of all but worshipped. P173

The seven deadly Sins ? Yes the deadly seven ! Food , clothing , firing , rent ,taxes , respectability, and children . Nothing can lift these seven milestones from Man’s neck but .........Poverty . Yes.............

Page 4 of notes

crime are virtues besides it all the other dishonors are chivalry itself by comparison . Poverty blights whole cities ; spreads horrible pestilence; strikes dead the very souls of all who come within sight, sound or smell of it . What you call crime is nothing ........ There are not 50 genuine professional criminals in London. But there are millions of poor people , abject people , dirty people ,ill fed ,il clothed people. P 281

“ I had rather be a thief than a pauper. I had rather be murderer than a slave .I don’t want to be either; but if you force ,the alternative on me , then ,by heaven i’ll choose the braver and more moral one .I hate poverty and slavery worse than any other crime what so ever. Major Barbara - Bernard Shaw
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Anthony sought happiness in "love’ , Brutes in "glory’ Carver in "Dominion" .the first found ‘disgrace ‘ the second ‘disgust’ , the last ‘ingratitude’ and each destruction. The things in world weighed in the balance all found wanting, self realization alone will bring ‘peace and happiness’.

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Marriage :-

" Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with maximum of opportunity ." " the essential function of marriage is the continuance of the race , as stated in the Book of Common Prayers." " The accidental function of marriage is the gratification of amoristic sentiment of mankind ." "The artificial sterilization of marriage make it possible for marriage to fulfill the accidental function while negating its essential one ." " The most revolutionary invention of XIX century was the artificial sterlization of marriage." Superman - Bernard Shaw P 231

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Crime and Punishment :-

" Imprisionment is as irrevocable as death"

" Criminals do not die by the hand of law .They die by the hand of other men." "Associations on the scaffold is the worst form of assassination , because ----- invested by the approval of society." PAGE 5 of notes

" It is the deed that eaches , not the name we give it ‘Murder’ and ‘Capital punishment ‘ are not opposite that cancel one another , but similiars that bread their kind." "Crime is only the retail department of what , in wholesale , we call "Penal law". "When a man wants to murder a tiger , he call it sport when a tiger wants to murder a man call it ferocity . the distinction between Crime and justice is no greater. " It is not necessary to replace a guillotined criminal; it is necessary to replace guillotine and social system." Superman -- page 232 "Bernard Shaw"

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"In a stupid nation the man of genius becomes a god , every body worships him; and no body does his will." "Property , said Proudhan , is theft , This is only perfect truism that has been uttered on the subject ." Pages 233

"No doubt it is easy to demonstrate that property will destroy society ,unless society destroy it. No doubt ,also, property has hither to hold its own and destroyed all the Empires. "

"Man & Superman 184 page"

" Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get. "

Reason :- "The reasonable man adopts himself to the world , the unreasonable one persist in trying to adopt the world to himself. There fore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.’

"Jitendra nath Das" { signatures taken in pencil}

" Man & Superman "

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" He needs no other reasons , whose thread of life is string

with the beads of love and thought."

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" Do any hearts beat faster

Do any faces brighten

To hear your foot steps on the stair

To meet you ,great you ,anywhere ? Are any happier today

Through words they have heard you say ? Life were not worth the living

If no one were the better

For having not met you on the way

Any known the sunshine of your stay.! "

Some couplets in Urdu

Jfar Admi usko na janiey ga

Vo ho kesa bhee sahibe fahmo jada

Jise aish mein yade khuda na rahi ,

Jise taish mein khofe khuda na raha

Main garon se hargij nahin rota

Kinu ke mere sath jo kush kia

vo mere ashna ne kia

--------------; 0 ; --------------------

Ya dava nihin dil mein tere siva

Inhe Ijlas asha

kaide tanhai hui

--------------: 0 :--------------------

Ai Saiad Ajadi ho lakhon marne

Phir dam ke niche tarhfane ka tamasha aur hai

main Ne mana dahir ko hak ne kia paida wala

Main vo khalif hun meri kunse khuda paida hua

Imprisonment ;- " Imprisonment as it exists today ,is a worse crime than any of those commited by its victims; for no single criminal can be as powerful for evil, or as unrestained in its excercise , as an organised Nation." "...... people who have ascertained the truth about prison have been driven to declare that the most urgent necessity of the situation is that every judge magistrate , and home secretary should serve a six month’s sentence in eoginto ; so that when he is dealing out and enforcing sentences he should at least know that (what) he is doing." Preface to English prisons Under Lovel Govt: Preface by Bernard Shaw

Note on the margin

atribution (1)

Deterence (2)

Reform (3)


