This is everything in my life right now. So many folks, I consider my friends think I am mentally re****ed because it’s always do as I say not as I do and realistically, I may have some learning disabilities and I take medicine for. However; I am Very Smart. I know when I’m being used because I’m allowing it to happen.. but things are changing drastically. I never want to be the kind of person that only has people in their life for convenience I don’t ever want to be that person that stops doing for other people because that makes me happiest! I have made the choice to start removing people from my life. I will no longer take a loss on anything. My life is finally about me.. I don’t care how I obtain the materialistic things in my life; They are mine and no one has the option to decide that because something was free; That it’s okay to not follow through and totally dismiss me and my feelings ..
I give a lot to people and it’s mostly goodies .. little stuff like that.. nonetheless I make the decision on the outcome becaue for over half my life I allowed this kind of behavior take priority to my well being.
The days of chalking things up as a loss and aimlessly walking from day today are over. my best days are yet to come if someone gives me their word, and it turns out to be another complete act of manipulation an disrespect; I will stand up for my self. I will go to whatever means possible to make this a reality to anyone who thinks they’re running things in my life and I’m going to completely take it vantage of me.
how am I supposed to succeed at being a police officer if I allow these things in my life? I wouldn’t last a week and would be fired within days and that’s if I even graduate the Academy.. I don’t care how I know you how you came about to be in my life; if your intentions are not good and totally obvious.. I will go to any means to ensure my stability.