Creativity is intelligence having fun.” -Albert Einstein
Being creative beings (and everyone is) we need to shake things up every so often.💫
😒Is your routine a little monotonous?
😒Are you feeling stuck on a project, relationship, or situation?
⚡️By getting off the hamster wheel and shifting into a new way of being may energize and inspire you.
⚡️Stepping away from the routine shakes things up and brings in more clarity, a new energy, and ideas. Sometimes it is the very thing we need to catapult to the next level!
⚡️Stepping away may also bring the clarity necessary to recognize that what we are focusing on may not be serving us to our highest good. It can shed light that it is time to shelve it temporarily or permanently. I know. I know. In the world of “you need to finish what you started”, this can be a hard concept to grasp.
Try it out and see what happens!
Stay tuned because next week I will be sharing more about what I’ve been creating behind the scene. 🪄
I can’t wait to share it! What’s coming is going to inspire your own snow globe of creative change.
Ever evolving, positively provoking.
When things are hard, and your heart is heavy.
Allow yourself the time to sit with your feelings.
Just breathe with me:
Be still. It’s all you have to do in times like these.
I love you.
#janasalvatorecoaching #embodyyourfeelings #justbreathe #lifecoach #letmesupportyourhealing
Joy Check!
What are you most excited about this holiday season?
✨What joyful traditions do you look forward to each year?
✨What makes you most happy?
When we focus on the things that truly bring us joy, we can create more joyful moments in our lives!
🎊As you move through this holiday season, try to focus on being more present.
🎊Check in with yourself and evaluate how you feel about your to do list and the events you’re planning.
We actually don’t need to fill every moment with activity to create joy…sometimes less is more!💥
(And here’s a secret: you really can NOT do something that brings stress instead of joy, just because you don’t want to do it! Give it a try!)
#december #happyholidays #lifecoach #joyfulliving #positivelyprovoking #yourunspokendreams
Let’s talk about something that might be a little provoking!
Are you ever the source of chaos in your own life? Are you able to recognize it? I know I can be. And, it’s okay. It’s not a bad thing. In fact, a lot of times creating chaos is a coping mechanism to help us when we’re in survival mode. When we’ve got a lot going on, it can be exciting to shake things up and get excited by the chaos.
It’s good to know when we’re creating our own chaos, because when we are aware of our Chaos Creator status, we can work on finding all sorts of new ways to cope…going from surviving to thriving!
Let’s have some fun with this! When we take our Human Design into account, we can see our chaos creating tendencies, and how we can solve them.
For example:
When I look at my design, I can see various areas where conditioning resulted in certain behaviors. I can look at certain channels, gates and circuitry within my design and see where I can have conflict, fear, shock, and struggles. Recognizing these aspects within my design has validated a lot for me in my life. It has also been a catalyst for change, acceptance, and self-compassion. Which also translates into more compassion and acceptance of others.
When we look at it this way, can we see how chaos is actually a form of abundance?
Who are you becoming? Give yourself slack, you’re growing into yourself, transforming, and expanding into a more successful version, and transforming into your truest self.
More on this coming soon (I’m ready to shake it up! Are you?)
If you are interested in learning more about human design, reach out. I love to share my knowledge about it and can provide you with resources and a even a reading. It truly changed my life. It is an energetic blueprint of how you are designed to move in the world. And it is powerful.
#positivelyprovoking #shakethingsup #hd #humandesign #lifecoach #janasalvatorecoaching #survivingtothriving #creativityandchaos
Are you looking for ways to lighten the load you carry every day, a way to release all the mental, spiritual, and physical clutter that weighs you down?
Get ready to release everything that no longer serves you!
I’m working on a challenge just for you! It’s going to be fun, exciting, life-changing…and certainly not heavy!
Keep following here. I’ll be announcing how you can participate soon!
#decluttering #makingspace #lifechanging #declutterchallenge #bodymindsoul #janasalvatorecoaching #humandesigncoaching #wellbeingempowermentcoach #claritycoach #liveyourbestlife #havefun #changeyourlife #transformation #chooseyourownadventure #guide #liveyourdream #embodiment #yourunspokendreams #alignment #wellbeing #energy #loveyourlife #mindset #findyourself #celebrate #joy #letyourlightshine #joyfulliving
Hi, I’m Jana and I’m a positive provoker!
I get you up and out of your comfort zones, out of your ruts, out of your safety strategies that keep you reactive and stuck in the same place!
Just think of me as a snow globe shaker, getting your glitter to rise and sparkle and MOVE with the flow!
Want a confetti cannon to disrupt your current patterns? I am ready!!!!!
#guide #yourunspokendreams #alignment #coach #empowermentcoach #embodiment #liveyourbestlife #janasalvatorecoaching #chooseyourownadventure #startajourney #humandesign #liveyourdream #transformation #wellbeingembodimentcoach #havefun #changeyourlife #claritycoach #positivelyprovoking #breakfree #getoutofthebox #changeyourmind #mindset #thoughtprovoking #shakethingsup
Social Media
Hey there! I’m on a little bit of a social detox this week. I’m doing self-care, trainings, upgrading my social media plans and making some exciting changes with what I’m doing. I would like your opinion. Do you like to look at FB Story or posts? Please answer below.
Also, if you prefer posts, do you prefer longer or shorter posts or are you in between? I know for me, I sometime struggle to read longer posts. Squirrel moments take hold. Thank you so much! 💜
#polling#youropinionmatters#Upgrading #soexcited #thankyou
Power Hour Webinar
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, 1/9 @ 7pm EST.
