Soulful Living with Jana Sue

Soulful Living with Jana Sue Guiding you to embody how you are designed to move in the world to live a joyful and purposeful life!

IMAGINE being ready to do that thing you’ve wanted to do. You are excited.  The plan is in motion.  Then BAM! “You can’t...

IMAGINE being ready to do that thing you’ve wanted to do.

You are excited. The plan is in motion. Then BAM!

“You can’t do this.” “Why would anyone listen to you?” “Nobody likes you.”


You are doing that thing & something happens:

“See, told you.” “Why did you do this?” “You’re so stupid.”

Do any of these voices sound familiar? Whose voice are you hearing?


Do you believe this?

We tend to hold ourselves back by listening to those pesky voices. We hold onto stories and beliefs we’ve created or were told to us over the years. We allow so many of our failures, conditioning & circumstances to limit us.

Our failures aren’t meant to deter us. Is that a hard pill to swallow? I see you perfectionists & people pleasers. Our failures are here to empower us, teach lessons & show new ways.

I honestly love failing—now. I play a game with it & have fun. Does it always work? Heck, no. However, failing & figuring out new ways to do things are a huge part of my road map in life. Why resist it?

When I succeed the first time, I am pleasantly surprised & sometimes shocked. I recently passed my ICF credentialing exam. Fully expecting to fail, I literally argued with the passing results!

Now, when I hear the voices. I recognize that many times, they are not mine. I listen more to my body & feel into what is true & feels good.

Our imagination can create amazing possibilities for us. It can also create narratives that don’t serve us. Becoming friends with all parts of ourselves allows us to decipher the chatter.

When we do this, we can move from “Tired to inspired.” And that’s the theme of my next Cozy Conversations chat. Cozy Conversations are a series of connected conversations in an intimate setting where we touch upon the things in our lives that leave us stuck, in the muck or saying “wtf”.

Ready to shake things up? Let’s explore together!

WHEN: April 2 at 7:30
Link below or msg me.m

Sign up here:

Life is like a snow globe…if we allow it… IMAGINE for a minute a life where you aren’t struggling, pushing or feeling ou...

Life is like a snow globe…if we allow it…

IMAGINE for a minute a life where you aren’t struggling, pushing or feeling out of control.

You may find a life of freedom, flow, and contentment. A huge sigh of relief is washing over you.

You may be feeling less tension in your shoulders and back. Wait, is that a smile?

What if I say it is possible to learn and embody new ways of working through these feelings when they arise?

Are you saying, “yeah, right?”

Even during struggles, and life is feeling out of control, we can set ourselves with a soft landing.

Really, we can.

We can create and be the bridge for ourselves to go from bad to good. From good to great!

OR, it may be a bridge from bad, to not so bad, to good, to great. 💜
�Our paths are all different.

I’m not going to say it is easy. It will take time, effort and internal work. But the rewards are worth it.

What does your body say to you when you take a deep breath in and ask “Do I Need Change?”

What are you noticing?

How is it feeling in your body?

When you step back and allow your body to realign, it’s okay to ask if what you’ve been doing is still working for you now.

As we emerge from different stages of hibernation and questioning, our original plans and ideas tend to get shaken up.

It’s like a snow globe…this is all part of the process. It can be terrifying for some people. However, believe it or not, it is a great thing! And after you shake things up, you will see a new path unfold as everything settles around you in new shapes, colors and patterns.

Are you ready to shake things up and allow a new path to unfold?

Let’s dive into this at my next Cozy Conversation. The theme of the evening is “From Tired to Inspired” and it’s a perfect time to question whether our creativity and inspiration could be revived by shaking things up a bit.

The first Cozy Conversation is going to be held on April 2 at 7:30 p.m. To sign up, click below. You may also message me. I’m so excited to begin this journey with you.

Sign up:

Imagine:The coffee pot shattered & shards of glass are in your sandals, between your toes & strewn about the kitchen flo...


The coffee pot shattered & shards of glass are in your sandals, between your toes & strewn about the kitchen floor.

Great, another tech issue for your website.

Oh look! You have a weird, busted blood vessel on your eyelid.

While we’re at it, let’s stay awake all night…the list can go on & on, right?

These are a few things from my weekend.

I transitioned from my energy flow of planning, structuring & organizing into a state of tired, cranky and contemplative.

I had been prepared for it as I track my energy elements each month, but in a brief lapse in judgment, the above occurred.

⚡️Resting & Allowing⚡️

How can we be in flow with our ideas & plans when we’re also tired, cranky or in a contemplative mindset?

At these times, listening to our bodies & resting is key. Yes, even when we have a lot going on.

By not pushing & resting it provides us with the space we need to reset.

