Revenger (2018)
Directed by Lee Seung-Won, who was an assistant director on and , features the main cast of Bruce Khan, Park Hee-Soon, Yoon Jin-Suh, and Kim In-Kwon. Judging solely from the lineup, the movie doesn’t feature the best cast members. And I must say, this heavily reflects the quality of the acting in the film (I’ll get to this later). Also, I honestly thought Bruce Khan was a non-Korean. However, upon research I found out that he’s actually Korean and that his real name is Kim Woo-Suk. Interesting… Maybe he’s using the “Bruce Khan” stage name to brand himself as a martial arts actor. This is why when he spoke Korean in the film, I was extremely surprised by how great his pronunciation was (duh, he’s Korean lol).
I was extremely disappointed at how little of screenings this had. The film released on the 6th of December. But even in Seoul, there were barely any theaters playing it and hardly any showtimes available. It’s strange how little this was played… It’s not as if this was an independent film (it was backed by “Little Big Pictures,” a big film production company in Korea), didn’t have any famous stars (just this year, Park Hee-Soon was in and Kim In-Kwon was in ), nor did it look like a horrible movie based on the trailer. Yet, there are only two, maybe three at the most, screenings per day, and it’s only been 5 days since its release. No, the movie wasn’t great; but it did have some awesome action scenes.
If you got this Film watch it . It's so Amyzing ‼