Civilization and progress :-- " In the art of life man does nothing ; but in acts of death he out does nature herself, and produces by chemistry and machinery all the slaughter of plague , pestilence and famine. The peasant today eats and drinks what was eaten and drunk by peasants ten thousand years ago; and the home he lives in has not altered as much in a thousand centuries as the fashion of a lady’s bonnet in a score of weeks. But when he goes out to slay , he carries a marvel of mechanism that lets loose at the touch of fingers all the hidden molecules energies and leaves the javelin , the arrow ,the blowpipe of fathers far behind. "

" Man & Superman B Shaw P106

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Occasion cannot make supers , young men. If you expect to wear spurs ,you must win them. If you wish to use them ,you must buckle them to your heels before you go into the fight. Any success you may achieve is not worth having unless you fight for it. What ever you win in life you must conquer by your own efforts , and then it is yours- a part of yourselves..... Let not poverty be obstacles in your way. poverty is unconquerable, as but nine times out of the ten , the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be thrown overboard ,to swim or sink for himself. "

P64 "from Log cabin to white house by W.H. Thayer.

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"Two is a company ,three is a crowd and more a confusion ! "


" Philosophy is the outcome of human weakness." o.c c01


Page 7 of notes

"Vision and Actualities" :- "--- the hours we pass with happy prospects in view are more pleasing than those with fruition. In the first ease , we cook the dish to our own appetite , .. letter Nature cooks it for us. It is impossible to repeat the train of agree..... we called up for our entertainment ." [ Goldsmith’s ‘Vicar of Wakefield pp32]

"Such as are poor and will associate none but the rich , are hated by those avoid and despised by those they follow." [Idib pp41]

Conscience;- "The pain which conscience gives the man who has already done wrong is soon over .Conscience is a coward ; and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent it seldom has justice enough to accuse. ( Ibid pp43)

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Sacrifice :--- " Sacrifice was adorable only when it was directly or remotely , but reasonably felt to be indispensable for success. Sacrifice that leads not to ultimate success is suicidal and had no place in the tactics of Maratha warfare"

Hindu Pad Padshahi P25

"To fight with these Marathas is to battle with the wind ,is to stripe on water ( p258)

---- That remains the despair of our age which has to write history without making it , to sing of valorous deeds without . The daring abilities and opportunities that can actualize them in life." Hindu Pad Padshahi 256-66

-------- Although fetters of political slavery can at times be shaken off and smashed , yet the fetters of cultural superposition are often found far more difficult to knock off {272-3}

" Go Freedom , whose smiles we shall never resign ,

Go tell the invaders , the Dances ,

‘Tis sweater to bleed for an ageat thy shrine

Then to sleep but a minute in chains ." {Thomas Moore}

Hindu Pad Padshahi

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Page 8 of notes

Crimonology :-

1. Bernard shaw

He is a fabian socialist .in his opinion main causeof crime is 1 Social injustice and poverty . He is strictly against2 ‘imprisonment ‘ He thought it to be worst of the crimes being committed in the world. He favors no punishment in ordinary offence cases , but prefers3 lethal chamber or Death Sentence in case of incorigible criminals . A deadly enemy of 4 Jail Institution.

{Wide Man & Superman , John Bull’s other Island - major Barbara and Preface to English prisons under local Gov’t }

2. Ruggles Brise :-

He is chairman of Prision commission for England & Wales & President of International Prison Commission .He has written "The English Prision System." Different Schools of Criminologists:-

1. Professor Lombroso (Italian) :-- "Positive" school is that crime or criminality is a morbid or pathological state akin to disease ,or in other words , an abnormal state , due to certain physical or mental defects , made manifest by certain stigma , the result either of inherited defects or reversion to atavistic type , or in short , that there is ‘a criminal type " i.e a race of predestined to criminal acts, against whom any system of punishment would be futile , as by nature such beings would not be amenable to the deterrent influence of penal law. this is a theory whose logical results would be either elimination of unfit or the transfator into the province of medicine of all the legal procedure.

2. Dr Goring :- " Science of statistics is essentially a science of method and as applied to criminal man it may be described as a system of method whereby comparison , based on a strict anthropometrical survey of the different sets of individuals , may be effective in providing legitimate , simple and intelligible description of the criminal and of crime , and of the fundamental inter- relationships of criminality." Main causes :-- (1) Hereditary (2) mentally under-developed ( 3) Physically underdeveloped (4) Society - ( Social injustice as well circumstances)

(Page 9 of notes)

(5) Lack of proper Education

(6) Lack of means of substance. Classes :- Habituals and Criminals

In England "Prison’ system came into existence after American Independence 1776 (George III) when criminals could not be sailed off to colonies. Howard (1726-1790) played a prominent part in regulating and reforming the jail system. Now there are various preventive acts. Borstal institutions are working as reformatory schools etc. Page 1