When I say resting, I don't mean needing to stay on the couch all day. It definitely can be this, AND it can look like you aren't attempting to tackle a new project, meeting with a lot of people or taking on the world.

If you are pushing, you may have more difficulty completing that task. Tension may develop in your relationships. More problems arise or you may become more tired. Sound familiar?

A few suggestions:

This is the perfect time to go within.

💫Allow your body & mind time to recover.

💫Identify & address your blocks, triggers, & limiting beliefs. (the things that keep you stuck, in the muck or saying “wtf”)

💫Journal if you are feeling reflective.

💫Connect with a trusted friend.

Be in flow. Ride the waves of your emotions. Allow the magic to unfold.

My Cozy Conversations will let us dive into these awarenesses in a deeper way. The first for exploration is going “From Tired to Inspired”.

Join me. Message or comment with “Rest” or you can click the link below to join the waitlist.

Here to support you,

Checking in on how your week went with the spring forward?  Did you lose track of what day it is?  I know I did. What ar...

Checking in on how your week went with the spring forward? Did you lose track of what day it is? I know I did.

What are you wanting to Celebrate this week?

Share below.

💫Do You Need to                       Nurture Your Soul?💫Imagine for a minute that you are going, going, going, and it s...

💫Do You Need to
Nurture Your Soul?💫

Imagine for a minute that you are going, going, going, and it seems that everything is all figured out and you’re on top of your game. You’re seeing and feeling that excitement in your body now, right?

And then…you get tired. Like really, really tired. You hit the proverbial brick wall.

Now you are in a state of “what the heck just happened?” You feel stuck, in the muck with a hint of “what the F*ck!” Am I wrong?

I go through phases of this. I run full speed on the excitement and motivation of a new project.


I’m done.

If you have ever felt this way, are you ready to explore this deeper?

My energy is one of the areas that I work on the most. And that’s why, in addition to training, I feel like I’m an expert now at recognizing the signs that I’m about to hit the brick wall. I am able to slow things down and pivot before I allow my emotional, physical, and spiritual tanks run dry. (most of the time)

I invite you to join me in the upcoming FREE Cozy Conversation titled "From Tired to Inspired."

Allow yourself to tune in to your gut, feel the energy, and ask if this gathering will ignite your heart and nourish your soul.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together—where every word spoken, and every breath shared, brings us closer to our authentic selves.

If you're feeling the pull, send me a note or 💤 below to get on the list!

Ever evolving,

✨JOY CHECK!✨ Let's dive into the world of glimmers and shimmers—those subtle moments when the universe whispers secrets ...


Let's dive into the world of glimmers and shimmers—those subtle moments when the universe whispers secrets of joy and guidance to our souls.

Imagine as you are traveling through the winding paths of life, you encounter these subtle yet profound signals, like sparkling jewels hidden amidst the shadows. They cause you to take a step back and marvel at the beauty that is surrounding you.

It is in these moments we are reminded that our journey is not a solitary one; rather, it is a dance with the universe itself. These serendipitous encounters serve as gentle nudges from the cosmos, affirming that in that moment we are aligned with our purpose and to keep moving forward.

That's precisely why I felt the complete alignment when birthing the “Cozy Conversations” series. My body literally lit up with chills, goosebumps – electricity, signaling that I was tapping into something truly magical and in alignment with my values, path and purpose.

So, let's embrace these whispers, allowing them to light our way and infuse our spirits with inspiration. For in these glimmers and shimmers, we find not only joy but also the profound wisdom guiding us ever closer to our true selves.

If you are ready to elevate your journey and dive deeper into those glimmers and shimmers, then I invite you to join me in the upcoming FREE Cozy Conversation titled "From Tired to Inspired."

✨Allow yourself to tune in to your gut, feel the energy, and ask if this gathering will ignite your heart and nourish your soul.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together—where every word spoken, and every breath shared, brings us closer to our authentic selves.

💫If you're feeling the pull, send me a note or “GLIMMER” below to get on the list! 💫

Ever evolving,

Do You Need Connection?  When we’re struggling in our lives, even with small things, it can be hard to reach out.  😒I sh...

Do You Need Connection?

When we’re struggling in our lives, even with small things, it can be hard to reach out.

😒I should be able to do this myself.

😒I shouldn’t feel this lonely.

😒I know no one will care.

😒This isn’t even a big deal.

I’m here to share with you that no struggle should be met alone.

Coming Soon, a series of chats with me, Cozy Conversations.

Conversations all around sparking your heart and feeding your soul. The first one is about going from “Tired to Inspired.”

Comment TIRED below if you already know you want to join me!

Ever evolving,


Creativity is intelligence having fun.” -Albert Einstein

Being creative beings (and everyone is) we need to shake things up every so often.💫

😒Is your routine a little monotonous?

😒Are you feeling stuck on a project, relationship, or situation?

