This was uploaded by a guy named Bourgeois Millionaire. Your thoughts??????
The Establishment claims it supports protestors but condemn looters. Yet they simultaneously pontificate on the connection between economic oppression and police brutality.
Looting is a form of protest against the economic disenfranchisement of Black people and the government corporate welfare that makes sure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Seen in that context, looting is both free speech and an act of petitioning government for the redress of grievances and, as such, should be protected by the First Amendment.
Without property destruction and looting, protests are thoroughly ignored by the corporate media. Its only when the youth start looting that the cameras start shooting.
That looting -- not people walking and carrying the occasional sign -- is the act that chases the corporate icon trolled politicians to the negotiating table.
Without property destruction and looting, Stacey Coin and the other L.A. cops who beat Rodney King to the door of death would've gotten off Scott free.
In,an infinitely oppressive economic system, looting isn't counter to protest, it is next level protest, group liberation of material goods immorally secured by rich white people through the oppression, exploitation and colonization of poor Black people.
If the creator has indeed endowed the people with certain inalienable rights, then looting isn't a crime, its a holy act of worship.
-Bourgeois millionaire-