{ This note book was received on 12 Sep 1929 when the agreement was made between the hunger strikers and Special Jail committee. This is first page of the Note Book -- editor }

For Bhagat Singh

Four hundred & four pages

[ 404 Pages]

Sd/- {jail Superintendent}


Sgnature of Bhagat Singh {two}

Initials {two}

Page 2 { Blank}

page 3

"Lover ,lunatic and poet are mad of the same stuff"


Inductive = from particular to general

Deductive = frpm general to pticular

Centrifugal = tending from the centre

Centripital = tending to the centre


" My strength is the strength of

oppressed , my courage is the courage of desperation "



Kureh Khak hai Gardash main Tapash sai Meri ,

Main Voh majnu huan Jo Jindan main Bhee Azad Raha

{ Every tiny molecule of Ash is in motion with my heat

I am such a Lunatic that I am free even in Jail }

" Money is the honey of mankind "


Page 4

Currency rates of various Countries :-

Rouble (Russian Coin) [Silver ] = 100copeks=2sh 1- 1/2d

Crown silver = 5shilling

1Lira (Italian) = 1france [Divided into 100 centesian)=9 1/2d

Mark [English coin now quite out of use was worth 13sh.4 d]

Mark [German coin existing and in use } =1sh 4d

Drachma = Greek Coin

Agnosticism = the idea that we can know nothing of God

Agnosticism might be tolerated , but materialism

is utterly inadmissible ; ( in England)" " Engels"

page 5

Land measurements :-

German 20 Hectares = 50 acers i.e 1 hectare= 2 1/2 acres

page 6

Freedom from Property

The "freedom from property" ...............as far as the Small capitalist and peasant’s properties are concerned become "freedom from property." Marraige itself remained as before , the legally recognized form , the official cloak of prostitution...............

[ Sism Scientific and Utopian] *

Mental Bo***ge

" An eternal being created human society as it is today and submission to ‘superiors’ and ‘authority’ is imposed on ‘lower’ classes by divine will ." this suggestion , come from pulpit , platform and press, has hypnotised the minds of men and proves to be one of the strongist pillars of exploitation ."

{ Translator’s preface to Origin of The Family } **

* Socialism , Utopian and Scientific by Federick Engels

** The Origin of the Family ,Private Property and the State by Federick Engels

page 7

The origin of The Family by Engels

Morgan was the first to make an attempt at

introducing a logical order into the history of

primeval society. He divided it into three main epoches

1. Savagery 2. Barbarism 3. Civilization

1. Savagery redivided into three stages

1. Lower 2. middle 3. Higher

1. Lower Stage of savagery :-

Infancy of human race ". Living in

Tribes ( 2 ) Fruits ,nuts and roots serving as food

(3) the formation of articulated speech is the principal result of that period

2. Middle stage :-

venison.=animal flesh taken 1. Fire discovered 2. fish being used (as) food

by hunting (3) Hunting stone implements invented

(4) caninbbism comes into existance

3. Higher stage :-

1. Bow and arrow no pottery 2. village settlement

(3)Timber used for Gevil Ineg

4. Cloth weaver

Bows and arrows were for the stage of Savagery what the vision

Sword was for barbarism and the firearm for civilization

the weapon of supermcy. Page 8


1. Lower Stage :-1. Introduction of pottery. At first wooden pots were

covered with layers of earth , but afterwards earthen pots were discovered 2. Human races divided into two distinct classes 1. eastern who taimed animals and had grain 2. western who hd only ‘corn’

2. Middle Stage :-

(a) Western hemisphere i.e in America they grew food plants

(Cultivation and irrigation and baked bricks for house building

(b) Eastern They domesticated animals ; for milk and flesh . No cultivation in this stage yet.

3. Higher Stage :-

1. melting of iron ore

2. Invention of letter script and its utilization for writing records. This stage is richer in inventions. This is the period of greek heroes.

3. iron ploughshare drawn by animals to grow orn on larger scale.

4. Clearing forests; and iron axe and iron spade used.

5. Great attainments :- (1) Improved iron tools (2) the bellows (3)hand mill (4) potter’s wheel (5) Prepration of oil and wine (6)fashioning metals (7) wagons and chariots (8) ship building

Page 9

9. Artistic Architecture (10) Towns and fort built

11. Homeric Epochs and Entire mythology. with these attainments Greeks enter the third stage of ‘Civilization’;

To Sum up

1. Savagery - time of predominating appropration of finished natural products;

human ingenuity invents mainly tools useful in assisting this appropriation .

2. Barbarism :- Time of acquiring knowledge of cattle raising ,of agriculture and new methods for increasing the productivity of nature by human agency.

3. Civilization :- Time of learning a wider utilization of natural products , of manufacturing and art.

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We have ,then ,three main forms of the family corresponding in general to three main stages of human development .

