G Marie in the 3o3

G Marie in the 3o3 Gianna Marie

Happy 4th of Ju-lie 🙂⚡️🧨

Happy 4th of Ju-lie 🙂⚡️🧨

Have you or someone you know contemplated starting your own business? Are you craving more flexibility? Do you want extr...

Have you or someone you know contemplated starting your own business?

Are you craving more flexibility?

Do you want extra income?

Do you want to help others that could benefit from you knowledge or services?

Do you want to create room for you to be yourself?

Like share and comment!

You can get started today with your own online business.

DM me “FRIDAY” to get more information on all the business opportunities! I got just the thing for you! (Hint: it’s FREE 😉)

Have a great weekend friends.

-Gianna Marie 🫶🏽

It’s way easier to make up an excuse as to why you can’t do something than actually taking action and doing it. Do you n...

It’s way easier to make up an excuse as to why you can’t do something than actually taking action and doing it.

Do you not have time or are priorities not straight?

Do you not have money or did you spend it all on a designer purse you didn’t need?

People want to see change but aren’t willing to do anything about it.

Everyone wants more time & money but aren’t willing to invest time or money into something that will give them what they want.

You don’t have to have thousands of dollars to do it.

Let me show you! You get out of it what you put into it.


9.5 pH water is tap water that goes through a filtration system & electrolysis process in order to create the 9.5ph that...

9.5 pH water is tap water that goes through a filtration system & electrolysis process in order to create the 9.5ph that it has… so with that being said….

Have you heard of ionized water yet? 💧

A few things to note:

-you cannot bottle and sell this water, it loses its charge within 48 hours, so it’s best straight from the tap

-you’ll save lots of $$ when you get yourself a prefilter & an ionizer because you’ll be able to drink clean, living water, straight from your tap!

-it’s medical grade water so you can travel with it

-it hydrates you (and detoxes you) on a cellular level

-it’s great for people who are going through or went through chemo

-it reduces inflammation & oxidative stress, two leading causes of disease

-it’s abundant in molecular hydrogen, the strongest antioxidant known to man

-it helps clear and cleanse the skin, bringing hydration and elasticity to wrinkles

There is so much more this machine can do!!!!💦

MAKE SURE you are buying your ionizer from a reputable place, because of course, now that this information is out there, there are people all over making these machines in ways that can create unsafe drinking water (leaching heavy metals into the water) always make sure to do your research!

Message me 💦 if you want to learn more!

Yes it CAN BE. Most people are way too comfortable where they’re at now to put themselves out there. It’s no where near ...

Yes it CAN BE. Most people are way too comfortable where they’re at now to put themselves out there.
It’s no where near easy but the potential our community creates for people who decide to create there own online business is incredible & is PROVEN to work.
If you have hustle & grit then you CAN BE your own boss. Believe in yourself for once!
DM me a 👋🏽 if you want to learn more about becoming your own boss.


Day 27...

The Magic Mirror🪞
Each time you look at yourself in the mirror, say thank you. Mean it. Like you never have before!
Then say 3 things you are grateful for about yourself.
I believe people should do this more often. I love this one.
Happy Humpday friends! ✨


Day 26...

✨ Magically Transform Mistakes Into Blessings ✨
Choose one mistake that you make today.
Then choose 10 things you are grateful for as a result of making that mistake. Say why you're grateful for those things.
Think, "What are lessons that came from that mistake?" or "What did I learn from the mistake and why am I grateful for that lesson?"


Day 25...

✨Cue the Magic✨
Be aware of the magic around you. Find at least seven moments of gratitude today that come from other people.
If you go to the grocery store and you see someone bagging someone else's groceries, say thank you for bagging those groceries.
Start the week off on a good foot. Happy Monday 😊


Day 24...
✨ The Magic Wand ✨
Choose 3 people in your life that you wish health, wealth and happiness on. Think of these people often today and wish great things for them.
The power of gratitude is unmatched.
Happy Saturday!


Day 23....

✨Magical Air that you Breathe✨

Today, stop 5 times and give thanks to the air that you breathe. Inhale the air deeply, say thank you, and exhale slowly.

The more intentional you are about your breaths, the more thankful you will feel about how lucky we are to breathe such quality air.


