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Jungle retreat

Jungle retreat

Happy Ramadan Kareem Ramadan in London Street.

Happy Ramadan Kareem
Ramadan in London Street.


Amazing nature !


Thank you for everything

Although they look cute and carefree on the outside, they are actually quite noisy, aggressive, mood swings, and living ...

Although they look cute and carefree on the outside, they are actually quite noisy, aggressive, mood swings, and living with them is a big expense 🤦‍♂

The kangaroo on the left, I don't know much about them 😁

Yumaloq shaklda hovuz bor, qoq markazida esa g'oz bor. Hovuz chetida esa it (kuchuk) bor. G'oz it turgan tarafdan qarama...

Yumaloq shaklda hovuz bor, qoq markazida esa g'oz bor. Hovuz chetida esa it (kuchuk) bor.

G'oz it turgan tarafdan qarama-qarshi tarafga qarab maksimal tezlikda suza boshlasa, va it qirg'oq bo'ylab g'oz tarafga qarab maksimal tezlikda yugura boshlasa, it va g'oz hovuz qirg'og'ida teng korishishadi.

Savol: g'oz itdan qanday qochadi?

PS: G'oz shumg'imaydi, qirg'oqqa chiqmay turib ucha olmaydi ham. It esa yugurib charchamaydi.
There is a round pool and a goose in the center. There is a dog at the edge of the pool.

If the goose starts swimming at maximum speed from the side where the dog is standing to the opposite side, and the dog starts running at maximum speed towards the goose side along the shore, the dog and goose will compete equally on the edge of the pool.

Q: How does a goose escape from a dog?

PS: A goose can't fly, it can't fly without going ashore. And the dog does not get tired of running.


Biroz tabassum ulashamiz 😄😄😄

A bit of laugh 😁😄😁Sorry I don't know physics

A bit of laugh 😁😄😁
Sorry I don't know physics


Sizda sayohat qilish imkoni bolganda qayerlarga borgan bolardingiz ? Videoda Finladiya tabiati korsatilgan Nordik davlatlar ozoni go'zal tabiati bilan sayyohlarni jalb qila olgan.
where would you go if you had the opportunity to travel? The video shows the nature of Finland. The Nordic countries were able to attract tourists with their beautiful ozone nature.

  • No matter how fearless you are, you must be afraid in this situation!  😎😱😊 • Нақадар қўрқмас бўлсанг ҳам бу вазиятда...

• No matter how fearless you are, you must be afraid in this situation! 😎😱😊

• Нақадар қўрқмас бўлсанг ҳам бу вазиятда қўрқишинг шарт! 😎😱😊

©️ Маҳбубий

Paintings by French artists about the world of the future. They imagined the year 2000 like this a hundred years ago ......

Paintings by French artists about the world of the future.

They imagined the year 2000 like this a hundred years ago ...
Француз рассомлари келажак дунёси ҳақида чизган расмлари.

Улар юз йил олдин 2000 йилни шундай тасаввур қилишган...
© Facebook


Preserve nature it belongs to each of us ❤️❤️❤️
Tabiatni asrang u har birmizniki

A device capable of transmitting odors appropriate to movies watched on television has been created. - The Russian start...

A device capable of transmitting odors appropriate to movies watched on television has been created.

- The Russian startup Illusion has created an Aroma gadget that is able to emit a certain scent based on movies that are shown on TV or in cinema.

- In the future, it is planned to automate this process using neural networks. Everyone can be on TV.

• Illusion Aroma's release date and price have not been announced.
Televizor orqali tomosha qilinayotgan filmlarga mos hidni taratishga qodir qurilma yaratildi.

– Rossiyaning Illusion startapi televizor yoki kinoteatr ekranida uzatilayotgan filmlardan kelib chiqib, ma’lum bir hidni taratishga qodir Aroma gadjetini yaratdi.

– Kelajakda ushbu jarayonni neyrotarmoqlar yordamida avtomatlashtirish reja qilinmoqda. Hammani televizorida bo'lishi mumkin.

• Illusion Aroma’ning sotuvga chiqish sanasi va narxi e’lon qilinmagan.

Where is this place ?😁😁😁

Where is this place ?

Inson miyasi eng kuchli kompyuterdan 1000 barovar kuchliroq– Agarda inson miyasidek kuchli kompyuter mavjud boʻlganda, u...

