IMAGINE being ready to do that thing you’ve wanted to do.
You are excited. The plan is in motion. Then BAM!
“You can’t do this.” “Why would anyone listen to you?” “Nobody likes you.”
You are doing that thing & something happens:
“See, told you.” “Why did you do this?” “You’re so stupid.”
Do any of these voices sound familiar? Whose voice are you hearing?
Do you believe this?
We tend to hold ourselves back by listening to those pesky voices. We hold onto stories and beliefs we’ve created or were told to us over the years. We allow so many of our failures, conditioning & circumstances to limit us.
Our failures aren’t meant to deter us. Is that a hard pill to swallow? I see you perfectionists & people pleasers. Our failures are here to empower us, teach lessons & show new ways.
I honestly love failing—now. I play a game with it & have fun. Does it always work? Heck, no. However, failing & figuring out new ways to do things are a huge part of my road map in life. Why resist it?
When I succeed the first time, I am pleasantly surprised & sometimes shocked. I recently passed my ICF credentialing exam. Fully expecting to fail, I literally argued with the passing results!
Now, when I hear the voices. I recognize that many times, they are not mine. I listen more to my body & feel into what is true & feels good.
Our imagination can create amazing possibilities for us. It can also create narratives that don’t serve us. Becoming friends with all parts of ourselves allows us to decipher the chatter.
When we do this, we can move from “Tired to inspired.” And that’s the theme of my next Cozy Conversations chat. Cozy Conversations are a series of connected conversations in an intimate setting where we touch upon the things in our lives that leave us stuck, in the muck or saying “wtf”.
Ready to shake things up? Let’s explore together!
WHEN: April 2 at 7:30
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Sign up here: https://soulfullivingwithjanasue.myflodesk.com/cozyconversations/