✨Before Your Very Eyes✨
Day 22 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
At the start of the day, take the Top Ten Desire List you created.
Read through each sentence and desire on your list, and and for one minute imagine or visualize that you have received your desire. Feel as much gratitude as you can.
Carry your desire list with you today in your pocket. On at least two occasions in the day, take out your list, read through it, and feel as much gratitude as you can..
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening

✨Magnificent Outcome✨ Day 21 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you ...

✨Magnificent Outcome✨
Day 21 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
At the beginning of the day, choose three things or situations that are important to you where you want Magnificent Outcomes.
List your three things, and write each one as though you are writing after it has happened: Thank you for the magnificent outcome to_____!
As you go through your day, choose three unexpected events that come up in your day where you can be grateful for a magnificent outcome. Each time, close your eyes and mentally say and feel: Thank you for the magnificent outcome to_____!
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening

When life gives you grapefruits, you should….Finish the sentence in the comments ☟

When life gives you grapefruits, you should….

Finish the sentence in the comments ☟


✨Heart Magic✨
Day 20 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Focus your mind and your attention on the area around your heart.
Close your eyes, and while keeping your mind focused on your heart, mentally say the magic words, thank you.
Take your Top Ten Desire List and practice Heart Magic by reading each desire, then closing your eyes, focusing your mind on the area around your heart, and slowly saying thank you, again.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

✨Magic Footsteps✨ Day 19 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot ...

✨Magic Footsteps✨
Day 19 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Take one hundred Magic Footsteps (for about ninety seconds) in gratitude any time during the day.
With each footstep, say and feel the magic words, thank you.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

✨The Magic To-Do List✨ Day 18 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you...

✨The Magic To-Do List✨
Day 18 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Create a written list of the most important things or problems you need done or solved. Title your list The Magical To-Do List.
Choose three of the most important things from your list, and one at a time, imagine that each thing has been done for you.
Spend at least one minute on each thing, believing it is done, and feeling enormous gratitude in return.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening

✨The Magic Check✨ Day 17 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot ...

✨The Magic Check✨
Day 17 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Fill in your Magic Check with the amount of money you want to receive, along with your name and today’s date.
Hold your Magic Check in your hands, and imagine purchasing the specific thing you want the money for. Feel as happy and grateful as you can that you have received it.
Take the Magic Check with you today, or put it in a place where you will see it often. On at least two more occasions, take the check in your hands, picture yourself using the money for what you want, and feel as grateful as though you were really doing it.
At the end of today, keep your Magic Check in a prominent place where you will see it daily. When you have received the money on your check, or if you receive the item you wanted to spend the money on, replace the check with a new amount for something else you want, and repeat steps 2–4.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

✨Magic & Miracles in Health✨ Day 16 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one aft...

✨Magic & Miracles in Health✨
Day 16 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Recollect three separate times throughout your life when you felt on top of the world, and give sincere thanks for those times.
Think about five functions of your body that are well, and one by one give thanks for each one.
Choose one thing about your body or health you want to improve, and spend one minute visualizing yourself with the ideal state of your body or health.
Then give thanks for this ideal state.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening

✨Magically Heal Your Relationships✨ Day 15 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each ...

✨Magically Heal Your Relationships✨
Day 15 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Choose one difficult, problematic, or broken relationship that you want to improve.
Sit down and make a written list of ten things you’re grateful for about the person you’ve chosen.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

✨Have a Magical Day✨ Day 14 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you j...

✨Have a Magical Day✨
Day 14 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
In the morning, work your way in your mind through the plans you have for the day and evening, until bedtime. With each plan or event, say the magic words, thank you, for it has gone well.
Imagine that you’re saying thank you at the end of the day, and you’re immensely grateful because it went perfectly.
After you’ve finished being grateful for all the plans in your day going brilliantly well, end this magical practice by saying: And thank you for the great news coming to me today!
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

Our twenties are a weird time. We’re trying to get a grip on adult hood. Make ourselves established among our profession...

Our twenties are a weird time.

We’re trying to get a grip on adult hood.

Make ourselves established among our professional peers.

Some of us are balancing relationships & families.