Inson miyasi eng kuchli kompyuterdan 1000 barovar kuchliroq

– Agarda inson miyasidek kuchli kompyuter mavjud boʻlganda, u soniyasiga 38 ming trillion buyruqni bajara olardi va xotira sigʻimi 3580 terabaytdan ortiqroq boʻlardi.


So cute !!! 😍😍😍

Ilon Musk kompaniyasi dinozavrlarni tiriltirishga tayyorligini eʼlon qildi!– Ilon Mask 2016-yili asos solingan Neuralink...

Ilon Musk kompaniyasi dinozavrlarni tiriltirishga tayyorligini eʼlon qildi!

– Ilon Mask 2016-yili asos solingan Neuralink kompaniyasi mavjudotlarni, shu jumladan odamzodni chiplashtirish, kompyuter bilan bogʻlash texnologiyalari ustida ishlamoqda.

– Neuralink xammuassisi Maks Xodak kuni kecha Twitter tarmogʻida allaqachon gen muhandisligi yutuqlari asosida dinozavrlarni yaratish haqiqiy Yura davri bogʻi – Jurassic parkʻni barpo etish texnologiyalari mavjud.
“Biz oʻzimiz xohlasak, balki, Yura davri bogʻini qurishimiz mumkin dedi.

Yaqinda haqiqiy dinazavrlarni ham koʻrgani boramizmi deyman nima deysiz Musk tag’o qo’lidan keladimi bu ish 😳

Beautiful Morning !

Beautiful Morning !


When a mathematician dances.

Tana massa indeksiTMI = m / h² (kvadrati)m - massa (kg)h - bo'yingiz balandligi (metr)Misol: tana massangiz 70 kg, bo'yi...

Tana massa indeksi

TMI = m / h² (kvadrati)
m - massa (kg)
h - bo'yingiz balandligi (metr)

Misol: tana massangiz 70 kg, bo'yingiz balandligi 1,7 metr.

TMI = 70 / (1,7 x 1,7) = 24,2
TMI = 24,2

Rasmdagi jadvaldan bilib olishingiz mumkin!
Semizmisiz unda siz ozishingiz kerak.
Ozg'inmisiz unda siz semirishingiz kerak.
Tana massa index(Body mass index)

TMI = m / h² (squares)
m - mass (kg)
h - height of your neck (meters)

Example: your body mass is 70 kg, your height is 1.7 meters.

TMI = 70 / (1.7 x 1.7) = 24.2
TMI = 24.2

You can find out from the table in the picture!
If you are obese then you need to lose weight.
If you are thin then you should be obese.

 Ma'lumoti va intellektual aqliy salohiyati darajasi bir-biriga yaqin bo'lgan insonlar  juftligi munosabatlari eng ko'p ...

Ma'lumoti va intellektual aqliy salohiyati darajasi bir-biriga yaqin bo'lgan insonlar juftligi munosabatlari eng ko'p davom etar ekan. Shu sababli turmush o'rtoq tanlayotganingizda, siz bilan deyarli teng bo'lgan aqliy darajadagi insonni tanlang.

когда вы в депрессии, вспомните Coca-Cola, которая продала всего 25 бутылок за год. -cola

когда вы в депрессии, вспомните Coca-Cola, которая продала всего 25 бутылок за год.

In medieval European public libraries, books were chained to shelves. It was a unique way of storing books. Because at t...

In medieval European public libraries, books were chained to shelves. It was a unique way of storing books. Because at that time books were published in very rare and rare copies. The chains were long enough to take the book and read it comfortably. But it was not possible to take the book out of the library. This experiment lasted until the eighteenth century.

Flower City Namangan

Flower City Namangan

    Am I beautiful? Get an answer to your question from this site. Mark the main points on your face that the site shows...

Am I beautiful? Get an answer to your question from this site. Mark the main points on your face that the site shows and get a percentage answer. PS: Share this post with your girlfriends.
Address👉http: //prettyscale.com Share the results with us.
Remember, the most important thing is not the beauty of the outside, the beauty of the heart, no site can show the beauty of your heart !!!

Am I pretty or ugly? Find out how beautiful your face is. Free face beauty analysis test!

Albert Einstein “Relativitytheorybecomes Scholar at international conferences,invitations to lectures at universitiesrea...