⚡️By getting off the hamster wheel and shifting into a new way of being may energize and inspire you.

⚡️Stepping away from the routine shakes things up and brings in more clarity, a new energy, and ideas. Sometimes it is the very thing we need to catapult to the next level!

⚡️Stepping away may also bring the clarity necessary to recognize that what we are focusing on may not be serving us to our highest good. It can shed light that it is time to shelve it temporarily or permanently. I know. I know. In the world of “you need to finish what you started”, this can be a hard concept to grasp.

Try it out and see what happens!

Stay tuned because next week I will be sharing more about what I’ve been creating behind the scene. 🪄

I can’t wait to share it! What’s coming is going to inspire your own snow globe of creative change.

Ever evolving, positively provoking.


💫JOY CHECK! 💫I’ve been taking a sabbatical, of sorts, while focusing in on what will bring more joy in the next phase of...


I’ve been taking a sabbatical, of sorts, while focusing in on what will bring more joy in the next phase of life, as well as, in my coaching and entrepreneurial journey.

When was the last time you’ve taken a sabbatical?

I invite you to tune in to your desires as well!

✨What brings you joy?

✨What would you do if you knew that it would take your daily experience from Misery to Bliss?

Get alone. Get quiet. Listen to those whispers and nudges for the answers to these questions.

Making this time for self-reflection provides an opportunity to connect with inner peace, joy and happiness.

Be present again very soon!

Always evolving,

It’s never too late to reevaluate what’s going on in your life and to decide you need to start over—in your business, wi...

It’s never too late to reevaluate what’s going on in your life and to decide you need to start over—in your business, with your health, or relationships, or any other area.

Whatever change you’re craving, it’s okay to decide you’re worth it and take the steps to make it happen.

You never know what may come of one little step in a new direction!

I am doing this very thing. I have had an interesting few months. It’s been deep and dark, as well as, free and clear. I will share more on this later, but for now, know that so much growth and clarity happens when we allow instead of resist.

Lunar New Year is later this week. It’s the year of the Dragon! What are you wanting to bring to life this year?🐉

🔥If you feel a desire to work with someone who isn’t afraid to disrupt the status quo and play with a little fire, this is your sign. Reach out, share your desires and let’s see if we are a fit.

Always changing, Always evolving.

p.s. New things are blooming this year and there will be shifts on my page. It is going to be good!🪷


When things are hard, and your heart is heavy.
Allow yourself the time to sit with your feelings.

Just breathe with me:



Be still. It’s all you have to do in times like these.

I love you.


Joy Check!

What are you most excited about this holiday season?

✨What joyful traditions do you look forward to each year?

✨What makes you most happy?

When we focus on the things that truly bring us joy, we can create more joyful moments in our lives!

🎊As you move through this holiday season, try to focus on being more present.

🎊Check in with yourself and evaluate how you feel about your to do list and the events you’re planning.

We actually don’t need to fill every moment with activity to create joy…sometimes less is more!💥

(And here’s a secret: you really can NOT do something that brings stress instead of joy, just because you don’t want to do it! Give it a try!)


It’s Friday! And it’s December!Let’s Celebrate!We made it through the week, and through a really busy November, and we d...

It’s Friday! And it’s December!
Let’s Celebrate!

We made it through the week, and through a really busy November, and we did it with some joy! Yay!

Let’s take some time this weekend to decide how we’d like to bring more joy into our lives in December.

You can write it down, set your intentions. And share with me here in the commments!

Over this month, we’ll talk more about joyful living and the holidays. Giving ourselves grace and ease can really help!


May your day be happy with your family and friends! My heart is overflowing with thankfulness for YOU!

May your day be happy with your family and friends! My heart is overflowing with thankfulness for YOU!

The chaos is coming! It’s time for the holidays and we’ve been talking about chaos and creativity, how they are all rela...

The chaos is coming!

It’s time for the holidays and we’ve been talking about chaos and creativity, how they are all related, and how we can take control by stepping back and gaining new perspectives.

Like Albert Einstein said, “Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else thought.”

This can be your super power! 💥

And I’m here to be your helpful sidekick (maybe Alfred to your Batman?!)

Your mission this weekend is to see if you can find an opportunity to step back from the chaos and see a way to react differently!

💜Connect to your breath before, during and after each days events.

✨Hands on heart.

✨Breathe into your heart space and your belly.

✨Exhale twice as long.

✨Repeat 3 times(or as many times as you need)

✨Smile as you move through it.

Next week, we’ll gather back here and talk about how things went for Thanksgiving break.

I have some cool things to bring into the mix as well (hint: we’ll be talking about hydration and hot flashes!)

Happiness and joy to you as you complete your mission!


York, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 12pm
Tuesday 9am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 4:30pm
Friday 9am - 12pm


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