-Are you happy now ?
-yes ...
мы немного улыбаемсямы немного улыбаемся
Biroz tabassum ulashamiz 😄😄😄
where would you go if you had the opportunity to travel? The video shows the nature of Finland. The Nordic countries were able to attract tourists with their beautiful ozone nature.
Sizda sayohat qilish imkoni bolganda qayerlarga borgan bolardingiz ? Videoda Finladiya tabiati korsatilgan Nordik davlatlar ozoni go'zal tabiati bilan sayyohlarni jalb qila olgan.
where would you go if you had the opportunity to travel? The video shows the nature of Finland. The Nordic countries were able to attract tourists with their beautiful ozone nature.
#travel #finland #beauty #beautychallenge
Preserve nature it belongs to each of us ❤️❤️❤️
Tabiatni asrang u har birmizniki
So cute !
So cute !!! 😍😍😍
#cute #love #Birthday #baby
How many triangles are there in the photo ? The answer to a question that is often discussed on social media. Please check your answer.
Rasmda nechta uchburchak bor ? Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda ko‘p muhokama qilingan savolga javob. Javobingizni tekshirib ko'ring