Albert Einstein “Relativity
becomes Scholar at international conferences,
invitations to lectures at universities
reach Every day on a new theory
The report is read.
One day the scientist’s driver is like that
he says:
- Sir, so many lectures
you read that your theory even to me
also became iodine.
"Then give the lecture next time."
you read says the scientist.
In fact, the driver is at university
reads the lecture with admiration. From the pulpit
one of the listeners suddenly falls
he asks her a question. Then the driver
does not lose himself, is resourceful:
- The answer to your question is so simple,
| even my driver knows that
Shows Einstein.
Albert Eynshteyn "Nisbiylik
nazariyasi”ni yaratgach, dunyoga mashhur
boʻlib ketadi. Olimni xalqaro anjumanlarga,
universitetlarga ma'ruza oʻqish uchun taklif
etishadi. Har kuni yangi nazariya bo'yicha
ma’ruza oʻqiladi.
Bir kuni olimning haydovchisi shunday
- Janob, shu qadar ko'p ma'ruza
oʻqiyapsizki, shu nazariyangiz hatto menga
ham yod boʻlib ketdi.
- Unda keyingi gal ma'ruzani oʻzing
oʻqiysan! - deydi olim.
Darhaqiqat, haydovchi universitetda
ma'ruzani qoyil qilib oʻqiydi. Minbardan
tushayotganda tinglovchilardan biri nogoh
unga savol berib qoladi. Shunda haydovchi
oʻzini yoʻqotmaydi, topqirlik qiladi:
- Savolingizning javobi shu qadar oddiyki,
| buni hatto haydovchim ham biladi, - deya
Eynshteynni koʻrsatadi.
Когда Альберт Эйнштейн создал теорию относительности, он стал всемирно известным. Его приглашали читать лекции на международных конференциях и в университеты. Каждый день он читал лекцию по новой теории. Однажды водитель ученого сказал: - Мистер «Тогда в следующий раз вы будете читать лекцию сами!» - сказал ученый. Фактически, водитель читал лекцию в университете. Когда он спускался с кафедры, один из слушателей внезапно задал ему вопрос. «Ответ на ваш вопрос настолько прост, что даже мой водитель знает», - сказал он, указывая на Эйнштейна.

Noodatiy oyoq kiyimlar

Noodatiy oyoq kiyimlar

Who stand in this pic.1 or 2

Who stand in this pic.
1 or 2

Does a coin tossed from a skyscraper actually kill a person? A simple coin is not a very perfect weapon in terms of aero...

Does a coin tossed from a skyscraper actually kill a person?

A simple coin is not a very perfect weapon in terms of aerodynamics. Due to wind and air resistance, even a coin tossed from the Empire State Building (380 meters) cannot cause serious damage. So, if you want to punish someone from the top, buy one brick for your coin first.

Aslida Osmono‘par binodan tashlangan tanga insonni o‘ldiradimi ?

Oddiy tanga aerodinamika nuqtai nazaridan judayam mukammal qurol emas. Shamol va havo qarshiligi tufayli hatto Empire State binosi (380 metr)dan tashlangan tanga ham jiddiy shikast yetkaza olmaydi. Shu bois, agar siz birortasini tepadan turib jazolamoqchi bo‘lsangiz, tangangizga avval bitta g‘isht sotib oling.

There are  Which one rich and why ? 90% people failed think.  Ulardan qaysi biri boyroq deb oylaysiz va nega ? 90% odaml...

There are Which one rich and why ?
90% people failed think.
Ulardan qaysi biri boyroq deb oylaysiz va nega ? 90% odamlar hato o'lashadi ?
Fikringizni izohlab bering.


Mirrors can be dangrrous  Oynalar havfli bo‘lishi mumkin😉😉😉

Mirrors can be dangrrous
Oynalar havfli bo‘lishi mumkin😉😉😉

Nega Facebook logotipi ko'k rangda ?Why the Facebook logo is blue?

Nega Facebook logotipi ko'k rangda ?
Why the Facebook logo is blue?

Kim vafot etadi ? Agar E toshni itarsa

Kim vafot etadi ?
Agar E toshni itarsa

  Useful fact for you

Useful fact for you

KULGI       eng yaxshi dori,       ammo sababsiz kulsangiz,       sizga dori kerak

eng yaxshi dori,
ammo sababsiz kulsangiz,
sizga dori kerak

Google kampaniyasiga ishga qabul qilishda shunday savollar berishgan. IQ darajasini bilish uchun

Google kampaniyasiga ishga qabul qilishda shunday savollar berishgan. IQ darajasini bilish uchun


Earth at night from space

Earth at night from space


Check your hearning!!!
Esh*tish qobilyatingiz qanday tekshirib ko‘ring






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