(Sunday 1/10 -8am AWST)
I said earlier that I had an exciting offer: Well, here it is!!
I am inviting you to an exclusive “POWER HOUR” webinar where everything you need to know about launching an online business will be revealed! No smoke. No fluff. No pressure. Just facts.
The curtain is being pulled back for the first time to show the exact step-by-step method to building a personal brand and creating an online income.
Have you ever been Intrigued by the idea of earning an income online? Not sure where to begin?
BUT, you want to see EXACTLY how it’s done?
Whether you’re looking for something more in your life, wanting to quit the 9-5, or start a side hustle, this one time “power hour” will give the insight necessary to building a successful personal brand. The best part is that you get paid to be yourself! YES! You read that correctly!
This LIVE webinar will introduce you to ways you can:
✨Create a personal brand using social media
✨Partner with a high-ticket offer
✨Build a global business from your laptop
✨Free up your time with the power of Automation
✨Become part of a vibrant, fun community and make lifelong
This webinar is ideal for people who have always had the dream of launching their own business, but really aren’t sure where to begin, or what to sell.
It is also ideal for someone who is already in a business who needs some additional training or wanting more.
I’ve learned from some of the top Facebook & personal branding mentors from around the world and you can too!
No smoke! No Fluff! ONLY business – come and check out this FREE introduction and discover how to gain exclusive access to the method that changed my earning potential and LIFE! Again no pressure ever.
Are you ready to make 2021 the year you took that leap of faith to launch your business, build new friendships and achieve your dreams?
Request access to th
Coaches Class
I am so excited for this masterclass! If you are a life coach, fitness coach, health coach, therapist or any type of coach or mentor, this class is for you!
Begins December 1 through December 5.
If you've been in the coaching world for more than a year, you may have noticed that it's actually a beautifully crafted maze of myths and misconceptions that are put in place to confuse new coaches into believing that the coaching world is easy.
And actually, it is a really great industry to be in.
- it's easy to start a coaching business
- there are an abundance of people who need help from coaches
- there's lots of different niches and target markets to choose from
- you get to be paid for your knowledge
But also?
As the coaches you're about to hear from in this webinar + interview series will share with you, it's not all VIP travel and #freedomlifestyle as so many make it out to be!
Here's a little inside knowledge that most coaches don't want their audience knowing about...
The coaches that are making all the moolah, aren't just coaching! A lot of their $$$ comes from other opportunities, investments and side hustles.
Join 6,7 and 8 figure coaches as they pull back the curtain to the misconceptions in the coaching industry and how they are creating true generational wealth.
I would love for you to join me. This masterclass has me so excited!
#lifecoachesofinstagram #healthcoaches #lifecoachforwomen #lifecoachingforwomen #healthcoaching #consciousliving #Cooking #cookingwithlove #manifesting #manifestingabundance #abundantlife #abundancemindset #lovewhatyoudodowhatyoulove #lovewhatido
Sustainable Living
Happy Happy DAY! 💃💃💃
Our FREE Sustainability Live Workshop has just wrapped up, but the replays and group are still open. Making small changes can make a HUGE impact and you can have fun while doing it!
I have made positive changes over the years – switching products that I use and reducing plastic use - to increasing my plant-based consumption, but there is always room for improvement. I was amazed at the new things I learned! Surprised me, honestly. 😳
Here is what is covered….
🌿 Day 1… How do I reduce my Plastic Footprint?
Did you know… it takes 400 years for plastic to break down and a lot of the time, it ends up in our waterways and oceans impacting marine life and contributing to pollution.
🌲💦Learn about the three actionable steps to reducing plastic within your home.
🌲💦Learn how to reduce buying plastic in the first place and the alternatives that exist to prevent the issue rather than solve it.
🌲💦Discover the truth about how we actually digest plastic particles in our body and where they come from.
🌿Day 2.. How do I reduce chemicals in my home?
There is 205 times more air pollution inside our home than outside. Your home could be making you sick!
🌲💦Learn the 5 most common hidden toxins in the home and how to reduce harmful levels.
🌲💦Learn how to quickly detox your bathroom, kitchen, lounge and laundry.
🌲💦Learn how to tackle your ‘ditch and switch’ list for maximum impact for the family.
🌿Day 3 - How do you become sustainable long term?
🌲💦Discover how investing in just one household appliance can help you reduce your carbon footprint by reducing the amount of household products you consume long term!
🌲💦Learn how to consciously shop for items that last a long time so you are not continuously purchasing items that end up
Something thing I would love to change in the world. 😁
90 Day Grateful
We are now in November! Hard to believe, right??!!
November tends to be a month of giving thanks and is my favorite time of year. I love all of the colors and scents of fall. 🍂🍁🍂
As part of my daily routine, I like to write out what I am grateful for that day. The things that I am most grateful for are my family, friends, healthy food, healthy clean water, my home, my animals, a new day, trying something new and laughter – lots of it. Somedays, it is as simple as finding a pen that works or not hurting myself! 🤦♀️
Being grateful has such a positive impact on your mindset and your daily life. 💚 I would love to know something that you are grateful for today! 🍂
And, If an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE is something you enjoy, I welcome you to come join a private F8 group - GAME ON - where you’ll have access to daily live calls and replays, along with loads of other resources & inspiration.,
We are running a 28 DAYS OF GRATITUDE🙌 challenge. It is being guided by the book “The Magic.” It is ok if you haven’t read it or own a copy of it, there will be pages available to read within the group. I would love to see you there.,