1. For savagery ; "group marriage

2. For Barbarism the pairing family

3. For Civilization , monogamy , supplemented by adultry and prosititution. Between the pairing family and monogamy , in the higher stage of barbarism , the rule of man over female slaves and polygamy is inserted. PP 90

page 10

Defects of marriage

Especially a long engagement is in nine cases out of ten a perfect training school of adultry

PP 91

Socialistic Revolution and Marraige Institution

We are now approaching a social revolution , in whcih the old ecoomic foundations of monogamy will disappear first as surely those of its compliment prostitution. Monogamy arose through the concentration of considerable wealth in one hand-a man’s hand -and from the endeavour to bequeath this wealth to the childrens of the man to the exclusion of all others. This necessiated monogamy on the women , but not on the man’s part. Hence monogamy of women is no way hindered open or secret polygamy of men. Now the impending social revolution will reduce this whole case of inheritance to a minimum by changing at least the over whelming part of permanent and inheritable wealth --- the means of production -- into social property . Since monogamy was caused by economic conditions , will it appear when these causes are abolished ? pp91

page 11

" Ah my beloved ,fill the cup that clears

Today of past , Regrets and future fears--

Tomorrow ? --- Why ,Tommorrow I may be

Myself with Yesterday’s sins Thousand Years.

------------------------- : 0 ; -------------------

Here with a loaf of bread beneath the Bough,

A Flask of Wine , a book of verse -- and Thou

Besides me singing in the Wilderness --

And wilderness is paradise now

" Umar Khayyam"

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State ;- The state presupposes a public power of coersion separted from the

aggregate body of its members . (Engels ) Pp116

Origin of State :- ........... Degeneration of the old feuds between tribes regular mode of existing by systematic plundering on land and sea for the purpose of acquring castles , slaves and treasures. In short wealth is praised and respected as the highest treasure , and the old gentile institutions are abused in order to justify the forcible robbery of wealth. Only one thing was missing; an institution that not only secured the newely acquired property of private individuals against the communistic traditions of the gens that not only declared as sacred the formerly so despised private property and represented the protection of this sacred property as the highest purpose of human society; but that also stamped the gradually developing new forms of acquiring property of constantly increasing wealth with the universal sanction of the Society. An institution

pp ....

[Page 12Origin of State ] that lent the character of perpetuity not only to the newly rising division into classes but also to the right of possesing classes to exploit and rule the non-posessing classes . And this institution was found . The State arose. pp 129-130


Definition of a Good Government

" Good goverment can never be a substitute for self government. "

" Henery Campbell Bannerman"

" We are convinced that there is only one form of Goverment , whatever it may be called, namely , where the ultimate control is in the hands of the people." " Earl of Balfour"


" My own view of religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it a disease born of fear , and as source of untold nuisancy to the human race.I cannot however deny that it has made some contribution to civilization. It helped in early days to fix the calander and it caused the Egyptian priest to chronicle eclipses with such care that in time they become able to predict them. These two services I am prepared to acknowledge, but I donot know any other." Bernard Russell

Page 13

Benevolent Despotism :-

Montague Chelmford called the British Government a ‘benevolent despotism ‘ and according to Ramsay Macdonald ,the Imperialist leader of British Labor Party , in all attempts to govern a country by a ‘benevolent despotism’ the goverments are crushed down. They become subjects who obey, not citizens who act.There literature , their act , their spiritual expression go"

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Gov’t of India

Rt. Hon’ble Edwin S. Montague Secretary of State for India , said in the house of commons in 1907 :---

" The Goverment of India is too wooden , too iron ,too inelastic ,too antidiluvian to be of any use for modern purpose. The Indian Government is indefensible." British Rule in India :-

Dr. Ruthford’s Words :-

"British Rule as it is carried on in India is the lowest and most immoral system of government in the world--- the exploitation of one nation by another ." Liberty and English Life . The English people love liberty for themselves .They hate all acts of injustice , except those which they themselves commit. They are such liberty - loving people that they interfere in the Congo and cry ‘Shame’ to the Belgiam .But they forget their heals are on the neck of India. An Irsih author

Page 14

Mob Retaliation
... Let us therefore examine how men came by the idea of punishment in this manner. They learn it from the Governments they live under , and retaliate the punishment they have been accustomed to behold. The heads struck upon spikes, which remained for years upon Temple Bar, differed nothing in the horror of the scene from those carried about upon spikes at Paris; yet this was done by the English Government. It may perhaps be said that it signifies nothing to a man what is done to him after he is dead ; but it signifies much to the living; it either torture their feelings or hardens their hearts, and in either Case it instructs them how to punish when power falls into their hands. Lay then the axe to the root, and teach Goverment humanity. It is their sanguinary punishment which corrupt mankind.............. The effect of those cruel spectacles exhibited to the populace is to destroy tenderness or excite revenge ; and by the base and false ideas of governing men by terror instead of reason, they become precedants.