I made a change so I could enjoy this time of my life.

I want more freedom to do what I want when I want. That is WHY I started this new journey.

I am going to help people do the same.

✨Make All Your Wishes Come True ✨ Day 13 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each on...

✨Make All Your Wishes Come True ✨
Day 13 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Sit down at a computer or with a pen and journal, and list your top ten desires. Write thank you three times before each one, as though you’ve already received it. For example: Thank you, thank you, thank you for your desire
Using your imagination, answer the following questions in your mind, as though you’ve received each of your ten desires:
1. What emotions did you feel when you received your desire?
2. Who was the first person you told when you received your desire, and how did you tell them?
3. What is the first great thing you did when you received your desire? Include as much detail as you can in your mind.
Finally, reread the sentence listing your desire, and really emphasize the magic words, thank you, so that you feel them as much as you can.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

✨Magial People Who Made a Difference ✨ Day 12 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for ea...

✨Magial People Who Made a Difference ✨
Day 12 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Find a quiet place alone sometime today, and make a list of three people who made a difference in your life.
Work through the list one person at a time, and while talking out loud tell each person the reason why you’re grateful for them, and exactly how they affected the course of your life.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

✨A Magic Morning (Afternoon) ✨ Day 11 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one a...

✨A Magic Morning (Afternoon) ✨
Day 11 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
From the moment you open your eyes until you’ve finished getting ready, say the magic words, thank you, in your mind for everything you touch and use.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

I am not patient. This is something I struggle with. I want things to change right away. But that's not life. Just try s...

I am not patient. This is something I struggle with. I want things to change right away. But that's not life.
Just try settling into the challenging parts of your life. Be patient because good things never come easy.
Happy Saturday!!!

✨Magic Dust Everyone ✨ Day 10 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you...

✨Magic Dust Everyone ✨
Day 10 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Today, sprinkle magic dust on ten people who perform services you benefit from, by thanking them directly or otherwise by mentally acknowledging and thanking them. Feel grateful to them for the service they perform!
Read through tomorrow’s practice today, because the practice for Day 11 begins when you first wake up.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

✨The Money Magnet ✨ Day 9 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot...

✨The Money Magnet ✨
Day 9 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Take any current unpaid bills you have, use gratitude’s magical power, and write across each one: Thank you for the money. Feel grateful for having the money to pay the bill, whether you have it or not.
Take ten bills you’ve paid in the past, and write across the front of each one of them the magic words: “Thank you – Paid.” Feel truly grateful that you had the money to pay the bill!
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.

✨The Magical Ingredient ✨ Day 8 of 28...Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after y...

✨The Magical Ingredient ✨
Day 8 of 28...
Don't forget to write ten blessings today and say thank you for each one after you jot it down.
Before you eat or drink anything today, take a moment to look at what you’re about to eat or drink, and in your mind or out loud, say the magic words, thank you! If you want you can sprinkle your food or drink with magic dust.
Also, before bed, remind yourself of the best thing that happened today and thank that moment for happening.
Happy Thursday ❤️

✨The Magical Way out of Negativity ✨ Day 7 of 28...Step one: Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.Choose one problem or negative sit...

✨The Magical Way out of Negativity ✨
Day 7 of 28...
Step one: Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
Choose one problem or negative situation in your life that you most want to resolve.
List ten things that you are grateful for about the negative situation.
At the end of your list, write: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution.
Just for today, see if you can get through one day without saying anything negative. If you notice yourself thinking or saying something negative, use the
magic lifeline. Stop immediately and say: But I have to say that I am really grateful for

Jeff Kelln and I stopped on the side of the road one time to pick up a treadmill that had a sign on the side that said '...

Jeff Kelln and I stopped on the side of the road one time to pick up a treadmill that had a sign on the side that said 'free'. Most people (including myself) never stop for these items cause there gross, old, or not working. But with the Colorado weather, I wanted something I could take walks on while it's cold.
What if we had never stopped to get that treadmill? I wouldn't know if it worked or not. Take the chance. It might be the best decision you ever did. Join that program, ask that person out on a date, wear the outfit you want to wear. You never know the outcome unless you try.


11832 Zenobia Loop
Westminster, CO





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