If it seems a little dark, reach for the Light. God’s Word illuminates and guides. May we all become seekers of the light and let it shine.
No clever marketing here. *Clears throat for end-of-year speech* | Gave it my best but 2024 didn’t turn out the way I envisioned at all; perhaps (holding onto hope) it’s gone the way it needed to go. Still, I tried to show up for all the people and things that mattered in the very best ways I could. I did start writing for fun again! *hand claps, pats on the back*
Doing my customary “closing up shop” post for this time of year. Happy holidays and I’ll see ya ‘round sometime AFTER the new year — as the elders used to say, “Lord says the same.”🥰 Y’all be good!
Let me introduce myself. I’m Gail. Believer, creative + wife, mom, and admin assistant + media director. I’m the creative designer and founder of @givengracedesign.co. I’m self-taught and super unconventional but the job gets done! I’ve been creating digital artwork since about 2016. While I don’t post frequently, I do want to give a face to my biz.
Honestly, I’ve struggled with being the face of my company and sticking and staying on social media for a myriad of reasons, but there’s no denying the connectivity of media. It keeps me in touch with you: my dope and faithful clients, audience, and supporters.
Please do me a favor: share what you’d like to see more of on socials from me in the comments. Let’s see if we can make it happen. Let’s work! Also, let’s interact! Where did we meet, if you know me or how did you discover this little space on the massive ‘net?
Recent work I enjoyed creating. Some used, some not. And, sometimes the mess ups are the best. Thanks for allowing me to create with y’all this year! ✨