[Rights of Man PP -32 T. Paine]

Page 15

Monarch and Monarchy ;-

It was not against Louis XVI ; but against despotic principles of goverment ,that the nation revolted. The principles had not their origin in him, but in original establishment; many centuries back; and they were become too deeply rooted to be removed ; and the Augean stable of parasites and plunderers too abominably filthy to be cleared , by anything short of a complete revolution. When it becomes necessary to do a thing ,the whole heart and soul should go into the measure ,or not attempt it ................... The Monarch and Monarchy were distinct and separate things and it was against the person or principles of former, that the revolt commenced and the Revolution has been carried. PP 19

: 0 :

Natural and Civil Rights :--

Man did not enter into the society to become worse than he was before, but to have those rights better secured. His natural right are the foundation of all his civil rights. Natural rights are those which appertain ro man in right of his existance (intellectual - mental etc )

Civil rights are those that appertain to man in right of his being a member ofa society


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Page 16

King Salary ;

It is inhuman to talk of a million sterling a year paid out of the public taxes of any country , for the support of one individual , whilst thousands who are forced to cntribute there to, are pining with want and struggling with misery. Government does not consist in contrast between prisons and palaces ,between poverty and pump; it is not instituted to rob the needy of his mite and increase the worthlessness of the wretched. p 204

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"Give me liberty or death"

" It is invain ,sir, to extenuate the matter , Gentleman , may cry peace, peace ___ but there is no peace. The war is actually begun.the next gate that sweeps from the North to our ears the clash of resounding arms.Our bretherns are already in the field. Why stand we here idle? What is that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course other may take, as for me, give me liberty or death." Patrick Henery

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Rights of Labour :--- "Who ever produces anything by weary labour , does not need a revelation from heaven to teach him that he have rights to the thing produced." Robert G Ingersoll

Page 17

" We consider it horrible that people should have their heads cut off, but we have not been taught to see the hour of life- long death which is inflicted upon a whole population by poverty and tyranny." Mark Twain

: 0 :

Anarchists " .............. The Anarchist and the apostles of insurrection are also represented ; and if some of the things seem to the readers the mere unchaining of the furies , I would say ,let him not blame the faithful anthologist , let him not blame even the writer ....... Let him blame himself , who has acquiesced in the existing conditions which have driven his fellowmen to extreme of madness and despair"

Upton Sinclair --- Preface 19 Cry for Justice

: 0 :

The Old Labouror

" ............ He (the old labourer out of employment ) was struggling against age , against nature , against cirumstances ; the entire weight of society ,law and order pressed upon him to force him to love his self respect and liberty .......... He knocked at the door of the farms and found good in man only .............. not in law and order , but in individual man alone ." Richard Jefferies . 30

Page 18

Poor Labourers

"......... And we , the men who braved this task , were out cast of the world . A blind fate , a vast merciless mechanism , cut and shaped the fabric of our existance .We were men despised when we were most useful, rejected when we were not needed, and forgotten when our troubles weighed upon us heavily. We were the men sent out to fight the spirit of the wastes , rob it for all its primeval horrors, and batter down the barriers of its world - old defences. Where we were working a new town would spring up some day ; it was already springing up , and then ,if one of us walked there ‘ a man with no fixed address , " he would be taken up and tried as a loiterer and vagrant ." From Children of the Dead End

By Patrick Macgill c.j 48

: 0 :

Morality :-

" Morality and religion are but words to him who fishes in gutters for the means of sustaining life , and crouches behind barrels in the street for shelter from the cutting blasts of winter night " Horace Greeley -128

: 0 :

Hunger " It is desirable for a ruler that no man should suffer from cold and hunger under his rule . Man cannot maintain his standarad of morals when he has no ordinary means of living." Kenko Hoshi Budhist monk of Japan 14th Century P 135

Page 19


Men! whose boast it is that ye

Come of fathers brave and free,

If there breathe on earth a slave,

Are you truely free and brave? If ye do not feel the chain

When it works a brother’s pain

Are ye not base slaves indeed

Slaves unworthy to be freed? Is true Freedom but to break

Fetters for our own dear sake,

And , with leathern hearts , forget

That we owe mankind a debt? true Freedom is to share

All the chains our brothers wear ,

And, with heart and hand , to be

Earnest to make others free! They are slaves who fear to speak

For the fallen and the weak;

They are slaves who will not choose

Hatered, scoffing and abuse,

Rather than in silence shrink

From the truth they needs must think:

They are slaves who dare not be

In the right with two or threee

James Russell Lowell (p.189)

Page 20

Full many a gem of purest ray serene,

The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear;

Full many a flower is harm to blush unseen

And waste it sweetness on the desert air.

