Wordpress Tips, Tricks, And Helpful Advice To Get Started
Have you given Wordpress a try in the past, but wondered if there might be more to it than you realized? Perhaps you are interested in learning about new and exciting features that make Wordpress even more helpful to bloggers. If so, this article should prove extremely interesting and valuable.
Make sure you have a landing page. This will ensure that visitors arrive at a specific page instead of directing them right to your most recent posts. A landing page will help your site gain an air of authenticity and helps it to look a little more professional than it would have otherwise.
Do not let your theme get stale. The first thing you should do if you notice a decrease in traffic is check and see when you last changed your theme. As your site grows and changes, the theme should as well. Make sure that it accurately reflects your brand, and you should see a rise in traffic.
If you plan to start a Wordpress blog, make sure that you offer readers more than just content. Even if you say many useful things, it may be quite difficult to engage readers with text. It would be a great idea to implement videos and pictures since this is a great attention grabber.
Wordpress has many keyboard shortcuts which make working with posts a snap. For example, ctrl-c allows you to copy text, while ctrl-x lets you cut it. Ctrl-v will paste it somewhere else. Ctrl-b is bold, ctrl-i is italic and ctrl-u is underline. These basic keyboard shortcuts will save you a lot of time if you memorize them.
If you have always had a vague awareness of the value of Wordpress, but never really delved into the specifics, the above information was perfect for you. Now that you have read a bit more about what this tool can do for you, inspiration is sure to follow. Best wishes as you begin maximizing your use of Wordpress to astounding effect.