In late 2018 I began to pursue a long time dream of mine—creating a blog centered around the ministry of words—and this account began under the handle “Happiness Daily Blog”.
In late 2019, I made the decision to shift the focus of this account to my photography as it had begun to grow—and I wanted a place to display the photos I had taken—under the handle “Happiness Daily Photos”.
Now, here we are in 2023 post national pandemic and as I am entering into my senior year of college. Life in the past few years has been so crazy but I feel that I am finally at the place mentally, spiritually, emotionally to continue to chase after these dreams of mine.
Happiness Daily began with the central goal to do just that: promote/curate/cultivate happiness daily. So, I introduce you to Happiness Daily Creative Collective: a place where my creative mind has a place to be watered and to bloom.
It’s a “creative collective” as I no longer want to feel confined to one specific creative category because that just isn’t who I am. I am a hobbyist, a writer, an artist, a CREATIVE because I live in a world designed and breathed into existence by THE Creator and by faith I believe He is living inside of me.
So, that being said: Welcome to Happiness Daily Creative Collective. May this page become what I’ve wanted it to be all along—a platform to display what The creator has created in me (& in you too).
Thank you for being on this journey with me.