{ far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Gray Eglish poet and scholar 1716 - 1771 ed. reference not in note book }

: 0 :

Invention : ----

Hitherto it is questionable if all the mechanical inventions yet made have lightened day’s toil of any human being. J S Mill page 199

: 0 :

Alms : -

" There is no one on earth more disgusting and repulsive than who gives alms .Even as there is no one so miserable as he who accepts them." Maxim Gorky P 204

Liberty ;- Those co**ses of youngmen

Those martyrs that hang from the gibbets

Those hearts pierced by the grey lead,

Cold and motionless as they seem , line close

Where with unslaughtered vitality. They live in other youngmen , O kings ! They live in books again ready to defy you! They were purified by death -

they were taught and exalted! Page 21 Not a grave of the murdered for freedom ,

but grows seed for freedom , in its turn to beer seed,

Which the wind carry afar and re-sow , and the

rains and the snows nourish . Not a disembodied spirit can the weapons of tyrants let loose,

But it stalks invincibily over the earth , whispring, counselling cautioning. P 268 "Walt Whitman"

: 0 :

Free Thought

" If there is any thing that cannot bear free thought let it crack." Wendell Phillips 271

State :-----

" Away with the state ! I will take part in that revolution.Undermine the whole conception of a state ,declare free choice and spritual kinship to be only all important condition of any union ,and you will have the commencement of a liberty that is worth something. "

Hunrich Adbsen 273

Oppressor’s :--------

" Surely oppresive maketh a wise man mad." P 278

Page 22

Martyrs :-------

" The man who flings his whole life into attempt , at the cost of his own life, to protest against the wrongs of his fellowmen , is a saint compared to the active and passive upholders of cruelty and injustice , even if his protest destroy other lives beside his own.Let him who is without sin in society cast the first stone at such a one . " P 281

Lower Class :-----

While there is a lower class I am in it,

While there is a criminal element I am in it,

While there is a soul in jail I am not free. Engene B Dabs 144

One against all :- [ Charles Fourier 1772-1837]

The present social order is a ridiculous mechanism ,in which portions of the whole are in conflict and acting against the whole. We see each class in society desires, from interest , the misfortune of the other class , placing in every way individual interest in opposition to public good. The lawyer wishes litigations and suits , particularily among the rich; the physician desires sickness .(The latter would be ruined if every body died without disease, as would the former if all quarrells were settled by arbitration.) The soldier wants war ,which will carry off half his comrades and secure him promotion; the undertaker wants burials;monoplists and forestallers want femine ,to double or treble the price of grain; the architect , the carpenter, the mason , want conflagration, that will burn down a hundred houses to give activity to their branches of business. p 202

Page 23

New Gospel

" Society can overlook murder , adultry or swindling; it never forgives the preaching of a new gospel. p327 Fredric Harrison

: 0 :

Tree of Liberty

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. Thomas Jefferson 332

: 0 :

Chicago Martyrs :------

Say them ,that the man erred grievously, if his eror had been ten times as great , it ought to have been wiped from human recollection by his sacrifice.......

Granted freely that their idea of best man of making a protest was utterly wrong and impossible , granted that they want not the best way to work . But what was it that drove them into attack against the social order as they found it? They and thousands of others that stood with them were not bad men nor depressed nor blood thirsty, nor hard hearted , nor criminals nor selfish , nor crazy. Then what was it that worked a complaint so bitter and deep seated...........

No one ever contemplated the simple fact that men do not bend themselves together to make a protest without the belief that they have something to protest about and that in any organised state of society a widespread protest is something far garve enquiry. Charles Edward Russell 333

: 0:

Page 24 Will of a Revolutionary

" I also wish my friends to speak ittle or not at all about me , because idols are created when men are praised , and this is very bad for the future of the human race. Acts alone , no matter by whom committed , ought to be studied , praised or blamed.Let them be praised in order that they may be imitated when thy seem to contribute to the commonweal.Let them be censured when they are regarded as injurious to the general

well being, so that they may not be repeated. I desire that on no occasion whether near or remote , nor for any reason what so ever , shall demonstration of a political or religious character be made before my remains, as I consider the time devoted to the dead would be better employed in improving the conditons of the living most of whom stands in great need of this."

