Have you submitted to Mikro yet?
Students, faculty, alumni—send your fiction, poetry, and nonfiction to [email protected] with the subject line "Mikro 68 Submission" to be considered for publication. Submissions close the 23rd of October. Please add a bio to your submission.
Fiction and Nonfiction: Please keep your submission below 6,000 words. If submitting multiple works of flash-fiction or short fiction, please limit your submission to three pieces.
Poetry: You may send up to 4 poems or 8 pages maximum
Time's almost up... We close submissions in less than three days!
Students, faculty, alumni—send your fiction, poetry, and nonfiction to [email protected] with the subject line "Mikro 68 Submission" to be considered for publication. Submissions close the 23rd of October. Please add a bio to your submission.
Fiction and Nonfiction: Please keep your submission below 6,000 words. If submitting multiple works of flash-fiction or short fiction, please limit your submission to three pieces.
Poetry: You may send up to 4 poems or 8 pages maximum.