{ Will of Francisco Ferrer , Spanish educator

1859-1909 Executed after the Bacelona riots

by a plot of his clerical enemies.}

: 0 :


" Come follow me ." Said Jesus Christ to the rich youngmen. To stay in his own set and invest his fortune in works of charity ,would have been comparatively easy. Philanthropy has been fashionable in every age. Charity takes the insurrectionary edge off of the poverty. Therefore the philanthropic rich man is a benefactor to his fellow magnates and is made to feel their gratitude; to him all doors of fashion swing. {But jesus issued a veto.} He denied the legitimacy of alm-giving as a plaster for the deep lying sore in the social tissue. ...... Philanthropy as a substitute for justice - he would have none of it. Charity is twice cursed - it harden him that gives and soften him that takes. It does more harm to the poor than exploitaton , because it makes them willing to be exploited . It breads slavishness which is moral su***de. The only thing Jesus would permit a swollen fortune to do was to give itself to revolutionary propaganda in order that swollen fortune might be forever after impossible............

Bonck White Clergyman born 1874 p 353

Page 25

Fight for Freedom

The power of armies is visible thing

Formal and circumscribed in time and space

But who then limits that power shall trace

Which a brave people into light can bring

Or hide ,at will ,- for freedom combating

By just revenge inflamed? No foot may chase,

No eye can follow , to a fatal place

That power that spirit whether on the wing

Like strong wind , or sleeping like the wind

Within its awful caves ----- from year to year

Spring this indigenous produce far and near;

No craft this subtle element can bind,

Rising like water from the soil , to find . In every nook a lip that it may cheer,

{ W. Wordsworth}

page 26


I. Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
‘Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns!’ he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred. II.

‘Forward, the Light Brigade!’
Was there a man dismay’d? Not tho’ the soldier knew
Some one had blunder’d:
Their’s not to make reply,
Their’s not to reason why,
Their’s but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred. III. Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell

Rode the six hundred. IV. Flash’d all their sabres bare,
Flash’d as they turn’d in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder’d:


Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro’ the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel’d from the sabre-stroke
Shatter’d and sunder’d. Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred. Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro’ the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred. VI. When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wonder’d. Honour the charge they made! Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!


Dil De To Iss Mizaaj kai Parwardigar De

Jo Gam kee Ghari Ko Bhee Khushi se Gujar De

Sajaa Kar Mayyiat-e-umeed naakami kePhoolon Se

Kisi Hamdarad ne Rakh di mere toote hue Dil main

Chherh naa ai Farishte ! tu zikre ghame -Jaanaanaan

Kyon yaad dilaate ho Bhulaa Huaa Afsaanaa

page 28

Birth right

We’re the sons of that baffled

crowned and mirtes tyranny,

They defied the field and scoffold,

For their birth - rights - so will we !

[ J Campbell ]

: 0 :

Glory of the Cause

Ah! not for idle hatred , not

For honour , fame , nor self’applause,

But for the glory of the cause,

You did, what will not be forgot.

[ Arthur Chough ]

: 0 :

Immorality of soul : -

For you know if you can once get a man beleiving in immorality there is nothing more left for you to desire ; you can take everything in the world he owns - you can skin him alive if you please - and he will bear it with perfect good humour.

[ Upton Sinclair 403 c j ]

: 0 :

God Tyrants

A tyrant must put on the appearence of uncommon devotion to religion.Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider God - fearing and pious. On the other hand , they do less easily move against him , beleiving that he has the gods on his side.

[ ................. ]

page 29

Soldiers & Thought

If my soldiers were to begin to reflect ; not one of them would be in the ranks.

[ Fredrick the Great ] 502 { 366 new ed}

: 0 :

The Noblest Fallen

The Noblest have fallen , they were buried

Obscurely in a deserted place. No tears fell over them

Strange hands carried them to the grave

No cross , no enclouser , and no tomb stone tell

Their glorious names. Grass grows over them , a feeble blade

bending low keeps the secret,

The sole witness were the surging waves ,

which furiously beat against the shore

But even they the mighty waves could

Not carry farewell greetings to

The distant home.

[ V N Figner]

: 0 :


There were no stars , no earth , no time ,

No check , no change , no good , no crime,

But silence , and a stirless breath,

Which neithr was of life nor death.

[ The Prisoner of Chillon}

Page 30

After Conviction

During the moments which immediatly follow upon his sentence , the mind of the condemned in many respects resembles that of aman on the point of death. Quiet and as if inspired he no longer clings to what he is about to leave , but firmly looks in front of him, fully conscious of the fact that what is coming is inevitable.

[ V N Figner ]

: 0 :

The Prisoner

It is a suffocating under the low dirty roof;

My strength grows weaker year by year :

They oppress me , this stormy floor,

This iron chained table ,

This bed of steel , this chair , chained

To the walls , like boards of grave . In this eternal dumb , deep silence

One can only consider oneself a co**se. " N . A . Morozov"

: 0 :

Naked walls , prison thoughts ,

How dark and sad you are! How heavy to tie a prisoner in active,

And dream of years of feedom

" Morozov"

: 0 :

urdu " Tujeh jibah karne kee khushi mujhe marne ka shok

Meri Bhee marji wohi hai jo mere siad kee hai

Page 31

Everything here is so silent , lifeless , pale

The years pass fruitless leaving no trace;

The weeks and days drag on heavily,

Bringing only dull bored in their suite.


: 0 :

Our thoughts , grow dull from long confinement;

there is a feeling of heaviness in our bone;

The minutes seem eternal from torturing pain,

In this cell , from steps wide.

: 0 :

Entirly for our fellow we must live,



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👉Cuộc đời có vô vàn cách sống, hãy chọn cách sống cho bản thân🤝Mỗi người có một cuộc đời là của riêng mình, trong cuộc đ...

👉Cuộc đời có vô vàn cách sống, hãy chọn cách sống cho bản thân
🤝Mỗi người có một cuộc đời là của riêng mình, trong cuộc đời đó lại có vô vàn cách sống. Nhiều người chọn cho mình cách vui vẻ đứng ngoài mọi chuyện, có người lựa cho mình cách dấn thân, còn có cả người sẵn sàng vì đam mê mà sẵn sàng chịu mạo hiểm...
🫶Nhưng cuối cùng kết quả vẫn chỉ có một, sống cho bản thân mình mới là cách sống tốt nhất. Con người vốn dĩ chỉ sống một lần trên đời, bạn còn đợi đến bao giờ mới sẵn sàng làm những điều mình thích, sống vì mình chứ không phải vì người khác ?

𝙏𝙞𝙚̂̀𝙣 𝙠𝙝𝙤̂𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙝𝙖̉𝙞 𝙡𝙖̀ 𝙩𝙖̂́𝙩 𝙘𝙖̉ . 𝙣𝙝𝙪̛𝙣𝙜 𝙠𝙝𝙤̂𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙤́ 𝙩𝙞𝙚̂̀𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙞̀ 𝙫𝙖̂́𝙩 𝙫𝙖̉ 𝙩𝙝𝙚̂́ 𝙩𝙝𝙤̂𝙞 𝙑𝙖̀𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙖̣ 𝙣𝙝𝙞𝙚̣̂𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙝 𝙘𝙝𝙞̣ ...

𝙏𝙞𝙚̂̀𝙣 𝙠𝙝𝙤̂𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙝𝙖̉𝙞 𝙡𝙖̀ 𝙩𝙖̂́𝙩 𝙘𝙖̉ . 𝙣𝙝𝙪̛𝙣𝙜 𝙠𝙝𝙤̂𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙤́ 𝙩𝙞𝙚̂̀𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙞̀ 𝙫𝙖̂́𝙩 𝙫𝙖̉ 𝙩𝙝𝙚̂́ 𝙩𝙝𝙤̂𝙞
𝙑𝙖̀𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙖̣ 𝙣𝙝𝙞𝙚̣̂𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙝 𝙘𝙝𝙞̣ 𝙚𝙢 𝙢𝙪𝙖 𝙫𝙚̂̀ 𝙙𝙖̂̀𝙪 𝙩𝙪̛ 𝙩𝙝𝙚̂𝙢 𝙣𝙖̀𝙤 🥰🥰

Mua được thứ mình thích, đi tới nơi mình muốn đi, sẽ không vì sự đến hay đi của những người xung quanh mà làm ảnh hưởng ...

Mua được thứ mình thích, đi tới nơi mình muốn đi, sẽ không vì sự đến hay đi của những người xung quanh mà làm ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng cuộc sống của mình.
Ngược lại, hãy vì được tiêu những đồng tiền do chính bản thân mình làm ra mà cảm thấy tràn đầy năng lượng. Đó chính là nguyên nhân để bạn nỗ lực.

"Đã từng có nữ đại gia đòi vào vốn 100TR  để làm hệ thống cùng tôi, nhưng phải ngủ với họ 1 đêm.Tôi không phải tuýp ngườ...

"Đã từng có nữ đại gia đòi vào vốn 100TR để làm hệ thống cùng tôi, nhưng phải ngủ với họ 1 đêm.
Tôi không phải tuýp người dễ dãi. Tôi chỉ cần 200$ vào vốn làm việc và không ngủ với ai hết !!!





“Nếu bạn muốn thay đổi thế giới, hãy thay đổi bản thân mình trước.”“Điều quan trọng là không phải bạn đang làm gì, mà là...

“Nếu bạn muốn thay đổi thế giới, hãy thay đổi bản thân mình trước.”
“Điều quan trọng là không phải bạn đang làm gì, mà là bạn đang làm như thế nào.”
“Tình yêu và lòng nhiệt tình là chìa khóa của thành công.”


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